#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "blaze822.h" static int rflag; static int Rflag; static int qflag; static int Fflag; static int Hflag; static int Lflag; static int Nflag; static int tflag; static int nflag; static char defaulthflags[] = "from:subject:to:cc:date:reply-to:"; static char *hflag = defaulthflags; static char *xflag; static char *Oflag; static char fallback_ct[] = "text/plain"; struct message *filters; static int mimecount; static int safe_output; static char defaultAflags[] = "text/plain:text/html"; static char *Aflag = defaultAflags; static int printable(int c) { return (unsigned)c-0x20 < 0x5f; } int print_ascii(char *body, size_t bodylen) { if (safe_output) { safe_u8putstr(body, bodylen, stdout); return bodylen; } else { return fwrite(body, 1, bodylen, stdout); } } void printhdr(char *hdr) { int uc = 1; while (*hdr && *hdr != ':' && printable(*hdr)) { putc(uc ? toupper(*hdr) : *hdr, stdout); uc = (*hdr == '-'); hdr++; } if (*hdr) { print_ascii(hdr, strlen(hdr)); fputc('\n', stdout); } } void print_u8recode(char *body, size_t bodylen, char *srcenc) { iconv_t ic; ic = iconv_open("UTF-8", srcenc); if (ic == (iconv_t)-1) { printf("unsupported encoding: %s\n", srcenc); return; } char final_char = 0; char buf[4096]; while (bodylen > 0) { char *bufptr = buf; size_t buflen = sizeof buf; size_t r = iconv(ic, &body, &bodylen, &bufptr, &buflen); if (bufptr != buf) { print_ascii(buf, bufptr-buf); final_char = bufptr[-1]; } if (r != (size_t)-1) { // done, flush iconv bufptr = buf; buflen = sizeof buf; r = iconv(ic, 0, 0, &bufptr, &buflen); if (bufptr != buf) { print_ascii(buf, bufptr-buf); final_char = bufptr[-1]; } if (r != (size_t)-1) break; } if (r == (size_t)-1 && errno != E2BIG) { perror("iconv"); break; } } if (final_char != '\n') printf("\n"); iconv_close(ic); } char * mimetype(char *ct) { char *s; if (!ct) return 0; for (s = ct; *s && *s != ';' && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t'; s++) ; return strndup(ct, s-ct); } char * tlmimetype(char *ct) { char *s; if (!ct) return 0; for (s = ct; *s && *s != ';' && *s != ' ' && *s != '\t' && *s != '/'; s++) ; return strndup(ct, s-ct); } char * mime_filename(struct message *msg) { static char buf[512]; char *v; char *filename = 0; if ((v = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-disposition"))) { if (blaze822_mime2231_parameter(v, "filename", buf, sizeof buf, "UTF-8")) filename = buf; } else if ((v = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-type"))) { if (blaze822_mime2231_parameter(v, "name", buf, sizeof buf, "UTF-8")) filename = buf; } return filename; } static void choose_alternative(struct message *msg, int depth); void print_filename(char *filename) { if (filename) { printf(" name=\""); safe_u8putstr(filename, strlen(filename), stdout); printf("\""); } } blaze822_mime_action render_mime(int depth, struct message *msg, char *body, size_t bodylen) { char *ct = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-type"); if (!ct) ct = fallback_ct; char *mt = mimetype(ct); char *tlmt = tlmimetype(ct); char *filename = mime_filename(msg); mimecount++; if (!Nflag) { int i; for (i = 0; i < depth+1; i++) printf("--- "); printf("%d: %s size=%zd", mimecount, mt, bodylen); print_filename(filename); } char *cmd; blaze822_mime_action r = MIME_CONTINUE; if (filters && ((cmd = blaze822_chdr(filters, mt)) || (cmd = blaze822_chdr(filters, tlmt)))) { char *charset = 0, *cs, *cse; if (blaze822_mime_parameter(ct, "charset", &cs, &cse)) { charset = strndup(cs, cse-cs); printf(" charset=\"%s\"", charset); setenv("PIPE_CHARSET", charset, 1); free(charset); } setenv("PIPE_CONTENTTYPE", ct, 1); char *output; size_t outlen; int e = filter(body, bodylen, cmd, &output, &outlen); if (e == 0 || e == 62) { // replace output (62 == raw) if (!Nflag) printf(" render=\"%s\" ---\n", cmd); if (outlen) { if (e == 0) print_ascii(output, outlen); else return fwrite(output, 1, outlen, stdout); if (output[outlen-1] != '\n') putchar('\n'); } } else if (e == 63) { // skip filter free(output); goto nofilter; } else if (e == 64) { // decode output again if (!Nflag) printf(" filter=\"%s\" ---\n", cmd); struct message *imsg = blaze822_mem(output, outlen); if (imsg) blaze822_walk_mime(imsg, depth+1, render_mime); blaze822_free(imsg); } else if (e >= 65 && e <= 80) { // choose N-64th part struct message *imsg = 0; int n = e - 64; printf(" selector=\"%s\" part=%d ---\n", cmd, n); while (blaze822_multipart(msg, &imsg)) { if (--n == 0) blaze822_walk_mime(imsg, depth+1, render_mime); } blaze822_free(imsg); } else { printf(" filter=\"%s\" FAILED status=%d", cmd, e); free(output); goto nofilter; } free(output); r = MIME_PRUNE; } else { nofilter: if (!Nflag) printf(" ---\n"); if (strncmp(ct, "text/", 5) == 0) { char *charset = 0, *cs, *cse; if (blaze822_mime_parameter(ct, "charset", &cs, &cse)) charset = strndup(cs, cse-cs); if (!charset || strcasecmp(charset, "utf-8") == 0 || strcasecmp(charset, "utf8") == 0 || strcasecmp(charset, "us-ascii") == 0) { print_ascii(body, bodylen); if (bodylen > 0 && body[bodylen-1] != '\n') putchar('\n'); } else { print_u8recode(body, bodylen, charset); } free(charset); } else if (strncmp(ct, "message/rfc822", 14) == 0) { struct message *imsg = blaze822_mem(body, bodylen); char *h = 0; while (imsg && (h = blaze822_next_header(imsg, h))) { char d[4096]; blaze822_decode_rfc2047(d, h, sizeof d, "UTF-8"); printhdr(d); } printf("\n"); } else if (strncmp(ct, "multipart/alternative", 21) == 0) { choose_alternative(msg, depth); r = MIME_PRUNE; } else if (strncmp(ct, "multipart/", 10) == 0) { ; // default blaze822_mime_walk action } else { printf("no filter or default handler\n"); } } free(mt); free(tlmt); return r; } static void choose_alternative(struct message *msg, int depth) { int n = 1; int m = 0; char *p = Aflag + strlen(Aflag); struct message *imsg = 0; while (blaze822_multipart(msg, &imsg)) { m++; char *ict = blaze822_hdr(imsg, "content-type"); if (!ict) ict = fallback_ct; char *imt = mimetype(ict); char *s = strstr(Aflag, imt); if (s && s < p && (s[strlen(imt)] == 0 || s[strlen(imt)] == ':')) { p = s; n = m; } free(imt); } blaze822_free(imsg); imsg = 0; while (blaze822_multipart(msg, &imsg)) if (--n == 0) blaze822_walk_mime(imsg, depth+1, render_mime); blaze822_free(imsg); } blaze822_mime_action reply_mime(int depth, struct message *msg, char *body, size_t bodylen) { (void)depth; char *ct = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-type"); char *mt = mimetype(ct); char *tlmt = tlmimetype(ct); if (!ct || strncmp(ct, "text/plain", 10) == 0) { char *charset = 0, *cs, *cse; if (blaze822_mime_parameter(ct, "charset", &cs, &cse)) charset = strndup(cs, cse-cs); if (!charset || strcasecmp(charset, "utf-8") == 0 || strcasecmp(charset, "utf8") == 0 || strcasecmp(charset, "us-ascii") == 0) print_ascii(body, bodylen); else print_u8recode(body, bodylen, charset); free(charset); } free(mt); free(tlmt); return MIME_CONTINUE; } blaze822_mime_action list_mime(int depth, struct message *msg, char *body, size_t bodylen) { (void)body; char *ct = blaze822_hdr(msg, "content-type"); if (!ct) ct = fallback_ct; char *mt = mimetype(ct); char *filename = mime_filename(msg); printf(" %*.s%d: %s size=%zd", depth*2, "", ++mimecount, mt, bodylen); print_filename(filename); printf("\n"); return MIME_CONTINUE; } void list(char *file) { struct message *msg = blaze822_file(file); if (!msg) return; mimecount = 0; printf("%s\n", file); blaze822_walk_mime(msg, 0, list_mime); } void reply(char *file) { struct message *msg = blaze822_file(file); if (!msg) return; blaze822_walk_mime(msg, 0, reply_mime); } static int extract_argc; static char **extract_argv; static int extract_stdout; static const char * basenam(const char *s) { char *r = strrchr(s, '/'); return r ? r + 1 : s; } static int writefile(char *name, char *buf, ssize_t len) { int fd = open(basenam(name), O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, 0666); if (fd == -1) { perror("open"); return -1; } ssize_t wr = 0, n; do { if ((n = write(fd, buf + wr, len - wr)) == -1) { if (errno == EINTR) { continue; } else { perror("write"); return -1; } } wr += n; } while (wr < len); close(fd); return 0; } blaze822_mime_action extract_mime(int depth, struct message *msg, char *body, size_t bodylen) { (void)depth; char *filename = mime_filename(msg); mimecount++; if (extract_argc == 0) { if (extract_stdout) { // output all parts fwrite(body, 1, bodylen, stdout); } else { // extract all named attachments if (filename) { safe_u8putstr(filename, strlen(filename), stdout); printf("\n"); writefile(filename, body, bodylen); } } } else { int i; for (i = 0; i < extract_argc; i++) { char *a = extract_argv[i]; char *b; errno = 0; long d = strtol(a, &b, 10); if (errno == 0 && !*b && d == mimecount) { // extract by id if (extract_stdout) { if (rflag) { fwrite(blaze822_orig_header(msg), 1, blaze822_headerlen(msg), stdout); if (blaze822_orig_header(msg)[ blaze822_headerlen(msg)] == '\r') printf("\r\n\r\n"); else printf("\n\n"); fwrite(blaze822_body(msg), 1, blaze822_bodylen(msg), stdout); } else { fwrite(body, 1, bodylen, stdout); } } else { char buf[255]; char *bufptr; if (filename) { bufptr = filename; } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "attachment%d", mimecount); bufptr = buf; } printf("%s\n", bufptr); writefile(bufptr, body, bodylen); } } else if (filename && fnmatch(a, filename, FNM_PATHNAME) == 0) { // extract by name if (extract_stdout) { if (rflag) { fwrite(blaze822_orig_header(msg), 1, blaze822_headerlen(msg), stdout); printf("\n\n"); fwrite(blaze822_body(msg), 1, blaze822_bodylen(msg), stdout); } else { fwrite(body, 1, bodylen, stdout); } } else { safe_u8putstr(filename, strlen(filename), stdout); printf("\n"); writefile(filename, body, bodylen); } } } } return MIME_CONTINUE; } void extract_cb(char *file) { struct message *msg = blaze822_file(file); if (!msg) return; mimecount = 0; blaze822_walk_mime(msg, 0, extract_mime); } void extract(char *file, int argc, char **argv, int use_stdout) { extract_argc = argc; extract_argv = argv; extract_stdout = use_stdout; blaze822_loop1(file, extract_cb); } static char *newcur; static void print_date_header(char *v) { static time_t now = -1; if (now == -1) { setenv("TZ", "", 1); tzset(); now = time(0); } printf("Date: "); print_ascii(v, strlen(v)); time_t t = blaze822_date(v); if (t == -1) { printf(" (invalid)"); } else { printf(" ("); time_t d = t < now ? now - t : t - now; int l; if (d > 60*60*24*7*52) l = 'y'; else if (d > 60*60*24*7) l = 'w'; else if (d > 60*60*24) l = 'd'; else if (d > 60*60) l = 'h'; else if (d > 60) l = 'm'; else l = 's'; int p = 3; int z; switch (l) { case 'y': z = d / (60*60*24*7*52); d = d % (60*60*24*7*52); if (z > 0) { printf("%d year%s", z, z > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (!--p) break; printf(", "); } /* FALL THROUGH */ case 'w': z = d / (60*60*24*7); d = d % (60*60*24*7); if (z > 0) { printf("%d week%s", z, z > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (!--p) break; printf(", "); } /* FALL THROUGH */ case 'd': z = d / (60*60*24); d = d % (60*60*24); if (z > 0) { printf("%d day%s", z, z > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (!--p) break; printf(", "); } /* FALL THROUGH */ case 'h': z = d / (60*60); d = d % (60*60); if (z > 0) { printf("%d hour%s", z, z > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (!--p) break; printf(", "); } /* FALL THROUGH */ case 'm': z = d / (60); d = d % (60); if (z > 0) { printf("%d minute%s", z, z > 1 ? "s" : ""); if (!--p) break; printf(", "); } /* FALL THROUGH */ case 's': z = d; printf("%d second%s", z, z > 1 ? "s" : ""); } if (t < now) printf(" ago)"); else printf(" in the future)"); } printf("\n"); } static void print_decode_header(char *h, char *v) { char d[16384]; blaze822_decode_rfc2047(d, v, sizeof d, "UTF-8"); printhdr(h); fputc(':', stdout); fputc(' ', stdout); print_ascii(d, strlen(d)); fputc('\n', stdout); } void show(char *file) { struct message *msg; while (*file == ' ' || *file == '\t') file++; if (newcur) { printf("\014\n"); free(newcur); } newcur = strdup(file); if (qflag && !Hflag) msg = blaze822(file); else msg = blaze822_file(file); if (!msg) { fprintf(stderr, "mshow: %s: %s\n", file, strerror(errno)); return; } if (Hflag) { // raw headers fwrite(blaze822_orig_header(msg), 1, blaze822_headerlen(msg), stdout); printf("\n"); } else if (Lflag) { // all headers char *h = 0; while ((h = blaze822_next_header(msg, h))) { char d[4096]; blaze822_decode_rfc2047(d, h, sizeof d, "UTF-8"); printhdr(d); } } else { // selected headers char *h = hflag; char *v; while (*h) { char *n = strchr(h, ':'); if (n) *n = 0; v = blaze822_chdr(msg, h); if (v) { if (strcasecmp("date", h) == 0) print_date_header(v); else print_decode_header(h, v); } if (n) { *n = ':'; h = n + 1; } else { break; } } } if (qflag) // no body goto done; printf("\n"); if (rflag) { // raw body print_ascii(blaze822_body(msg), blaze822_bodylen(msg)); goto done; } mimecount = 0; blaze822_walk_mime(msg, 0, render_mime); done: blaze822_free(msg); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pid_t pid1 = -1, pid2 = -1; int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "h:A:qrtFHLNx:O:Rn")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'h': hflag = optarg; break; case 'A': Aflag = optarg; break; case 'q': qflag = 1; break; case 'r': rflag = 1; break; case 'F': Fflag = 1; break; case 'H': Hflag = 1; break; case 'L': Lflag = 1; break; case 'N': Nflag = 1; break; case 't': tflag = 1; break; case 'x': xflag = optarg; break; case 'O': Oflag = optarg; break; case 'R': Rflag = 1; break; case 'n': nflag = 1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: mshow [-h headers] [-A mimetypes] [-nqrFHLN] [msgs...]\n" " mshow -x msg parts...\n" " mshow -O msg parts...\n" " mshow -t msgs...\n" " mshow -R msg\n" ); exit(1); } if (!rflag && !Oflag && !Rflag) safe_output = 1; if (pledge("stdio rpath tty cpath proc", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); if (safe_output && isatty(1)) { char *pg; pg = getenv("MBLAZE_PAGER"); if (!pg) { pg = getenv("PAGER"); if (pg && strcmp(pg, "less") == 0) { static char lesscmd[] = "less -RFXe"; pg = lesscmd; } } if (pg && *pg && strcmp(pg, "cat") != 0) { pid2 = pipeto(pg); if (pid2 < 0) fprintf(stderr, "mshow: spawning pager '%s': %s\n", pg, strerror(errno)); else if (!getenv("MBLAZE_NOCOLOR")) pid1 = pipeto("mcolor"); // ignore error } } if (pledge("stdio rpath cpath tty", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); if (xflag) { // extract extract(xflag, argc-optind, argv+optind, 0); } else if (Oflag) { // extract to stdout extract(Oflag, argc-optind, argv+optind, 1); } else if (tflag) { // list if (argc == optind && isatty(0)) blaze822_loop1(".", list); else blaze822_loop(argc-optind, argv+optind, list); } else if (Rflag) { // render for reply blaze822_loop(argc-optind, argv+optind, reply); } else { // show if (!(qflag || rflag || Fflag)) { char *f = getenv("MAILFILTER"); if (!f) f = blaze822_home_file("filter"); if (f) filters = blaze822(f); } if (argc == optind && isatty(0)) blaze822_loop1(".", show); else blaze822_loop(argc-optind, argv+optind, show); if (!nflag) // don't set cur blaze822_seq_setcur(newcur); } if (pid2 > 0) pipeclose(pid2); if (pid1 > 0) pipeclose(pid1); return 0; }