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// +build gc,!purego,!noasm
#include "textflag.h"
// Register allocation.
#define digest R1
#define h R2 // Return value.
#define p R3 // Input pointer.
#define len R4
#define nblocks R5 // len / 32.
#define prime1 R7
#define prime2 R8
#define prime3 R9
#define prime4 R10
#define prime5 R11
#define v1 R12
#define v2 R13
#define v3 R14
#define v4 R15
#define x1 R20
#define x2 R21
#define x3 R22
#define x4 R23
#define round(acc, x) \
MADD prime2, acc, x, acc \
ROR $64-31, acc \
MUL prime1, acc \
// x = round(0, x).
#define round0(x) \
MUL prime2, x \
ROR $64-31, x \
MUL prime1, x \
#define mergeRound(x) \
round0(x) \
EOR x, h \
MADD h, prime4, prime1, h \
// Update v[1-4] with 32-byte blocks. Assumes len >= 32.
#define blocksLoop() \
LSR $5, len, nblocks \
loop: \
LDP.P 32(p), (x1, x2) \
round(v1, x1) \
LDP -16(p), (x3, x4) \
round(v2, x2) \
SUB $1, nblocks \
round(v3, x3) \
round(v4, x4) \
CBNZ nblocks, loop \
// The primes are repeated here to ensure that they're stored
// in a contiguous array, so we can load them with LDP.
DATA primes<> +0(SB)/8, $11400714785074694791
DATA primes<> +8(SB)/8, $14029467366897019727
DATA primes<>+16(SB)/8, $1609587929392839161
DATA primes<>+24(SB)/8, $9650029242287828579
DATA primes<>+32(SB)/8, $2870177450012600261
GLOBL primes<>(SB), NOPTR+RODATA, $40
// func Sum64(b []byte) uint64
LDP b_base+0(FP), (p, len)
LDP primes<> +0(SB), (prime1, prime2)
LDP primes<>+16(SB), (prime3, prime4)
MOVD primes<>+32(SB), prime5
CMP $32, len
CSEL LO, prime5, ZR, h // if len < 32 { h = prime5 } else { h = 0 }
BLO afterLoop
ADD prime1, prime2, v1
MOVD prime2, v2
MOVD $0, v3
NEG prime1, v4
ROR $64-1, v1, x1
ROR $64-7, v2, x2
ADD x1, x2
ROR $64-12, v3, x3
ROR $64-18, v4, x4
ADD x3, x4
ADD x2, x4, h
ADD len, h
TBZ $4, len, try8
LDP.P 16(p), (x1, x2)
ROR $64-27, h
EOR x1 @> 64-27, h, h
MADD h, prime4, prime1, h
ROR $64-27, h
EOR x2 @> 64-27, h
MADD h, prime4, prime1, h
TBZ $3, len, try4
MOVD.P 8(p), x1
ROR $64-27, h
EOR x1 @> 64-27, h
MADD h, prime4, prime1, h
TBZ $2, len, try2
MOVWU.P 4(p), x2
MUL prime1, x2
ROR $64-23, h
EOR x2 @> 64-23, h
MADD h, prime3, prime2, h
TBZ $1, len, try1
MOVHU.P 2(p), x3
AND $255, x3, x1
LSR $8, x3, x2
MUL prime5, x1
ROR $64-11, h
EOR x1 @> 64-11, h
MUL prime1, h
MUL prime5, x2
ROR $64-11, h
EOR x2 @> 64-11, h
MUL prime1, h
TBZ $0, len, end
MOVBU (p), x4
MUL prime5, x4
ROR $64-11, h
EOR x4 @> 64-11, h
MUL prime1, h
EOR h >> 33, h
MUL prime2, h
EOR h >> 29, h
MUL prime3, h
EOR h >> 32, h
MOVD h, ret+24(FP)
// func writeBlocks(d *Digest, b []byte) int
// Assumes len(b) >= 32.
TEXT ·writeBlocks(SB), NOFRAME+NOSPLIT, $0-40
LDP primes<>(SB), (prime1, prime2)
// Load state. Assume v[1-4] are stored contiguously.
MOVD d+0(FP), digest
LDP 0(digest), (v1, v2)
LDP 16(digest), (v3, v4)
LDP b_base+8(FP), (p, len)
// Store updated state.
STP (v1, v2), 0(digest)
STP (v3, v4), 16(digest)
BIC $31, len
MOVD len, ret+32(FP)