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# mverify MSG - verify a OpenPGP or SMIME message
# Needs gpg (for OpenPGP) and openssl (for SMIME).
[ "$#" -eq 0 ] && set -- .
mshow -t "$1" | awk -v "msg=$1" '
{ match($0, "^ *"); indent = RLENGTH }
$2 == "text/plain" { plain++ }
$2 == "multipart/signed" { signed = 0+$1; si = indent; next }
signed && !content && indent == si+2 { content = 0+$1; next }
signed && content && !signature && indent == si+2 { signature = 0+$1; type = $2 }
function q(a) { gsub("\\47", "\47\\\47\47", a); return "\47"a"\47" }
if (type == "" && plain) { // guess plain text armored signature
exit(system("mshow -r " q(msg) " | gpg --verify"));
} else if (type == "") {
print("No signature found.")
} else if (type == "application/pgp-signature") {
exit(system("mshow -r -O " q(msg) " " q(content) \
" | sed '/ $/!s/$/ /' | " \
" { mshow -O " q(msg) " " q(signature) \
" | gpg --verify - /dev/fd/3; } 3<&0"))
} else if (type == "application/pkcs7-signature") {
exit(system("mshow -r -O " q(msg) " " q(signed) \
" | openssl smime -verify"))
} else {
print("Cannot verify signatures of type " type ".")