# scan and update btrfs devices btrfs_scan(){ btrfs device scan >/dev/null 2>&1 } # mount btrfs for checks mount_btrfs(){ btrfs_scan BTRFSMP="$(mktemp -d /tmp/brtfsmp.XXXX)" mount ${PART} ${BTRFSMP} } # unmount btrfs after checks done umount_btrfs(){ umount ${BTRFSMP} rm -r ${BTRFSMP} } # Set BTRFS_DEVICES on detected btrfs devices find_btrfs_raid_devices(){ btrfs_scan if [[ "${DETECT_CREATE_FILESYSTEM}" = "no" && "${FSTYPE}" = "btrfs" ]]; then for i in $(btrfs filesystem show ${PART} | cut -d " " -f 11); do BTRFS_DEVICES="${BTRFS_DEVICES}#${i}" done fi } find_btrfs_raid_bootloader_devices(){ btrfs_scan BTRFS_COUNT=1 if [[ "$(${_BLKID} -p -i ${bootdev} -o value -s TYPE)" = "btrfs" ]]; then BTRFS_DEVICES="" for i in $(btrfs filesystem show ${bootdev} | cut -d " " -f 11); do BTRFS_DEVICES="${BTRFS_DEVICES}#${i}" BTRFS_COUNT=$((${BTRFS_COUNT}+1)) done fi } # find btrfs subvolume find_btrfs_subvolume(){ if [[ "${DETECT_CREATE_FILESYSTEM}" = "no" ]]; then # existing btrfs subvolumes mount_btrfs for i in $(btrfs subvolume list ${BTRFSMP} | cut -d " " -f 7); do echo ${i} [[ "${1}" ]] && echo ${1} done umount_btrfs fi } find_btrfs_bootloader_subvolume(){ BTRFS_SUBVOLUME_COUNT=1 if [[ "$(${_BLKID} -p -i ${bootdev} -o value -s TYPE)" = "btrfs" ]]; then BTRFS_SUBVOLUMES="" PART="${bootdev}" mount_btrfs for i in $(btrfs subvolume list ${BTRFSMP} | cut -d " " -f 7); do BTRFS_SUBVOLUMES="${BTRFS_SUBVOLUMES}#${i}" BTRFS_SUBVOLUME_COUNT=$((${BTRFS_COUNT}+1)) done umount_btrfs fi } # subvolumes already in use subvolumes_in_use(){ SUBVOLUME_IN_USE="" for i in $(grep ${PART}[:#] /tmp/.parts); do if [[ "$(echo ${i} | grep ":btrfs:")" ]]; then SUBVOLUME_IN_USE="${SUBVOLUME_IN_USE} $(echo ${i} | cut -d: -f 9)" fi done } # ask for btrfs compress option btrfs_compress(){ BTRFS_COMPRESS="NONE" BTRFS_COMPRESSLEVELS="lzo - zlib -" if [[ "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}" = "NONE" ]]; then DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Would you like to compress the data on ${PART}?" 0 0 && BTRFS_COMPRESS="compress" else DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Would you like to compress the data on ${PART} subvolume=${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}?" 0 0 && BTRFS_COMPRESS="compress" fi if [[ "${BTRFS_COMPRESS}" = "compress" ]]; then DIALOG --menu "Select the compression method you want to use" 21 50 9 ${BTRFS_COMPRESSLEVELS} 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 BTRFS_COMPRESS="compress=$(cat ${ANSWER})" fi } # ask for btrfs ssd option btrfs_ssd(){ BTRFS_SSD="NONE" if [[ "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}" = "NONE" ]]; then DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Would you like to optimize the data for ssd disk usage on ${PART}?" 0 0 && BTRFS_SSD="ssd" else DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Would you like to optimize the data for ssd disk usage on ${PART} subvolume=${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}?" 0 0 && BTRFS_SSD="ssd" fi } # values that are only needed for btrfs creation clear_btrfs_values(){ : >/tmp/.btrfs-devices LABEL_NAME="" FS_OPTIONS="" BTRFS_DEVICES="" BTRFS_LEVEL="" } # do not ask for btrfs filesystem creation, if already prepared for creation! check_btrfs_filesystem_creation(){ DETECT_CREATE_FILESYSTEM="no" SKIP_FILESYSTEM="no" SKIP_ASK_SUBVOLUME="no" for i in $(grep ${PART}[:#] /tmp/.parts); do if [[ "$(echo ${i} | grep ":btrfs:")" ]]; then FSTYPE="btrfs" SKIP_FILESYSTEM="yes" # check on filesystem creation, skip subvolume asking then! [[ "$(echo ${i} | cut -d: -f 4 | grep yes)" ]] && DETECT_CREATE_FILESYSTEM="yes" [[ "${DETECT_CREATE_FILESYSTEM}" = "yes" ]] && SKIP_ASK_SUBVOLUME="yes" fi done } # remove devices with no subvolume from list and generate raid device list btrfs_parts(){ if [[ -s /tmp/.btrfs-devices ]]; then BTRFS_DEVICES="" for i in $(cat /tmp/.btrfs-devices); do BTRFS_DEVICES="${BTRFS_DEVICES}#${i}" # remove device if no subvolume is used! [[ "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}" = "NONE" ]] && PARTS="$(echo ${PARTS} | sed -e "s#${i}\ _##g")" done else [[ "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}" = "NONE" ]] && PARTS="$(echo ${PARTS} | sed -e "s#${PART}\ _##g")" fi } # choose raid level to use on btrfs device btrfs_raid_level(){ BTRFS_RAIDLEVELS="NONE - raid0 - raid1 - raid10 - single -" BTRFS_RAID_FINISH="" BTRFS_LEVEL="" BTRFS_DEVICE="${PART}" : >/tmp/.btrfs-devices DIALOG --msgbox "BTRFS RAID OPTIONS:\n\nBTRFS has options to control the raid configuration for data and metadata.\nValid choices are raid0, raid1, raid10 and single.\nsingle means that no duplication of metadata is done, which may be desired when using hardware raid. raid10 requires at least 4 devices.\n\nIf you don't need this feature select NONE." 0 0 while [[ "${BTRFS_RAID_FINISH}" != "DONE" ]]; do DIALOG --menu "Select the raid level you want to use" 21 50 9 ${BTRFS_RAIDLEVELS} 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 BTRFS_LEVEL=$(cat ${ANSWER}) if [[ "${BTRFS_LEVEL}" = "NONE" ]]; then echo "${BTRFS_DEVICE}" >>/tmp/.btrfs-devices break else # take selected device as 1st device, add additional devices in part below. select_btrfs_raid_devices fi done } # select btrfs raid devices select_btrfs_raid_devices (){ # show all devices with sizes # DIALOG --msgbox "DISKS:\n$(_getavaildisks)\n\nPARTITIONS:\n$(_getavailpartitions)" 0 0 # select the second device to use, no missing option available! : >/tmp/.btrfs-devices BTRFS_PART="${BTRFS_DEVICE}" BTRFS_PARTS="${PARTS}" echo "${BTRFS_PART}" >>/tmp/.btrfs-devices BTRFS_PARTS="$(echo ${BTRFS_PARTS} | sed -e "s#${BTRFS_PART}\ _##g")" RAIDNUMBER=2 DIALOG --menu "Select device ${RAIDNUMBER}" 21 50 13 ${BTRFS_PARTS} 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 BTRFS_PART=$(cat ${ANSWER}) echo "${BTRFS_PART}" >>/tmp/.btrfs-devices while [[ "${BTRFS_PART}" != "DONE" ]]; do BTRFS_DONE="" RAIDNUMBER=$((${RAIDNUMBER} + 1)) # RAID10 need 4 devices! [[ "${RAIDNUMBER}" -ge 3 && ! "${BTRFS_LEVEL}" = "raid10" ]] && BTRFS_DONE="DONE _" [[ "${RAIDNUMBER}" -ge 5 && "${BTRFS_LEVEL}" = "raid10" ]] && BTRFS_DONE="DONE _" # clean loop from used partition and options BTRFS_PARTS="$(echo ${BTRFS_PARTS} | sed -e "s#${BTRFS_PART}\ _##g")" # add more devices DIALOG --menu "Select device ${RAIDNUMBER}" 21 50 13 ${BTRFS_PARTS} ${BTRFS_DONE} 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 BTRFS_PART=$(cat ${ANSWER}) [[ "${BTRFS_PART}" = "DONE" ]] && break echo "${BTRFS_PART}" >>/tmp/.btrfs-devices done # final step ask if everything is ok? DIALOG --yesno "Would you like to create btrfs raid like this?\n\nLEVEL:\n${BTRFS_LEVEL}\n\nDEVICES:\n$(for i in $(cat /tmp/.btrfs-devices); do echo "${i}\n"; done)" 0 0 && BTRFS_RAID_FINISH="DONE" } # prepare new btrfs device prepare_btrfs(){ btrfs_raid_level || return 1 prepare_btrfs_subvolume || return 1 } # prepare btrfs subvolume prepare_btrfs_subvolume(){ DOSUBVOLUME="no" BTRFS_SUBVOLUME="NONE" if [[ "${SKIP_ASK_SUBVOLUME}" = "no" ]]; then DIALOG --defaultno --yesno "Would you like to create a new subvolume on ${PART}?" 0 0 && DOSUBVOLUME="yes" else DOSUBVOLUME="yes" fi if [[ "${DOSUBVOLUME}" = "yes" ]]; then BTRFS_SUBVOLUME="NONE" while [[ "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}" = "NONE" ]]; do DIALOG --inputbox "Enter the SUBVOLUME name for the device, keep it short\nand use no spaces or special\ncharacters." 10 65 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 BTRFS_SUBVOLUME=$(cat ${ANSWER}) check_btrfs_subvolume done else BTRFS_SUBVOLUME="NONE" fi } # check btrfs subvolume check_btrfs_subvolume(){ [[ "${DOMKFS}" = "yes" && "${FSTYPE}" = "btrfs" ]] && DETECT_CREATE_FILESYSTEM="yes" if [[ "${DETECT_CREATE_FILESYSTEM}" = "no" ]]; then mount_btrfs for i in $(btrfs subvolume list ${BTRFSMP} | cut -d " " -f 7); do if [[ "$(echo ${i} | grep "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}"$)" ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "ERROR: You have defined 2 identical SUBVOLUME names or an empty name! Please enter another name." 8 65 BTRFS_SUBVOLUME="NONE" fi done umount_btrfs else subvolumes_in_use if [[ "$(echo ${SUBVOLUME_IN_USE} | egrep "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}")" ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "ERROR: You have defined 2 identical SUBVOLUME names or an empty name! Please enter another name." 8 65 BTRFS_SUBVOLUME="NONE" fi fi } # create btrfs subvolume create_btrfs_subvolume(){ mount_btrfs btrfs subvolume create ${BTRFSMP}/${_btrfssubvolume} >${LOG} # change permission from 700 to 755 # to avoid warnings during package installation chmod 755 ${BTRFSMP}/${_btrfssubvolume} umount_btrfs } # choose btrfs subvolume from list choose_btrfs_subvolume (){ BTRFS_SUBVOLUME="NONE" SUBVOLUMES_DETECTED="no" SUBVOLUMES=$(find_btrfs_subvolume _) # check if subvolumes are present [[ -n "${SUBVOLUMES}" ]] && SUBVOLUMES_DETECTED="yes" subvolumes_in_use for i in ${SUBVOLUME_IN_USE}; do SUBVOLUMES=$(echo ${SUBVOLUMES} | sed -e "s#${i}\ _##g") done if [[ -n "${SUBVOLUMES}" ]]; then DIALOG --menu "Select the subvolume to mount" 21 50 13 ${SUBVOLUMES} 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 BTRFS_SUBVOLUME=$(cat ${ANSWER}) else if [[ "${SUBVOLUMES_DETECTED}" = "yes" ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "ERROR: All subvolumes of the device are already in use. Switching to create a new one now." 8 65 SKIP_ASK_SUBVOLUME=yes prepare_btrfs_subvolume || return 1 fi fi } # boot on btrfs subvolume is not supported check_btrfs_boot_subvolume(){ if [[ "${MP}" = "/boot" && "${FSTYPE}" = "btrfs" && ! "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}" = "NONE" ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "ERROR: \n/boot on a btrfs subvolume is not supported by any bootloader yet!" 8 65 FILESYSTEM_FINISH="no" fi } # btrfs subvolume menu btrfs_subvolume(){ FILESYSTEM_FINISH="" if [[ "${FSTYPE}" = "btrfs" && "${DOMKFS}" = "no" ]]; then if [[ "${ASK_MOUNTPOINTS}" = "1" ]]; then # create subvolume if requested # choose btrfs subvolume if present prepare_btrfs_subvolume || return 1 if [[ "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}" = "NONE" ]]; then choose_btrfs_subvolume || return 1 fi else # use device if no subvolume is present choose_btrfs_subvolume || return 1 fi btrfs_compress btrfs_ssd fi FILESYSTEM_FINISH="yes" } select_filesystem(){ FILESYSTEM_FINISH="" # don't allow vfat as / filesystem, it will not work! # don't allow ntfs as / filesystem, this is stupid! FSOPTS="" [[ "$(which mkfs.ext2 2>/dev/null)" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} ext2 Ext2" [[ "$(which mkfs.ext3 2>/dev/null)" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} ext3 Ext3" [[ "$(which mkfs.ext4 2>/dev/null)" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} ext4 Ext4" [[ "$(which mkfs.btrfs 2>/dev/null)" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} btrfs Btrfs-(Experimental)" [[ "$(which mkfs.nilfs2 2>/dev/null)" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} nilfs2 Nilfs2-(Experimental)" [[ "$(which mkreiserfs 2>/dev/null)" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} reiserfs Reiser3" [[ "$(which mkfs.xfs 2>/dev/null)" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} xfs XFS" [[ "$(which mkfs.jfs 2>/dev/null)" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} jfs JFS" [[ "$(which mkfs.ntfs 2>/dev/null)" && "${DO_ROOT}" = "DONE" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} ntfs-3g NTFS" [[ "$(which mkfs.vfat 2>/dev/null)" && "${DO_ROOT}" = "DONE" ]] && FSOPTS="${FSOPTS} vfat VFAT" DIALOG --menu "Select a filesystem for ${PART}" 21 50 13 ${FSOPTS} 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 FSTYPE=$(cat ${ANSWER}) } enter_mountpoint(){ FILESYSTEM_FINISH="" MP="" while [[ "${MP}" = "" ]]; do DIALOG --inputbox "Enter the mountpoint for ${PART}" 8 65 "/boot" 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 MP=$(cat ${ANSWER}) if grep ":${MP}:" /tmp/.parts; then DIALOG --msgbox "ERROR: You have defined 2 identical mountpoints! Please select another mountpoint." 8 65 MP="" fi done } # set sane values for paramaters, if not already set check_mkfs_values(){ # Set values, to not confuse mkfs call! [[ "${FS_OPTIONS}" = "" ]] && FS_OPTIONS="NONE" [[ "${BTRFS_DEVICES}" = "" ]] && BTRFS_DEVICES="NONE" [[ "${BTRFS_LEVEL}" = "" ]] && BTRFS_LEVEL="NONE" [[ "${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}" = "" ]] && BTRFS_SUBVOLUME="NONE" [[ "${DOSUBVOLUME}" = "" ]] && DOSUBVOLUME="no" [[ "${LABEL_NAME}" = "" && -n "$(${_BLKID} -p -i -o value -s LABEL ${PART})" ]] && LABEL_NAME="$(${_BLKID} -p -i -o value -s LABEL ${PART})" [[ "${LABEL_NAME}" = "" ]] && LABEL_NAME="NONE" } create_filesystem(){ FILESYSTEM_FINISH="" LABEL_NAME="" FS_OPTIONS="" BTRFS_DEVICES="" BTRFS_LEVEL="" DIALOG --yesno "Would you like to create a filesystem on ${PART}?\n\n(This will overwrite existing data!)" 0 0 && DOMKFS="yes" if [[ "${DOMKFS}" = "yes" ]]; then while [[ "${LABEL_NAME}" = "" ]]; do DIALOG --inputbox "Enter the LABEL name for the device, keep it short\n(not more than 12 characters) and use no spaces or special\ncharacters." 10 65 \ "$(${_BLKID} -p -i -o value -s LABEL ${PART})" 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 LABEL_NAME=$(cat ${ANSWER}) if grep ":${LABEL_NAME}$" /tmp/.parts; then DIALOG --msgbox "ERROR: You have defined 2 identical LABEL names! Please enter another name." 8 65 LABEL_NAME="" fi done if [[ "${FSTYPE}" = "btrfs" ]]; then prepare_btrfs || return 1 btrfs_compress btrfs_ssd fi DIALOG --inputbox "Enter additional options to the filesystem creation utility.\nUse this field only, if the defaults are not matching your needs,\nelse just leave it empty." 10 70 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 FS_OPTIONS=$(cat ${ANSWER}) fi FILESYSTEM_FINISH="yes" } mountpoints(){ NAME_SCHEME_PARAMETER_RUN="" while [[ "${PARTFINISH}" != "DONE" ]]; do activate_special_devices : >/tmp/.device-names : >/tmp/.fstab : >/tmp/.parts # # Select mountpoints # DIALOG --msgbox "Available partitions:\n\n$(_getavailpartitions)\n" 0 0 PARTS=$(findpartitions _) DO_SWAP="" while [[ "${DO_SWAP}" != "DONE" ]]; do FSTYPE="swap" DIALOG --menu "Select the partition to use as swap" 21 50 13 NONE - ${PARTS} 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 PART=$(cat ${ANSWER}) if [[ "${PART}" != "NONE" ]]; then DOMKFS="no" if [[ "${ASK_MOUNTPOINTS}" = "1" ]]; then create_filesystem else FILESYSTEM_FINISH="yes" fi else FILESYSTEM_FINISH="yes" fi [[ "${FILESYSTEM_FINISH}" = "yes" ]] && DO_SWAP=DONE done check_mkfs_values if [[ "${PART}" != "NONE" ]]; then PARTS="$(echo ${PARTS} | sed -e "s#${PART}\ _##g")" echo "${PART}:swap:swap:${DOMKFS}:${LABEL_NAME}:${FS_OPTIONS}:${BTRFS_DEVICES}:${BTRFS_LEVEL}:${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}:${DOSUBVOLUME}:${BTRFS_COMPRESS}:${BTRFS_SSD}" >>/tmp/.parts fi DO_ROOT="" while [[ "${DO_ROOT}" != "DONE" ]]; do DIALOG --menu "Select the partition to mount as /" 21 50 13 ${PARTS} 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 PART=$(cat ${ANSWER}) PART_ROOT=${PART} # Select root filesystem type FSTYPE="$(${_BLKID} -p -i -o value -s TYPE ${PART})" DOMKFS="no" # clear values first! clear_btrfs_values check_btrfs_filesystem_creation if [[ "${ASK_MOUNTPOINTS}" = "1" && "${SKIP_FILESYSTEM}" = "no" ]]; then select_filesystem && create_filesystem && btrfs_subvolume else btrfs_subvolume fi [[ "${FILESYSTEM_FINISH}" = "yes" ]] && DO_ROOT=DONE done find_btrfs_raid_devices btrfs_parts check_mkfs_values echo "${PART}:${FSTYPE}:/:${DOMKFS}:${LABEL_NAME}:${FS_OPTIONS}:${BTRFS_DEVICES}:${BTRFS_LEVEL}:${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}:${DOSUBVOLUME}:${BTRFS_COMPRESS}:${BTRFS_SSD}" >>/tmp/.parts ! [[ "${FSTYPE}" = "btrfs" ]] && PARTS="$(echo ${PARTS} | sed -e "s#${PART}\ _##g")" # # Additional partitions # while [[ "${PART}" != "DONE" ]]; do DO_ADDITIONAL="" while [[ "${DO_ADDITIONAL}" != "DONE" ]]; do DIALOG --menu "Select any additional partitions to mount under your new root (select DONE when finished)" 21 52 13 ${PARTS} DONE _ 2>${ANSWER} || return 1 PART=$(cat ${ANSWER}) if [[ "${PART}" != "DONE" ]]; then FSTYPE="$(${_BLKID} -p -i -o value -s TYPE ${PART})" DOMKFS="no" # clear values first! clear_btrfs_values check_btrfs_filesystem_creation # Select a filesystem type if [[ "${ASK_MOUNTPOINTS}" = "1" && "${SKIP_FILESYSTEM}" = "no" ]]; then enter_mountpoint && select_filesystem && create_filesystem && btrfs_subvolume else enter_mountpoint btrfs_subvolume fi check_btrfs_boot_subvolume else FILESYSTEM_FINISH="yes" fi [[ "${FILESYSTEM_FINISH}" = "yes" ]] && DO_ADDITIONAL="DONE" done if [[ "${PART}" != "DONE" ]]; then find_btrfs_raid_devices btrfs_parts check_mkfs_values echo "${PART}:${FSTYPE}:${MP}:${DOMKFS}:${LABEL_NAME}:${FS_OPTIONS}:${BTRFS_DEVICES}:${BTRFS_LEVEL}:${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME}:${DOSUBVOLUME}:${BTRFS_COMPRESS}:${BTRFS_SSD}" >>/tmp/.parts ! [[ "${FSTYPE}" = "btrfs" ]] && PARTS="$(echo ${PARTS} | sed -e "s#${PART}\ _##g")" fi done DIALOG --yesno "Would you like to create and mount the filesytems like this?\n\nSyntax\n------\nDEVICE:TYPE:MOUNTPOINT:FORMAT:LABEL:FSOPTIONS:BTRFS_DETAILS\n\n$(for i in $(cat /tmp/.parts | sed -e 's, ,#,g'); do echo "${i}\n";done)" 0 0 && PARTFINISH="DONE" done # disable swap and all mounted partitions _umountall if [[ "${NAME_SCHEME_PARAMETER_RUN}" = "" ]]; then set_device_name_scheme || return 1 fi printk off for line in $(cat /tmp/.parts); do PART=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 1) FSTYPE=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 2) MP=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 3) DOMKFS=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 4) LABEL_NAME=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 5) FS_OPTIONS=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 6) BTRFS_DEVICES=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 7) BTRFS_LEVEL=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 8) BTRFS_SUBVOLUME=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 9) DOSUBVOLUME=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 10) BTRFS_COMPRESS=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 11) BTRFS_SSD=$(echo ${line} | cut -d: -f 12) if [[ "${DOMKFS}" = "yes" ]]; then if [[ "${FSTYPE}" = "swap" ]]; then DIALOG --infobox "Creating and activating swapspace on ${PART}" 0 0 else DIALOG --infobox "Creating ${FSTYPE} on ${PART},\nmounting to ${DESTDIR}${MP}" 0 0 fi _mkfs yes ${PART} ${FSTYPE} ${DESTDIR} ${MP} ${LABEL_NAME} ${FS_OPTIONS} ${BTRFS_DEVICES} ${BTRFS_LEVEL} ${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME} ${DOSUBVOLUME} ${BTRFS_COMPRESS} ${BTRFS_SSD} || return 1 else if [[ "${FSTYPE}" = "swap" ]]; then DIALOG --infobox "Activating swapspace on ${PART}" 0 0 else DIALOG --infobox "Mounting ${FSTYPE} on ${PART} to ${DESTDIR}${MP}" 0 0 fi _mkfs no ${PART} ${FSTYPE} ${DESTDIR} ${MP} ${LABEL_NAME} ${FS_OPTIONS} ${BTRFS_DEVICES} ${BTRFS_LEVEL} ${BTRFS_SUBVOLUME} ${DOSUBVOLUME} ${BTRFS_COMPRESS} ${BTRFS_SSD} || return 1 fi sleep 1 done printk on DIALOG --msgbox "Partitions were successfully mounted." 0 0 NEXTITEM="5" S_MKFS=1 } # _mkfs() # Create and mount filesystems in our destination system directory. # # args: # domk: Whether to make the filesystem or use what is already there # device: Device filesystem is on # fstype: type of filesystem located at the device (or what to create) # dest: Mounting location for the destination system # mountpoint: Mount point inside the destination system, e.g. '/boot' # returns: 1 on failure _mkfs(){ local _domk=${1} local _device=${2} local _fstype=${3} local _dest=${4} local _mountpoint=${5} local _labelname=${6} local _fsoptions=${7} local _btrfsdevices="$(echo ${8} | sed -e 's|#| |g')" local _btrfslevel=${9} local _btrfssubvolume=${10} local _dosubvolume=${11} local _btrfscompress=${12} local _btrfsssd=${13} # correct empty entries [[ "${_fsoptions}" = "NONE" ]] && _fsoptions="" [[ "${_btrfsssd}" = "NONE" ]] && _btrfsssd="" [[ "${_btrfscompress}" = "NONE" ]] && _btrfscompress="" [[ "${_btrfssubvolume}" = "NONE" ]] && _btrfssubvolume="" # add btrfs raid level, if needed [[ ! "${_btrfslevel}" = "NONE" && "${_fstype}" = "btrfs" ]] && _fsoptions="${_fsoptions} -d ${_btrfslevel}" # we have two main cases: "swap" and everything else. if [[ "${_fstype}" = "swap" ]]; then swapoff ${_device} >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ "${_domk}" = "yes" ]]; then mkswap -L ${_labelname} ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "Error creating swap: mkswap ${_device}" 0 0 return 1 fi fi swapon ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "Error activating swap: swapon ${_device}" 0 0 return 1 fi else # make sure the fstype is one we can handle local knownfs=0 for fs in xfs jfs reiserfs ext2 ext3 ext4 btrfs nilfs2 ntfs-3g vfat; do [[ "${_fstype}" = "${fs}" ]] && knownfs=1 && break done if [[ ${knownfs} -eq 0 ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "unknown fstype ${_fstype} for ${_device}" 0 0 return 1 fi # if we were tasked to create the filesystem, do so if [[ "${_domk}" = "yes" ]]; then local ret case ${_fstype} in xfs) mkfs.xfs ${_fsoptions} -L ${_labelname} -f ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; jfs) yes | mkfs.jfs ${_fsoptions} -L ${_labelname} ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; reiserfs) yes | mkreiserfs ${_fsoptions} -l ${_labelname} ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; ext2) mkfs.ext2 ${_fsoptions} -F -L ${_labelname} ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; ext3) mke2fs ${_fsoptions} -F -L ${_labelname} -t ext3 ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; ext4) mke2fs ${_fsoptions} -F -L ${_labelname} -t ext4 ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; btrfs) mkfs.btrfs ${_fsoptions} -L ${_labelname} ${_btrfsdevices} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; nilfs2) mkfs.nilfs2 ${_fsoptions} -L ${_labelname} ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; ntfs-3g) mkfs.ntfs ${_fsoptions} -L ${_labelname} ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; vfat) mkfs.vfat ${_fsoptions} -n ${_labelname} ${_device} >${LOG} 2>&1; ret=$? ;; # don't handle anything else here, we will error later esac if [[ ${ret} != 0 ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "Error creating filesystem ${_fstype} on ${_device}" 0 0 return 1 fi sleep 2 fi if [[ "${_fstype}" = "btrfs" && -n "${_btrfssubvolume}" && "${_dosubvolume}" = "yes" ]]; then create_btrfs_subvolume fi btrfs_scan sleep 2 # create our mount directory mkdir -p ${_dest}${_mountpoint} # prepare btrfs mount options _btrfsmountoptions="" [[ -n "${_btrfssubvolume}" ]] && _btrfsmountoptions="subvol=${_btrfssubvolume}" [[ -n "${_btrfscompress}" ]] && _btrfsmountoptions="${_btrfsmountoptions} ${_btrfscompress}" [[ -n "${_btrfsssd}" ]] && _btrfsmountoptions="${_btrfsmountoptions} ${_btrfsssd}" _btrfsmountoptions="$(echo ${_btrfsmountoptions} | sed -e 's#^ ##g' | sed -e 's# #,#g')" # mount the bad boy if [[ "${_fstype}" = "btrfs" && -n "${_btrfsmountoptions}" ]]; then mount -t ${_fstype} -o ${_btrfsmountoptions} ${_device} ${_dest}${_mountpoint} >${LOG} 2>&1 else mount -t ${_fstype} ${_device} ${_dest}${_mountpoint} >${LOG} 2>&1 fi if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "Error mounting ${_dest}${_mountpoint}" 0 0 return 1 fi # change permission of base directories to correct permission # to avoid btrfs issues if [[ "${_mountpoint}" = "/tmp" ]]; then chmod 1777 ${_dest}${_mountpoint} elif [[ "${_mountpoint}" = "/root" ]]; then chmod 750 ${_dest}${_mountpoint} else chmod 755 ${_dest}${_mountpoint} fi fi # add to .device-names for config files local _fsuuid="$(getfsuuid ${_device})" local _fslabel="$(getfslabel ${_device})" if [[ "${GUID_DETECTED}" == "1" ]]; then local _partuuid="$(getpartuuid ${_device})" local _partlabel="$(getpartlabel ${_device})" echo "# DEVICE DETAILS: ${_device} PARTUUID=${_partuuid} PARTLABEL=${_partlabel} UUID=${_fsuuid} LABEL=${_fslabel}" >> /tmp/.device-names else echo "# DEVICE DETAILS: ${_device} UUID=${_fsuuid} LABEL=${_fslabel}" >> /tmp/.device-names fi # add to temp fstab if [[ "${NAME_SCHEME_PARAMETER}" == "FSUUID" ]]; then if [[ -n "${_fsuuid}" ]]; then _device="UUID=${_fsuuid}" fi elif [[ "${NAME_SCHEME_PARAMETER}" == "FSLABEL" ]]; then if [[ -n "${_fslabel}" ]]; then _device="LABEL=${_fslabel}" fi else if [[ "${GUID_DETECTED}" == "1" ]]; then if [[ "${NAME_SCHEME_PARAMETER}" == "PARTUUID" ]]; then if [[ -n "${_partuuid}" ]]; then _device="PARTUUID=${_partuuid}" fi elif [[ "${NAME_SCHEME_PARAMETER}" == "PARTLABEL" ]]; then if [[ -n "${_partlabel}" ]]; then _device="PARTLABEL=${_partlabel}" fi fi fi fi if [[ "${_fstype}" = "btrfs" && -n "${_btrfsmountoptions}" ]]; then echo -n "${_device} ${_mountpoint} ${_fstype} defaults,${_btrfsmountoptions} 0 " >>/tmp/.fstab else echo -n "${_device} ${_mountpoint} ${_fstype} defaults 0 " >>/tmp/.fstab fi if [[ "${_fstype}" = "swap" ]]; then echo "0" >>/tmp/.fstab else echo "1" >>/tmp/.fstab fi } # auto_fstab() # preprocess fstab file # comments out old fields and inserts new ones # according to partitioning/formatting stage # auto_fstab(){ # Modify fstab if [[ "${S_MKFS}" = "1" || "${S_MKFSAUTO}" = "1" ]]; then if [[ -f /tmp/.device-names ]]; then sort /tmp/.device-names >>${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab fi if [[ -f /tmp/.fstab ]]; then # clean fstab first from /dev entries sed -i -e '/^\/dev/d' ${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab sort /tmp/.fstab >>${DESTDIR}/etc/fstab fi fi } # check for btrfs bootpart and abort if detected abort_btrfs_bootpart(){ FSTYPE="$(${_BLKID} -p -i ${bootdev} -o value -s TYPE)" if [[ "${FSTYPE}" = "btrfs" ]]; then DIALOG --msgbox "Error:\nYour selected bootloader cannot boot from btrfs partition with /boot on it." 0 0 return 1 fi }