package matterclient import ( "crypto/md5" "crypto/tls" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/http" "net/http/cookiejar" "net/url" "strings" "sync" "time" prefixed "" log "" "" "" "" "" ) type Credentials struct { Login string Team string Pass string Server string NoTLS bool SkipTLSVerify bool } type Message struct { Raw *model.WebSocketEvent Post *model.Post Team string Channel string Username string Text string Type string UserID string } type Team struct { Team *model.Team Id string Channels []*model.Channel MoreChannels []*model.Channel Users map[string]*model.User } type MMClient struct { sync.RWMutex *Credentials Team *Team OtherTeams []*Team Client *model.Client4 User *model.User Users map[string]*model.User MessageChan chan *Message log *log.Entry WsClient *websocket.Conn WsQuit bool WsAway bool WsConnected bool WsSequence int64 WsPingChan chan *model.WebSocketResponse ServerVersion string OnWsConnect func() lruCache *lru.Cache } func New(login, pass, team, server string) *MMClient { cred := &Credentials{Login: login, Pass: pass, Team: team, Server: server} mmclient := &MMClient{Credentials: cred, MessageChan: make(chan *Message, 100), Users: make(map[string]*model.User)} log.SetFormatter(&prefixed.TextFormatter{PrefixPadding: 13, DisableColors: true}) mmclient.log = log.WithFields(log.Fields{"prefix": "matterclient"}) mmclient.lruCache, _ = lru.New(500) return mmclient } func (m *MMClient) SetDebugLog() { log.SetFormatter(&prefixed.TextFormatter{PrefixPadding: 13, DisableColors: true, FullTimestamp: false, ForceFormatting: true}) } func (m *MMClient) SetLogLevel(level string) { l, err := log.ParseLevel(level) if err != nil { log.SetLevel(log.InfoLevel) return } log.SetLevel(l) } func (m *MMClient) Login() error { // check if this is a first connect or a reconnection firstConnection := true if m.WsConnected { firstConnection = false } m.WsConnected = false if m.WsQuit { return nil } b := &backoff.Backoff{ Min: time.Second, Max: 5 * time.Minute, Jitter: true, } uriScheme := "https://" if m.NoTLS { uriScheme = "http://" } // login to mattermost m.Client = model.NewAPIv4Client(uriScheme + m.Credentials.Server) m.Client.HttpClient.Transport = &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: m.SkipTLSVerify}, Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment} m.Client.HttpClient.Timeout = time.Second * 10 for { d := b.Duration() // bogus call to get the serverversion _, resp := m.Client.Logout() if resp.Error != nil { return fmt.Errorf("%#v", resp.Error.Error()) } if firstConnection && !supportedVersion(resp.ServerVersion) { return fmt.Errorf("unsupported mattermost version: %s", resp.ServerVersion) } m.ServerVersion = resp.ServerVersion if m.ServerVersion == "" { m.log.Debugf("Server not up yet, reconnecting in %s", d) time.Sleep(d) } else { m.log.Infof("Found version %s", m.ServerVersion) break } } b.Reset() var resp *model.Response //var myinfo *model.Result var appErr *model.AppError var logmsg = "trying login" for { m.log.Debugf("%s %s %s %s", logmsg, m.Credentials.Team, m.Credentials.Login, m.Credentials.Server) if strings.Contains(m.Credentials.Pass, model.SESSION_COOKIE_TOKEN) { m.log.Debugf(logmsg + " with token") token := strings.Split(m.Credentials.Pass, model.SESSION_COOKIE_TOKEN+"=") if len(token) != 2 { return errors.New("incorrect MMAUTHTOKEN. valid input is MMAUTHTOKEN=yourtoken") } m.Client.HttpClient.Jar = m.createCookieJar(token[1]) m.Client.AuthToken = token[1] m.Client.AuthType = model.HEADER_BEARER m.User, resp = m.Client.GetMe("") if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } if m.User == nil { m.log.Errorf("LOGIN TOKEN: %s is invalid", m.Credentials.Pass) return errors.New("invalid " + model.SESSION_COOKIE_TOKEN) } } else { m.User, resp = m.Client.Login(m.Credentials.Login, m.Credentials.Pass) } appErr = resp.Error if appErr != nil { d := b.Duration() m.log.Debug(appErr.DetailedError) if firstConnection { if appErr.Message == "" { return errors.New(appErr.DetailedError) } return errors.New(appErr.Message) } m.log.Debugf("LOGIN: %s, reconnecting in %s", appErr, d) time.Sleep(d) logmsg = "retrying login" continue } break } // reset timer b.Reset() err := m.initUser() if err != nil { return err } if m.Team == nil { validTeamNames := make([]string, len(m.OtherTeams)) for i, t := range m.OtherTeams { validTeamNames[i] = t.Team.Name } return fmt.Errorf("Team '%s' not found in %v", m.Credentials.Team, validTeamNames) } m.wsConnect() return nil } func (m *MMClient) wsConnect() { b := &backoff.Backoff{ Min: time.Second, Max: 5 * time.Minute, Jitter: true, } m.WsConnected = false wsScheme := "wss://" if m.NoTLS { wsScheme = "ws://" } // setup websocket connection wsurl := wsScheme + m.Credentials.Server + model.API_URL_SUFFIX_V4 + "/websocket" header := http.Header{} header.Set(model.HEADER_AUTH, "BEARER "+m.Client.AuthToken) m.log.Debugf("WsClient: making connection: %s", wsurl) for { wsDialer := &websocket.Dialer{Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: m.SkipTLSVerify}} var err error m.WsClient, _, err = wsDialer.Dial(wsurl, header) if err != nil { d := b.Duration() m.log.Debugf("WSS: %s, reconnecting in %s", err, d) time.Sleep(d) continue } break } m.log.Debug("WsClient: connected") m.WsSequence = 1 m.WsPingChan = make(chan *model.WebSocketResponse) // only start to parse WS messages when login is completely done m.WsConnected = true } func (m *MMClient) Logout() error { m.log.Debugf("logout as %s (team: %s) on %s", m.Credentials.Login, m.Credentials.Team, m.Credentials.Server) m.WsQuit = true m.WsClient.Close() m.WsClient.UnderlyingConn().Close() if strings.Contains(m.Credentials.Pass, model.SESSION_COOKIE_TOKEN) { m.log.Debug("Not invalidating session in logout, credential is a token") return nil } _, resp := m.Client.Logout() if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } return nil } func (m *MMClient) WsReceiver() { for { var rawMsg json.RawMessage var err error if m.WsQuit { m.log.Debug("exiting WsReceiver") return } if !m.WsConnected { time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100) continue } if _, rawMsg, err = m.WsClient.ReadMessage(); err != nil { m.log.Error("error:", err) // reconnect m.wsConnect() } var event model.WebSocketEvent if err := json.Unmarshal(rawMsg, &event); err == nil && event.IsValid() { m.log.Debugf("WsReceiver event: %#v", event) msg := &Message{Raw: &event, Team: m.Credentials.Team} m.parseMessage(msg) // check if we didn't empty the message if msg.Text != "" { m.MessageChan <- msg continue } // if we have file attached but the message is empty, also send it if msg.Post != nil { if msg.Text != "" || len(msg.Post.FileIds) > 0 || msg.Post.Type == "slack_attachment" { m.MessageChan <- msg } } continue } var response model.WebSocketResponse if err := json.Unmarshal(rawMsg, &response); err == nil && response.IsValid() { m.log.Debugf("WsReceiver response: %#v", response) m.parseResponse(response) continue } } } func (m *MMClient) parseMessage(rmsg *Message) { switch rmsg.Raw.Event { case model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POSTED, model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POST_EDITED, model.WEBSOCKET_EVENT_POST_DELETED: m.parseActionPost(rmsg) case "user_updated": user := rmsg.Raw.Data["user"].(map[string]interface{}) if _, ok := user["id"].(string); ok { m.UpdateUser(user["id"].(string)) } /* case model.ACTION_USER_REMOVED: m.handleWsActionUserRemoved(&rmsg) case model.ACTION_USER_ADDED: m.handleWsActionUserAdded(&rmsg) */ } } func (m *MMClient) parseResponse(rmsg model.WebSocketResponse) { if rmsg.Data != nil { // ping reply if rmsg.Data["text"].(string) == "pong" { m.WsPingChan <- &rmsg } } } func (m *MMClient) parseActionPost(rmsg *Message) { // add post to cache, if it already exists don't relay this again. // this should fix reposts if ok, _ := m.lruCache.ContainsOrAdd(digestString(rmsg.Raw.Data["post"].(string)), true); ok { m.log.Debugf("message %#v in cache, not processing again", rmsg.Raw.Data["post"].(string)) rmsg.Text = "" return } data := model.PostFromJson(strings.NewReader(rmsg.Raw.Data["post"].(string))) // we don't have the user, refresh the userlist if m.GetUser(data.UserId) == nil { m.log.Infof("User %s is not known, ignoring message %s", data.UserId, data.Message) return } rmsg.Username = m.GetUserName(data.UserId) rmsg.Channel = m.GetChannelName(data.ChannelId) rmsg.UserID = data.UserId rmsg.Type = data.Type teamid, _ := rmsg.Raw.Data["team_id"].(string) // edit messsages have no team_id for some reason if teamid == "" { // we can find the team_id from the channelid teamid = m.GetChannelTeamId(data.ChannelId) rmsg.Raw.Data["team_id"] = teamid } if teamid != "" { rmsg.Team = m.GetTeamName(teamid) } // direct message if rmsg.Raw.Data["channel_type"] == "D" { rmsg.Channel = m.GetUser(data.UserId).Username } rmsg.Text = data.Message rmsg.Post = data } func (m *MMClient) UpdateUsers() error { mmusers, resp := m.Client.GetUsers(0, 50000, "") if resp.Error != nil { return errors.New(resp.Error.DetailedError) } m.Lock() for _, user := range mmusers { m.Users[user.Id] = user } m.Unlock() return nil } func (m *MMClient) UpdateChannels() error { mmchannels, resp := m.Client.GetChannelsForTeamForUser(m.Team.Id, m.User.Id, "") if resp.Error != nil { return errors.New(resp.Error.DetailedError) } m.Lock() m.Team.Channels = mmchannels m.Unlock() mmchannels, resp = m.Client.GetPublicChannelsForTeam(m.Team.Id, 0, 5000, "") if resp.Error != nil { return errors.New(resp.Error.DetailedError) } m.Lock() m.Team.MoreChannels = mmchannels m.Unlock() return nil } func (m *MMClient) GetChannelName(channelId string) string { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() for _, t := range m.OtherTeams { if t == nil { continue } if t.Channels != nil { for _, channel := range t.Channels { if channel.Id == channelId { return channel.Name } } } if t.MoreChannels != nil { for _, channel := range t.MoreChannels { if channel.Id == channelId { return channel.Name } } } } return "" } func (m *MMClient) GetChannelId(name string, teamId string) string { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() if teamId == "" { teamId = m.Team.Id } for _, t := range m.OtherTeams { if t.Id == teamId { for _, channel := range append(t.Channels, t.MoreChannels...) { if channel.Name == name { return channel.Id } } } } return "" } func (m *MMClient) GetChannelTeamId(id string) string { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() for _, t := range append(m.OtherTeams, m.Team) { for _, channel := range append(t.Channels, t.MoreChannels...) { if channel.Id == id { return channel.TeamId } } } return "" } func (m *MMClient) GetChannelHeader(channelId string) string { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() for _, t := range m.OtherTeams { for _, channel := range append(t.Channels, t.MoreChannels...) { if channel.Id == channelId { return channel.Header } } } return "" } func (m *MMClient) PostMessage(channelId string, text string) (string, error) { post := &model.Post{ChannelId: channelId, Message: text} res, resp := m.Client.CreatePost(post) if resp.Error != nil { return "", resp.Error } return res.Id, nil } func (m *MMClient) PostMessageWithFiles(channelId string, text string, fileIds []string) (string, error) { post := &model.Post{ChannelId: channelId, Message: text, FileIds: fileIds} res, resp := m.Client.CreatePost(post) if resp.Error != nil { return "", resp.Error } return res.Id, nil } func (m *MMClient) EditMessage(postId string, text string) (string, error) { post := &model.Post{Message: text} res, resp := m.Client.UpdatePost(postId, post) if resp.Error != nil { return "", resp.Error } return res.Id, nil } func (m *MMClient) DeleteMessage(postId string) error { _, resp := m.Client.DeletePost(postId) if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } return nil } func (m *MMClient) JoinChannel(channelId string) error { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() for _, c := range m.Team.Channels { if c.Id == channelId { m.log.Debug("Not joining ", channelId, " already joined.") return nil } } m.log.Debug("Joining ", channelId) _, resp := m.Client.AddChannelMember(channelId, m.User.Id) if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } return nil } func (m *MMClient) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64) *model.PostList { res, resp := m.Client.GetPostsSince(channelId, time) if resp.Error != nil { return nil } return res } func (m *MMClient) SearchPosts(query string) *model.PostList { res, resp := m.Client.SearchPosts(m.Team.Id, query, false) if resp.Error != nil { return nil } return res } func (m *MMClient) GetPosts(channelId string, limit int) *model.PostList { res, resp := m.Client.GetPostsForChannel(channelId, 0, limit, "") if resp.Error != nil { return nil } return res } func (m *MMClient) GetPublicLink(filename string) string { res, resp := m.Client.GetFileLink(filename) if resp.Error != nil { return "" } return res } func (m *MMClient) GetPublicLinks(filenames []string) []string { var output []string for _, f := range filenames { res, resp := m.Client.GetFileLink(f) if resp.Error != nil { continue } output = append(output, res) } return output } func (m *MMClient) GetFileLinks(filenames []string) []string { uriScheme := "https://" if m.NoTLS { uriScheme = "http://" } var output []string for _, f := range filenames { res, resp := m.Client.GetFileLink(f) if resp.Error != nil { // public links is probably disabled, create the link ourselves output = append(output, uriScheme+m.Credentials.Server+model.API_URL_SUFFIX_V4+"/files/"+f) continue } output = append(output, res) } return output } func (m *MMClient) UpdateChannelHeader(channelId string, header string) { channel := &model.Channel{Id: channelId, Header: header} m.log.Debugf("updating channelheader %#v, %#v", channelId, header) _, resp := m.Client.UpdateChannel(channel) if resp.Error != nil { log.Error(resp.Error) } } func (m *MMClient) UpdateLastViewed(channelId string) { m.log.Debugf("posting lastview %#v", channelId) view := &model.ChannelView{ChannelId: channelId} _, resp := m.Client.ViewChannel(m.User.Id, view) if resp.Error != nil { m.log.Errorf("ChannelView update for %s failed: %s", channelId, resp.Error) } } func (m *MMClient) UpdateUserNick(nick string) error { user := m.User user.Nickname = nick _, resp := m.Client.UpdateUser(user) if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } return nil } func (m *MMClient) UsernamesInChannel(channelId string) []string { res, resp := m.Client.GetChannelMembers(channelId, 0, 50000, "") if resp.Error != nil { m.log.Errorf("UsernamesInChannel(%s) failed: %s", channelId, resp.Error) return []string{} } allusers := m.GetUsers() result := []string{} for _, member := range *res { result = append(result, allusers[member.UserId].Nickname) } return result } func (m *MMClient) createCookieJar(token string) *cookiejar.Jar { var cookies []*http.Cookie jar, _ := cookiejar.New(nil) firstCookie := &http.Cookie{ Name: "MMAUTHTOKEN", Value: token, Path: "/", Domain: m.Credentials.Server, } cookies = append(cookies, firstCookie) cookieURL, _ := url.Parse("https://" + m.Credentials.Server) jar.SetCookies(cookieURL, cookies) return jar } // SendDirectMessage sends a direct message to specified user func (m *MMClient) SendDirectMessage(toUserId string, msg string) { m.log.Debugf("SendDirectMessage to %s, msg %s", toUserId, msg) // create DM channel (only happens on first message) _, resp := m.Client.CreateDirectChannel(m.User.Id, toUserId) if resp.Error != nil { m.log.Debugf("SendDirectMessage to %#v failed: %s", toUserId, resp.Error) return } channelName := model.GetDMNameFromIds(toUserId, m.User.Id) // update our channels m.UpdateChannels() // build & send the message msg = strings.Replace(msg, "\r", "", -1) post := &model.Post{ChannelId: m.GetChannelId(channelName, ""), Message: msg} m.Client.CreatePost(post) } // GetTeamName returns the name of the specified teamId func (m *MMClient) GetTeamName(teamId string) string { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() for _, t := range m.OtherTeams { if t.Id == teamId { return t.Team.Name } } return "" } // GetChannels returns all channels we're members off func (m *MMClient) GetChannels() []*model.Channel { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() var channels []*model.Channel // our primary team channels first channels = append(channels, m.Team.Channels...) for _, t := range m.OtherTeams { if t.Id != m.Team.Id { channels = append(channels, t.Channels...) } } return channels } // GetMoreChannels returns existing channels where we're not a member off. func (m *MMClient) GetMoreChannels() []*model.Channel { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() var channels []*model.Channel for _, t := range m.OtherTeams { channels = append(channels, t.MoreChannels...) } return channels } // GetTeamFromChannel returns teamId belonging to channel (DM channels have no teamId). func (m *MMClient) GetTeamFromChannel(channelId string) string { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() var channels []*model.Channel for _, t := range m.OtherTeams { channels = append(channels, t.Channels...) if t.MoreChannels != nil { channels = append(channels, t.MoreChannels...) } for _, c := range channels { if c.Id == channelId { return t.Id } } } return "" } func (m *MMClient) GetLastViewedAt(channelId string) int64 { m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() res, resp := m.Client.GetChannelMember(channelId, m.User.Id, "") if resp.Error != nil { return model.GetMillis() } return res.LastViewedAt } func (m *MMClient) GetUsers() map[string]*model.User { users := make(map[string]*model.User) m.RLock() defer m.RUnlock() for k, v := range m.Users { users[k] = v } return users } func (m *MMClient) GetUser(userId string) *model.User { m.Lock() defer m.Unlock() _, ok := m.Users[userId] if !ok { res, resp := m.Client.GetUser(userId, "") if resp.Error != nil { return nil } m.Users[userId] = res } return m.Users[userId] } func (m *MMClient) UpdateUser(userId string) { m.Lock() defer m.Unlock() res, resp := m.Client.GetUser(userId, "") if resp.Error != nil { return } m.Users[userId] = res } func (m *MMClient) GetUserName(userId string) string { user := m.GetUser(userId) if user != nil { return user.Username } return "" } func (m *MMClient) GetNickName(userId string) string { user := m.GetUser(userId) if user != nil { return user.Nickname } return "" } func (m *MMClient) GetStatus(userId string) string { res, resp := m.Client.GetUserStatus(userId, "") if resp.Error != nil { return "" } if res.Status == model.STATUS_AWAY { return "away" } if res.Status == model.STATUS_ONLINE { return "online" } return "offline" } func (m *MMClient) UpdateStatus(userId string, status string) error { _, resp := m.Client.UpdateUserStatus(userId, &model.Status{Status: status}) if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } return nil } func (m *MMClient) GetStatuses() map[string]string { var ids []string statuses := make(map[string]string) for id := range m.Users { ids = append(ids, id) } res, resp := m.Client.GetUsersStatusesByIds(ids) if resp.Error != nil { return statuses } for _, status := range res { statuses[status.UserId] = "offline" if status.Status == model.STATUS_AWAY { statuses[status.UserId] = "away" } if status.Status == model.STATUS_ONLINE { statuses[status.UserId] = "online" } } return statuses } func (m *MMClient) GetTeamId() string { return m.Team.Id } func (m *MMClient) UploadFile(data []byte, channelId string, filename string) (string, error) { f, resp := m.Client.UploadFile(data, channelId, filename) if resp.Error != nil { return "", resp.Error } return f.FileInfos[0].Id, nil } func (m *MMClient) StatusLoop() { retries := 0 backoff := time.Second * 60 if m.OnWsConnect != nil { m.OnWsConnect() } m.log.Debugf("StatusLoop: %p", m.OnWsConnect) for { if m.WsQuit { return } if m.WsConnected { m.log.Debug("WS PING") m.sendWSRequest("ping", nil) select { case <-m.WsPingChan: m.log.Debug("WS PONG received") backoff = time.Second * 60 case <-time.After(time.Second * 5): if retries > 3 { m.log.Debug("StatusLoop() timeout") m.Logout() m.WsQuit = false err := m.Login() if err != nil { log.Errorf("Login failed: %#v", err) break } if m.OnWsConnect != nil { m.OnWsConnect() } go m.WsReceiver() } else { retries++ backoff = time.Second * 5 } } } time.Sleep(backoff) } } // initialize user and teams func (m *MMClient) initUser() error { m.Lock() defer m.Unlock() // we only load all team data on initial login. // all other updates are for channels from our (primary) team only. //m.log.Debug("initUser(): loading all team data") teams, resp := m.Client.GetTeamsForUser(m.User.Id, "") if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } for _, team := range teams { mmusers, resp := m.Client.GetUsersInTeam(team.Id, 0, 50000, "") if resp.Error != nil { return errors.New(resp.Error.DetailedError) } usermap := make(map[string]*model.User) for _, user := range mmusers { usermap[user.Id] = user } t := &Team{Team: team, Users: usermap, Id: team.Id} mmchannels, resp := m.Client.GetChannelsForTeamForUser(team.Id, m.User.Id, "") if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } t.Channels = mmchannels mmchannels, resp = m.Client.GetPublicChannelsForTeam(team.Id, 0, 5000, "") if resp.Error != nil { return resp.Error } t.MoreChannels = mmchannels m.OtherTeams = append(m.OtherTeams, t) if team.Name == m.Credentials.Team { m.Team = t m.log.Debugf("initUser(): found our team %s (id: %s)", team.Name, team.Id) } // add all users for k, v := range t.Users { m.Users[k] = v } } return nil } func (m *MMClient) sendWSRequest(action string, data map[string]interface{}) error { req := &model.WebSocketRequest{} req.Seq = m.WsSequence req.Action = action req.Data = data m.WsSequence++ m.log.Debugf("sendWsRequest %#v", req) m.WsClient.WriteJSON(req) return nil } func supportedVersion(version string) bool { if strings.HasPrefix(version, "3.8.0") || strings.HasPrefix(version, "3.9.0") || strings.HasPrefix(version, "3.10.0") || strings.HasPrefix(version, "4.") || strings.HasPrefix(version, "5.") { return true } return false } func digestString(s string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%x", md5.Sum([]byte(s))) }