#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "blaze822.h" static char *expr; char * subst(char *str, char *srch, char *repl, char *flags) { static char buf[4096]; char *bufe = buf + sizeof buf; int iflag = !!strchr(flags, 'i'); int gflag = !!strchr(flags, 'g'); #define APP(o, l) do { if (bufe-b < (ssize_t)l) return str; memcpy(b, str+i+o, l); b += l; } while (0) #define APPC(c) do { if (b >= bufe) return str; *b++ = c; } while (0) regex_t srchrx; regmatch_t pmatch[10]; if (regcomp(&srchrx, srch, iflag ? REG_ICASE : 0) != 0) return str; char *b = buf; regoff_t i = 0; while (1) { if (regexec(&srchrx, str+i, 9, pmatch, 0) != 0) break; APP(0, pmatch[0].rm_so); char *t = repl; while (*t) { // & == \0 if (*t == '&' || (*t == '\\' && isdigit(*(t+1)))) { int n; if (*t == '&') { t++; n = 0; } else { t++; n = *t++ - '0'; } APP(pmatch[n].rm_so, pmatch[n].rm_eo - pmatch[n].rm_so); } else if (*t == '\\' && *(t+1)) { t++; APPC(*t++); } else { APPC(*t++); } } i += pmatch[0].rm_eo; // advance to end of match if (!gflag) break; } if (i > 0) { // any match? APP(0, strlen(str + i)); *b = 0; return buf; } return str; } void printhdr(char *hdr, int rest) { int uc = 1; while (*hdr && *hdr != ':') { putc(uc ? toupper(*hdr) : *hdr, stdout); uc = (*hdr == '-'); hdr++; } if (rest) { printf("%s\n", hdr); } } void sed(char *file) { struct message *msg = blaze822_file(file); if (!msg) return; char *h = 0; while ((h = blaze822_next_header(msg, h))) { regex_t headerrx; char headersel[1024]; char *v = strchr(h, ':'); if (!v) continue; v++; while (*v && (*v == ' ' || *v == '\t')) v++; v = strdup(v); char *e = expr; while (*e) { while (*e && (*e == ' ' || *e == '\t' || *e == '\n' || *e == ';')) e++; *headersel = 0; if (*e == '/') { e++; char *s = e; // parse_headers, sets headersel while (*e && *e != '/') e++; snprintf(headersel, sizeof headersel, "^(%.*s)*:", (int)(e-s), s); for (s = headersel; *s && *(s+1); s++) if (*s == ':') *s = '|'; int rv; if ((rv = regcomp(&headerrx, headersel, REG_EXTENDED)) != 0) { char buf[100]; regerror(rv, &headerrx, buf, sizeof buf); fprintf(stderr, "msed: %s\n", buf); exit(1); } if (*e) e++; } char sep; char *s; if (!*headersel || regexec(&headerrx, h, 0, 0, 0) == 0) { switch (*e) { case 'd': free(v); v = 0; break; case 'a': // skipped here; e++; if ((*e == ' ' || *e == ';' || *e == '\n' || !*e)) { break; } sep = *e; if (!sep) { fprintf(stderr, "msed: unterminated a command\n"); exit(1); } while (*e && *e != sep) e++; if (!(*e == ' ' || *e == ';' || *e == '\n' || !*e)) { fprintf(stderr, "msed: unterminated a command\n"); exit(1); } break; case 'c': sep = *++e; s = ++e; while (*e && *e != sep) e++; free(v); v = strndup(s, e-s); break; case 's': sep = *++e; s = ++e; while (*e && *e != sep) e++; char *t = ++e; while (*e && *e != sep) e++; char *u = ++e; while (*e == 'i' || *e == 'g') e++; if (!(*e == ' ' || *e == ';' || *e == '\n' || !*e)) { fprintf(stderr, "msed: unterminated s command\n"); exit(1); } // XXX stack allocate char *from = strndup(s, t-s-1); char *to = strndup(t, u-t-1); char *flags = strndup(u, e-u); char *ov = v; v = strdup(subst(ov, from, to, flags)); free(ov); free(from); free(to); free(flags); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "msed: unknown command: '%c'\n", *e); exit(1); } } while (*e && *e != ';' && *e != '\n') e++; } if (v) { printhdr(h, 0); printf(": %s\n", v); free(v); } } // loop, do all a// char *hs, *he; char *e = expr; while (*e) { while (*e && (*e == ' ' || *e == '\t' || *e == '\n' || *e == ';')) e++; hs = he = 0; if (*e == '/') { e++; hs = e; // parse_headers, sets headersel while (*e && *e != '/') e++; he = e; if (*e) e++; } char sep; char *s; char *h = 0; char *v = 0; switch (*e) { case 'a': if (he != hs) { h = strndup(hs, he-hs); } else { fprintf(stderr, "msed: used command a without header name\n"); exit(1); } e++; if (*e == ' ' || *e == '\t' || *e == '\n' || *e == ';' || !*e) { fprintf(stderr, "msed: no header value for %s\n", h); exit(1); } else { sep = *e; if (!sep) { fprintf(stderr, "msed: unterminated a command\n"); exit(1); } s = ++e; while (*e && *e != sep) e++; v = strndup(s, e-s); } if (blaze822_chdr(msg, h)) break; printhdr(h, 0); printf(": %s\n", v); break; case 'c': case 'd': case 's': // ignore here; break; } while (*e && *e != ';' && *e != '\n') e++; } printf("\n"); fwrite(blaze822_body(msg), 1, blaze822_bodylen(msg), stdout); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) switch (c) { default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: msed [expr] [msgs...]\n"); exit(1); } if (pledge("stdio rpath tty", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); expr = argv[optind]; optind++; if (argc == optind && isatty(0)) blaze822_loop1(".", sed); else blaze822_loop(argc-optind, argv+optind, sed); return 0; }