#!/bin/sh while [[ ! $(ping -c 2 manjaro.org) ]]; do if [[ $(cat /proc/1/comm) == "systemd" ]];then if [[ $(systemctl is-active NetworkManager) == "active" ]]; then dialog --backtitle ":: Manjaro Architect ::" --yesno "\nPlease connect to the internet:\n" 0 0 && \ clear && nmtui && continue || \ clear && exit 0 else dialog --backtitle ":: Manjaro Architect ::" --title " Error: " --msgbox "\nNo network service detected!\nquitting." 0 0 && \ clear && exit 0 fi else dialog --title " Error: " --msgbox "\nAn active internet connection is needed!\n" 0 0 && \ clear && exit 0 fi done echo "updating the installer ..." sleep 1 sudo pacman -Sy manjaro-architect --noconfirm echo "launching Manjaro Architect ..." sudo manjaro-architect