You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package object // import ""
// BoardTopic struct.
type BoardTopic struct {
Comments int `json:"comments"` // Comments number
Created int `json:"created"` // Date when the topic has been created in Unixtime
CreatedBy int `json:"created_by"` // Creator ID
ID int `json:"id"` // Topic ID
IsClosed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_closed"` // Information whether the topic is closed
IsFixed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_fixed"` // Information whether the topic is fixed
Title string `json:"title"` // Topic title
Updated int `json:"updated"` // Date when the topic has been updated in Unixtime
UpdatedBy int `json:"updated_by"` // ID of user who updated the topic
// BoardTopicComment struct.
type BoardTopicComment struct {
Attachments []WallCommentAttachment `json:"attachments"`
Date int `json:"date"` // Date when the comment has been added in Unixtime
FromID int `json:"from_id"` // Author ID
ID int `json:"id"` // Comment ID
// RealOffset int `json:"real_offset"` // Real position of the comment
Text string `json:"text"` // Comment text
// TopicID int `json:"topic_id"`
// TopicOwnerID int `json:"topic_owner_id"`
Likes BaseLikesInfo `json:"likes"`
CanEdit BaseBoolInt `json:"can_edit"` // Information whether current user can edit the comment
// BoardTopicPoll struct.
type BoardTopicPoll struct {
AnswerID int `json:"answer_id"` // Current user's answer ID
Answers []PollsAnswer `json:"answers"`
Created int `json:"created"` // Date when poll has been created in Unixtime
IsClosed BaseBoolInt `json:"is_closed"` // Information whether the poll is closed
OwnerID int `json:"owner_id"` // Poll owner's ID
PollID int `json:"poll_id"` // Poll ID
Question string `json:"question"` // Poll question
Votes string `json:"votes"` // Votes number