#!/usr/bin/bash # # mode rescue functions # check if efi mount_test_efi() { if [[ "$(ini system.bios)" == "UEFI" ]]; then menu_item_insert "home" "efi/esp" "mount_partition efi" # TODO: autodetect efi and automount ... fi } mount_partition() { local p='' s='' i=0 menu_item_change "back" # delete find_partitions for p in $PARTITIONS; do if ((i % 2==0)); then s="$p" else menu_item_insert "" "$p $s" "mount_part $p $1" fi ((i++)) done menu_item_insert "" "back" "mnu_return 97" } mount_part(){ mount_current_partition "$1" "$2" return 0 } mnu_return(){ return "${1:-98}"; } #change item and function from param check_menu_edit_config_begin(){ if [[ "${ARGS[init]}" == "systemd" ]]; then menu_item_change "init config" "systemd configuration" "nano /etc/${ARGS[init]}/system.conf" else menu_item_change "init config" "openrc configuration" "nano /etc/rc.conf" fi if ((ARGS[remove])); then menu_item_change "pacman.conf" # no args = remove fi # tests menu_item_insert "pacman.conf" "test insert" "nano test_insert" menu_item_insert "" "last item" "nano test_add" return 0 } check_menu_is_mounted(){ if [[ "${INSTALL[mounted]}" != 1 ]]; then DIALOG " error " --msgbox "\n make mount in pre-install before\n" 0 0 return "${1:-98}" fi }