You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2469 lines
62 KiB

package tgbotapi
import (
// Telegram constants
const (
// APIEndpoint is the endpoint for all API methods,
// with formatting for Sprintf.
APIEndpoint = ""
// FileEndpoint is the endpoint for downloading a file from Telegram.
FileEndpoint = ""
// Constant values for ChatActions
const (
ChatTyping = "typing"
ChatUploadPhoto = "upload_photo"
ChatRecordVideo = "record_video"
ChatUploadVideo = "upload_video"
ChatRecordVoice = "record_voice"
ChatUploadVoice = "upload_voice"
ChatUploadDocument = "upload_document"
ChatChooseSticker = "choose_sticker"
ChatFindLocation = "find_location"
ChatRecordVideoNote = "record_video_note"
ChatUploadVideoNote = "upload_video_note"
// API errors
const (
// ErrAPIForbidden happens when a token is bad
ErrAPIForbidden = "forbidden"
// Constant values for ParseMode in MessageConfig
const (
ModeMarkdown = "Markdown"
ModeMarkdownV2 = "MarkdownV2"
// Constant values for update types
const (
// UpdateTypeMessage is new incoming message of any kind — text, photo, sticker, etc.
UpdateTypeMessage = "message"
// UpdateTypeEditedMessage is new version of a message that is known to the bot and was edited
UpdateTypeEditedMessage = "edited_message"
// UpdateTypeChannelPost is new incoming channel post of any kind — text, photo, sticker, etc.
UpdateTypeChannelPost = "channel_post"
// UpdateTypeEditedChannelPost is new version of a channel post that is known to the bot and was edited
UpdateTypeEditedChannelPost = "edited_channel_post"
// UpdateTypeInlineQuery is new incoming inline query
UpdateTypeInlineQuery = "inline_query"
// UpdateTypeChosenInlineResult i the result of an inline query that was chosen by a user and sent to their
// chat partner. Please see the documentation on the feedback collecting for
// details on how to enable these updates for your bot.
UpdateTypeChosenInlineResult = "chosen_inline_result"
// UpdateTypeCallbackQuery is new incoming callback query
UpdateTypeCallbackQuery = "callback_query"
// UpdateTypeShippingQuery is new incoming shipping query. Only for invoices with flexible price
UpdateTypeShippingQuery = "shipping_query"
// UpdateTypePreCheckoutQuery is new incoming pre-checkout query. Contains full information about checkout
UpdateTypePreCheckoutQuery = "pre_checkout_query"
// UpdateTypePoll is new poll state. Bots receive only updates about stopped polls and polls
// which are sent by the bot
UpdateTypePoll = "poll"
// UpdateTypePollAnswer is when user changed their answer in a non-anonymous poll. Bots receive new votes
// only in polls that were sent by the bot itself.
UpdateTypePollAnswer = "poll_answer"
// UpdateTypeMyChatMember is when the bot's chat member status was updated in a chat. For private chats, this
// update is received only when the bot is blocked or unblocked by the user.
UpdateTypeMyChatMember = "my_chat_member"
// UpdateTypeChatMember is when the bot must be an administrator in the chat and must explicitly specify
// this update in the list of allowed_updates to receive these updates.
UpdateTypeChatMember = "chat_member"
// Library errors
const (
ErrBadURL = "bad or empty url"
// Chattable is any config type that can be sent.
type Chattable interface {
params() (Params, error)
method() string
// Fileable is any config type that can be sent that includes a file.
type Fileable interface {
files() []RequestFile
// RequestFile represents a file associated with a field name.
type RequestFile struct {
// The file field name.
Name string
// The file data to include.
Data RequestFileData
// RequestFileData represents the data to be used for a file.
type RequestFileData interface {
// NeedsUpload shows if the file needs to be uploaded.
NeedsUpload() bool
// UploadData gets the file name and an `io.Reader` for the file to be uploaded. This
// must only be called when the file needs to be uploaded.
UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error)
// SendData gets the file data to send when a file does not need to be uploaded. This
// must only be called when the file does not need to be uploaded.
SendData() string
// FileBytes contains information about a set of bytes to upload
// as a File.
type FileBytes struct {
Name string
Bytes []byte
func (fb FileBytes) NeedsUpload() bool {
return true
func (fb FileBytes) UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error) {
return fb.Name, bytes.NewReader(fb.Bytes), nil
func (fb FileBytes) SendData() string {
panic("FileBytes must be uploaded")
// FileReader contains information about a reader to upload as a File.
type FileReader struct {
Name string
Reader io.Reader
func (fr FileReader) NeedsUpload() bool {
return true
func (fr FileReader) UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error) {
return fr.Name, fr.Reader, nil
func (fr FileReader) SendData() string {
panic("FileReader must be uploaded")
// FilePath is a path to a local file.
type FilePath string
func (fp FilePath) NeedsUpload() bool {
return true
func (fp FilePath) UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error) {
fileHandle, err := os.Open(string(fp))
if err != nil {
return "", nil, err
name := fileHandle.Name()
return name, fileHandle, err
func (fp FilePath) SendData() string {
panic("FilePath must be uploaded")
// FileURL is a URL to use as a file for a request.
type FileURL string
func (fu FileURL) NeedsUpload() bool {
return false
func (fu FileURL) UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error) {
panic("FileURL cannot be uploaded")
func (fu FileURL) SendData() string {
return string(fu)
// FileID is an ID of a file already uploaded to Telegram.
type FileID string
func (fi FileID) NeedsUpload() bool {
return false
func (fi FileID) UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error) {
panic("FileID cannot be uploaded")
func (fi FileID) SendData() string {
return string(fi)
// fileAttach is an internal file type used for processed media groups.
type fileAttach string
func (fa fileAttach) NeedsUpload() bool {
return false
func (fa fileAttach) UploadData() (string, io.Reader, error) {
panic("fileAttach cannot be uploaded")
func (fa fileAttach) SendData() string {
return string(fa)
// LogOutConfig is a request to log out of the cloud Bot API server.
// Note that you may not log back in for at least 10 minutes.
type LogOutConfig struct{}
func (LogOutConfig) method() string {
return "logOut"
func (LogOutConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return nil, nil
// CloseConfig is a request to close the bot instance on a local server.
// Note that you may not close an instance for the first 10 minutes after the
// bot has started.
type CloseConfig struct{}
func (CloseConfig) method() string {
return "close"
func (CloseConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return nil, nil
// BaseChat is base type for all chat config types.
type BaseChat struct {
ChatID int64 // required
ChannelUsername string
ReplyToMessageID int
ReplyMarkup interface{}
DisableNotification bool
AllowSendingWithoutReply bool
func (chat *BaseChat) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", chat.ChatID, chat.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("reply_to_message_id", chat.ReplyToMessageID)
params.AddBool("disable_notification", chat.DisableNotification)
params.AddBool("allow_sending_without_reply", chat.AllowSendingWithoutReply)
err := params.AddInterface("reply_markup", chat.ReplyMarkup)
return params, err
// BaseFile is a base type for all file config types.
type BaseFile struct {
File RequestFileData
func (file BaseFile) params() (Params, error) {
return file.BaseChat.params()
// BaseEdit is base type of all chat edits.
type BaseEdit struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
MessageID int
InlineMessageID string
ReplyMarkup *InlineKeyboardMarkup
func (edit BaseEdit) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
if edit.InlineMessageID != "" {
params["inline_message_id"] = edit.InlineMessageID
} else {
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", edit.ChatID, edit.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_id", edit.MessageID)
err := params.AddInterface("reply_markup", edit.ReplyMarkup)
return params, err
// MessageConfig contains information about a SendMessage request.
type MessageConfig struct {
Text string
ParseMode string
Entities []MessageEntity
DisableWebPagePreview bool
func (config MessageConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonEmpty("text", config.Text)
params.AddBool("disable_web_page_preview", config.DisableWebPagePreview)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("entities", config.Entities)
return params, err
func (config MessageConfig) method() string {
return "sendMessage"
// ForwardConfig contains information about a ForwardMessage request.
type ForwardConfig struct {
FromChatID int64 // required
FromChannelUsername string
MessageID int // required
func (config ForwardConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonZero64("from_chat_id", config.FromChatID)
params.AddNonZero("message_id", config.MessageID)
return params, nil
func (config ForwardConfig) method() string {
return "forwardMessage"
// CopyMessageConfig contains information about a copyMessage request.
type CopyMessageConfig struct {
FromChatID int64
FromChannelUsername string
MessageID int
Caption string
ParseMode string
CaptionEntities []MessageEntity
func (config CopyMessageConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddFirstValid("from_chat_id", config.FromChatID, config.FromChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_id", config.MessageID)
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
return params, err
func (config CopyMessageConfig) method() string {
return "copyMessage"
// PhotoConfig contains information about a SendPhoto request.
type PhotoConfig struct {
Thumb RequestFileData
Caption string
ParseMode string
CaptionEntities []MessageEntity
func (config PhotoConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseFile.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
return params, err
func (config PhotoConfig) method() string {
return "sendPhoto"
func (config PhotoConfig) files() []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{{
Name: "photo",
Data: config.File,
if config.Thumb != nil {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: "thumb",
Data: config.Thumb,
return files
// AudioConfig contains information about a SendAudio request.
type AudioConfig struct {
Thumb RequestFileData
Caption string
ParseMode string
CaptionEntities []MessageEntity
Duration int
Performer string
Title string
func (config AudioConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonZero("duration", config.Duration)
params.AddNonEmpty("performer", config.Performer)
params.AddNonEmpty("title", config.Title)
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
return params, err
func (config AudioConfig) method() string {
return "sendAudio"
func (config AudioConfig) files() []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{{
Name: "audio",
Data: config.File,
if config.Thumb != nil {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: "thumb",
Data: config.Thumb,
return files
// DocumentConfig contains information about a SendDocument request.
type DocumentConfig struct {
Thumb RequestFileData
Caption string
ParseMode string
CaptionEntities []MessageEntity
DisableContentTypeDetection bool
func (config DocumentConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseFile.params()
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
params.AddBool("disable_content_type_detection", config.DisableContentTypeDetection)
return params, err
func (config DocumentConfig) method() string {
return "sendDocument"
func (config DocumentConfig) files() []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{{
Name: "document",
Data: config.File,
if config.Thumb != nil {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: "thumb",
Data: config.Thumb,
return files
// StickerConfig contains information about a SendSticker request.
type StickerConfig struct {
func (config StickerConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return config.BaseChat.params()
func (config StickerConfig) method() string {
return "sendSticker"
func (config StickerConfig) files() []RequestFile {
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "sticker",
Data: config.File,
// VideoConfig contains information about a SendVideo request.
type VideoConfig struct {
Thumb RequestFileData
Duration int
Caption string
ParseMode string
CaptionEntities []MessageEntity
SupportsStreaming bool
func (config VideoConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonZero("duration", config.Duration)
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
params.AddBool("supports_streaming", config.SupportsStreaming)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
return params, err
func (config VideoConfig) method() string {
return "sendVideo"
func (config VideoConfig) files() []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{{
Name: "video",
Data: config.File,
if config.Thumb != nil {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: "thumb",
Data: config.Thumb,
return files
// AnimationConfig contains information about a SendAnimation request.
type AnimationConfig struct {
Duration int
Thumb RequestFileData
Caption string
ParseMode string
CaptionEntities []MessageEntity
func (config AnimationConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonZero("duration", config.Duration)
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
return params, err
func (config AnimationConfig) method() string {
return "sendAnimation"
func (config AnimationConfig) files() []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{{
Name: "animation",
Data: config.File,
if config.Thumb != nil {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: "thumb",
Data: config.Thumb,
return files
// VideoNoteConfig contains information about a SendVideoNote request.
type VideoNoteConfig struct {
Thumb RequestFileData
Duration int
Length int
func (config VideoNoteConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
params.AddNonZero("duration", config.Duration)
params.AddNonZero("length", config.Length)
return params, err
func (config VideoNoteConfig) method() string {
return "sendVideoNote"
func (config VideoNoteConfig) files() []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{{
Name: "video_note",
Data: config.File,
if config.Thumb != nil {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: "thumb",
Data: config.Thumb,
return files
// VoiceConfig contains information about a SendVoice request.
type VoiceConfig struct {
Thumb RequestFileData
Caption string
ParseMode string
CaptionEntities []MessageEntity
Duration int
func (config VoiceConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonZero("duration", config.Duration)
params.AddNonEmpty("caption", config.Caption)
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
return params, err
func (config VoiceConfig) method() string {
return "sendVoice"
func (config VoiceConfig) files() []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{{
Name: "voice",
Data: config.File,
if config.Thumb != nil {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: "thumb",
Data: config.Thumb,
return files
// LocationConfig contains information about a SendLocation request.
type LocationConfig struct {
Latitude float64 // required
Longitude float64 // required
HorizontalAccuracy float64 // optional
LivePeriod int // optional
Heading int // optional
ProximityAlertRadius int // optional
func (config LocationConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
params.AddNonZeroFloat("latitude", config.Latitude)
params.AddNonZeroFloat("longitude", config.Longitude)
params.AddNonZeroFloat("horizontal_accuracy", config.HorizontalAccuracy)
params.AddNonZero("live_period", config.LivePeriod)
params.AddNonZero("heading", config.Heading)
params.AddNonZero("proximity_alert_radius", config.ProximityAlertRadius)
return params, err
func (config LocationConfig) method() string {
return "sendLocation"
// EditMessageLiveLocationConfig allows you to update a live location.
type EditMessageLiveLocationConfig struct {
Latitude float64 // required
Longitude float64 // required
HorizontalAccuracy float64 // optional
Heading int // optional
ProximityAlertRadius int // optional
func (config EditMessageLiveLocationConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseEdit.params()
params.AddNonZeroFloat("latitude", config.Latitude)
params.AddNonZeroFloat("longitude", config.Longitude)
params.AddNonZeroFloat("horizontal_accuracy", config.HorizontalAccuracy)
params.AddNonZero("heading", config.Heading)
params.AddNonZero("proximity_alert_radius", config.ProximityAlertRadius)
return params, err
func (config EditMessageLiveLocationConfig) method() string {
return "editMessageLiveLocation"
// StopMessageLiveLocationConfig stops updating a live location.
type StopMessageLiveLocationConfig struct {
func (config StopMessageLiveLocationConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return config.BaseEdit.params()
func (config StopMessageLiveLocationConfig) method() string {
return "stopMessageLiveLocation"
// VenueConfig contains information about a SendVenue request.
type VenueConfig struct {
Latitude float64 // required
Longitude float64 // required
Title string // required
Address string // required
FoursquareID string
FoursquareType string
GooglePlaceID string
GooglePlaceType string
func (config VenueConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
params.AddNonZeroFloat("latitude", config.Latitude)
params.AddNonZeroFloat("longitude", config.Longitude)
params["title"] = config.Title
params["address"] = config.Address
params.AddNonEmpty("foursquare_id", config.FoursquareID)
params.AddNonEmpty("foursquare_type", config.FoursquareType)
params.AddNonEmpty("google_place_id", config.GooglePlaceID)
params.AddNonEmpty("google_place_type", config.GooglePlaceType)
return params, err
func (config VenueConfig) method() string {
return "sendVenue"
// ContactConfig allows you to send a contact.
type ContactConfig struct {
PhoneNumber string
FirstName string
LastName string
VCard string
func (config ContactConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
params["phone_number"] = config.PhoneNumber
params["first_name"] = config.FirstName
params.AddNonEmpty("last_name", config.LastName)
params.AddNonEmpty("vcard", config.VCard)
return params, err
func (config ContactConfig) method() string {
return "sendContact"
// SendPollConfig allows you to send a poll.
type SendPollConfig struct {
Question string
Options []string
IsAnonymous bool
Type string
AllowsMultipleAnswers bool
CorrectOptionID int64
Explanation string
ExplanationParseMode string
ExplanationEntities []MessageEntity
OpenPeriod int
CloseDate int
IsClosed bool
func (config SendPollConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params["question"] = config.Question
if err = params.AddInterface("options", config.Options); err != nil {
return params, err
params["is_anonymous"] = strconv.FormatBool(config.IsAnonymous)
params.AddNonEmpty("type", config.Type)
params["allows_multiple_answers"] = strconv.FormatBool(config.AllowsMultipleAnswers)
params["correct_option_id"] = strconv.FormatInt(config.CorrectOptionID, 10)
params.AddBool("is_closed", config.IsClosed)
params.AddNonEmpty("explanation", config.Explanation)
params.AddNonEmpty("explanation_parse_mode", config.ExplanationParseMode)
params.AddNonZero("open_period", config.OpenPeriod)
params.AddNonZero("close_date", config.CloseDate)
err = params.AddInterface("explanation_entities", config.ExplanationEntities)
return params, err
func (SendPollConfig) method() string {
return "sendPoll"
// GameConfig allows you to send a game.
type GameConfig struct {
GameShortName string
func (config GameConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
params["game_short_name"] = config.GameShortName
return params, err
func (config GameConfig) method() string {
return "sendGame"
// SetGameScoreConfig allows you to update the game score in a chat.
type SetGameScoreConfig struct {
UserID int64
Score int
Force bool
DisableEditMessage bool
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
MessageID int
InlineMessageID string
func (config SetGameScoreConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params.AddNonZero("scrore", config.Score)
params.AddBool("disable_edit_message", config.DisableEditMessage)
if config.InlineMessageID != "" {
params["inline_message_id"] = config.InlineMessageID
} else {
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_id", config.MessageID)
return params, nil
func (config SetGameScoreConfig) method() string {
return "setGameScore"
// GetGameHighScoresConfig allows you to fetch the high scores for a game.
type GetGameHighScoresConfig struct {
UserID int64
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
MessageID int
InlineMessageID string
func (config GetGameHighScoresConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
if config.InlineMessageID != "" {
params["inline_message_id"] = config.InlineMessageID
} else {
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_id", config.MessageID)
return params, nil
func (config GetGameHighScoresConfig) method() string {
return "getGameHighScores"
// ChatActionConfig contains information about a SendChatAction request.
type ChatActionConfig struct {
Action string // required
func (config ChatActionConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
params["action"] = config.Action
return params, err
func (config ChatActionConfig) method() string {
return "sendChatAction"
// EditMessageTextConfig allows you to modify the text in a message.
type EditMessageTextConfig struct {
Text string
ParseMode string
Entities []MessageEntity
DisableWebPagePreview bool
func (config EditMessageTextConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseEdit.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params["text"] = config.Text
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
params.AddBool("disable_web_page_preview", config.DisableWebPagePreview)
err = params.AddInterface("entities", config.Entities)
return params, err
func (config EditMessageTextConfig) method() string {
return "editMessageText"
// EditMessageCaptionConfig allows you to modify the caption of a message.
type EditMessageCaptionConfig struct {
Caption string
ParseMode string
CaptionEntities []MessageEntity
func (config EditMessageCaptionConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseEdit.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params["caption"] = config.Caption
params.AddNonEmpty("parse_mode", config.ParseMode)
err = params.AddInterface("caption_entities", config.CaptionEntities)
return params, err
func (config EditMessageCaptionConfig) method() string {
return "editMessageCaption"
// EditMessageMediaConfig allows you to make an editMessageMedia request.
type EditMessageMediaConfig struct {
Media interface{}
func (EditMessageMediaConfig) method() string {
return "editMessageMedia"
func (config EditMessageMediaConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseEdit.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
err = params.AddInterface("media", prepareInputMediaParam(config.Media, 0))
return params, err
func (config EditMessageMediaConfig) files() []RequestFile {
return prepareInputMediaFile(config.Media, 0)
// EditMessageReplyMarkupConfig allows you to modify the reply markup
// of a message.
type EditMessageReplyMarkupConfig struct {
func (config EditMessageReplyMarkupConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return config.BaseEdit.params()
func (config EditMessageReplyMarkupConfig) method() string {
return "editMessageReplyMarkup"
// StopPollConfig allows you to stop a poll sent by the bot.
type StopPollConfig struct {
func (config StopPollConfig) params() (Params, error) {
return config.BaseEdit.params()
func (StopPollConfig) method() string {
return "stopPoll"
// UserProfilePhotosConfig contains information about a
// GetUserProfilePhotos request.
type UserProfilePhotosConfig struct {
UserID int64
Offset int
Limit int
func (UserProfilePhotosConfig) method() string {
return "getUserProfilePhotos"
func (config UserProfilePhotosConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params.AddNonZero("offset", config.Offset)
params.AddNonZero("limit", config.Limit)
return params, nil
// FileConfig has information about a file hosted on Telegram.
type FileConfig struct {
FileID string
func (FileConfig) method() string {
return "getFile"
func (config FileConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["file_id"] = config.FileID
return params, nil
// UpdateConfig contains information about a GetUpdates request.
type UpdateConfig struct {
Offset int
Limit int
Timeout int
AllowedUpdates []string
func (UpdateConfig) method() string {
return "getUpdates"
func (config UpdateConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero("offset", config.Offset)
params.AddNonZero("limit", config.Limit)
params.AddNonZero("timeout", config.Timeout)
params.AddInterface("allowed_updates", config.AllowedUpdates)
return params, nil
// WebhookConfig contains information about a SetWebhook request.
type WebhookConfig struct {
URL *url.URL
Certificate RequestFileData
IPAddress string
MaxConnections int
AllowedUpdates []string
DropPendingUpdates bool
func (config WebhookConfig) method() string {
return "setWebhook"
func (config WebhookConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
if config.URL != nil {
params["url"] = config.URL.String()
params.AddNonEmpty("ip_address", config.IPAddress)
params.AddNonZero("max_connections", config.MaxConnections)
err := params.AddInterface("allowed_updates", config.AllowedUpdates)
params.AddBool("drop_pending_updates", config.DropPendingUpdates)
return params, err
func (config WebhookConfig) files() []RequestFile {
if config.Certificate != nil {
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "certificate",
Data: config.Certificate,
return nil
// DeleteWebhookConfig is a helper to delete a webhook.
type DeleteWebhookConfig struct {
DropPendingUpdates bool
func (config DeleteWebhookConfig) method() string {
return "deleteWebhook"
func (config DeleteWebhookConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddBool("drop_pending_updates", config.DropPendingUpdates)
return params, nil
// InlineConfig contains information on making an InlineQuery response.
type InlineConfig struct {
InlineQueryID string `json:"inline_query_id"`
Results []interface{} `json:"results"`
CacheTime int `json:"cache_time"`
IsPersonal bool `json:"is_personal"`
NextOffset string `json:"next_offset"`
SwitchPMText string `json:"switch_pm_text"`
SwitchPMParameter string `json:"switch_pm_parameter"`
func (config InlineConfig) method() string {
return "answerInlineQuery"
func (config InlineConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["inline_query_id"] = config.InlineQueryID
params.AddNonZero("cache_time", config.CacheTime)
params.AddBool("is_personal", config.IsPersonal)
params.AddNonEmpty("next_offset", config.NextOffset)
params.AddNonEmpty("switch_pm_text", config.SwitchPMText)
params.AddNonEmpty("switch_pm_parameter", config.SwitchPMParameter)
err := params.AddInterface("results", config.Results)
return params, err
// CallbackConfig contains information on making a CallbackQuery response.
type CallbackConfig struct {
CallbackQueryID string `json:"callback_query_id"`
Text string `json:"text"`
ShowAlert bool `json:"show_alert"`
URL string `json:"url"`
CacheTime int `json:"cache_time"`
func (config CallbackConfig) method() string {
return "answerCallbackQuery"
func (config CallbackConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["callback_query_id"] = config.CallbackQueryID
params.AddNonEmpty("text", config.Text)
params.AddBool("show_alert", config.ShowAlert)
params.AddNonEmpty("url", config.URL)
params.AddNonZero("cache_time", config.CacheTime)
return params, nil
// ChatMemberConfig contains information about a user in a chat for use
// with administrative functions such as kicking or unbanning a user.
type ChatMemberConfig struct {
ChatID int64
SuperGroupUsername string
ChannelUsername string
UserID int64
// UnbanChatMemberConfig allows you to unban a user.
type UnbanChatMemberConfig struct {
OnlyIfBanned bool
func (config UnbanChatMemberConfig) method() string {
return "unbanChatMember"
func (config UnbanChatMemberConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params.AddBool("only_if_banned", config.OnlyIfBanned)
return params, nil
// BanChatMemberConfig contains extra fields to kick user.
type BanChatMemberConfig struct {
UntilDate int64
RevokeMessages bool
func (config BanChatMemberConfig) method() string {
return "banChatMember"
func (config BanChatMemberConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params.AddNonZero64("until_date", config.UntilDate)
params.AddBool("revoke_messages", config.RevokeMessages)
return params, nil
// KickChatMemberConfig contains extra fields to ban user.
// This was renamed to BanChatMember in later versions of the Telegram Bot API.
type KickChatMemberConfig = BanChatMemberConfig
// RestrictChatMemberConfig contains fields to restrict members of chat
type RestrictChatMemberConfig struct {
UntilDate int64
Permissions *ChatPermissions
func (config RestrictChatMemberConfig) method() string {
return "restrictChatMember"
func (config RestrictChatMemberConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
err := params.AddInterface("permissions", config.Permissions)
params.AddNonZero64("until_date", config.UntilDate)
return params, err
// PromoteChatMemberConfig contains fields to promote members of chat
type PromoteChatMemberConfig struct {
IsAnonymous bool
CanManageChat bool
CanChangeInfo bool
CanPostMessages bool
CanEditMessages bool
CanDeleteMessages bool
CanManageVoiceChats bool
CanInviteUsers bool
CanRestrictMembers bool
CanPinMessages bool
CanPromoteMembers bool
func (config PromoteChatMemberConfig) method() string {
return "promoteChatMember"
func (config PromoteChatMemberConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params.AddBool("is_anonymous", config.IsAnonymous)
params.AddBool("can_manage_chat", config.CanManageChat)
params.AddBool("can_change_info", config.CanChangeInfo)
params.AddBool("can_post_messages", config.CanPostMessages)
params.AddBool("can_edit_messages", config.CanEditMessages)
params.AddBool("can_delete_messages", config.CanDeleteMessages)
params.AddBool("can_manage_voice_chats", config.CanManageVoiceChats)
params.AddBool("can_invite_users", config.CanInviteUsers)
params.AddBool("can_restrict_members", config.CanRestrictMembers)
params.AddBool("can_pin_messages", config.CanPinMessages)
params.AddBool("can_promote_members", config.CanPromoteMembers)
return params, nil
// SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle sets the title of an administrative user
// promoted by the bot for a chat.
type SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle struct {
CustomTitle string
func (SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle) method() string {
return "setChatAdministratorCustomTitle"
func (config SetChatAdministratorCustomTitle) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params.AddNonEmpty("custom_title", config.CustomTitle)
return params, nil
// BanChatSenderChatConfig bans a channel chat in a supergroup or a channel. The
// owner of the chat will not be able to send messages and join live streams on
// behalf of the chat, unless it is unbanned first. The bot must be an
// administrator in the supergroup or channel for this to work and must have the
// appropriate administrator rights.
type BanChatSenderChatConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
SenderChatID int64
UntilDate int
func (config BanChatSenderChatConfig) method() string {
return "banChatSenderChat"
func (config BanChatSenderChatConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
_ = params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("sender_chat_id", config.SenderChatID)
params.AddNonZero("until_date", config.UntilDate)
return params, nil
// UnbanChatSenderChatConfig unbans a previously banned channel chat in a
// supergroup or channel. The bot must be an administrator for this to work and
// must have the appropriate administrator rights.
type UnbanChatSenderChatConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
SenderChatID int64
func (config UnbanChatSenderChatConfig) method() string {
return "unbanChatSenderChat"
func (config UnbanChatSenderChatConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
_ = params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("sender_chat_id", config.SenderChatID)
return params, nil
// ChatConfig contains information about getting information on a chat.
type ChatConfig struct {
ChatID int64
SuperGroupUsername string
func (config ChatConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
return params, nil
// ChatInfoConfig contains information about getting chat information.
type ChatInfoConfig struct {
func (ChatInfoConfig) method() string {
return "getChat"
// ChatMemberCountConfig contains information about getting the number of users in a chat.
type ChatMemberCountConfig struct {
func (ChatMemberCountConfig) method() string {
return "getChatMembersCount"
// ChatAdministratorsConfig contains information about getting chat administrators.
type ChatAdministratorsConfig struct {
func (ChatAdministratorsConfig) method() string {
return "getChatAdministrators"
// SetChatPermissionsConfig allows you to set default permissions for the
// members in a group. The bot must be an administrator and have rights to
// restrict members.
type SetChatPermissionsConfig struct {
Permissions *ChatPermissions
func (SetChatPermissionsConfig) method() string {
return "setChatPermissions"
func (config SetChatPermissionsConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
err := params.AddInterface("permissions", config.Permissions)
return params, err
// ChatInviteLinkConfig contains information about getting a chat link.
// Note that generating a new link will revoke any previous links.
type ChatInviteLinkConfig struct {
func (ChatInviteLinkConfig) method() string {
return "exportChatInviteLink"
func (config ChatInviteLinkConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
return params, nil
// CreateChatInviteLinkConfig allows you to create an additional invite link for
// a chat. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and
// must have the appropriate admin rights. The link can be revoked using the
// RevokeChatInviteLinkConfig.
type CreateChatInviteLinkConfig struct {
Name string
ExpireDate int
MemberLimit int
CreatesJoinRequest bool
func (CreateChatInviteLinkConfig) method() string {
return "createChatInviteLink"
func (config CreateChatInviteLinkConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonEmpty("name", config.Name)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddNonZero("expire_date", config.ExpireDate)
params.AddNonZero("member_limit", config.MemberLimit)
params.AddBool("creates_join_request", config.CreatesJoinRequest)
return params, nil
// EditChatInviteLinkConfig allows you to edit a non-primary invite link created
// by the bot. The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and
// must have the appropriate admin rights.
type EditChatInviteLinkConfig struct {
InviteLink string
Name string
ExpireDate int
MemberLimit int
CreatesJoinRequest bool
func (EditChatInviteLinkConfig) method() string {
return "editChatInviteLink"
func (config EditChatInviteLinkConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddNonEmpty("name", config.Name)
params["invite_link"] = config.InviteLink
params.AddNonZero("expire_date", config.ExpireDate)
params.AddNonZero("member_limit", config.MemberLimit)
params.AddBool("creates_join_request", config.CreatesJoinRequest)
return params, nil
// RevokeChatInviteLinkConfig allows you to revoke an invite link created by the
// bot. If the primary link is revoked, a new link is automatically generated.
// The bot must be an administrator in the chat for this to work and must have
// the appropriate admin rights.
type RevokeChatInviteLinkConfig struct {
InviteLink string
func (RevokeChatInviteLinkConfig) method() string {
return "revokeChatInviteLink"
func (config RevokeChatInviteLinkConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params["invite_link"] = config.InviteLink
return params, nil
// ApproveChatJoinRequestConfig allows you to approve a chat join request.
type ApproveChatJoinRequestConfig struct {
UserID int64
func (ApproveChatJoinRequestConfig) method() string {
return "approveChatJoinRequest"
func (config ApproveChatJoinRequestConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddNonZero("user_id", int(config.UserID))
return params, nil
// DeclineChatJoinRequest allows you to decline a chat join request.
type DeclineChatJoinRequest struct {
UserID int64
func (DeclineChatJoinRequest) method() string {
return "declineChatJoinRequest"
func (config DeclineChatJoinRequest) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddNonZero("user_id", int(config.UserID))
return params, nil
// LeaveChatConfig allows you to leave a chat.
type LeaveChatConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
func (config LeaveChatConfig) method() string {
return "leaveChat"
func (config LeaveChatConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
return params, nil
// ChatConfigWithUser contains information about a chat and a user.
type ChatConfigWithUser struct {
ChatID int64
SuperGroupUsername string
UserID int64
func (config ChatConfigWithUser) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
return params, nil
// GetChatMemberConfig is information about getting a specific member in a chat.
type GetChatMemberConfig struct {
func (GetChatMemberConfig) method() string {
return "getChatMember"
// InvoiceConfig contains information for sendInvoice request.
type InvoiceConfig struct {
Title string // required
Description string // required
Payload string // required
ProviderToken string // required
Currency string // required
Prices []LabeledPrice // required
MaxTipAmount int
SuggestedTipAmounts []int
StartParameter string
ProviderData string
PhotoURL string
PhotoSize int
PhotoWidth int
PhotoHeight int
NeedName bool
NeedPhoneNumber bool
NeedEmail bool
NeedShippingAddress bool
SendPhoneNumberToProvider bool
SendEmailToProvider bool
IsFlexible bool
func (config InvoiceConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params["title"] = config.Title
params["description"] = config.Description
params["payload"] = config.Payload
params["provider_token"] = config.ProviderToken
params["currency"] = config.Currency
if err = params.AddInterface("prices", config.Prices); err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonZero("max_tip_amount", config.MaxTipAmount)
err = params.AddInterface("suggested_tip_amounts", config.SuggestedTipAmounts)
params.AddNonEmpty("start_parameter", config.StartParameter)
params.AddNonEmpty("provider_data", config.ProviderData)
params.AddNonEmpty("photo_url", config.PhotoURL)
params.AddNonZero("photo_size", config.PhotoSize)
params.AddNonZero("photo_width", config.PhotoWidth)
params.AddNonZero("photo_height", config.PhotoHeight)
params.AddBool("need_name", config.NeedName)
params.AddBool("need_phone_number", config.NeedPhoneNumber)
params.AddBool("need_email", config.NeedEmail)
params.AddBool("need_shipping_address", config.NeedShippingAddress)
params.AddBool("is_flexible", config.IsFlexible)
params.AddBool("send_phone_number_to_provider", config.SendPhoneNumberToProvider)
params.AddBool("send_email_to_provider", config.SendEmailToProvider)
return params, err
func (config InvoiceConfig) method() string {
return "sendInvoice"
// ShippingConfig contains information for answerShippingQuery request.
type ShippingConfig struct {
ShippingQueryID string // required
OK bool // required
ShippingOptions []ShippingOption
ErrorMessage string
func (config ShippingConfig) method() string {
return "answerShippingQuery"
func (config ShippingConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["shipping_query_id"] = config.ShippingQueryID
params.AddBool("ok", config.OK)
err := params.AddInterface("shipping_options", config.ShippingOptions)
params.AddNonEmpty("error_message", config.ErrorMessage)
return params, err
// PreCheckoutConfig conatins information for answerPreCheckoutQuery request.
type PreCheckoutConfig struct {
PreCheckoutQueryID string // required
OK bool // required
ErrorMessage string
func (config PreCheckoutConfig) method() string {
return "answerPreCheckoutQuery"
func (config PreCheckoutConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["pre_checkout_query_id"] = config.PreCheckoutQueryID
params.AddBool("ok", config.OK)
params.AddNonEmpty("error_message", config.ErrorMessage)
return params, nil
// DeleteMessageConfig contains information of a message in a chat to delete.
type DeleteMessageConfig struct {
ChannelUsername string
ChatID int64
MessageID int
func (config DeleteMessageConfig) method() string {
return "deleteMessage"
func (config DeleteMessageConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_id", config.MessageID)
return params, nil
// PinChatMessageConfig contains information of a message in a chat to pin.
type PinChatMessageConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
MessageID int
DisableNotification bool
func (config PinChatMessageConfig) method() string {
return "pinChatMessage"
func (config PinChatMessageConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_id", config.MessageID)
params.AddBool("disable_notification", config.DisableNotification)
return params, nil
// UnpinChatMessageConfig contains information of a chat message to unpin.
// If MessageID is not specified, it will unpin the most recent pin.
type UnpinChatMessageConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
MessageID int
func (config UnpinChatMessageConfig) method() string {
return "unpinChatMessage"
func (config UnpinChatMessageConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddNonZero("message_id", config.MessageID)
return params, nil
// UnpinAllChatMessagesConfig contains information of all messages to unpin in
// a chat.
type UnpinAllChatMessagesConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
func (config UnpinAllChatMessagesConfig) method() string {
return "unpinAllChatMessages"
func (config UnpinAllChatMessagesConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
return params, nil
// SetChatPhotoConfig allows you to set a group, supergroup, or channel's photo.
type SetChatPhotoConfig struct {
func (config SetChatPhotoConfig) method() string {
return "setChatPhoto"
func (config SetChatPhotoConfig) files() []RequestFile {
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "photo",
Data: config.File,
// DeleteChatPhotoConfig allows you to delete a group, supergroup, or channel's photo.
type DeleteChatPhotoConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
func (config DeleteChatPhotoConfig) method() string {
return "deleteChatPhoto"
func (config DeleteChatPhotoConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
return params, nil
// SetChatTitleConfig allows you to set the title of something other than a private chat.
type SetChatTitleConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
Title string
func (config SetChatTitleConfig) method() string {
return "setChatTitle"
func (config SetChatTitleConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params["title"] = config.Title
return params, nil
// SetChatDescriptionConfig allows you to set the description of a supergroup or channel.
type SetChatDescriptionConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
Description string
func (config SetChatDescriptionConfig) method() string {
return "setChatDescription"
func (config SetChatDescriptionConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params["description"] = config.Description
return params, nil
// GetStickerSetConfig allows you to get the stickers in a set.
type GetStickerSetConfig struct {
Name string
func (config GetStickerSetConfig) method() string {
return "getStickerSet"
func (config GetStickerSetConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["name"] = config.Name
return params, nil
// UploadStickerConfig allows you to upload a sticker for use in a set later.
type UploadStickerConfig struct {
UserID int64
PNGSticker RequestFileData
func (config UploadStickerConfig) method() string {
return "uploadStickerFile"
func (config UploadStickerConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
return params, nil
func (config UploadStickerConfig) files() []RequestFile {
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "png_sticker",
Data: config.PNGSticker,
// NewStickerSetConfig allows creating a new sticker set.
// You must set either PNGSticker or TGSSticker.
type NewStickerSetConfig struct {
UserID int64
Name string
Title string
PNGSticker RequestFileData
TGSSticker RequestFileData
Emojis string
ContainsMasks bool
MaskPosition *MaskPosition
func (config NewStickerSetConfig) method() string {
return "createNewStickerSet"
func (config NewStickerSetConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params["name"] = config.Name
params["title"] = config.Title
params["emojis"] = config.Emojis
params.AddBool("contains_masks", config.ContainsMasks)
err := params.AddInterface("mask_position", config.MaskPosition)
return params, err
func (config NewStickerSetConfig) files() []RequestFile {
if config.PNGSticker != nil {
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "png_sticker",
Data: config.PNGSticker,
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "tgs_sticker",
Data: config.TGSSticker,
// AddStickerConfig allows you to add a sticker to a set.
type AddStickerConfig struct {
UserID int64
Name string
PNGSticker RequestFileData
TGSSticker RequestFileData
Emojis string
MaskPosition *MaskPosition
func (config AddStickerConfig) method() string {
return "addStickerToSet"
func (config AddStickerConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
params["name"] = config.Name
params["emojis"] = config.Emojis
err := params.AddInterface("mask_position", config.MaskPosition)
return params, err
func (config AddStickerConfig) files() []RequestFile {
if config.PNGSticker != nil {
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "png_sticker",
Data: config.PNGSticker,
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "tgs_sticker",
Data: config.TGSSticker,
// SetStickerPositionConfig allows you to change the position of a sticker in a set.
type SetStickerPositionConfig struct {
Sticker string
Position int
func (config SetStickerPositionConfig) method() string {
return "setStickerPositionInSet"
func (config SetStickerPositionConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["sticker"] = config.Sticker
params.AddNonZero("position", config.Position)
return params, nil
// DeleteStickerConfig allows you to delete a sticker from a set.
type DeleteStickerConfig struct {
Sticker string
func (config DeleteStickerConfig) method() string {
return "deleteStickerFromSet"
func (config DeleteStickerConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["sticker"] = config.Sticker
return params, nil
// SetStickerSetThumbConfig allows you to set the thumbnail for a sticker set.
type SetStickerSetThumbConfig struct {
Name string
UserID int64
Thumb RequestFileData
func (config SetStickerSetThumbConfig) method() string {
return "setStickerSetThumb"
func (config SetStickerSetThumbConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params["name"] = config.Name
params.AddNonZero64("user_id", config.UserID)
return params, nil
func (config SetStickerSetThumbConfig) files() []RequestFile {
return []RequestFile{{
Name: "thumb",
Data: config.Thumb,
// SetChatStickerSetConfig allows you to set the sticker set for a supergroup.
type SetChatStickerSetConfig struct {
ChatID int64
SuperGroupUsername string
StickerSetName string
func (config SetChatStickerSetConfig) method() string {
return "setChatStickerSet"
func (config SetChatStickerSetConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
params["sticker_set_name"] = config.StickerSetName
return params, nil
// DeleteChatStickerSetConfig allows you to remove a supergroup's sticker set.
type DeleteChatStickerSetConfig struct {
ChatID int64
SuperGroupUsername string
func (config DeleteChatStickerSetConfig) method() string {
return "deleteChatStickerSet"
func (config DeleteChatStickerSetConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.SuperGroupUsername)
return params, nil
// MediaGroupConfig allows you to send a group of media.
// Media consist of InputMedia items (InputMediaPhoto, InputMediaVideo).
type MediaGroupConfig struct {
ChatID int64
ChannelUsername string
Media []interface{}
DisableNotification bool
ReplyToMessageID int
func (config MediaGroupConfig) method() string {
return "sendMediaGroup"
func (config MediaGroupConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
params.AddFirstValid("chat_id", config.ChatID, config.ChannelUsername)
params.AddBool("disable_notification", config.DisableNotification)
params.AddNonZero("reply_to_message_id", config.ReplyToMessageID)
err := params.AddInterface("media", prepareInputMediaForParams(config.Media))
return params, err
func (config MediaGroupConfig) files() []RequestFile {
return prepareInputMediaForFiles(config.Media)
// DiceConfig contains information about a sendDice request.
type DiceConfig struct {
// Emoji on which the dice throw animation is based.
// Currently, must be one of 🎲, 🎯, 🏀, ⚽, 🎳, or 🎰.
// Dice can have values 1-6 for 🎲, 🎯, and 🎳, values 1-5 for 🏀 and ⚽,
// and values 1-64 for 🎰.
// Defaults to “🎲”
Emoji string
func (config DiceConfig) method() string {
return "sendDice"
func (config DiceConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params, err := config.BaseChat.params()
if err != nil {
return params, err
params.AddNonEmpty("emoji", config.Emoji)
return params, err
// GetMyCommandsConfig gets a list of the currently registered commands.
type GetMyCommandsConfig struct {
Scope *BotCommandScope
LanguageCode string
func (config GetMyCommandsConfig) method() string {
return "getMyCommands"
func (config GetMyCommandsConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
err := params.AddInterface("scope", config.Scope)
params.AddNonEmpty("language_code", config.LanguageCode)
return params, err
// SetMyCommandsConfig sets a list of commands the bot understands.
type SetMyCommandsConfig struct {
Commands []BotCommand
Scope *BotCommandScope
LanguageCode string
func (config SetMyCommandsConfig) method() string {
return "setMyCommands"
func (config SetMyCommandsConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
if err := params.AddInterface("commands", config.Commands); err != nil {
return params, err
err := params.AddInterface("scope", config.Scope)
params.AddNonEmpty("language_code", config.LanguageCode)
return params, err
type DeleteMyCommandsConfig struct {
Scope *BotCommandScope
LanguageCode string
func (config DeleteMyCommandsConfig) method() string {
return "deleteMyCommands"
func (config DeleteMyCommandsConfig) params() (Params, error) {
params := make(Params)
err := params.AddInterface("scope", config.Scope)
params.AddNonEmpty("language_code", config.LanguageCode)
return params, err
// prepareInputMediaParam evaluates a single InputMedia and determines if it
// needs to be modified for a successful upload. If it returns nil, then the
// value does not need to be included in the params. Otherwise, it will return
// the same type as was originally provided.
// The idx is used to calculate the file field name. If you only have a single
// file, 0 may be used. It is formatted into "attach://file-%d" for the primary
// media and "attach://file-%d-thumb" for thumbnails.
// It is expected to be used in conjunction with prepareInputMediaFile.
func prepareInputMediaParam(inputMedia interface{}, idx int) interface{} {
switch m := inputMedia.(type) {
case InputMediaPhoto:
if m.Media.NeedsUpload() {
m.Media = fileAttach(fmt.Sprintf("attach://file-%d", idx))
return m
case InputMediaVideo:
if m.Media.NeedsUpload() {
m.Media = fileAttach(fmt.Sprintf("attach://file-%d", idx))
if m.Thumb != nil && m.Thumb.NeedsUpload() {
m.Thumb = fileAttach(fmt.Sprintf("attach://file-%d-thumb", idx))
return m
case InputMediaAudio:
if m.Media.NeedsUpload() {
m.Media = fileAttach(fmt.Sprintf("attach://file-%d", idx))
if m.Thumb != nil && m.Thumb.NeedsUpload() {
m.Thumb = fileAttach(fmt.Sprintf("attach://file-%d-thumb", idx))
return m
case InputMediaDocument:
if m.Media.NeedsUpload() {
m.Media = fileAttach(fmt.Sprintf("attach://file-%d", idx))
if m.Thumb != nil && m.Thumb.NeedsUpload() {
m.Thumb = fileAttach(fmt.Sprintf("attach://file-%d-thumb", idx))
return m
return nil
// prepareInputMediaFile generates an array of RequestFile to provide for
// Fileable's files method. It returns an array as a single InputMedia may have
// multiple files, for the primary media and a thumbnail.
// The idx parameter is used to generate file field names. It uses the names
// "file-%d" for the main file and "file-%d-thumb" for the thumbnail.
// It is expected to be used in conjunction with prepareInputMediaParam.
func prepareInputMediaFile(inputMedia interface{}, idx int) []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{}
switch m := inputMedia.(type) {
case InputMediaPhoto:
if m.Media.NeedsUpload() {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("file-%d", idx),
Data: m.Media,
case InputMediaVideo:
if m.Media.NeedsUpload() {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("file-%d", idx),
Data: m.Media,
if m.Thumb != nil && m.Thumb.NeedsUpload() {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("file-%d", idx),
Data: m.Thumb,
case InputMediaDocument:
if m.Media.NeedsUpload() {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("file-%d", idx),
Data: m.Media,
if m.Thumb != nil && m.Thumb.NeedsUpload() {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("file-%d", idx),
Data: m.Thumb,
case InputMediaAudio:
if m.Media.NeedsUpload() {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("file-%d", idx),
Data: m.Media,
if m.Thumb != nil && m.Thumb.NeedsUpload() {
files = append(files, RequestFile{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("file-%d", idx),
Data: m.Thumb,
return files
// prepareInputMediaForParams calls prepareInputMediaParam for each item
// provided and returns a new array with the correct params for a request.
// It is expected that files will get data from the associated function,
// prepareInputMediaForFiles.
func prepareInputMediaForParams(inputMedia []interface{}) []interface{} {
newMedia := make([]interface{}, len(inputMedia))
copy(newMedia, inputMedia)
for idx, media := range inputMedia {
if param := prepareInputMediaParam(media, idx); param != nil {
newMedia[idx] = param
return newMedia
// prepareInputMediaForFiles calls prepareInputMediaFile for each item
// provided and returns a new array with the correct files for a request.
// It is expected that params will get data from the associated function,
// prepareInputMediaForParams.
func prepareInputMediaForFiles(inputMedia []interface{}) []RequestFile {
files := []RequestFile{}
for idx, media := range inputMedia {
if file := prepareInputMediaFile(media, idx); file != nil {
files = append(files, file...)
return files