package birc import ( "crypto/tls" "fmt" "hash/crc32" "net" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" // We need to import the 'data' package as an implicit dependency. // See: _ "" ) type Birc struct { i *girc.Client Nick string names map[string][]string connected chan error Local chan config.Message // local queue for flood control FirstConnection, authDone bool MessageDelay, MessageQueue, MessageLength int *bridge.Config } func New(cfg *bridge.Config) bridge.Bridger { b := &Birc{} b.Config = cfg b.Nick = b.GetString("Nick") b.names = make(map[string][]string) b.connected = make(chan error) if b.GetInt("MessageDelay") == 0 { b.MessageDelay = 1300 } else { b.MessageDelay = b.GetInt("MessageDelay") } if b.GetInt("MessageQueue") == 0 { b.MessageQueue = 30 } else { b.MessageQueue = b.GetInt("MessageQueue") } if b.GetInt("MessageLength") == 0 { b.MessageLength = 400 } else { b.MessageLength = b.GetInt("MessageLength") } b.FirstConnection = true return b } func (b *Birc) Command(msg *config.Message) string { if msg.Text == "!users" { b.i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_NAMREPLY, b.storeNames) b.i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_ENDOFNAMES, b.endNames) b.i.Cmd.SendRaw("NAMES " + msg.Channel) //nolint:errcheck } return "" } func (b *Birc) Connect() error { b.Local = make(chan config.Message, b.MessageQueue+10) b.Log.Infof("Connecting %s", b.GetString("Server")) i, err := b.getClient() if err != nil { return err } if b.GetBool("UseSASL") { i.Config.SASL = &girc.SASLPlain{ User: b.GetString("NickServNick"), Pass: b.GetString("NickServPassword"), } } i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_WELCOME, b.handleNewConnection) i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_ENDOFMOTD, b.handleOtherAuth) i.Handlers.Add(girc.ALL_EVENTS, b.handleOther) b.i = i go b.doConnect() err = <-b.connected if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("connection failed %s", err) } b.Log.Info("Connection succeeded") b.FirstConnection = false if b.GetInt("DebugLevel") == 0 { i.Handlers.Clear(girc.ALL_EVENTS) } go b.doSend() return nil } func (b *Birc) Disconnect() error { b.i.Close() close(b.Local) return nil } func (b *Birc) JoinChannel(channel config.ChannelInfo) error { // need to check if we have nickserv auth done before joining channels for { if b.authDone { break } time.Sleep(time.Second) } if channel.Options.Key != "" { b.Log.Debugf("using key %s for channel %s", channel.Options.Key, channel.Name) b.i.Cmd.JoinKey(channel.Name, channel.Options.Key) } else { b.i.Cmd.Join(channel.Name) } return nil } func (b *Birc) Send(msg config.Message) (string, error) { // ignore delete messages if msg.Event == config.EventMsgDelete { return "", nil } b.Log.Debugf("=> Receiving %#v", msg) // we can be in between reconnects #385 if !b.i.IsConnected() { b.Log.Error("Not connected to server, dropping message") } // Execute a command if strings.HasPrefix(msg.Text, "!") { b.Command(&msg) } // convert to specified charset if err := b.handleCharset(&msg); err != nil { return "", err } // handle files, return if we're done here if ok := b.handleFiles(&msg); ok { return "", nil } var msgLines []string if b.GetBool("MessageSplit") { msgLines = helper.GetSubLines(msg.Text, b.MessageLength) } else { msgLines = helper.GetSubLines(msg.Text, 0) } for i := range msgLines { if len(b.Local) >= b.MessageQueue { b.Log.Debugf("flooding, dropping message (queue at %d)", len(b.Local)) return "", nil } b.Local <- config.Message{ Text: msgLines[i], Username: msg.Username, Channel: msg.Channel, Event: msg.Event, } } return "", nil } func (b *Birc) doConnect() { for { if err := b.i.Connect(); err != nil { b.Log.Errorf("disconnect: error: %s", err) if b.FirstConnection { b.connected <- err return } } else { b.Log.Info("disconnect: client requested quit") } b.Log.Info("reconnecting in 30 seconds...") time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) b.i.Handlers.Clear(girc.RPL_WELCOME) b.i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_WELCOME, func(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) { b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: "system", Text: "rejoin", Channel: "", Account: b.Account, Event: config.EventRejoinChannels} // set our correct nick on reconnect if necessary b.Nick = event.Source.Name }) } } func (b *Birc) doSend() { rate := time.Millisecond * time.Duration(b.MessageDelay) throttle := time.NewTicker(rate) for msg := range b.Local { <-throttle.C username := msg.Username if b.GetBool("Colornicks") { checksum := crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(msg.Username)) colorCode := checksum%14 + 2 // quick fix - prevent white or black color codes username = fmt.Sprintf("\x03%02d%s\x0F", colorCode, msg.Username) } if msg.Event == config.EventUserAction { b.i.Cmd.Action(msg.Channel, username+msg.Text) } else { b.Log.Debugf("Sending to channel %s", msg.Channel) b.i.Cmd.Message(msg.Channel, username+msg.Text) } } } // validateInput validates the server/port/nick configuration. Returns a *girc.Client if successful func (b *Birc) getClient() (*girc.Client, error) { server, portstr, err := net.SplitHostPort(b.GetString("Server")) if err != nil { return nil, err } port, err := strconv.Atoi(portstr) if err != nil { return nil, err } // fix strict user handling of girc user := b.GetString("Nick") for !girc.IsValidUser(user) { if len(user) == 1 { user = "matterbridge" break } user = user[1:] } i := girc.New(girc.Config{ Server: server, ServerPass: b.GetString("Password"), Port: port, Nick: b.GetString("Nick"), User: user, Name: b.GetString("Nick"), SSL: b.GetBool("UseTLS"), TLSConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: b.GetBool("SkipTLSVerify"), ServerName: server}, //nolint:gosec PingDelay: time.Minute, }) return i, nil } func (b *Birc) endNames(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) { channel := event.Params[1] sort.Strings(b.names[channel]) maxNamesPerPost := (300 / b.nicksPerRow()) * b.nicksPerRow() for len(b.names[channel]) > maxNamesPerPost { b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: b.Nick, Text: b.formatnicks(b.names[channel][0:maxNamesPerPost]), Channel: channel, Account: b.Account} b.names[channel] = b.names[channel][maxNamesPerPost:] } b.Remote <- config.Message{Username: b.Nick, Text: b.formatnicks(b.names[channel]), Channel: channel, Account: b.Account} b.names[channel] = nil b.i.Handlers.Clear(girc.RPL_NAMREPLY) b.i.Handlers.Clear(girc.RPL_ENDOFNAMES) } func (b *Birc) skipPrivMsg(event girc.Event) bool { // Our nick can be changed b.Nick = b.i.GetNick() // freenode doesn't send 001 as first reply if event.Command == "NOTICE" { return true } // don't forward queries to the bot if event.Params[0] == b.Nick { return true } // don't forward message from ourself if event.Source.Name == b.Nick { return true } return false } func (b *Birc) nicksPerRow() int { return 4 } func (b *Birc) storeNames(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) { channel := event.Params[2] b.names[channel] = append( b.names[channel], strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(event.Trailing), " ")...) } func (b *Birc) formatnicks(nicks []string) string { return strings.Join(nicks, ", ") + " currently on IRC" }