# virtual console keymap set_keymap() { KEYMAPS="" for i in $(ls -R /usr/share/kbd/keymaps | grep "map.gz" | sed 's/\.map\.gz//g' | sort); do KEYMAPS="${KEYMAPS} ${i} -" done DIALOG " $_VCKeymapTitle " --menu "$_VCKeymapBody" 20 40 16 ${KEYMAPS} 2>${ANSWER} || prep_menu KEYMAP=$(cat ${ANSWER}) loadkeys $KEYMAP 2>$ERR check_for_error "loadkeys $KEYMAP" "$?" biggest_resolution=$(head -n 1 /sys/class/drm/card*/*/modes | awk -F'[^0-9]*' '{print $1}' | awk 'BEGIN{a= 0}{if ($1>a) a=$1 fi} END{print a}') # Choose terminus font size depending on resolution if [[ $biggest_resolution -gt 1920 ]]; then FONT=ter-124n elif [[ $biggest_resolution -eq 1920 ]]; then FONT=ter-118n else FONT=ter-114n fi echo -e "KEYMAP=${KEYMAP}\nFONT=${FONT}" > /tmp/vconsole.conf } # Set keymap for X11 set_xkbmap() { XKBMAP_LIST="" keymaps_xkb=("af al am at az ba bd be bg br bt bw by ca cd ch cm cn cz de dk ee es et eu fi fo fr\ gb ge gh gn gr hr hu ie il in iq ir is it jp ke kg kh kr kz la lk lt lv ma md me mk ml mm mn mt mv\ ng nl no np pc ph pk pl pt ro rs ru se si sk sn sy tg th tj tm tr tw tz ua us uz vn za") for i in ${keymaps_xkb}; do XKBMAP_LIST="${XKBMAP_LIST} ${i} -" done DIALOG " $_PrepKBLayout " --menu "$_XkbmapBody" 0 0 16 ${XKBMAP_LIST} 2>${ANSWER} || install_graphics_menu XKBMAP=$(cat ${ANSWER} |sed 's/_.*//') echo -e "Section "\"InputClass"\"\nIdentifier "\"system-keyboard"\"\nMatchIsKeyboard "\"on"\"\nOption "\"XkbLayout"\" "\"${XKBMAP}"\"\nEndSection" \ > ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf } # locale array generation code adapted from the Manjaro 0.8 installer set_locale() { LOCALES="" for i in $(cat /etc/locale.gen | grep -v "# " | sed 's/#//g' | sed 's/ UTF-8//g' | grep .UTF-8); do LOCALES="${LOCALES} ${i} -" done DIALOG " $_ConfBseSysLoc " --menu "$_localeBody" 0 0 12 ${LOCALES} 2>${ANSWER} || config_base_menu LOCALE=$(cat ${ANSWER}) echo "LANG=\"${LOCALE}\"" > ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/locale.conf sed -i "s/#${LOCALE}/${LOCALE}/" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/locale.gen 2>$ERR arch_chroot "locale-gen" >/dev/null 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" } # Set Zone and Sub-Zone set_timezone() { ZONE="" for i in $(cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab | awk '{print $3}' | grep "/" | sed "s/\/.*//g" | sort -ud); do ZONE="$ZONE ${i} -" done DIALOG " $_ConfBseTimeHC " --menu "$_TimeZBody" 0 0 10 ${ZONE} 2>${ANSWER} || config_base_menu ZONE=$(cat ${ANSWER}) SUBZONE="" for i in $(cat /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab | awk '{print $3}' | grep "${ZONE}/" | sed "s/${ZONE}\///g" | sort -ud); do SUBZONE="$SUBZONE ${i} -" done DIALOG " $_ConfBseTimeHC " --menu "$_TimeSubZBody" 0 0 11 ${SUBZONE} 2>${ANSWER} || config_base_menu SUBZONE=$(cat ${ANSWER}) DIALOG " $_ConfBseTimeHC " --yesno "$_TimeZQ ${ZONE}/${SUBZONE}?" 0 0 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then arch_chroot "ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/posix/${ZONE}/${SUBZONE} /etc/localtime" 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" else config_base_menu fi } set_hw_clock() { DIALOG " $_ConfBseTimeHC " --menu "$_HwCBody" 0 0 2 \ "utc" "-" \ "localtime" "-" 2>${ANSWER} if [[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) != "" ]]; then arch_chroot "hwclock --systohc --$(cat ${ANSWER})" 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" fi } # Function will not allow incorrect UUID type for installed system. generate_fstab() { DIALOG " $_ConfBseFstab " --menu "$_FstabBody" 0 0 4 \ "fstabgen -p" "$_FstabDevName" \ "fstabgen -L -p" "$_FstabDevLabel" \ "fstabgen -U -p" "$_FstabDevUUID" \ "fstabgen -t PARTUUID -p" "$_FstabDevPtUUID" 2>${ANSWER} if [[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) != "" ]]; then if [[ $SYSTEM == "BIOS" ]] && [[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) == "fstabgen -t PARTUUID -p" ]]; then DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_FstabErr" 0 0 generate_fstab else $(cat ${ANSWER}) ${MOUNTPOINT} > ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/fstab 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" [[ -f ${MOUNTPOINT}/swapfile ]] && sed -i "s/\\${MOUNTPOINT}//" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/fstab fi fi config_base_menu } set_hostname() { DIALOG " $_ConfBseHost " --inputbox "$_HostNameBody" 0 0 "manjaro" 2>${ANSWER} || config_base_menu echo "$(cat ${ANSWER})" > ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/hostname 2>$ERR echo -e "#\t\t\n127.0.0.1\tlocalhost.localdomain\tlocalhost\t$(cat \ ${ANSWER})\n::1\tlocalhost.localdomain\tlocalhost\t$(cat ${ANSWER})" > ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/hosts 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" } # Adapted and simplified from the Manjaro 0.8 and Antergos 2.0 installers set_root_password() { DIALOG " $_ConfUsrRoot " --clear --insecure --passwordbox "$_PassRtBody" 0 0 \ 2> ${ANSWER} || config_base_menu PASSWD=$(cat ${ANSWER}) DIALOG " $_ConfUsrRoot " --clear --insecure --passwordbox "$_PassReEntBody" 0 0 \ 2> ${ANSWER} || config_base_menu PASSWD2=$(cat ${ANSWER}) if [[ $PASSWD == $PASSWD2 ]]; then echo -e "${PASSWD}\n${PASSWD}" > /tmp/.passwd arch_chroot "passwd root" < /tmp/.passwd >/dev/null 2>$ERR rm /tmp/.passwd check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" else DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_PassErrBody" 0 0 set_root_password fi } # Originally adapted from the Antergos 2.0 installer create_new_user() { DIALOG " $_NUsrTitle " --inputbox "$_NUsrBody" 0 0 "" 2>${ANSWER} || config_base_menu USER=$(cat ${ANSWER}) # Loop while user name is blank, has spaces, or has capital letters in it. while [[ ${#USER} -eq 0 ]] || [[ $USER =~ \ |\' ]] || [[ $USER =~ [^a-z0-9\ ] ]]; do DIALOG " $_NUsrTitle " --inputbox "$_NUsrErrBody" 0 0 "" 2>${ANSWER} || config_base_menu USER=$(cat ${ANSWER}) done DIALOG "_MirrorBranch" --radiolist "\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 3 \ "zsh" "-" on \ "bash" "-" off \ "fish" "-" off 2>/tmp/.shell shell=$(cat /tmp/.shell) # Enter password. This step will only be reached where the loop has been skipped or broken. DIALOG " $_ConfUsrNew " --clear --insecure --passwordbox "$_PassNUsrBody $USER\n\n" 0 0 \ 2> ${ANSWER} || config_base_menu PASSWD=$(cat ${ANSWER}) DIALOG " $_ConfUsrNew " --clear --insecure --passwordbox "$_PassReEntBody" 0 0 \ 2> ${ANSWER} || config_base_menu PASSWD2=$(cat ${ANSWER}) # loop while passwords entered do not match. while [[ $PASSWD != $PASSWD2 ]]; do DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_PassErrBody" 0 0 DIALOG " $_ConfUsrNew " --clear --insecure --passwordbox "$_PassNUsrBody $USER\n\n" 0 0 \ 2> ${ANSWER} || config_base_menu PASSWD=$(cat ${ANSWER}) DIALOG " $_ConfUsrNew " --clear --insecure --passwordbox "$_PassReEntBody" 0 0 \ 2> ${ANSWER} || config_base_menu PASSWD2=$(cat ${ANSWER}) done # create new user. This step will only be reached where the password loop has been skipped or broken. DIALOG " $_ConfUsrNew " --infobox "$_NUsrSetBody" 0 0 sleep 2 # Create the user, set password, then remove temporary password file arch_chroot "groupadd ${USER}" arch_chroot "useradd ${USER} -m -g ${USER} -G wheel,storage,power,network,video,audio,lp -s /bin/$shell" 2>$ERR check_for_error "add user to groups" "$?" echo -e "${PASSWD}\n${PASSWD}" > /tmp/.passwd arch_chroot "passwd ${USER}" < /tmp/.passwd >/dev/null 2>$ERR rm /tmp/.passwd check_for_error "create user pwd" "$?" # Set up basic configuration files and permissions for user #arch_chroot "cp /etc/skel/.bashrc /home/${USER}" arch_chroot "chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /home/${USER}" [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/sudoers ]] && sed -i '/%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/s/^#//' ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/sudoers } run_mkinitcpio() { clear KERNEL="" # If LVM and/or LUKS used, add the relevant hook(s) ([[ $LVM -eq 1 ]] && [[ $LUKS -eq 0 ]]) && sed -i 's/block filesystems/block lvm2 filesystems/g' ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf 2>$ERR ([[ $LVM -eq 1 ]] && [[ $LUKS -eq 1 ]]) && sed -i 's/block filesystems/block encrypt lvm2 filesystems/g' ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf 2>$ERR ([[ $LVM -eq 0 ]] && [[ $LUKS -eq 1 ]]) && sed -i 's/block filesystems/block encrypt filesystems/g' ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf 2>$ERR check_for_error "lVM/LUKS hooks" "$?" arch_chroot "mkinitcpio -P" 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" } install_base() { # Prep variables echo "" > ${PACKAGES} echo "" > ${ANSWER} BTRF_CHECK=$(echo "btrfs-progs" "-" off) F2FS_CHECK=$(echo "f2fs-tools" "-" off) KERNEL="n" mhwd-kernel -l | awk '/linux/ {print $2}' > /tmp/.available_kernels kernels=$(cat /tmp/.available_kernels) # User to select initsystem DIALOG " $_ChsInit " --menu "$_WarnOrc" 0 0 2 \ "1" "systemd" \ "2" "openrc" 2>${INIT} if [[ $(cat ${INIT}) == "" ]]; then install_base_menu fi if [[ $(cat ${INIT}) -eq 2 ]]; then touch /tmp/.openrc cat /usr/share/manjaro-architect/package-lists/base-openrc-manjaro > /tmp/.base else [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]] && rm /tmp/.openrc cat /usr/share/manjaro-architect/package-lists/base-systemd-manjaro > /tmp/.base fi # Choose kernel and possibly base-devel DIALOG " $_InstBseTitle " --checklist "$_InstStandBseBody$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 12 \ $(cat /tmp/.available_kernels |awk '$0=$0" - off"') \ "base-devel" "-" off 2>${PACKAGES} || main_menu_online cat ${PACKAGES} >> /tmp/.base if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) == "" ]]; then install_base_menu fi # Choose wanted kernel modules DIALOG "$_ChsAddPkgs" --checklist "\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 12 \ "KERNEL-headers" "-" off \ "KERNEL-acpi_call" "-" on \ "KERNEL-ndiswrapper" "-" on \ "KERNEL-broadcom-wl" "-" off \ "KERNEL-r8168" "-" off \ "KERNEL-rt3562sta" "-" off \ "KERNEL-tp_smapi" "-" off \ "KERNEL-vhba-module" "-" off \ "KERNEL-virtualbox-guest-modules" "-" off \ "KERNEL-virtualbox-host-modules" "-" off \ "KERNEL-spl" "-" off \ "KERNEL-zfs" "-" off 2>/tmp/.modules if [[ $(cat /tmp/.modules) == "" ]]; then install_base_menu fi for kernel in $(cat ${PACKAGES} | grep -v "base-devel") ; do cat /tmp/.modules | sed "s/KERNEL/\ $kernel/g" >> /tmp/.base done # If a selection made, act if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then clear # Check to see if a kernel is already installed ls ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/*.img >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then KERNEL="y" else for i in $(cat /tmp/.available_kernels); do [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES} | grep ${i}) != "" ]] && KERNEL="y" && break; done fi # If no kernel selected, warn and restart if [[ $KERNEL == "n" ]]; then DIALOG " $_ErrTitle " --msgbox "$_ErrNoKernel" 0 0 install_base else # If at least one kernel selected, proceed with installation. basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat /tmp/.base) # If root is on btrfs volume, amend mkinitcpio.conf [[ $(lsblk -lno FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/ \/mnt$/ {print $1}') == btrfs ]] && sed -e '/^HOOKS=/s/\ fsck//g' -i ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf # If root is on nilfs2 volume, amend mkinitcpio.conf [[ $(lsblk -lno FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/ \/mnt$/ {print $1}') == nilfs2 ]] && sed -e '/^HOOKS=/s/\ fsck//g' -i ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf # Use mhwd to install selected kernels with right kernel modules # This is as of yet untested # arch_chroot "mhwd-kernel -i $(cat ${PACKAGES} | xargs -n1 | grep -f /tmp/.available_kernels | xargs)" # If the virtual console has been set, then copy config file to installation [[ -e /tmp/vconsole.conf ]] && cp -f /tmp/vconsole.conf ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/vconsole.conf 2>$ERR # If specified, copy over the pacman.conf file to the installation [[ $COPY_PACCONF -eq 1 ]] && cp -f /etc/pacman.conf ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/pacman.conf 2>$ERR # if branch was chosen, use that also in installed system. If not, use the system setting if [[ -e ${BRANCH} ]]; then sed -i "/Branch =/c\Branch = $(cat ${BRANCH})/" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/pacman-mirrors.conf else sed -i "/Branch =/c$(grep "Branch =" /etc/pacman-mirrors.conf)" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/pacman-mirrors.conf fi fi fi } uefi_bootloader() { #Ensure again that efivarfs is mounted [[ -z $(mount | grep /sys/firmware/efi/efivars) ]] && mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /sys/firmware/efi/efivars DIALOG " $_InstUefiBtTitle " --menu "$_InstUefiBtBody" 0 0 2 \ "grub" "-" 2>${PACKAGES} if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then clear basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES} | grep -v "systemd-boot") efibootmgr dosfstools 2>$ERR check_for_error "uefi_bootloader" "$?" case $(cat ${PACKAGES}) in "grub") DIALOG " Grub-install " --infobox "$_PlsWaitBody" 0 0 arch_chroot "grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=${UEFI_MOUNT} --bootloader-id=manjaro_grub --recheck" 2>$ERR # If encryption used amend grub [[ $LUKS_DEV != "" ]] && sed -i "s~GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*~GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"$LUKS_DEV\"~g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/default/grub # If root is on btrfs volume, amend grub [[ $(lsblk -lno FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/ \/mnt$/ {print $1}') == btrfs ]] && \ sed -e '/GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT/ s/^#*/#/' -i ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/default/grub # Generate config file arch_chroot "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" 2>$ERR check_for_error "grub-mkconfig" "$?" # Ask if user wishes to set Grub as the default bootloader and act accordingly DIALOG " $_InstUefiBtTitle " --yesno \ "$_SetBootDefBody ${UEFI_MOUNT}/EFI/boot $_SetBootDefBody2" 0 0 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then arch_chroot "mkdir ${UEFI_MOUNT}/EFI/boot" 2>$ERR arch_chroot "cp -r ${UEFI_MOUNT}/EFI/manjaro_grub/grubx64.efi ${UEFI_MOUNT}/EFI/boot/bootx64.efi" 2>$ERR check_for_error "Install GRUB" "$?" DIALOG " $_InstUefiBtTitle " --infobox "\nGrub $_SetDefDoneBody" 0 0 sleep 2 fi ;; "systemd-boot") arch_chroot "bootctl --path=${UEFI_MOUNT} install" 2>$ERR check_for_error "systemd-boot" "$?" # Deal with LVM Root [[ $(echo $ROOT_PART | grep "/dev/mapper/") != "" ]] && bl_root=$ROOT_PART \ || bl_root=$"PARTUUID="$(blkid -s PARTUUID ${ROOT_PART} | sed 's/.*=//g' | sed 's/"//g') # Create default config files. First the loader echo -e "default arch\ntimeout 10" > ${MOUNTPOINT}${UEFI_MOUNT}/loader/loader.conf 2>$ERR # Second, the kernel conf files [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux.img ]] && \ echo -e "title\tManjaro Linux\nlinux\t/vmlinuz-linux\ninitrd\t/initramfs-linux.img\noptions\troot=${bl_root} rw" \ > ${MOUNTPOINT}${UEFI_MOUNT}/loader/entries/arch.conf [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-lts.img ]] && \ echo -e "title\tManjaro Linux LTS\nlinux\t/vmlinuz-linux-lts\ninitrd\t/initramfs-linux-lts.img\noptions\troot=${bl_root} rw" \ > ${MOUNTPOINT}${UEFI_MOUNT}/loader/entries/arch-lts.conf [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-grsec.img ]] && \ echo -e "title\tManjaro Linux Grsec\nlinux\t/vmlinuz-linux-grsec\ninitrd\t/initramfs-linux-grsec.img\noptions\troot=${bl_root} rw" \ > ${MOUNTPOINT}${UEFI_MOUNT}/loader/entries/arch-grsec.conf [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-zen.img ]] && \ echo -e "title\tManjaro Linux Zen\nlinux\t/vmlinuz-linux-zen\ninitrd\t/initramfs-linux-zen.img\noptions\troot=${bl_root} rw" \ > ${MOUNTPOINT}${UEFI_MOUNT}/loader/entries/arch-zen.conf # Finally, amend kernel conf files for LUKS and BTRFS sysdconf=$(ls ${MOUNTPOINT}${UEFI_MOUNT}/loader/entries/arch*.conf) for i in ${sysdconf}; do [[ $LUKS_DEV != "" ]] && sed -i "s~rw~$LUKS_DEV rw~g" ${i} done ;; *) install_base_menu ;; esac fi } # Grub auto-detects installed kernels, etc. Syslinux does not, hence the extra code for it. bios_bootloader() { DIALOG " $_InstBiosBtTitle " --menu "$_InstBiosBtBody" 0 0 2 \ "grub" "-" \ "grub + os-prober" "-" 2>${PACKAGES} clear # If something has been selected, act if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then sed -i 's/+\|\"//g' ${PACKAGES} basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" # If Grub, select device if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES} | grep "grub") != "" ]]; then select_device # If a device has been selected, configure if [[ $DEVICE != "" ]]; then DIALOG " Grub-install " --infobox "$_PlsWaitBody" 0 0 arch_chroot "grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck $DEVICE" 2>$ERR # if /boot is LVM (whether using a seperate /boot mount or not), amend grub if ( [[ $LVM -eq 1 ]] && [[ $LVM_SEP_BOOT -eq 0 ]] ) || [[ $LVM_SEP_BOOT -eq 2 ]]; then sed -i "s/GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=\"\"/GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=\"lvm\"/g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/default/grub fi # If encryption used amend grub [[ $LUKS_DEV != "" ]] && sed -i "s~GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*~GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"$LUKS_DEV\"~g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/default/grub # If root is on btrfs volume, amend grub [[ $(lsblk -lno FSTYPE,MOUNTPOINT | awk '/ \/mnt$/ {print $1}') == btrfs ]] && \ sed -e '/GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT/ s/^#*/#/' -i ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/default/grub arch_chroot "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" 2>$ERR check_for_error "grub-mkconfig" "$?" fi else # Syslinux DIALOG " $_InstSysTitle " --menu "$_InstSysBody" 0 0 2 \ "syslinux-install_update -iam" "[MBR]" "syslinux-install_update -i" "[/]" 2>${PACKAGES} # If an installation method has been chosen, run it if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then arch_chroot "$(cat ${PACKAGES})" 2>$ERR check_for_error "syslinux-install" "$?" # Amend configuration file. First remove all existing entries, then input new ones. sed -i '/^LABEL.*$/,$d' ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg #echo -e "\n" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg # First the "main" entries [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux.img ]] && echo -e "\n\nLABEL arch\n\tMENU LABEL Manjaro Linux\n\tLINUX \ ../vmlinuz-linux\n\tAPPEND root=${ROOT_PART} rw\n\tINITRD ../initramfs-linux.img" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-lts.img ]] && echo -e "\n\nLABEL arch\n\tMENU LABEL Manjaro Linux realtime LTS\n\tLINUX \ ../vmlinuz-linux-lts\n\tAPPEND root=${ROOT_PART} rw\n\tINITRD ../initramfs-linux-lts.img" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-grsec.img ]] && echo -e "\n\nLABEL arch\n\tMENU LABEL Manjaro Linux realtime\n\tLINUX \ ../vmlinuz-linux-grsec\n\tAPPEND root=${ROOT_PART} rw\n\tINITRD ../initramfs-linux-grsec.img" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-zen.img ]] && echo -e "\n\nLABEL arch\n\tMENU LABEL Manjaro Linux release candidate\n\tLINUX \ ../vmlinuz-linux-zen\n\tAPPEND root=${ROOT_PART} rw\n\tINITRD ../initramfs-linux-zen.img" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg # Second the "fallback" entries [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux.img ]] && echo -e "\n\nLABEL arch\n\tMENU LABEL Manjaro Linux Fallback\n\tLINUX \ ../vmlinuz-linux\n\tAPPEND root=${ROOT_PART} rw\n\tINITRD ../initramfs-linux-fallback.img" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-lts.img ]] && echo -e "\n\nLABEL arch\n\tMENU LABEL Manjaro Linux Fallback realtime LTS\n\tLINUX \ ../vmlinuz-linux-lts\n\tAPPEND root=${ROOT_PART} rw\n\tINITRD ../initramfs-linux-lts-fallback.img" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-grsec.img ]] && echo -e "\n\nLABEL arch\n\tMENU LABEL Manjaro Linux Fallback realtime\n\tLINUX \ ../vmlinuz-linux-grsec\n\tAPPEND root=${ROOT_PART} rw\n\tINITRD ../initramfs-linux-grsec-fallback.img" \ >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/initramfs-linux-zen.img ]] && echo -e "\n\nLABEL arch\n\tMENU LABEL Manjaro Linux Fallbacl Zen\n\tLINUX \ ../vmlinuz-linux-zen\n\tAPPEND root=${ROOT_PART} rw\n\tINITRD ../initramfs-linux-zen-fallback.img" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg # Third, amend for LUKS [[ $LUKS_DEV != "" ]] && sed -i "s~rw~$LUKS_DEV rw~g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg # Finally, re-add the "default" entries echo -e "\n\nLABEL hdt\n\tMENU LABEL HDT (Hardware Detection Tool)\n\tCOM32 hdt.c32" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg echo -e "\n\nLABEL reboot\n\tMENU LABEL Reboot\n\tCOM32 reboot.c32" >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg echo -e "\n\n#LABEL windows\n\t#MENU LABEL Windows\n\t#COM32 chain.c32\n\t#APPEND root=/dev/sda2 rw" \ >> ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg echo -e "\n\nLABEL poweroff\n\tMENU LABEL Poweroff\n\tCOM32 poweroff.c32" ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg fi fi fi } install_bootloader() { check_mount if [[ $SYSTEM == "BIOS" ]]; then bios_bootloader else uefi_bootloader fi } # ntp not exactly wireless, but this menu is the best fit. install_wireless_packages() { WIRELESS_PACKAGES="" wireless_pkgs="dialog iw rp-pppoe wireless_tools wpa_actiond" for i in ${wireless_pkgs}; do WIRELESS_PACKAGES="${WIRELESS_PACKAGES} ${i} - on" done # If no wireless, uncheck wireless pkgs [[ $(lspci | grep -i "Network Controller") == "" ]] && WIRELESS_PACKAGES=$(echo $WIRELESS_PACKAGES | sed "s/ on/ off/g") DIALOG " $_InstNMMenuPkg " --checklist "$_InstNMMenuPkgBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 13 \ $WIRELESS_PACKAGES \ "ufw" "-" off \ "gufw" "-" off \ "ntp" "-" off \ "b43-fwcutter" "Broadcom 802.11b/g/n" off \ "bluez-firmware" "Broadcom BCM203x / STLC2300 Bluetooth" off \ "ipw2100-fw" "Intel PRO/Wireless 2100" off \ "ipw2200-fw" "Intel PRO/Wireless 2200" off \ "zd1211-firmware" "ZyDAS ZD1211(b) 802.11a/b/g USB WLAN" off 2>${PACKAGES} if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then clear basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" fi } install_cups() { DIALOG " $_InstNMMenuCups " --checklist "$_InstCupsBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 5 \ "cups" "-" on \ "cups-pdf" "-" off \ "ghostscript" "-" on \ "gsfonts" "-" on \ "samba" "-" off 2>${PACKAGES} if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then clear basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES} | grep "cups") != "" ]]; then DIALOG " $_InstNMMenuCups " --yesno "$_InstCupsQ" 0 0 if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then # Add openrc support. If openrcbase was installed, the file /tmp/.openrc should exist. if [[ -e /tmp/.openrc ]]; then #statements arch_chroot "rc-update add cupsd default" 2>$ERR else arch_chroot "systemctl enable org.cups.cupsd.service" 2>$ERR fi check_for_error "enable cups" "$?" DIALOG " $_InstNMMenuCups " --infobox "\n$_Done!\n\n" 0 0 sleep 2 fi fi fi } install_network_menu() { local PARENT="$FUNCNAME" submenu 5 DIALOG " $_InstNMMenuTitle " --default-item ${HIGHLIGHT_SUB} --menu "$_InstNMMenuBody" 0 0 5 \ "1" "$_SeeWirelessDev" \ "2" "$_InstNMMenuPkg" \ "3" "$_InstNMMenuNM" \ "4" "$_InstNMMenuCups" \ "5" "$_Back" 2>${ANSWER} case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in "1") # Identify the Wireless Device lspci -k | grep -i -A 2 "network controller" > /tmp/.wireless if [[ $(cat /tmp/.wireless) != "" ]]; then DIALOG " $_WirelessShowTitle " --textbox /tmp/.wireless 0 0 else DIALOG " $_WirelessShowTitle " --msgbox "$_WirelessErrBody" 7 30 fi ;; "2") install_wireless_packages ;; "3") install_nm ;; "4") install_cups ;; *) main_menu_online ;; esac install_network_menu } install_intel() { sed -i 's/MODULES=""/MODULES="i915"/' ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf # Intel microcode (Grub, Syslinux and systemd-boot). # Done as seperate if statements in case of multiple bootloaders. if [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/grub/grub.cfg ]]; then DIALOG " grub-mkconfig " --infobox "$_PlsWaitBody" 0 0 sleep 1 arch_chroot "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg" 2>$ERR fi # Syslinux [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg ]] && sed -i "s/INITRD /&..\/intel-ucode.img,/g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg # Systemd-boot if [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}${UEFI_MOUNT}/loader/loader.conf ]]; then update=$(ls ${MOUNTPOINT}${UEFI_MOUNT}/loader/entries/*.conf) for i in ${upgate}; do sed -i '/linux \//a initrd \/intel-ucode.img' ${i} done fi } install_ati() { sed -i 's/MODULES=""/MODULES="radeon"/' ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf } # Install xorg and input drivers. Also copy the xkbmap configuration file created earlier to the installed system install_xorg_input() { echo "" > ${PACKAGES} DIALOG " $_InstGrMenuDS " --checklist "$_InstGrMenuDSBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 11 \ "wayland" "-" off \ "xorg-server" "-" on \ "xorg-server-common" "-" off \ "xorg-server-utils" "-" on \ "xorg-xinit" "-" on \ "xorg-server-xwayland" "-" off \ "xf86-input-evdev" "-" off \ "xf86-input-keyboard" "-" on \ "xf86-input-libinput" "-" on \ "xf86-input-mouse" "-" on \ "xf86-input-synaptics" "-" off 2>${PACKAGES} clear # If at least one package, install. if [[ $(cat ${PACKAGES}) != "" ]]; then basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" fi # now copy across .xinitrc for all user accounts user_list=$(ls ${MOUNTPOINT}/home/ | sed "s/lost+found//") for i in ${user_list}; do [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/home/$i/.xinitrc ]] || cp -f ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc ${MOUNTPOINT}/home/$i/.xinitrc arch_chroot "chown -R ${i}:${i} /home/${i}" done SUB_MENU="install_vanilla_de_wm" HIGHLIGHT_SUB=1 install_vanilla_de_wm } setup_graphics_card() { # Main menu. Correct option for graphics card should be automatically highlighted. DIALOG " Choose video-driver to be installed " --radiolist "$_InstDEBody\n\n$_UseSpaceBar" 0 0 12 \ $(mhwd -l | awk 'FNR>4 {print $1}' | awk 'NF' |awk '$0=$0" - off"') 2> /tmp/.driver clear check_pkg mhwd arch_chroot "mhwd -i pci $(cat /tmp/.driver)" 2>$ERR GRAPHIC_CARD=$(lspci | grep -i "vga" | sed 's/.*://' | sed 's/(.*//' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//') # All non-NVIDIA cards / virtualisation if [[ $(echo $GRAPHIC_CARD | grep -i 'intel\|lenovo') != "" ]]; then install_intel elif [[ $(echo $GRAPHIC_CARD | grep -i 'ati') != "" ]]; then install_ati elif [[ $(cat /tmp/.driver) == "video-nouveau" ]]; then sed -i 's/MODULES=""/MODULES="nouveau"/' ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf fi check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?" install_graphics_menu } security_menu() { local PARENT="$FUNCNAME" submenu 4 DIALOG " $_SecMenuTitle " --default-item ${HIGHLIGHT_SUB} \ --menu "$_SecMenuBody" 0 0 4 \ "1" "$_SecJournTitle" \ "2" "$_SecCoreTitle" \ "3" "$_SecKernTitle " \ "4" "$_Back" 2>${ANSWER} HIGHLIGHT_SUB=$(cat ${ANSWER}) case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in # systemd-journald "1") DIALOG " $_SecJournTitle " --menu "$_SecJournBody" 0 0 7 \ "$_Edit" "/etc/systemd/journald.conf" \ "10M" "SystemMaxUse=10M" \ "20M" "SystemMaxUse=20M" \ "50M" "SystemMaxUse=50M" \ "100M" "SystemMaxUse=100M" \ "200M" "SystemMaxUse=200M" \ "$_Disable" "Storage=none" 2>${ANSWER} if [[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) != "" ]]; then if [[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) == "$_Disable" ]]; then sed -i "s/#Storage.*\|Storage.*/Storage=none/g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/systemd/journald.conf sed -i "s/SystemMaxUse.*/#&/g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/systemd/journald.conf DIALOG " $_SecJournTitle " --infobox "\n$_Done!\n\n" 0 0 sleep 2 elif [[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) == "$_Edit" ]]; then nano ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/systemd/journald.conf else sed -i "s/#SystemMaxUse.*\|SystemMaxUse.*/SystemMaxUse=$(cat ${ANSWER})/g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/systemd/journald.conf sed -i "s/Storage.*/#&/g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/systemd/journald.conf DIALOG " $_SecJournTitle " --infobox "\n$_Done!\n\n" 0 0 sleep 2 fi fi ;; # core dump "2") DIALOG " $_SecCoreTitle " --menu "$_SecCoreBody" 0 0 2 \ "$_Disable" "Storage=none" \ "$_Edit" "/etc/systemd/coredump.conf" 2>${ANSWER} if [[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) == "$_Disable" ]]; then sed -i "s/#Storage.*\|Storage.*/Storage=none/g" ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/systemd/coredump.conf DIALOG " $_SecCoreTitle " --infobox "\n$_Done!\n\n" 0 0 sleep 2 elif [[ $(cat ${ANSWER}) == "$_Edit" ]]; then nano ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/systemd/coredump.conf fi ;; # Kernel log access "3") DIALOG " $_SecKernTitle " --menu "$_SecKernBody" 0 0 2 \ "$_Disable" "kernel.dmesg_restrict = 1" \ "$_Edit" "/etc/systemd/coredump.conf.d/custom.conf" 2>${ANSWER} case $(cat ${ANSWER}) in "$_Disable") echo "kernel.dmesg_restrict = 1" > ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/sysctl.d/50-dmesg-restrict.conf DIALOG " $_SecKernTitle " --infobox "\n$_Done!\n\n" 0 0 sleep 2 ;; "$_Edit") [[ -e ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/sysctl.d/50-dmesg-restrict.conf ]] && nano ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/sysctl.d/50-dmesg-restrict.conf \ || DIALOG " $_SeeConfErrTitle " --msgbox "$_SeeConfErrBody1" 0 0 ;; esac ;; *) main_menu_online ;; esac security_menu }