# !/bin/bash # # Architect Installation Framework (2016-2017) # # Written by Carl Duff and @mandog for Archlinux # Heavily modified and re-written by @Chrysostomus to install Manjaro instead # Contributors: @papajoker, @oberon and the Manjaro-Community. # # This program is free software, provided under the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation. So feel free to copy, distribute, # or modify it as you wish. # Header VERSION="Manjaro Architect Installer v$version" # Host system information ARCHI=$(uname -m) # Display whether 32 or 64 bit system SYSTEM="Unknown" # Display whether system is BIOS or UEFI. Default is "unknown" H_INIT="" # Host init-sys NW_CMD="" # command to launch the available network client # Locale and Language CURR_LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" # Default Locale FONT="" # Set new font if necessary KEYMAP="us" # Virtual console keymap. Default is "us" XKBMAP="us" # X11 keyboard layout. Default is "us" ZONE="" # For time SUBZONE="" # For time LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" # System locale. Default is "en_US.UTF-8" PROFILES="" # iso-profiles path # Menu highlighting (automated step progression) HIGHLIGHT=0 # Highlight items for Main Menu HIGHLIGHT_SUB=0 # Highlight items for submenus SUB_MENU="" # Submenu to be highlighted PARENT="" # the parent menu # Temporary files to store menu selections and errors ANSWER="/tmp/.answer" # Basic menu selections PACKAGES="/tmp/.pkgs" # Packages to install MOUNT_OPTS="/tmp/.mnt_opts" # Filesystem Mount options INIT="/tmp/.init" # init systemd|openrc ERR="/tmp/.errlog" BRANCH="/tmp/.branch" # Installer-Log LOGFILE="/var/log/m-a.log" # path for the installer log in the live environment [[ ! -e $LOGFILE ]] && touch $LOGFILE TARGLOG="/mnt/.m-a.log" # path to copy the installer log to target install INIFILE="/tmp/manjaro-architect.ini" # file systems BTRFS=0 LUKS=0 LUKS_DEV="" LUKS_NAME="" LUKS_OPT="" # Default or user-defined? LUKS_UUID="" LVM=0 LVM_LV_NAME="" # Name of LV to create or use LVM_VG="" LVM_VG_MB=0 VG_PARTS="" LVM_SEP_BOOT=0 # 1 = Seperate /boot, 2 = seperate /boot & LVM LV_SIZE_INVALID=0 # Is LVM LV size entered valid? VG_SIZE_TYPE="" # Is VG in Gigabytes or Megabytes? # Mounting MOUNT="" # Installation: All other mounts branching MOUNTPOINT="/mnt" # Installation: Root mount from Root FS_OPTS="" # File system special mount options available CHK_NUM=16 # Used for FS mount options checklist length INCLUDE_PART='part\|lvm\|crypt' # Partition types to include for display and selection. ROOT_PART="" # ROOT partition UEFI_PART="" # UEFI partition UEFI_MOUNT="" # UEFI mountpoint (/boot or /boot/efi) # Edit Files FILE="" # File(s) to be reviewed # Installation DM_INST="" # Which DMs have been installed? DM_ENABLED=0 # Has a display manager been enabled? NM_INST="" # Which NMs have been installed? NM_ENABLED=0 # Has a network connection manager been enabled? GRAPHIC_CARD="" # graphics card INTEGRATED_GC="" # Integrated graphics card for NVIDIA NVIDIA_INST=0 # Indicates if NVIDIA proprietary driver has been installed NVIDIA="" # NVIDIA driver(s) to install depending on kernel(s) VB_MOD="" # headers packages to install depending on kernel(s) SHOW_ONCE=0 # Show de_wm information only once COPY_PACCONF=0 # Copy over installer /etc/pacman.conf to installed system? import(){ if [[ -r $1 ]];then source $1 else echo "Could not import $1" fi } DIALOG() { dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --column-separator "|" --exit-label "$_Back" --title "$@" } # store datas in ini file # read: value=$(ini system.init) # set: ini system.init "openrc" ini() { local section="$1" value="$2" [[ ! -f "$INIFILE" ]] && echo "">"$INIFILE" if [[ ! "$section" =~ \. ]]; then section="manjaro-architect.${section}" fi ini_val "$INIFILE" "$section" "$value" 2>/dev/null } function finishini { [[ -f "$INIFILE" ]] && mv "$INIFILE" "/var/log/m-a.ini" &>/dev/null ((debug)) && cat "/var/log/m-a.ini" } trap finishini EXIT # progress through menu entries until number $1 is reached submenu() { if [[ $SUB_MENU != "$PARENT" ]]; then SUB_MENU="$PARENT" HIGHLIGHT_SUB=1 elif [[ $HIGHLIGHT_SUB != "$1" ]]; then HIGHLIGHT_SUB=$(( HIGHLIGHT_SUB + 1 )) fi } # Adapted from AIS. Checks if system is made by Apple, whether the system is BIOS or UEFI, # and for LVM and/or LUKS. id_system() { printf "\n :: $(pacman -Q manjaro-architect) ::\n\n" >> ${LOGFILE} echo "">"$INIFILE" ini version "$version" ini date "$(date +%D\ %T)" # Apple System Detection if [[ "$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor)" == 'Apple Inc.' ]] || [[ "$(cat /sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor)" == 'Apple Computer, Inc.' ]]; then modprobe -r -q efivars || true # if MAC else modprobe -q efivarfs # all others fi # BIOS or UEFI Detection if [[ -d "/sys/firmware/efi/" ]]; then # Mount efivarfs if it is not already mounted if [[ -z $(mount | grep /sys/firmware/efi/efivars) ]]; then mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars fi SYSTEM="UEFI" else SYSTEM="BIOS" fi ini system.bios "$SYSTEM" # init system if [ $(cat /proc/1/comm) == "systemd" ]; then H_INIT="systemd" else H_INIT="openrc" fi ini system.init "$H_INIT" ## TODO: Test which nw-client is available, including if the service according to $H_INIT is running [[ $H_INIT == "systemd" ]] && [[ $(systemctl is-active NetworkManager) == "active" ]] && NW_CMD=nmtui 2>$ERR check_for_error "system: $SYSTEM, init: $H_INIT nw-client: $NW_CMD" # evaluate host branch ini system.branch "$(grep -oE -m 1 "unstable|stable|testing" /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist)" } # If there is an error, display it and go back to main menu. In any case, write to logfile. # param 2 : error code is optional # param 3 : return menu function , optional, default: main_menu_online check_for_error() { local _msg="$1" local _err="${2:-0}" local _function_menu="${3:-main_menu}" ((${_err}!=0)) && _msg="[${_msg}][${_err}]" [[ -f "${ERR}" ]] && { _msg="${_msg} $(head -n1 ${ERR})" rm "${ERR}" } if ((${_err}!=0)) ; then # and function varsdump ? _msg="$_msg \n $(declare -p | grep -v " _")" local _fpath="${FUNCNAME[*]:1:2}()" _fpath=" --${_fpath// /()<-}" ! ((debug)) && _fpath="" echo -e "$(date +%D\ %T) ERROR ${_msg}${_fpath}" >> "${LOGFILE}" if [[ "${_function_menu}" != "SKIP" ]]; then DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "\n${_msg}\n" 0 0 # return error for return to parent menu return $_err fi else # add $FUNCNAME limit to 20 max for control if recursive ((debug)) && _msg="${_msg} --${FUNCNAME[*]:1:20}" echo -e "$(date +%D\ %T) ${_msg}" >> "${LOGFILE}" fi } set_language() { if [[ ! $(grep font /var/log/m-a.ini 2>/dev/null) ]]; then select_language else CURR_LOCALE="$(grep lang /var/log/m-a.ini | cut -d' ' -f3)" KEYMAP="$(grep keymap /var/log/m-a.ini | cut -d' ' -f3)" FONT="$(grep font /var/log/m-a.ini | cut -d' ' -f3)" TRANS="$(grep translation /var/log/m-a.ini | cut -d' ' -f3)" import $DATADIR/translations/$TRANS.trans ini translation "$TRANS" # does user want to change the old settings? DIALOG " $_SelLang " --yes-label "$_Keep" --no-label "$_Change" --yesno "\n${_Lang}: ${TRANS^}\n " 0 0 || select_language fi # Generate locale and set language DIALOG " $_Config " --infobox "\n$_ApplySet\n " 0 0 sed -i "s/#${CURR_LOCALE}/${CURR_LOCALE}/" /etc/locale.gen locale-gen >/dev/null 2>$ERR export LANG=${CURR_LOCALE} check_for_error "set LANG=${CURR_LOCALE}" $? ini system.lang "$CURR_LOCALE" setfont $FONT 2>$ERR check_for_error "set font $FONT" $? ini linux.font "$FONT" set_keymap } # set locale, keymap and font and source translation file for installer select_language() { fl="1" # terminus-font variation supporting most languages DIALOG " Select Language " --default-item '3' --menu "\n " 0 0 11 \ "1" $"Danish|(da_DK)" \ "2" $"Dutch|(nl_NL)" \ "3" $"English|(en_**)" \ "4" $"French|(fr_FR)" \ "5" $"German|(de_DE)" \ "6" $"Hungarian|(hu_HU)" \ "7" $"Italian|(it_IT)" \ "8" $"Portuguese|(pt_PT)" \ "9" $"Portuguese [Brasil]|(pt_BR)" \ "10" $"Russian|(ru_RU)" \ "11" $"Spanish|(es_ES)" 2>${ANSWER} case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in "1") TRANS="danish" CURR_LOCALE="da_DK.UTF-8" KEYMAP="dk" ;; "2") TRANS="dutch" CURR_LOCALE="nl_NL.UTF-8" KEYMAP="nl" ;; "3") TRANS="english" CURR_LOCALE="en_US.UTF-8" KEYMAP="us" ;; "4") TRANS="french" CURR_LOCALE="fr_FR.UTF-8" KEYMAP="fr" ;; "5") TRANS="german" CURR_LOCALE="de_DE.UTF-8" KEYMAP="de" ;; "6") TRANS="hungarian" CURR_LOCALE="hu_HU.UTF-8" KEYMAP="hu" fl="2" ;; "7") TRANS="italian" CURR_LOCALE="it_IT.UTF-8" KEYMAP="it" ;; "8") TRANS="portuguese" CURR_LOCALE="pt_PT.UTF-8" KEYMAP="pt-latin1" ;; "9") TRANS="portuguese_brasil" CURR_LOCALE="pt_BR.UTF-8" KEYMAP="pt-latin1" ;; "10") TRANS="russian" CURR_LOCALE="ru_RU.UTF-8" KEYMAP="ru" fl="u" ;; "11") TRANS="spanish" CURR_LOCALE="es_ES.UTF-8" KEYMAP="es" ;; *) clear && exit 0 ;; esac # source translation file import $DATADIR/translations/$TRANS.trans ini translation "$TRANS" # adjust terminus font size depending on resolution biggest_resolution=$(head -n 1 /sys/class/drm/card*/*/modes | awk -F'[^0-9]*' '{print $1}' | awk 'BEGIN{a= 0}{if ($1>a) a=$1 fi} END{print a}') if [[ $biggest_resolution -gt 1920 ]]; then fs="24" elif [[ $biggest_resolution -eq 1920 ]]; then fs="18" else fs="16" fi FONT="ter-${fl}${fs}n" ini linux.font "$FONT" } select_keymap() { # does user want to change the default settings? DIALOG " $_VCKeymapTitle " --yes-label "$_Keep" --no-label "$_Change" --yesno "\n${_DefKeymap}\n\n[ ${KEYMAP} ]\n " 0 0 && return 0 KEYMAPS="" for i in $(ls -R /usr/share/kbd/keymaps | grep "map.gz" | sed 's/\.map\.gz//g' | sort); do KEYMAPS="${KEYMAPS} ${i} -" done DIALOG " $_VCKeymapTitle " --menu "\n$_VCKeymapBody\n " 20 40 20 ${KEYMAPS} 2>${ANSWER} || return 0 KEYMAP=$(cat ${ANSWER}) } set_keymap() { loadkeys $KEYMAP 2>$ERR check_for_error "loadkeys $KEYMAP" "$?" ini linux.keymap "$KEYMAP" } mk_connection() { if ! nw_check; then DIALOG " $_NoCon " --yesno "\n$_EstCon\n " 0 0 && $NW_CMD && return 0 || clear && exit 0 fi } # Check user is root, and that there is an active internet connection # Seperated the checks into seperate "if" statements for readability. check_requirements() { DIALOG " $_ChkTitle " --infobox "\n$_ChkBody\n " 0 0 sleep 2 if [[ `whoami` != "root" ]]; then DIALOG " $_Erritle " --infobox "\n$_RtFailBody\n " 0 0 sleep 2 exit 1 fi if ! nw_check; then DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --infobox "\n$_ConFailBody\n " 0 0 sleep 2 exit 1 fi # This will only be executed where neither of the above checks are true. # The error log is also cleared, just in case something is there from a previous use of the installer. DIALOG " $_ReqMetTitle " --infobox "\n$_ReqMetBody\n\n$_UpdDb\n " 0 0 sleep 2 clear echo "" > $ERR pacman -Syy 2>$ERR check_for_error "refresh database" $? SKIP } # Greet the user when first starting the installer greeting() { DIALOG " $_WelTitle $VERSION " --msgbox "\n$_WelBody\n " 0 0 } # Originally adapted from AIS. Added option to allow users to edit the mirrorlist. configure_mirrorlist() { HIGHLIGHT_SUB=1 declare -i loopmenu=1 while ((loopmenu)); do DIALOG " $_MirrorlistTitle " --default-item ${HIGHLIGHT_SUB} --menu "\n$_MirrorlistBody\n " 0 0 4 \ "1" "$_MirrorPacman" \ "2" "$_MirrorConfig" \ "3" "$_MirrorRankTitle" \ "4" "$_Back" 2>${ANSWER} case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in "1") nano /etc/pacman.conf DIALOG " $_MirrorPacman " --yesno "\n$_MIrrorPacQ\n " 0 0 && COPY_PACCONF=1 || COPY_PACCONF=0 check_for_error "edit pacman.conf $COPY_PACCONF" DIALOG "" --infobox "\n$_UpdDb\n " 0 0 pacman -Syy HIGHLIGHT_SUB=2 ;; "2") nano /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf check_for_error "edit pacman-mirrors.conf" HIGHLIGHT_SUB=3 ;; "3") rank_mirrors HIGHLIGHT_SUB=4 ;; *) HIGHLIGHT_SUB=1 loopmeu=0 return 0 ;; esac done } rank_mirrors() { #Choose the branch for mirrorlist DIALOG " $_MirrorBranch " --radiolist "\n$_UseSpaceBar\n " 0 0 3 \ "stable" "-" on \ "testing" "-" off \ "unstable" "-" off 2>${ANSWER} local branch="$(<${ANSWER})" clear if [[ ! -z ${branch} ]]; then DIALOG " $_MirrorBranch " --msgbox "\n$_RankMirrors\n " 0 0 pacman-mirrors -gib "${branch}" ini branch "${branch}" fi } # Simple code to show devices / partitions. show_devices() { lsblk -o NAME,MODEL,TYPE,FSTYPE,SIZE,MOUNTPOINT | grep "disk\|part\|lvm\|crypt\|NAME\|MODEL\|TYPE\|FSTYPE\|SIZE\|MOUNTPOINT" > /tmp/.devlist DIALOG " $_DevShowOpt " --textbox /tmp/.devlist 0 0 } # Adapted from AIS. An excellent bit of code! arch_chroot() { manjaro-chroot $MOUNTPOINT "${1}" } # Ensure that a partition is mounted check_mount() { if [[ $(lsblk -o MOUNTPOINT | grep ${MOUNTPOINT}) == "" ]]; then DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "\n$_ErrNoMount\n " 0 0 ANSWER=0 HIGHLIGHT=0 return 1 fi } # Ensure that Manjaro has been installed check_base() { check_mount if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ ! -e /mnt/.base_installed ]]; then DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "\n$_ErrNoBase\n " 0 0 ANSWER=1 HIGHLIGHT=1 HIGHLIGHT_SUB=2 return 1 fi else return 1 fi } check_desktop() { if [[ -e /mnt/.desktop_installed ]]; then DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --yesno "\n$_DesktopInstalled\n " 0 0 || return 1 fi } # install a pkg in the live session if not installed inst_needed() { if [[ ! $(pacman -Q $1) ]]; then DIALOG " $_InstPkg " --infobox "\n$_InstPkg '${1}'\n " 0 0 sleep 2 clear pacman -Sy --noconfirm $1 2>$ERR check_for_error "Install needed pkg $1." $? fi } # return list of profiles not containing >openrc flag in Packages-Desktop evaluate_profiles() { echo "" > /tmp/.systemd_only for p in $(find $PROFILES/{manjaro,community} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name 'netinstall' ! -name 'architect'); do [[ ! $(grep ">openrc" $p/Packages-Desktop) ]] && echo $p | cut -f7 -d'/' >> /tmp/.systemd_only done echo $(cat /tmp/.systemd_only) } # verify if profile is available for openrc evaluate_openrc() { if [[ ! $(grep ">openrc" $PROFILES/*/$(cat /tmp/.desktop)/Packages-Desktop) ]]; then DIALOG " $_ErrInit " --menu "\n[Manjaro-$(cat /tmp/.desktop)] $_WarnInit\n " 0 0 2 \ "1" "$_DiffPro" \ "2" "$_InstSystd" 2>${ANSWER} check_for_error "selected systemd-only profile [$(cat /tmp/.desktop)] with openrc base. -> $(cat ${ANSWER})" case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in "1") install_desktop_menu ;; "2") install_base ;; esac fi } grub_mkconfig() { arch_chroot "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" 2>$ERR check_for_error "grub-mkconfig" $? } final_check() { CHECKLIST=/tmp/.final_check # Empty the list echo "" > ${CHECKLIST} # Check if base is installed if [[ ! -e /mnt/.base_installed ]]; then echo "- $_BaseCheck" >> ${CHECKLIST} else # Check if bootloader is installed if [[ $SYSTEM == "BIOS" ]]; then arch_chroot "pacman -Qq grub" &> /dev/null || echo "- $_BootlCheck" >> ${CHECKLIST} else [[ -e /mnt/boot/efi/EFI/manjaro_grub/grubx64.efi ]] || [[ -e /mnt/boot/EFI/manjaro_grub/grubx64.efi ]] || echo "- $_BootlCheck" >> ${CHECKLIST} fi # Check if fstab is generated $(grep -qv '^#' /mnt/etc/fstab 2>/dev/null) || echo "- $_FstabCheck" >> ${CHECKLIST} # Check if video-driver has been installed [[ ! -e /mnt/.video_installed ]] && echo "- $_GCCheck" >> ${CHECKLIST} # Check if locales have been generated [[ $(manjaro-chroot /mnt 'locale -a' | wc -l) -ge '3' ]] || echo "- $_LocaleCheck" >> ${CHECKLIST} # Check if root password has been set manjaro-chroot /mnt 'passwd --status root' | cut -d' ' -f2 | grep -q 'NP' && echo "- $_RootCheck" >> ${CHECKLIST} # check if user account has been generated [[ $(ls /mnt/home 2>/dev/null) == "" ]] && echo "- $_UserCheck" >> ${CHECKLIST} fi } exit_done() { if [[ $(lsblk -o MOUNTPOINT | grep ${MOUNTPOINT} 2>/dev/null) != "" ]]; then final_check dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --yesno "$(printf "\n$_CloseInstBody\n$(cat ${CHECKLIST})\n ")" 0 0 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then check_for_error "exit installer." dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --yesno "\n$_LogInfo ${TARGLOG}\n " 0 0 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then [[ -e ${TARGLOG} ]] && cat ${LOGFILE} >> ${TARGLOG} || cp ${LOGFILE} ${TARGLOG} fi umount_partitions clear exit 0 else [[ menu_opt == "advanced" ]] && main_menu_full || main_menu fi else dialog --backtitle "$VERSION - $SYSTEM ($ARCHI)" --yesno "\n$_CloseInstBody\n " 0 0 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then umount_partitions clear exit 0 else [[ menu_opt == "advanced" ]] && main_menu_full || main_menu fi fi }