You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

432 lines
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package gateway
import (
type Gateway struct {
Router *Router
MyConfig *config.Gateway
Bridges map[string]*bridge.Bridge
Channels map[string]*config.ChannelInfo
ChannelOptions map[string]config.ChannelOptions
Message chan config.Message
Name string
Messages *lru.Cache
type BrMsgID struct {
br *bridge.Bridge
ID string
ChannelID string
var flog *logrus.Entry
const (
apiProtocol = "api"
func New(cfg config.Gateway, r *Router) *Gateway {
flog = logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"prefix": "gateway"})
gw := &Gateway{Channels: make(map[string]*config.ChannelInfo), Message: r.Message,
Router: r, Bridges: make(map[string]*bridge.Bridge), Config: r.Config}
cache, _ := lru.New(5000)
gw.Messages = cache
if err := gw.AddConfig(&cfg); err != nil {
flog.Errorf("AddConfig failed: %s", err)
8 years ago
return gw
// Find the canonical ID that the message is keyed under in cache
func (gw *Gateway) FindCanonicalMsgID(protocol string, mID string) string {
ID := protocol + " " + mID
if gw.Messages.Contains(ID) {
return mID
// If not keyed, iterate through cache for downstream, and infer upstream.
for _, mid := range gw.Messages.Keys() {
v, _ := gw.Messages.Peek(mid)
ids := v.([]*BrMsgID)
for _, downstreamMsgObj := range ids {
if ID == downstreamMsgObj.ID {
return strings.Replace(mid.(string), protocol+" ", "", 1)
return ""
8 years ago
func (gw *Gateway) AddBridge(cfg *config.Bridge) error {
br := gw.Router.getBridge(cfg.Account)
if br == nil {
br = bridge.New(cfg)
br.Config = gw.Router.Config
br.General = &gw.BridgeValues().General
// set logging
br.Log = logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"prefix": "bridge"})
brconfig := &bridge.Config{Remote: gw.Message, Log: logrus.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"prefix": br.Protocol}), Bridge: br}
// add the actual bridger for this protocol to this bridge using the bridgeMap
br.Bridger = gw.Router.BridgeMap[br.Protocol](brconfig)
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago
gw.Bridges[cfg.Account] = br
return nil
func (gw *Gateway) AddConfig(cfg *config.Gateway) error {
gw.Name = cfg.Name
gw.MyConfig = cfg
if err := gw.mapChannels(); err != nil {
flog.Errorf("mapChannels() failed: %s", err)
for _, br := range append(gw.MyConfig.In, append(gw.MyConfig.InOut, gw.MyConfig.Out...)...) {
br := br //scopelint
err := gw.AddBridge(&br)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
8 years ago
func (gw *Gateway) mapChannelsToBridge(br *bridge.Bridge) {
for ID, channel := range gw.Channels {
if br.Account == channel.Account {
br.Channels[ID] = *channel
func (gw *Gateway) reconnectBridge(br *bridge.Bridge) {
if err := br.Disconnect(); err != nil {
flog.Errorf("Disconnect() %s failed: %s", br.Account, err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 5)
flog.Infof("Reconnecting %s", br.Account)
err := br.Connect()
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("Reconnection failed: %s. Trying again in 60 seconds", err)
time.Sleep(time.Second * 60)
br.Joined = make(map[string]bool)
if err := br.JoinChannels(); err != nil {
flog.Errorf("JoinChannels() %s failed: %s", br.Account, err)
func (gw *Gateway) mapChannelConfig(cfg []config.Bridge, direction string) {
for _, br := range cfg {
if isAPI(br.Account) {
br.Channel = apiProtocol
// make sure to lowercase irc channels in config #348
if strings.HasPrefix(br.Account, "irc.") {
br.Channel = strings.ToLower(br.Channel)
if strings.HasPrefix(br.Account, "mattermost.") && strings.HasPrefix(br.Channel, "#") {
flog.Errorf("Mattermost channels do not start with a #: remove the # in %s", br.Channel)
8 years ago
ID := br.Channel + br.Account
if _, ok := gw.Channels[ID]; !ok {
channel := &config.ChannelInfo{Name: br.Channel, Direction: direction, ID: ID, Options: br.Options, Account: br.Account,
SameChannel: make(map[string]bool)}
channel.SameChannel[gw.Name] = br.SameChannel
8 years ago
gw.Channels[channel.ID] = channel
} else {
// if we already have a key and it's not our current direction it means we have a bidirectional inout
if gw.Channels[ID].Direction != direction {
gw.Channels[ID].Direction = "inout"
8 years ago
gw.Channels[ID].SameChannel[gw.Name] = br.SameChannel
func (gw *Gateway) mapChannels() error {
gw.mapChannelConfig(gw.MyConfig.In, "in")
gw.mapChannelConfig(gw.MyConfig.Out, "out")
gw.mapChannelConfig(gw.MyConfig.InOut, "inout")
return nil
func (gw *Gateway) getDestChannel(msg *config.Message, dest bridge.Bridge) []config.ChannelInfo {
8 years ago
var channels []config.ChannelInfo
// for messages received from the api check that the gateway is the specified one
if msg.Protocol == apiProtocol && gw.Name != msg.Gateway {
return channels
// if source channel is in only, do nothing
for _, channel := range gw.Channels {
// lookup the channel from the message
if channel.ID == getChannelID(*msg) {
// we only have destinations if the original message is from an "in" (sending) channel
if !strings.Contains(channel.Direction, "in") {
return channels
8 years ago
for _, channel := range gw.Channels {
if _, ok := gw.Channels[getChannelID(*msg)]; !ok {
// do samechannelgateway flogic
if channel.SameChannel[msg.Gateway] {
if msg.Channel == channel.Name && msg.Account != dest.Account {
channels = append(channels, *channel)
if strings.Contains(channel.Direction, "out") && channel.Account == dest.Account && gw.validGatewayDest(msg) {
8 years ago
channels = append(channels, *channel)
8 years ago
return channels
func (gw *Gateway) getDestMsgID(msgID string, dest *bridge.Bridge, channel config.ChannelInfo) string {
if res, ok := gw.Messages.Get(msgID); ok {
IDs := res.([]*BrMsgID)
for _, id := range IDs {
// check protocol, bridge name and channelname
// for people that reuse the same bridge multiple times. see #342
if dest.Protocol == && dest.Name == && channel.ID == id.ChannelID {
return strings.Replace(id.ID, dest.Protocol+" ", "", 1)
return ""
// ignoreTextEmpty returns true if we need to ignore a message with an empty text.
func (gw *Gateway) ignoreTextEmpty(msg *config.Message) bool {
if msg.Text != "" {
return false
if msg.Event == config.EventUserTyping {
return false
// we have an attachment or actual bytes, do not ignore
if msg.Extra != nil &&
(msg.Extra["attachments"] != nil ||
len(msg.Extra["file"]) > 0 ||
len(msg.Extra[config.EventFileFailureSize]) > 0) {
return false
flog.Debugf("ignoring empty message %#v from %s", msg, msg.Account)
return true
// ignoreTexts returns true if msg.Text matches any of the input regexes.
func (gw *Gateway) ignoreTexts(msg *config.Message, input []string) bool {
for _, entry := range input {
if entry == "" {
// TODO do not compile regexps everytime
re, err := regexp.Compile(entry)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("incorrect regexp %s for %s", entry, msg.Account)
if re.MatchString(msg.Text) {
flog.Debugf("matching %s. ignoring %s from %s", entry, msg.Text, msg.Account)
return true
return false
// ignoreNicks returns true if msg.Username matches any of the input regexes.
func (gw *Gateway) ignoreNicks(msg *config.Message, input []string) bool {
// is the username in IgnoreNicks field
for _, entry := range input {
if msg.Username == entry {
flog.Debugf("ignoring %s from %s", msg.Username, msg.Account)
return true
return false
func (gw *Gateway) ignoreMessage(msg *config.Message) bool {
// if we don't have the bridge, ignore it
if _, ok := gw.Bridges[msg.Account]; !ok {
return true
igNicks := strings.Fields(gw.Bridges[msg.Account].GetString("IgnoreNicks"))
igMessages := strings.Fields(gw.Bridges[msg.Account].GetString("IgnoreMessages"))
if gw.ignoreTextEmpty(msg) || gw.ignoreNicks(msg, igNicks) || gw.ignoreTexts(msg, igMessages) {
return true
return false
func (gw *Gateway) modifyUsername(msg config.Message, dest *bridge.Bridge) string {
8 years ago
br := gw.Bridges[msg.Account]
msg.Protocol = br.Protocol
if dest.GetBool("StripNick") {
re := regexp.MustCompile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]+")
msg.Username = re.ReplaceAllString(msg.Username, "")
nick := dest.GetString("RemoteNickFormat")
// loop to replace nicks
for _, outer := range br.GetStringSlice2D("ReplaceNicks") {
search := outer[0]
replace := outer[1]
// TODO move compile to bridge init somewhere
re, err := regexp.Compile(search)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("regexp in %s failed: %s", msg.Account, err)
msg.Username = re.ReplaceAllString(msg.Username, replace)
if len(msg.Username) > 0 {
// fix utf-8 issue #193
i := 0
for index := range msg.Username {
if i == 1 {
i = index
nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{NOPINGNICK}", msg.Username[:i]+""+msg.Username[i:], -1)
8 years ago
nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{BRIDGE}", br.Name, -1)
nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{PROTOCOL}", br.Protocol, -1)
nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{GATEWAY}", gw.Name, -1)
nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{LABEL}", br.GetString("Label"), -1)
nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{NICK}", msg.Username, -1)
nick = strings.Replace(nick, "{CHANNEL}", msg.Channel, -1)
return nick
8 years ago
8 years ago
func (gw *Gateway) modifyAvatar(msg config.Message, dest *bridge.Bridge) string {
iconurl := dest.GetString("IconURL")
iconurl = strings.Replace(iconurl, "{NICK}", msg.Username, -1)
if msg.Avatar == "" {
msg.Avatar = iconurl
return msg.Avatar
func (gw *Gateway) modifyMessage(msg *config.Message) {
// replace :emoji: to unicode
msg.Text = emojilib.Replace(msg.Text)
br := gw.Bridges[msg.Account]
// loop to replace messages
for _, outer := range br.GetStringSlice2D("ReplaceMessages") {
search := outer[0]
replace := outer[1]
// TODO move compile to bridge init somewhere
re, err := regexp.Compile(search)
if err != nil {
flog.Errorf("regexp in %s failed: %s", msg.Account, err)
msg.Text = re.ReplaceAllString(msg.Text, replace)
// messages from api have Gateway specified, don't overwrite
if msg.Protocol != apiProtocol {
msg.Gateway = gw.Name
// SendMessage sends a message (with specified parentID) to the channel on the selected destination bridge.
// returns a message id and error.
func (gw *Gateway) SendMessage(origmsg config.Message, dest *bridge.Bridge, channel config.ChannelInfo, canonicalParentMsgID string) (string, error) {
msg := origmsg
// Only send the avatar download event to ourselves.
if msg.Event == config.EventAvatarDownload {
if channel.ID != getChannelID(origmsg) {
return "", nil
} else {
// do not send to ourself for any other event
if channel.ID == getChannelID(origmsg) {
return "", nil
// Too noisy to log like other events
if msg.Event != config.EventUserTyping {
flog.Debugf("=> Sending %#v from %s (%s) to %s (%s)", msg, msg.Account, origmsg.Channel, dest.Account, channel.Name)
msg.Channel = channel.Name
msg.Avatar = gw.modifyAvatar(origmsg, dest)
msg.Username = gw.modifyUsername(origmsg, dest)
msg.ID = gw.getDestMsgID(origmsg.Protocol+" "+origmsg.ID, dest, channel)
// for api we need originchannel as channel
if dest.Protocol == apiProtocol {
msg.Channel = origmsg.Channel
msg.ParentID = gw.getDestMsgID(origmsg.Protocol+" "+canonicalParentMsgID, dest, channel)
if msg.ParentID == "" {
msg.ParentID = canonicalParentMsgID
// if we are using mattermost plugin account, send messages to MattermostPlugin channel
// that can be picked up by the mattermost matterbridge plugin
if dest.Account == "mattermost.plugin" {
gw.Router.MattermostPlugin <- msg
mID, err := dest.Send(msg)
if err != nil {
return mID, err
// append the message ID (mID) from this bridge (dest) to our brMsgIDs slice
if mID != "" {
flog.Debugf("mID %s: %s", dest.Account, mID)
return mID, nil
//brMsgIDs = append(brMsgIDs, &BrMsgID{dest, dest.Protocol + " " + mID, channel.ID})
return "", nil
func (gw *Gateway) validGatewayDest(msg *config.Message) bool {
return msg.Gateway == gw.Name
func getChannelID(msg config.Message) string {
return msg.Channel + msg.Account
func isAPI(account string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(account, "api.")