install_de_wm() { # Only show this information box once if [[ $SHOW_ONCE -eq 0 ]]; then DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --msgbox "$_DEInfoBody" 0 0 SHOW_ONCE=1 fi # DE/WM Menu DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --checklist "$_InstDEBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 12 \ "budgie-desktop" "-" off \ "cinnamon" "-" off \ "deepin" "-" off \ "deepin-extra" "-" off \ "enlightenment + terminology" "-" off \ "gnome-shell" "-" off \ "gnome" "-" off \ "gnome-extra" "-" off \ "plasma-desktop" "-" off \ "plasma" "-" off \ "kde-applications" "-" off \ "lxde" "-" off \ "lxqt + oxygen-icons" "-" off \ "mate" "-" off \ "mate-extra" "-" off \ "mate-gtk3" "-" off \ "mate-extra-gtk3" "-" off \ "xfce4" "-" off \ "xfce4-goodies" "-" off \ "awesome + vicious" "-" off \ "fluxbox + fbnews" "-" off \ "i3-wm + i3lock + i3status" "-" off \ "icewm + icewm-themes" "-" off \ "openbox + openbox-themes" "-" off \ "pekwm + pekwm-themes" "-" off \ "windowmaker" "-" off 2>${PACKAGES} # If something has been selected, install if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then clear sed -i 's/+\|\"//g' ${PACKAGES} basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "${FUNCNAME}: ${PACKAGES}" "$?" # Clear the packages file for installation of "common" packages echo "" > ${PACKAGES} # Offer to install various "common" packages. DIALOG " $_InstComTitle " --checklist "$_InstComBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 50 14 \ "bash-completion" "-" on \ "gamin" "-" on \ "gksu" "-" on \ "gnome-icon-theme" "-" on \ "gnome-keyring" "-" on \ "gvfs" "-" on \ "gvfs-afc" "-" on \ "gvfs-smb" "-" on \ "polkit" "-" on \ "poppler" "-" on \ "python2-xdg" "-" on \ "ntfs-3g" "-" on \ "ttf-dejavu" "-" on \ "xdg-user-dirs" "-" on \ "xdg-utils" "-" on \ "xterm" "-" on 2>${PACKAGES} # If at least one package, install. if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then clear basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES})" "$?" fi fi } install_manjaro_de_wm() { # Clear packages after installing base echo "" > /tmp/.desktop # DE/WM Menu DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --radiolist "$_InstDEBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 12 \ $(echo $PROFILES/{manjaro,community}/* | xargs -n1 | cut -f7 -d/ | grep -v "netinstall" |awk '$0=$0" - off"') 2> /tmp/.desktop # If something has been selected, install if [[ $(cat /tmp/.desktop) != "" ]]; then check_for_error "manjaro_de_wm selected: $(cat /tmp/.desktop)" "$?" clear # Source the iso-profile profile=$(echo $PROFILES/*/$(cat /tmp/.desktop)/profile.conf) . $profile overlay=$(echo $PROFILES/*/$(cat /tmp/.desktop)/desktop-overlay/) echo $displaymanager > /tmp/.display-manager target_desktop=$(echo $PROFILES/*/$(cat /tmp/.desktop)/Packages-Desktop) # Parse package list based on user input and remove parts that don't belong to pacman cat $PROFILES/shared/Packages-Root "$target_desktop" > /tmp/.edition if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then # Remove any packages tagged with >systemd and remove >openrc tags sed -i '/>systemd/d' /tmp/.edition sed -i 's/>openrc //g' /tmp/.edition else # Remove any packages tagged with >openrc and remove >systemd tags sed -i '/>openrc/d' /tmp/.edition sed -i 's/>systemd //g' /tmp/.edition fi if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "x86_64" ]]; then # Remove any packages tagged with >i686 and remove >x86_64 tags sed -i '/>i686/d' /tmp/.edition sed -i '/>nonfree_i686/d' /tmp/.edition sed -i 's/>x86_64 //g' /tmp/.edition else # Remove any packages tagged with >x86_64 and remove >i686 tags sed -i '/>x86_64/d' /tmp/.edition sed -i '/>nonfree_x86_64/d' /tmp/.edition sed -i 's/>i686 //g' /tmp/.edition fi # If multilib repo is enabled, install multilib packages if grep -q "^[multilib]" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/pacman.conf ; then # Remove >multilib tags sed -i 's/>multilib //g' /tmp/.edition sed -i 's/>nonfree_multilib //g' /tmp/.edition else # Remove lines with >multilib tag sed -i '/>multilib/d' /tmp/.edition sed -i '/>nonfree_multilib/d' /tmp/.edition fi if grep -q ">extra" /tmp/.edition;then # User to select base|extra profile DIALOG "$_ExtraTitle" --no-cancel --menu "$_ExtraBody" 0 0 2 \ "1" "full" \ "2" "minimal" 2>/tmp/.version if [[ $(cat /tmp/.version) -eq 2 ]]; then touch /tmp/.minimal else [[ -e /tmp/.minimal ]] && rm /tmp/.minimal fi fi if [[ -e /tmp/.minimal ]]; then # Remove >extra tags sed -i 's/>basic //g' /tmp/.edition sed -i '/>extra/d' /tmp/.edition else # Remove >basic tags sed -i 's/>extra //g' /tmp/.edition sed -i '/>basic/d' /tmp/.edition fi # remove >manjaro flags and >sonar flags+pkgs until we support it properly sed -i '/>sonar/d' /tmp/.edition sed -i 's/>manjaro //g' /tmp/.edition # Remove commented lines # remove everything except the first word of every lines sed -i 's/\s.*$//' /tmp/.edition # Remove lines with # sed -i '/#/d' /tmp/.edition # remove KERNEL variable sed -i '/KERNEL/d' /tmp/.edition # Remove empty lines sed -i '/^\s*$/d' /tmp/.edition # Remove base-devel and base packages. Base is already installed and base-devel should be decided by the user # pacman -Sgq base-devel base openrc-base > /tmp/.notincluded # grep -v -f /tmp/.notincluded /tmp/.edition | grep -v "base-devel" > /tmp/.tmp # mv /tmp/.tmp /tmp/.edition # Remove packages that have been dropped from repos pacman -Ssq > /tmp/.available_packages grep -f /tmp/.available_packages /tmp/.edition > /tmp/.tmp mv /tmp/.tmp /tmp/.edition # remove zsh sed -i '/^zsh$/d' /tmp/.edition check_for_error "install pkgs: $(cat /tmp/.desktop)" "$?" # basestrap the parsed package list to the new root basestrap -i ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat /tmp/.edition /usr/share/manjaro-architect/package-lists/input-drivers | sort | uniq) # copy the profile overlay to the new root echo "Copying overlay files to the new root" cp -r "$overlay"* ${MOUNTPOINT} 2>$ERR check_for_error "${overlay}* ${MOUNTPOINT}" "$?" # Copy settings to root account cp -ar $MOUNTPOINT/etc/skel/. $MOUNTPOINT/root/ # copy settings to already created users if [[ -e "$(echo /mnt/home/*)" ]]; then for home in $(echo $MOUNTPOINT/home/*); do cp -ar $MOUNTPOINT/etc/skel/. $home/ done fi # Enable services in the chosen profile echo "Enabling services" if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then eval $(grep -e "enable_openrc=" $profile | sed 's/# //g') echo "${enable_openrc[@]}" | xargs -n1 > /tmp/.services echo /mnt/etc/init.d/* | xargs -n1 | cut -d/ -f5 > /tmp/.available_services grep -f /tmp/.available_services /tmp/.services > /tmp/.fix && mv /tmp/.fix /tmp/.services for service in $(cat /tmp/.services) ; do arch_chroot "rc-update add $service default" done # enable display manager for openrc if [[ "$(cat /tmp/.display-manager)" == sddm ]]; then sed -i "s/$(grep "DISPLAYMANAGER=" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm)/DISPLAYMANAGER=\"sddm\"/g" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm arch_chroot "rc-update add xdm default" 2>$ERR check_for_error "add xdm default: sddm" "$?" set_sddm_ck elif [[ "$(cat /tmp/.display-manager)" == lightdm ]]; then set_lightdm_greeter sed -i "s/$(grep "DISPLAYMANAGER=" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm)/DISPLAYMANAGER=\"lightdm\"/g" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm arch_chroot "rc-update add xdm default" 2>$ERR check_for_error "add xdm default: lightdm" "$?" else echo "no display manager was installed" sleep 2 fi else eval $(grep -e "enable_systemd=" $profile | sed 's/# //g') echo "${enable_systemd[@]}" | xargs -n1 > /tmp/.services echo /mnt/usr/lib/systemd/system/* | xargs -n1 | cut -d/ -f7 | sed 's/.service//g' > /tmp/.available_services grep -f /tmp/.available_services /tmp/.services > /tmp/.fix && mv /tmp/.fix /tmp/.services arch_chroot "systemctl enable $(cat /tmp/.services)" arch_chroot "systemctl disable pacman-init" # enable display manager for systemd if [[ "$(cat /tmp/.display-manager)" == lightdm ]]; then set_lightdm_greeter arch_chroot "systemctl enable lightdm" 2>$ERR check_for_error "enable lightdm" "$?" elif [[ "$(cat /tmp/.display-manager)" == sddm ]]; then arch_chroot "systemctl enable sddm" 2>$ERR check_for_error "enable sddm" "$?" elif [[ "$(cat /tmp/.display-manager)" == gdm ]]; then arch_chroot "systemctl enable gdm" 2>$ERR check_for_error "enable gdm" "$?" else echo "no display manager was installed" sleep 2 fi fi # Stop for a moment so user can see if there were errors echo "" echo "" echo "" echo "press Enter to continue" read # Clear the packages file for installation of "common" packages echo "" > ${PACKAGES} # Offer to install various "common" packages. DIALOG " $_InstComTitle " --checklist "$_InstComBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 50 20 \ "manjaro-settings-manager" "-" off \ "pamac" "-" off \ "octopi" "-" off \ "pacli" "-" off \ "pacui" "-" off \ "fish" "-" off \ "fisherman" "-" off \ "zsh" "-" on \ "zsh-completions" "-" on \ "manjaro-zsh-config" "-" on \ "grml-zsh-config" "-" off \ "mhwd-chroot" "-" off \ "bmenu" "-" on \ "clonezilla" "-" off \ "snapper" "-" off \ "snap-pac" "-" off \ "manjaro-tools-iso" "-" off \ "manjaro-tools-base" "-" off \ "manjaro-tools-pkg" "-" off 2>${PACKAGES} # If at least one package, install. if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then clear basestrap -i ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "basestrap -i ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES})" "$?" fi fi } install_manjaro_de_wm_pkg() { PROFILES="/usr/share/manjaro-tools/iso-profiles" # Only show this information box once if [[ $SHOW_ONCE -eq 0 ]]; then DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --msgbox "$_InstPBody" 0 0 SHOW_ONCE=1 fi clear # install iso-profiles pkgs as needed local pkgs=(manjaro-iso-profiles-{base,official,community}) for p in ${pkgs[@]}; do inst_needed $p done install_manjaro_de_wm } install_manjaro_de_wm_git() { PROFILES="$DATADIR/profiles" # Only show this information box once if [[ $SHOW_ONCE -eq 0 ]]; then DIALOG " $_InstDETitle " --msgbox "$_InstPBody" 0 0 SHOW_ONCE=1 fi clear # install git if not already installed inst_needed git # download manjaro-tools.-isoprofiles git repo if [[ -f $PROFILES ]]; then git -C $PROFILES pull else git clone --depth 1 $PROFILES fi install_manjaro_de_wm } # Display Manager install_dm() { # Save repetition of code enable_dm() { if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then sed -i "s/$(grep "DISPLAYMANAGER=" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm)/DISPLAYMANAGER=\"$(cat ${PACKAGES})\"/g" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm arch_chroot "rc-update add xdm default" 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" DM=$(cat ${PACKAGES}) DM_ENABLED=1 else # enable display manager for systemd arch_chroot "systemctl enable $(cat ${PACKAGES})" 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" DM=$(cat ${PACKAGES}) DM_ENABLED=1 fi } if [[ $DM_ENABLED -eq 0 ]]; then # Prep variables echo "" > ${PACKAGES} dm_list="gdm lxdm lightdm sddm" DM_LIST="" DM_INST="" # Generate list of DMs installed with DEs, and a list for selection menu for i in ${dm_list}; do [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/usr/bin/${i} ]] && DM_INST="${DM_INST} ${i}" DM_LIST="${DM_LIST} ${i} -" done DIALOG " $_DmChTitle " --menu "$_AlreadyInst$DM_INST\n\n$_DmChBody" 0 0 4 \ ${DM_LIST} 2>${PACKAGES} clear # If a selection has been made, act if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then # check if selected dm already installed. If so, enable and break loop. for i in ${DM_INST}; do if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) == ${i} ]]; then enable_dm break; fi done # If no match found, install and enable DM if [[ $DM_ENABLED -eq 0 ]]; then # Where lightdm selected, add gtk greeter package sed -i 's/lightdm/lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter/' ${PACKAGES} basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR # Where lightdm selected, now remove the greeter package sed -i 's/lightdm-gtk-greeter//' ${PACKAGES} enable_dm fi fi fi # Show after successfully installing or where attempting to repeat when already completed. [[ $DM_ENABLED -eq 1 ]] && DIALOG " $_DmChTitle " --msgbox "$_DmDoneBody" 0 0 } set_lightdm_greeter() { local greeters=$(ls /mnt/usr/share/xgreeters/*greeter.desktop) name for g in ${greeters[@]}; do name=${g##*/} name=${name%%.*} case ${name} in lightdm-gtk-greeter) break ;; lightdm-*-greeter) sed -i -e "s/^.*greeter-session=.*/greeter-session=${name}/" /mnt/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ;; esac done } set_sddm_ck() { local halt='/usr/bin/shutdown -h -P now' \ reboot='/usr/bin/shutdown -r now' sed -e "s|^.*HaltCommand=.*|HaltCommand=${halt}|" \ -e "s|^.*RebootCommand=.*|RebootCommand=${reboot}|" \ -e "s|^.*MinimumVT=.*|MinimumVT=7|" \ -i "/mnt/etc/sddm.conf" arch_chroot "gpasswd -a sddm video &> /dev/null" } # Network Manager install_nm() { # Save repetition of code enable_nm() { # Add openrc support. If openrcbase was installed, the file /tmp/.openrc should exist. if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) == "NetworkManager" ]]; then arch_chroot "systemctl enable NetworkManager.service && systemctl enable NetworkManager-dispatcher.service" >/tmp/.symlink 2>$ERR else arch_chroot "systemctl enable $(cat ${PACKAGES})" 2>$ERR fi check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" NM_ENABLED=1 } if [[ $NM_ENABLED -eq 0 ]]; then # Prep variables echo "" > ${PACKAGES} nm_list="connman CLI dhcpcd CLI netctl CLI NetworkManager GUI wicd GUI" NM_LIST="" NM_INST="" # Generate list of DMs installed with DEs, and a list for selection menu for i in ${nm_list}; do [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/usr/bin/${i} ]] && NM_INST="${NM_INST} ${i}" NM_LIST="${NM_LIST} ${i}" done # Remove netctl from selectable list as it is a PITA to configure via arch_chroot NM_LIST=$(echo $NM_LIST | sed "s/netctl CLI//") DIALOG " $_InstNMTitle " --menu "$_AlreadyInst $NM_INST\n$_InstNMBody" 0 0 4 \ ${NM_LIST} 2> ${PACKAGES} clear # If a selection has been made, act if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then # check if selected nm already installed. If so, enable and break loop. for i in ${NM_INST}; do [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) == ${i} ]] && enable_nm && break done # If no match found, install and enable NM if [[ $NM_ENABLED -eq 0 ]]; then # Where networkmanager selected, add network-manager-applet sed -i 's/NetworkManager/networkmanager network-manager-applet/g' ${PACKAGES} basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR # Where networkmanager selected, now remove network-manager-applet sed -i 's/networkmanager network-manager-applet/NetworkManager/g' ${PACKAGES} enable_nm fi fi fi # Show after successfully installing or where attempting to repeat when already completed. [[ $NM_ENABLED -eq 1 ]] && DIALOG " $_InstNMTitle " --msgbox "$_InstNMErrBody" 0 0 } install_multimedia_menu() { local PARENT="$FUNCNAME" install_alsa_pulse() { # Prep Variables echo "" > ${PACKAGES} ALSA="" PULSE_EXTRA="" alsa=$(pacman -Ss alsa | awk '{print $1}' | grep "/alsa-" | sed "s/extra\///g" | sort -u) pulse_extra=$(pacman -Ss pulseaudio- | awk '{print $1}' | sed "s/extra\///g" | grep "pulseaudio-" | sort -u) for i in ${alsa}; do ALSA="${ALSA} ${i} - off" done ALSA=$(echo $ALSA | sed "s/alsa-utils - off/alsa-utils - on/g" | sed "s/alsa-plugins - off/alsa-plugins - on/g") for i in ${pulse_extra}; do PULSE_EXTRA="${PULSE_EXTRA} ${i} - off" done DIALOG " $_InstMulSnd " --checklist "$_InstMulSndBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 6 \ $ALSA "pulseaudio" "-" off $PULSE_EXTRA \ "paprefs" "pulseaudio GUI" off \ "pavucontrol" "pulseaudio GUI" off \ "ponymix" "pulseaudio CLI" off \ "volumeicon" "ALSA GUI" off \ "volwheel" "ASLA GUI" off 2>${PACKAGES} clear # If at least one package, install. if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" fi } install_codecs() { # Prep Variables echo "" > ${PACKAGES} GSTREAMER="" gstreamer=$(pacman -Ss gstreamer | awk '{print $1}' | grep "/gstreamer" | sed "s/extra\///g" | sed "s/community\///g" | sort -u) echo $gstreamer for i in ${gstreamer}; do GSTREAMER="${GSTREAMER} ${i} - off" done DIALOG " $_InstMulCodec " --checklist "$_InstMulCodBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 14 \ $GSTREAMER "xine-lib" "-" off 2>${PACKAGES} clear # If at least one package, install. if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" fi } install_cust_pkgs() { echo "" > ${PACKAGES} DIALOG " $_InstMulCust " --inputbox "$_InstMulCustBody" 0 0 "" 2>${PACKAGES} || install_multimedia_menu clear # If at least one package, install. if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) == "hen poem" ]]; then DIALOG " \"My Sweet Buckies\" by Atiya & Carl " --msgbox "\nMy Sweet Buckies,\nYou are the sweetest Buckies that ever did \"buck\",\nLily, Rosie, Trumpet, and Flute,\nMy love for you all is absolute!\n\nThey buck: \"We love our treats, we are the Booyakka sisters,\"\n\"Sometimes we squabble and give each other comb-twisters,\"\n\"And in our garden we love to sunbathe, forage, hop and jump,\"\n\"We love our freedom far, far away from that factory farm dump,\"\n\n\"For so long we were trapped in cramped prisons full of disease,\"\n\"No sunlight, no fresh air, no one who cared for even our basic needs,\"\n\"We suffered in fear, pain, and misery for such a long time,\"\n\"But now we are so happy, we wanted to tell you in this rhyme!\"\n\n" 0 0 else basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME $(cat ${PACKAGES})" "$?" fi fi } submenu 5 DIALOG "$_InstMultMenuBody" --default-item ${HIGHLIGHT_SUB} --menu " $_InstMultMenuTitle " 0 0 5 \ "1" "$_InstMulSnd" \ "2" "$_InstMulCodec" \ "3" "$_InstMulAcc" \ "4" "$_InstMulCust" \ "5" "$_Back" 2>${ANSWER} HIGHLIGHT_SUB=$(cat ${ANSWER}) case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in "1") install_alsa_pulse ;; "2") install_codecs ;; "3") install_acc_menu ;; "4") install_cust_pkgs ;; *) main_menu_online ;; esac install_multimedia_menu }