irc: do not bridge CTCP commands other than ACTION

CTCP commands other than ACTION are designed for client-to-client interaction on
IRC networks. Drop such messages when we receive them.

Also get rid of a "CTCP_ACTION" handler in the handler registration.


1) can't do anything (if anything, we wanted the string constant
   girc.CTCP_ACTION, which is "ACTION")
2) doesn't do anything in this context, because CTCP handlers are
   registered separately:
   f47717952b/ctcp.go (L205)

The PRIVMSG handler already listens to all CTCPs.

Thanks to @lexande for the bug report (found on a live instance).
Patrick Xia 8 months ago committed by patrick xia
parent 56e7bd01ca
commit b862dc34da

@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ func (b *Birc) handleNewConnection(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
b.Nick = event.Params[0]
i.Handlers.AddBg("PRIVMSG", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.Handlers.AddBg("CTCP_ACTION", b.handlePrivMsg)
i.Handlers.Add(girc.RPL_TOPICWHOTIME, b.handleTopicWhoTime)
i.Handlers.AddBg(girc.NOTICE, b.handleNotice)
i.Handlers.AddBg("JOIN", b.handleJoinPart)
@ -195,7 +194,11 @@ func (b *Birc) handlePrivMsg(client *girc.Client, event girc.Event) {
b.Log.Debugf("== Receiving PRIVMSG: %s %s %#v", event.Source.Name, event.Last(), event)
// set action event
if event.IsAction() {
if ok, ctcp := event.IsCTCP(); ok {
if ctcp.Command != girc.CTCP_ACTION {
b.Log.Debugf("dropping user ctcp, command: %s", ctcp.Command)
rmsg.Event = config.EventUserAction
