You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1566 lines
37 KiB

// Auto-generated to Go types using avdl-compiler v1.4.6 (
// Input file: ../client/protocol/avdl/keybase1/simple_fs.avdl
package keybase1
import (
type OpID [16]byte
func (o OpID) DeepCopy() OpID {
var ret OpID
copy(ret[:], o[:])
return ret
type KBFSRevision int64
func (o KBFSRevision) DeepCopy() KBFSRevision {
return o
type KBFSArchivedType int
const (
KBFSArchivedType_REVISION KBFSArchivedType = 0
KBFSArchivedType_TIME KBFSArchivedType = 1
KBFSArchivedType_TIME_STRING KBFSArchivedType = 2
KBFSArchivedType_REL_TIME_STRING KBFSArchivedType = 3
func (o KBFSArchivedType) DeepCopy() KBFSArchivedType { return o }
var KBFSArchivedTypeMap = map[string]KBFSArchivedType{
"TIME": 1,
var KBFSArchivedTypeRevMap = map[KBFSArchivedType]string{
1: "TIME",
func (e KBFSArchivedType) String() string {
if v, ok := KBFSArchivedTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type KBFSArchivedParam struct {
KBFSArchivedType__ KBFSArchivedType `codec:"KBFSArchivedType" json:"KBFSArchivedType"`
Revision__ *KBFSRevision `codec:"revision,omitempty" json:"revision,omitempty"`
Time__ *Time `codec:"time,omitempty" json:"time,omitempty"`
TimeString__ *string `codec:"timeString,omitempty" json:"timeString,omitempty"`
RelTimeString__ *string `codec:"relTimeString,omitempty" json:"relTimeString,omitempty"`
func (o *KBFSArchivedParam) KBFSArchivedType() (ret KBFSArchivedType, err error) {
switch o.KBFSArchivedType__ {
case KBFSArchivedType_REVISION:
if o.Revision__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Revision__")
return ret, err
case KBFSArchivedType_TIME:
if o.Time__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Time__")
return ret, err
case KBFSArchivedType_TIME_STRING:
if o.TimeString__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for TimeString__")
return ret, err
case KBFSArchivedType_REL_TIME_STRING:
if o.RelTimeString__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for RelTimeString__")
return ret, err
return o.KBFSArchivedType__, nil
func (o KBFSArchivedParam) Revision() (res KBFSRevision) {
if o.KBFSArchivedType__ != KBFSArchivedType_REVISION {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Revision__ == nil {
return *o.Revision__
func (o KBFSArchivedParam) Time() (res Time) {
if o.KBFSArchivedType__ != KBFSArchivedType_TIME {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Time__ == nil {
return *o.Time__
func (o KBFSArchivedParam) TimeString() (res string) {
if o.KBFSArchivedType__ != KBFSArchivedType_TIME_STRING {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.TimeString__ == nil {
return *o.TimeString__
func (o KBFSArchivedParam) RelTimeString() (res string) {
if o.KBFSArchivedType__ != KBFSArchivedType_REL_TIME_STRING {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.RelTimeString__ == nil {
return *o.RelTimeString__
func NewKBFSArchivedParamWithRevision(v KBFSRevision) KBFSArchivedParam {
return KBFSArchivedParam{
KBFSArchivedType__: KBFSArchivedType_REVISION,
Revision__: &v,
func NewKBFSArchivedParamWithTime(v Time) KBFSArchivedParam {
return KBFSArchivedParam{
KBFSArchivedType__: KBFSArchivedType_TIME,
Time__: &v,
func NewKBFSArchivedParamWithTimeString(v string) KBFSArchivedParam {
return KBFSArchivedParam{
KBFSArchivedType__: KBFSArchivedType_TIME_STRING,
TimeString__: &v,
func NewKBFSArchivedParamWithRelTimeString(v string) KBFSArchivedParam {
return KBFSArchivedParam{
KBFSArchivedType__: KBFSArchivedType_REL_TIME_STRING,
RelTimeString__: &v,
func (o KBFSArchivedParam) DeepCopy() KBFSArchivedParam {
return KBFSArchivedParam{
KBFSArchivedType__: o.KBFSArchivedType__.DeepCopy(),
Revision__: (func(x *KBFSRevision) *KBFSRevision {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
Time__: (func(x *Time) *Time {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
TimeString__: (func(x *string) *string {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x)
return &tmp
RelTimeString__: (func(x *string) *string {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x)
return &tmp
type KBFSArchivedPath struct {
Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"`
ArchivedParam KBFSArchivedParam `codec:"archivedParam" json:"archivedParam"`
IdentifyBehavior *TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior,omitempty" json:"identifyBehavior,omitempty"`
func (o KBFSArchivedPath) DeepCopy() KBFSArchivedPath {
return KBFSArchivedPath{
Path: o.Path,
ArchivedParam: o.ArchivedParam.DeepCopy(),
IdentifyBehavior: (func(x *TLFIdentifyBehavior) *TLFIdentifyBehavior {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
type KBFSPath struct {
Path string `codec:"path" json:"path"`
IdentifyBehavior *TLFIdentifyBehavior `codec:"identifyBehavior,omitempty" json:"identifyBehavior,omitempty"`
func (o KBFSPath) DeepCopy() KBFSPath {
return KBFSPath{
Path: o.Path,
IdentifyBehavior: (func(x *TLFIdentifyBehavior) *TLFIdentifyBehavior {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
type PathType int
const (
PathType_LOCAL PathType = 0
PathType_KBFS PathType = 1
PathType_KBFS_ARCHIVED PathType = 2
func (o PathType) DeepCopy() PathType { return o }
var PathTypeMap = map[string]PathType{
"LOCAL": 0,
"KBFS": 1,
var PathTypeRevMap = map[PathType]string{
0: "LOCAL",
1: "KBFS",
func (e PathType) String() string {
if v, ok := PathTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type Path struct {
PathType__ PathType `codec:"PathType" json:"PathType"`
Local__ *string `codec:"local,omitempty" json:"local,omitempty"`
Kbfs__ *KBFSPath `codec:"kbfs,omitempty" json:"kbfs,omitempty"`
KbfsArchived__ *KBFSArchivedPath `codec:"kbfsArchived,omitempty" json:"kbfsArchived,omitempty"`
func (o *Path) PathType() (ret PathType, err error) {
switch o.PathType__ {
case PathType_LOCAL:
if o.Local__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Local__")
return ret, err
case PathType_KBFS:
if o.Kbfs__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Kbfs__")
return ret, err
case PathType_KBFS_ARCHIVED:
if o.KbfsArchived__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for KbfsArchived__")
return ret, err
return o.PathType__, nil
func (o Path) Local() (res string) {
if o.PathType__ != PathType_LOCAL {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Local__ == nil {
return *o.Local__
func (o Path) Kbfs() (res KBFSPath) {
if o.PathType__ != PathType_KBFS {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Kbfs__ == nil {
return *o.Kbfs__
func (o Path) KbfsArchived() (res KBFSArchivedPath) {
if o.PathType__ != PathType_KBFS_ARCHIVED {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.KbfsArchived__ == nil {
return *o.KbfsArchived__
func NewPathWithLocal(v string) Path {
return Path{
PathType__: PathType_LOCAL,
Local__: &v,
func NewPathWithKbfs(v KBFSPath) Path {
return Path{
PathType__: PathType_KBFS,
Kbfs__: &v,
func NewPathWithKbfsArchived(v KBFSArchivedPath) Path {
return Path{
PathType__: PathType_KBFS_ARCHIVED,
KbfsArchived__: &v,
func (o Path) DeepCopy() Path {
return Path{
PathType__: o.PathType__.DeepCopy(),
Local__: (func(x *string) *string {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x)
return &tmp
Kbfs__: (func(x *KBFSPath) *KBFSPath {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
KbfsArchived__: (func(x *KBFSArchivedPath) *KBFSArchivedPath {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
type DirentType int
const (
DirentType_FILE DirentType = 0
DirentType_DIR DirentType = 1
DirentType_SYM DirentType = 2
DirentType_EXEC DirentType = 3
func (o DirentType) DeepCopy() DirentType { return o }
var DirentTypeMap = map[string]DirentType{
"FILE": 0,
"DIR": 1,
"SYM": 2,
"EXEC": 3,
var DirentTypeRevMap = map[DirentType]string{
0: "FILE",
1: "DIR",
2: "SYM",
3: "EXEC",
func (e DirentType) String() string {
if v, ok := DirentTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type PrefetchStatus int
const (
PrefetchStatus_NOT_STARTED PrefetchStatus = 0
PrefetchStatus_IN_PROGRESS PrefetchStatus = 1
PrefetchStatus_COMPLETE PrefetchStatus = 2
func (o PrefetchStatus) DeepCopy() PrefetchStatus { return o }
var PrefetchStatusMap = map[string]PrefetchStatus{
var PrefetchStatusRevMap = map[PrefetchStatus]string{
func (e PrefetchStatus) String() string {
if v, ok := PrefetchStatusRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type PrefetchProgress struct {
Start Time `codec:"start" json:"start"`
EndEstimate Time `codec:"endEstimate" json:"endEstimate"`
BytesTotal int64 `codec:"bytesTotal" json:"bytesTotal"`
BytesFetched int64 `codec:"bytesFetched" json:"bytesFetched"`
func (o PrefetchProgress) DeepCopy() PrefetchProgress {
return PrefetchProgress{
Start: o.Start.DeepCopy(),
EndEstimate: o.EndEstimate.DeepCopy(),
BytesTotal: o.BytesTotal,
BytesFetched: o.BytesFetched,
type Dirent struct {
Time Time `codec:"time" json:"time"`
Size int `codec:"size" json:"size"`
Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"`
DirentType DirentType `codec:"direntType" json:"direntType"`
LastWriterUnverified User `codec:"lastWriterUnverified" json:"lastWriterUnverified"`
Writable bool `codec:"writable" json:"writable"`
PrefetchStatus PrefetchStatus `codec:"prefetchStatus" json:"prefetchStatus"`
PrefetchProgress PrefetchProgress `codec:"prefetchProgress" json:"prefetchProgress"`
SymlinkTarget string `codec:"symlinkTarget" json:"symlinkTarget"`
func (o Dirent) DeepCopy() Dirent {
return Dirent{
Time: o.Time.DeepCopy(),
Size: o.Size,
Name: o.Name,
DirentType: o.DirentType.DeepCopy(),
LastWriterUnverified: o.LastWriterUnverified.DeepCopy(),
Writable: o.Writable,
PrefetchStatus: o.PrefetchStatus.DeepCopy(),
PrefetchProgress: o.PrefetchProgress.DeepCopy(),
SymlinkTarget: o.SymlinkTarget,
type DirentWithRevision struct {
Entry Dirent `codec:"entry" json:"entry"`
Revision KBFSRevision `codec:"revision" json:"revision"`
func (o DirentWithRevision) DeepCopy() DirentWithRevision {
return DirentWithRevision{
Entry: o.Entry.DeepCopy(),
Revision: o.Revision.DeepCopy(),
type RevisionSpanType int
const (
RevisionSpanType_DEFAULT RevisionSpanType = 0
RevisionSpanType_LAST_FIVE RevisionSpanType = 1
func (o RevisionSpanType) DeepCopy() RevisionSpanType { return o }
var RevisionSpanTypeMap = map[string]RevisionSpanType{
var RevisionSpanTypeRevMap = map[RevisionSpanType]string{
func (e RevisionSpanType) String() string {
if v, ok := RevisionSpanTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type ErrorNum int
func (o ErrorNum) DeepCopy() ErrorNum {
return o
type OpenFlags int
const (
OpenFlags_READ OpenFlags = 0
OpenFlags_REPLACE OpenFlags = 1
OpenFlags_EXISTING OpenFlags = 2
OpenFlags_WRITE OpenFlags = 4
OpenFlags_APPEND OpenFlags = 8
OpenFlags_DIRECTORY OpenFlags = 16
func (o OpenFlags) DeepCopy() OpenFlags { return o }
var OpenFlagsMap = map[string]OpenFlags{
"READ": 0,
"WRITE": 4,
"APPEND": 8,
var OpenFlagsRevMap = map[OpenFlags]string{
0: "READ",
4: "WRITE",
8: "APPEND",
func (e OpenFlags) String() string {
if v, ok := OpenFlagsRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type Progress int
func (o Progress) DeepCopy() Progress {
return o
type SimpleFSListResult struct {
Entries []Dirent `codec:"entries" json:"entries"`
Progress Progress `codec:"progress" json:"progress"`
func (o SimpleFSListResult) DeepCopy() SimpleFSListResult {
return SimpleFSListResult{
Entries: (func(x []Dirent) []Dirent {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]Dirent, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
Progress: o.Progress.DeepCopy(),
type FileContent struct {
Data []byte `codec:"data" json:"data"`
Progress Progress `codec:"progress" json:"progress"`
func (o FileContent) DeepCopy() FileContent {
return FileContent{
Data: (func(x []byte) []byte {
if x == nil {
return nil
return append([]byte{}, x...)
Progress: o.Progress.DeepCopy(),
type AsyncOps int
const (
AsyncOps_LIST AsyncOps = 0
AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE AsyncOps = 1
AsyncOps_READ AsyncOps = 2
AsyncOps_WRITE AsyncOps = 3
AsyncOps_COPY AsyncOps = 4
AsyncOps_MOVE AsyncOps = 5
AsyncOps_REMOVE AsyncOps = 6
AsyncOps_GET_REVISIONS AsyncOps = 8
func (o AsyncOps) DeepCopy() AsyncOps { return o }
var AsyncOpsMap = map[string]AsyncOps{
"LIST": 0,
"READ": 2,
"WRITE": 3,
"COPY": 4,
"MOVE": 5,
"REMOVE": 6,
var AsyncOpsRevMap = map[AsyncOps]string{
0: "LIST",
2: "READ",
3: "WRITE",
4: "COPY",
5: "MOVE",
6: "REMOVE",
func (e AsyncOps) String() string {
if v, ok := AsyncOpsRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type ListFilter int
const (
ListFilter_NO_FILTER ListFilter = 0
ListFilter_FILTER_ALL_HIDDEN ListFilter = 1
ListFilter_FILTER_SYSTEM_HIDDEN ListFilter = 2
func (o ListFilter) DeepCopy() ListFilter { return o }
var ListFilterMap = map[string]ListFilter{
var ListFilterRevMap = map[ListFilter]string{
func (e ListFilter) String() string {
if v, ok := ListFilterRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type ListArgs struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
Filter ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"`
func (o ListArgs) DeepCopy() ListArgs {
return ListArgs{
OpID: o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
Path: o.Path.DeepCopy(),
Filter: o.Filter.DeepCopy(),
type ListToDepthArgs struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
Filter ListFilter `codec:"filter" json:"filter"`
Depth int `codec:"depth" json:"depth"`
func (o ListToDepthArgs) DeepCopy() ListToDepthArgs {
return ListToDepthArgs{
OpID: o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
Path: o.Path.DeepCopy(),
Filter: o.Filter.DeepCopy(),
Depth: o.Depth,
type RemoveArgs struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
Recursive bool `codec:"recursive" json:"recursive"`
func (o RemoveArgs) DeepCopy() RemoveArgs {
return RemoveArgs{
OpID: o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
Path: o.Path.DeepCopy(),
Recursive: o.Recursive,
type ReadArgs struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
Offset int64 `codec:"offset" json:"offset"`
Size int `codec:"size" json:"size"`
func (o ReadArgs) DeepCopy() ReadArgs {
return ReadArgs{
OpID: o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
Path: o.Path.DeepCopy(),
Offset: o.Offset,
Size: o.Size,
type WriteArgs struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
Offset int64 `codec:"offset" json:"offset"`
func (o WriteArgs) DeepCopy() WriteArgs {
return WriteArgs{
OpID: o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
Path: o.Path.DeepCopy(),
Offset: o.Offset,
type CopyArgs struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
Src Path `codec:"src" json:"src"`
Dest Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
func (o CopyArgs) DeepCopy() CopyArgs {
return CopyArgs{
OpID: o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
Src: o.Src.DeepCopy(),
Dest: o.Dest.DeepCopy(),
type MoveArgs struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
Src Path `codec:"src" json:"src"`
Dest Path `codec:"dest" json:"dest"`
func (o MoveArgs) DeepCopy() MoveArgs {
return MoveArgs{
OpID: o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
Src: o.Src.DeepCopy(),
Dest: o.Dest.DeepCopy(),
type GetRevisionsArgs struct {
OpID OpID `codec:"opID" json:"opID"`
Path Path `codec:"path" json:"path"`
SpanType RevisionSpanType `codec:"spanType" json:"spanType"`
func (o GetRevisionsArgs) DeepCopy() GetRevisionsArgs {
return GetRevisionsArgs{
OpID: o.OpID.DeepCopy(),
Path: o.Path.DeepCopy(),
SpanType: o.SpanType.DeepCopy(),
type OpDescription struct {
AsyncOp__ AsyncOps `codec:"asyncOp" json:"asyncOp"`
List__ *ListArgs `codec:"list,omitempty" json:"list,omitempty"`
ListRecursive__ *ListArgs `codec:"listRecursive,omitempty" json:"listRecursive,omitempty"`
ListRecursiveToDepth__ *ListToDepthArgs `codec:"listRecursiveToDepth,omitempty" json:"listRecursiveToDepth,omitempty"`
Read__ *ReadArgs `codec:"read,omitempty" json:"read,omitempty"`
Write__ *WriteArgs `codec:"write,omitempty" json:"write,omitempty"`
Copy__ *CopyArgs `codec:"copy,omitempty" json:"copy,omitempty"`
Move__ *MoveArgs `codec:"move,omitempty" json:"move,omitempty"`
Remove__ *RemoveArgs `codec:"remove,omitempty" json:"remove,omitempty"`
GetRevisions__ *GetRevisionsArgs `codec:"getRevisions,omitempty" json:"getRevisions,omitempty"`
func (o *OpDescription) AsyncOp() (ret AsyncOps, err error) {
switch o.AsyncOp__ {
case AsyncOps_LIST:
if o.List__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for List__")
return ret, err
if o.ListRecursive__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for ListRecursive__")
return ret, err
if o.ListRecursiveToDepth__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for ListRecursiveToDepth__")
return ret, err
case AsyncOps_READ:
if o.Read__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Read__")
return ret, err
case AsyncOps_WRITE:
if o.Write__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Write__")
return ret, err
case AsyncOps_COPY:
if o.Copy__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Copy__")
return ret, err
case AsyncOps_MOVE:
if o.Move__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Move__")
return ret, err
case AsyncOps_REMOVE:
if o.Remove__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for Remove__")
return ret, err
case AsyncOps_GET_REVISIONS:
if o.GetRevisions__ == nil {
err = errors.New("unexpected nil value for GetRevisions__")
return ret, err
return o.AsyncOp__, nil
func (o OpDescription) List() (res ListArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_LIST {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.List__ == nil {
return *o.List__
func (o OpDescription) ListRecursive() (res ListArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.ListRecursive__ == nil {
return *o.ListRecursive__
func (o OpDescription) ListRecursiveToDepth() (res ListToDepthArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE_TO_DEPTH {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.ListRecursiveToDepth__ == nil {
return *o.ListRecursiveToDepth__
func (o OpDescription) Read() (res ReadArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_READ {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Read__ == nil {
return *o.Read__
func (o OpDescription) Write() (res WriteArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_WRITE {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Write__ == nil {
return *o.Write__
func (o OpDescription) Copy() (res CopyArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_COPY {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Copy__ == nil {
return *o.Copy__
func (o OpDescription) Move() (res MoveArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_MOVE {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Move__ == nil {
return *o.Move__
func (o OpDescription) Remove() (res RemoveArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_REMOVE {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.Remove__ == nil {
return *o.Remove__
func (o OpDescription) GetRevisions() (res GetRevisionsArgs) {
if o.AsyncOp__ != AsyncOps_GET_REVISIONS {
panic("wrong case accessed")
if o.GetRevisions__ == nil {
return *o.GetRevisions__
func NewOpDescriptionWithList(v ListArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_LIST,
List__: &v,
func NewOpDescriptionWithListRecursive(v ListArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_LIST_RECURSIVE,
ListRecursive__: &v,
func NewOpDescriptionWithListRecursiveToDepth(v ListToDepthArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
ListRecursiveToDepth__: &v,
func NewOpDescriptionWithRead(v ReadArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_READ,
Read__: &v,
func NewOpDescriptionWithWrite(v WriteArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_WRITE,
Write__: &v,
func NewOpDescriptionWithCopy(v CopyArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_COPY,
Copy__: &v,
func NewOpDescriptionWithMove(v MoveArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_MOVE,
Move__: &v,
func NewOpDescriptionWithRemove(v RemoveArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_REMOVE,
Remove__: &v,
func NewOpDescriptionWithGetRevisions(v GetRevisionsArgs) OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: AsyncOps_GET_REVISIONS,
GetRevisions__: &v,
func (o OpDescription) DeepCopy() OpDescription {
return OpDescription{
AsyncOp__: o.AsyncOp__.DeepCopy(),
List__: (func(x *ListArgs) *ListArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
ListRecursive__: (func(x *ListArgs) *ListArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
ListRecursiveToDepth__: (func(x *ListToDepthArgs) *ListToDepthArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
Read__: (func(x *ReadArgs) *ReadArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
Write__: (func(x *WriteArgs) *WriteArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
Copy__: (func(x *CopyArgs) *CopyArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
Move__: (func(x *MoveArgs) *MoveArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
Remove__: (func(x *RemoveArgs) *RemoveArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
GetRevisions__: (func(x *GetRevisionsArgs) *GetRevisionsArgs {
if x == nil {
return nil
tmp := (*x).DeepCopy()
return &tmp
type GetRevisionsResult struct {
Revisions []DirentWithRevision `codec:"revisions" json:"revisions"`
Progress Progress `codec:"progress" json:"progress"`
func (o GetRevisionsResult) DeepCopy() GetRevisionsResult {
return GetRevisionsResult{
Revisions: (func(x []DirentWithRevision) []DirentWithRevision {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]DirentWithRevision, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
Progress: o.Progress.DeepCopy(),
type OpProgress struct {
Start Time `codec:"start" json:"start"`
EndEstimate Time `codec:"endEstimate" json:"endEstimate"`
OpType AsyncOps `codec:"opType" json:"opType"`
BytesTotal int64 `codec:"bytesTotal" json:"bytesTotal"`
BytesRead int64 `codec:"bytesRead" json:"bytesRead"`
BytesWritten int64 `codec:"bytesWritten" json:"bytesWritten"`
FilesTotal int64 `codec:"filesTotal" json:"filesTotal"`
FilesRead int64 `codec:"filesRead" json:"filesRead"`
FilesWritten int64 `codec:"filesWritten" json:"filesWritten"`
func (o OpProgress) DeepCopy() OpProgress {
return OpProgress{
Start: o.Start.DeepCopy(),
EndEstimate: o.EndEstimate.DeepCopy(),
OpType: o.OpType.DeepCopy(),
BytesTotal: o.BytesTotal,
BytesRead: o.BytesRead,
BytesWritten: o.BytesWritten,
FilesTotal: o.FilesTotal,
FilesRead: o.FilesRead,
FilesWritten: o.FilesWritten,
type SimpleFSQuotaUsage struct {
UsageBytes int64 `codec:"usageBytes" json:"usageBytes"`
ArchiveBytes int64 `codec:"archiveBytes" json:"archiveBytes"`
LimitBytes int64 `codec:"limitBytes" json:"limitBytes"`
GitUsageBytes int64 `codec:"gitUsageBytes" json:"gitUsageBytes"`
GitArchiveBytes int64 `codec:"gitArchiveBytes" json:"gitArchiveBytes"`
GitLimitBytes int64 `codec:"gitLimitBytes" json:"gitLimitBytes"`
func (o SimpleFSQuotaUsage) DeepCopy() SimpleFSQuotaUsage {
return SimpleFSQuotaUsage{
UsageBytes: o.UsageBytes,
ArchiveBytes: o.ArchiveBytes,
LimitBytes: o.LimitBytes,
GitUsageBytes: o.GitUsageBytes,
GitArchiveBytes: o.GitArchiveBytes,
GitLimitBytes: o.GitLimitBytes,
type FolderSyncMode int
const (
FolderSyncMode_DISABLED FolderSyncMode = 0
FolderSyncMode_ENABLED FolderSyncMode = 1
FolderSyncMode_PARTIAL FolderSyncMode = 2
func (o FolderSyncMode) DeepCopy() FolderSyncMode { return o }
var FolderSyncModeMap = map[string]FolderSyncMode{
var FolderSyncModeRevMap = map[FolderSyncMode]string{
func (e FolderSyncMode) String() string {
if v, ok := FolderSyncModeRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type FolderSyncConfig struct {
Mode FolderSyncMode `codec:"mode" json:"mode"`
Paths []string `codec:"paths" json:"paths"`
func (o FolderSyncConfig) DeepCopy() FolderSyncConfig {
return FolderSyncConfig{
Mode: o.Mode.DeepCopy(),
Paths: (func(x []string) []string {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]string, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
type FolderSyncConfigAndStatus struct {
Config FolderSyncConfig `codec:"config" json:"config"`
Status FolderSyncStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"`
func (o FolderSyncConfigAndStatus) DeepCopy() FolderSyncConfigAndStatus {
return FolderSyncConfigAndStatus{
Config: o.Config.DeepCopy(),
Status: o.Status.DeepCopy(),
type FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder struct {
Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
Config FolderSyncConfig `codec:"config" json:"config"`
Status FolderSyncStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"`
func (o FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder) DeepCopy() FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder {
return FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder{
Folder: o.Folder.DeepCopy(),
Config: o.Config.DeepCopy(),
Status: o.Status.DeepCopy(),
type SyncConfigAndStatusRes struct {
Folders []FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder `codec:"folders" json:"folders"`
OverallStatus FolderSyncStatus `codec:"overallStatus" json:"overallStatus"`
func (o SyncConfigAndStatusRes) DeepCopy() SyncConfigAndStatusRes {
return SyncConfigAndStatusRes{
Folders: (func(x []FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder) []FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]FolderSyncConfigAndStatusWithFolder, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
OverallStatus: o.OverallStatus.DeepCopy(),
type FolderWithFavFlags struct {
Folder Folder `codec:"folder" json:"folder"`
IsFavorite bool `codec:"isFavorite" json:"isFavorite"`
IsIgnored bool `codec:"isIgnored" json:"isIgnored"`
IsNew bool `codec:"isNew" json:"isNew"`
func (o FolderWithFavFlags) DeepCopy() FolderWithFavFlags {
return FolderWithFavFlags{
Folder: o.Folder.DeepCopy(),
IsFavorite: o.IsFavorite,
IsIgnored: o.IsIgnored,
IsNew: o.IsNew,
type KbfsOnlineStatus int
const (
KbfsOnlineStatus_OFFLINE KbfsOnlineStatus = 0
KbfsOnlineStatus_TRYING KbfsOnlineStatus = 1
KbfsOnlineStatus_ONLINE KbfsOnlineStatus = 2
func (o KbfsOnlineStatus) DeepCopy() KbfsOnlineStatus { return o }
var KbfsOnlineStatusMap = map[string]KbfsOnlineStatus{
"TRYING": 1,
"ONLINE": 2,
var KbfsOnlineStatusRevMap = map[KbfsOnlineStatus]string{
1: "TRYING",
2: "ONLINE",
func (e KbfsOnlineStatus) String() string {
if v, ok := KbfsOnlineStatusRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type FSSettings struct {
SpaceAvailableNotificationThreshold int64 `codec:"spaceAvailableNotificationThreshold" json:"spaceAvailableNotificationThreshold"`
SfmiBannerDismissed bool `codec:"sfmiBannerDismissed" json:"sfmiBannerDismissed"`
func (o FSSettings) DeepCopy() FSSettings {
return FSSettings{
SpaceAvailableNotificationThreshold: o.SpaceAvailableNotificationThreshold,
SfmiBannerDismissed: o.SfmiBannerDismissed,
type SimpleFSStats struct {
ProcessStats ProcessRuntimeStats `codec:"processStats" json:"processStats"`
BlockCacheDbStats []string `codec:"blockCacheDbStats" json:"blockCacheDbStats"`
SyncCacheDbStats []string `codec:"syncCacheDbStats" json:"syncCacheDbStats"`
RuntimeDbStats []DbStats `codec:"runtimeDbStats" json:"runtimeDbStats"`
func (o SimpleFSStats) DeepCopy() SimpleFSStats {
return SimpleFSStats{
ProcessStats: o.ProcessStats.DeepCopy(),
BlockCacheDbStats: (func(x []string) []string {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]string, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
SyncCacheDbStats: (func(x []string) []string {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]string, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
RuntimeDbStats: (func(x []DbStats) []DbStats {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]DbStats, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
type SubscriptionTopic int
const (
SubscriptionTopic_FAVORITES SubscriptionTopic = 0
SubscriptionTopic_JOURNAL_STATUS SubscriptionTopic = 1
SubscriptionTopic_ONLINE_STATUS SubscriptionTopic = 2
SubscriptionTopic_DOWNLOAD_STATUS SubscriptionTopic = 3
SubscriptionTopic_FILES_TAB_BADGE SubscriptionTopic = 4
SubscriptionTopic_OVERALL_SYNC_STATUS SubscriptionTopic = 5
SubscriptionTopic_SETTINGS SubscriptionTopic = 6
func (o SubscriptionTopic) DeepCopy() SubscriptionTopic { return o }
var SubscriptionTopicMap = map[string]SubscriptionTopic{
var SubscriptionTopicRevMap = map[SubscriptionTopic]string{
func (e SubscriptionTopic) String() string {
if v, ok := SubscriptionTopicRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type PathSubscriptionTopic int
const (
PathSubscriptionTopic_CHILDREN PathSubscriptionTopic = 0
PathSubscriptionTopic_STAT PathSubscriptionTopic = 1
func (o PathSubscriptionTopic) DeepCopy() PathSubscriptionTopic { return o }
var PathSubscriptionTopicMap = map[string]PathSubscriptionTopic{
"STAT": 1,
var PathSubscriptionTopicRevMap = map[PathSubscriptionTopic]string{
1: "STAT",
func (e PathSubscriptionTopic) String() string {
if v, ok := PathSubscriptionTopicRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type DownloadInfo struct {
DownloadID string `codec:"downloadID" json:"downloadID"`
Path KBFSPath `codec:"path" json:"path"`
Filename string `codec:"filename" json:"filename"`
StartTime Time `codec:"startTime" json:"startTime"`
IsRegularDownload bool `codec:"isRegularDownload" json:"isRegularDownload"`
func (o DownloadInfo) DeepCopy() DownloadInfo {
return DownloadInfo{
DownloadID: o.DownloadID,
Path: o.Path.DeepCopy(),
Filename: o.Filename,
StartTime: o.StartTime.DeepCopy(),
IsRegularDownload: o.IsRegularDownload,
type DownloadState struct {
DownloadID string `codec:"downloadID" json:"downloadID"`
Progress float64 `codec:"progress" json:"progress"`
EndEstimate Time `codec:"endEstimate" json:"endEstimate"`
LocalPath string `codec:"localPath" json:"localPath"`
Error string `codec:"error" json:"error"`
Done bool `codec:"done" json:"done"`
Canceled bool `codec:"canceled" json:"canceled"`
func (o DownloadState) DeepCopy() DownloadState {
return DownloadState{
DownloadID: o.DownloadID,
Progress: o.Progress,
EndEstimate: o.EndEstimate.DeepCopy(),
LocalPath: o.LocalPath,
Error: o.Error,
Done: o.Done,
Canceled: o.Canceled,
type DownloadStatus struct {
RegularDownloadIDs []string `codec:"regularDownloadIDs" json:"regularDownloadIDs"`
States []DownloadState `codec:"states" json:"states"`
func (o DownloadStatus) DeepCopy() DownloadStatus {
return DownloadStatus{
RegularDownloadIDs: (func(x []string) []string {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]string, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
States: (func(x []DownloadState) []DownloadState {
if x == nil {
return nil
ret := make([]DownloadState, len(x))
for i, v := range x {
vCopy := v.DeepCopy()
ret[i] = vCopy
return ret
type FilesTabBadge int
const (
FilesTabBadge_NONE FilesTabBadge = 0
FilesTabBadge_UPLOADING_STUCK FilesTabBadge = 1
FilesTabBadge_AWAITING_UPLOAD FilesTabBadge = 2
FilesTabBadge_UPLOADING FilesTabBadge = 3
func (o FilesTabBadge) DeepCopy() FilesTabBadge { return o }
var FilesTabBadgeMap = map[string]FilesTabBadge{
"NONE": 0,
var FilesTabBadgeRevMap = map[FilesTabBadge]string{
0: "NONE",
func (e FilesTabBadge) String() string {
if v, ok := FilesTabBadgeRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type GUIViewType int
const (
GUIViewType_DEFAULT GUIViewType = 0
GUIViewType_TEXT GUIViewType = 1
GUIViewType_IMAGE GUIViewType = 2
GUIViewType_AUDIO GUIViewType = 3
GUIViewType_VIDEO GUIViewType = 4
GUIViewType_PDF GUIViewType = 5
func (o GUIViewType) DeepCopy() GUIViewType { return o }
var GUIViewTypeMap = map[string]GUIViewType{
"TEXT": 1,
"IMAGE": 2,
"AUDIO": 3,
"VIDEO": 4,
"PDF": 5,
var GUIViewTypeRevMap = map[GUIViewType]string{
1: "TEXT",
2: "IMAGE",
3: "AUDIO",
4: "VIDEO",
5: "PDF",
func (e GUIViewType) String() string {
if v, ok := GUIViewTypeRevMap[e]; ok {
return v
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", int(e))
type GUIFileContext struct {
ViewType GUIViewType `codec:"viewType" json:"viewType"`
ContentType string `codec:"contentType" json:"contentType"`
Url string `codec:"url" json:"url"`
func (o GUIFileContext) DeepCopy() GUIFileContext {
return GUIFileContext{
ViewType: o.ViewType.DeepCopy(),
ContentType: o.ContentType,
Url: o.Url,