Add missing translation tags

Chrysostomus 7 years ago
parent f9170ab38c
commit f0a6994887

@ -315,13 +315,13 @@ _ExtraTitle="Voll oder Minimal?"
_ExtraBody="Diese Edition wird in zwei Ausführungen angeboten"
# Install Common Packages
_InstComTitle="Install Common Packages"
_InstComBody="Some environments require additional packages to function better."
_InstComTitle="Install Common Packages" # translate me !
_InstComBody="Some environments require additional packages to function better." # translate me !
# Display Manager
_DmChTitle="Installiere Display Manager"
_DmChBody="GDM hat Gnome-Shell als Abhängigkeit. sddm ist für Plasma empfohlen. LightDM wird lightdm-gtk-greeter enthalten. SLiM wird nicht mehr entwickelt."
_DmDoneBody="Display manager has been installed and enabled."
_DmDoneBody="Display manager has been installed and enabled." # translate me !
# Network Manager
_InstNMTitle="Installiere Network Manager"
@ -360,25 +360,25 @@ _InstAllDrv="Freie Treiber installieren"
# Configure Base Menu
_ConfBseMenuTitle="Basis konfigurieren"
_ConfBseBody="Basic configuration of the base."
_ConfBseFstab="Generate FSTAB"
_ConfBseHost="Set Hostname"
_ConfBseTimeHC="Set Timezone and Clock"
_ConfBseSysLoc="Set System Locale"
_RunMkinit="Run Mkinitcpio"
_ConfBseBody="Basic configuration of the base." # translate me !
_ConfBseFstab="Generate FSTAB" # translate me !
_ConfBseHost="Set Hostname" # translate me !
_ConfBseTimeHC="Set Timezone and Clock" # translate me !
_ConfBseSysLoc="Set System Locale" # translate me !
_RunMkinit="Run Mkinitcpio" # translate me !
_RunUpGrub="GRUB aktualisieren"
# User Menu
_ConfUsrRoot="Set Root Password"
_ConfUsrNew="Add New User(s)"
_ConfUsrRoot="Set Root Password" # translate me !
_ConfUsrNew="Add New User(s)" # translate me !
# Graphics Menu
_InstGrMenuTitle="Install Graphical Interface"
_InstGrMenuBody="Prior to installing a desktop environment, graphics, input, and sound drivers MUST be installed first. This will include installing graphics card drivers."
_InstGrMenuBody="Prior to installing a desktop environment, graphics, input, and sound drivers MUST be installed first. This will include installing graphics card drivers." # translate me !
_InstDEMenuTitle="Wähle eine vollständige Manjaro Edition oder ein unkonfigurierte Desktop-Umgebung"
_InstGrMenuDS="Install Display Server"
_InstGrMenuDSBody="In addition to xorg and wayland options, drivers for input devices (xf86-input-) are also listed."
_InstGrMenuDD="Install Display Driver"
_InstGrMenuDS="Install Display Server" # translate me !
_InstGrMenuDSBody="In addition to xorg and wayland options, drivers for input devices (xf86-input-) are also listed." # translate me !
_InstGrMenuDD="Install Display Driver" # translate me !
_InstGrDrv="Grafiktreiber zur Installation auswählen"
_WarnInstGr="Kein Grafiktreiber ausgewählt."
_InstDEStable="Manjaro Desktop installieren"
@ -387,36 +387,36 @@ _InstGrDE="Installiere Desktop-Umgebung"
_InstPBody="Dies installiert eine Liste von Anwendungs- und Konfigurations-Paketen, entsprechend der gleichnamigen Manjaro Edition."
_InstDE="Unkonfigurierte Desktop-Umgebung installieren"
_InstGrMenuGE="Installiere Grafische Umgebung"
_InstGrMenuDM="Install Display Manager"
_InstGrMenuDM="Install Display Manager" # translate me !
# Networking Menu
_InstNMMenuTitle="Install Networking Capabilties"
_InstNMMenuTitle="Install Networking Capabilties" # translate me !
_SelNWDrv="Netzwerktreiber auswählen"
_InfoNWKernel="Unterstützung für die Netzwerkkarte ist im Kernel eingebaut\nKeine Installation notwendig."
_InstNMMenuBody="Supplementary packages may be required for networking and wireless devices. Some wireless devices may also require additional firmware to function."
_InstNMMenuPkg="Install Wireless Device Packages"
_InstNMMenuNM="Install Network Connection Manager"
_InstNMMenuCups="Install CUPS / Printer Packages"
_InstNMMenuPkgBody="Key wifi packages will be pre-checked if a wireless device was detected. If unsure about additional firmware, all packages can be installed."
_SeeWirelessDev="Display Wireless Device (optional)"
_WirelessShowTitle="Wireless Device"
_WirelessErrBody="None Detected."
_InstCupsBody="CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by Apple Inc. for OS X and other UNIX-like operating systems. Samba allows file and printer sharing between Linux and Windows systems."
_InstCupsQ="Enable org.cups.cupsd.service on installed system?"
_InstNMMenuBody="Supplementary packages may be required for networking and wireless devices. Some wireless devices may also require additional firmware to function." # translate me !
_InstNMMenuPkg="Install Wireless Device Packages" # translate me !
_InstNMMenuNM="Install Network Connection Manager" # translate me !
_InstNMMenuCups="Install CUPS / Printer Packages" # translate me !
_InstNMMenuPkgBody="Key wifi packages will be pre-checked if a wireless device was detected. If unsure about additional firmware, all packages can be installed." # translate me !
_SeeWirelessDev="Display Wireless Device (optional)" # translate me !
_WirelessShowTitle="Wireless Device" # translate me !
_WirelessErrBody="None Detected." # translate me !
_InstCupsBody="CUPS (Common Unix Printing System) is the standards-based, open source printing system developed by Apple Inc. for OS X and other UNIX-like operating systems. Samba allows file and printer sharing between Linux and Windows systems." # translate me !
_InstCupsQ="Enable org.cups.cupsd.service on installed system?" # translate me !
# Install Multimedia Support Menu
_InstMultMenuTitle="Install Multimedia Support"
_InstMultMenuBody="Accessibility packages aid those with sight and/or hearing impairments. The Custom Packages option allows for user-defined packages to be installed."
_InstMulSnd="Install Sound Driver(s)"
_InstMulSndBody="ALSA provides kernel driven sound card drivers. PulseAudio serves as a proxy to ALSA."
_InstMulCodec="Install Codecs"
_InstMulAcc="Install Accessibility Packages"
_InstMulAccBody="Select desired accessibility packages."
_InstMulCust="Install Custom Packages"
_InstMultMenuTitle="Install Multimedia Support" # translate me !
_InstMultMenuBody="Accessibility packages aid those with sight and/or hearing impairments. The Custom Packages option allows for user-defined packages to be installed." # translate me !
_InstMulSnd="Install Sound Driver(s)" # translate me !
_InstMulSndBody="ALSA provides kernel driven sound card drivers. PulseAudio serves as a proxy to ALSA." # translate me !
_InstMulCodec="Install Codecs" # translate me !
_InstMulAcc="Install Accessibility Packages" # translate me !
_InstMulAccBody="Select desired accessibility packages." # translate me !
_InstMulCust="Install Custom Packages" # translate me !
# Codecs Menu
_InstMulCodBody="GStreamer is a pipeline-based multimedia framework. The first two options are the current and legacy (gstreamer0.10) package groups. Xine is also listed."
_InstMulCodBody="GStreamer is a pipeline-based multimedia framework. The first two options are the current and legacy (gstreamer0.10) package groups. Xine is also listed." # translate me !
# Custom Packages Box
_InstMulCustBody="Geben Sie die (exakten) Namen von Paketen aus den Manjaro Repositorien - getrennt mit Leerzeichen - ein.\n\nZum Beistiel, um Firefox, VLC, und HTop zu installieren: firefox vlc htop"

@ -436,24 +436,24 @@ _CloseInstBody="Bezárod a telepítőt?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to save the installation-log to the installed system?\nIt will be copied to" # translate me !
# Chroot
_ChrootReturn="\nYou will now chroot into your installed system. You can do changes almost as if you had booted into your installation.\n\nType \"exit\" to exit chroot and \"fg\" to return to installer.\n "
_EnterChroot="Enter your installation"
_ChrootReturn="\nYou will now chroot into your installed system. You can do changes almost as if you had booted into your installation.\n\nType \"exit\" to exit chroot and \"fg\" to return to installer.\n " # translate me !
_EnterChroot="Enter your installation" # translate me !
_InstRefindTitle="Install refind"
_InstRefindBody="This installs refind and configures it to automatically detect your kernels. No support for encrypted /boot or intel microcode. These require manual boot stanzas or using different bootloader."
_RefindReady="Refind was succesfully installed"
_bootloaderInfo="Refind can be used as standalone or in conjunction with other bootloaders as a graphical bootmenu. It autodetects all bootable systems at boot time.\nGrub supports encrypted /boot partition and detects all bootable systems when you update your kernels. It can boot .iso files from harddrive and has automatic boot entries for btrfs snapshots.\nSystemd-boot is very light and simple and has little automation. It autodetects windows, but is otherwise unsuited for multibooting."
_InstRefindTitle="Install refind" # translate me !
_InstRefindBody="This installs refind and configures it to automatically detect your kernels. No support for encrypted /boot or intel microcode. These require manual boot stanzas or using different bootloader." # translate me !
_RefindReady="Refind was succesfully installed" # translate me !
_bootloaderInfo="Refind can be used as standalone or in conjunction with other bootloaders as a graphical bootmenu. It autodetects all bootable systems at boot time.\nGrub supports encrypted /boot partition and detects all bootable systems when you update your kernels. It can boot .iso files from harddrive and has automatic boot entries for btrfs snapshots.\nSystemd-boot is very light and simple and has little automation. It autodetects windows, but is otherwise unsuited for multibooting." # translate me !
# Systemd-boot
_InstSystdBBody="This installs systemd-boot and generates boot entries for the currently installed kernels. This bootloader requires your kernels to be on the UEFI partition. This is achieved by mounting UEFI partition to /boot."
_SystdBReady="Systemd-boot was installed"
_InstSystdBBody="This installs systemd-boot and generates boot entries for the currently installed kernels. This bootloader requires your kernels to be on the UEFI partition. This is achieved by mounting UEFI partition to /boot." # translate me !
_SystdBReady="Systemd-boot was installed" # translate me !
#Meta menu
_InstCrMenuTitle="Install CLI system"
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-3 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_InstDsMenuTitle="Install desktop system"
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs full manjaro edition with graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_InstCsMenuTitle="Install custom system"
_InstCsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_MMNewBody="After mounting partitions in preparation section, select your installation type. If you are unsure, choose Desktop system for default manjaro."
_InstCrMenuTitle="Install CLI system" # translate me !
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-3 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_InstDsMenuTitle="Install desktop system" # translate me !
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs full manjaro edition with graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_InstCsMenuTitle="Install custom system" # translate me !
_InstCsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_MMNewBody="After mounting partitions in preparation section, select your installation type. If you are unsure, choose Desktop system for default manjaro." # translate me !

@ -441,24 +441,24 @@ _CloseInstBody="Chiudere il programma di installazione?"
_LogInfo="Vuoi salvare il log di installazione?\nSarà copiato in"
# Chroot
_ChrootReturn="\nYou will now chroot into your installed system. You can do changes almost as if you had booted into your installation.\n\nType \"exit\" to exit chroot and \"fg\" to return to installer.\n "
_EnterChroot="Enter your installation"
_ChrootReturn="\nYou will now chroot into your installed system. You can do changes almost as if you had booted into your installation.\n\nType \"exit\" to exit chroot and \"fg\" to return to installer.\n " # translate me !
_EnterChroot="Enter your installation" # translate me !
_InstRefindTitle="Install refind"
_InstRefindBody="This installs refind and configures it to automatically detect your kernels. No support for encrypted /boot or intel microcode. These require manual boot stanzas or using different bootloader."
_RefindReady="Refind was succesfully installed"
_bootloaderInfo="Refind can be used as standalone or in conjunction with other bootloaders as a graphical bootmenu. It autodetects all bootable systems at boot time.\nGrub supports encrypted /boot partition and detects all bootable systems when you update your kernels. It can boot .iso files from harddrive and has automatic boot entries for btrfs snapshots.\nSystemd-boot is very light and simple and has little automation. It autodetects windows, but is otherwise unsuited for multibooting."
_InstRefindTitle="Install refind" # translate me !
_InstRefindBody="This installs refind and configures it to automatically detect your kernels. No support for encrypted /boot or intel microcode. These require manual boot stanzas or using different bootloader." # translate me !
_RefindReady="Refind was succesfully installed" # translate me !
_bootloaderInfo="Refind can be used as standalone or in conjunction with other bootloaders as a graphical bootmenu. It autodetects all bootable systems at boot time.\nGrub supports encrypted /boot partition and detects all bootable systems when you update your kernels. It can boot .iso files from harddrive and has automatic boot entries for btrfs snapshots.\nSystemd-boot is very light and simple and has little automation. It autodetects windows, but is otherwise unsuited for multibooting." # translate me !
# Systemd-boot
_InstSystdBBody="This installs systemd-boot and generates boot entries for the currently installed kernels. This bootloader requires your kernels to be on the UEFI partition. This is achieved by mounting UEFI partition to /boot."
_SystdBReady="Systemd-boot was installed"
_InstSystdBBody="This installs systemd-boot and generates boot entries for the currently installed kernels. This bootloader requires your kernels to be on the UEFI partition. This is achieved by mounting UEFI partition to /boot." # translate me !
_SystdBReady="Systemd-boot was installed" # translate me !
#Meta menu
_InstCrMenuTitle="Install CLI system"
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-3 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_InstDsMenuTitle="Install desktop system"
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs full manjaro edition with graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_InstCsMenuTitle="Install custom system"
_InstCsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_MMNewBody="After mounting partitions in preparation section, select your installation type. If you are unsure, choose Desktop system for default manjaro."
_InstCrMenuTitle="Install CLI system" # translate me !
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-3 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_InstDsMenuTitle="Install desktop system" # translate me !
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs full manjaro edition with graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_InstCsMenuTitle="Install custom system" # translate me !
_InstCsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_MMNewBody="After mounting partitions in preparation section, select your installation type. If you are unsure, choose Desktop system for default manjaro."# translate me !

@ -439,24 +439,24 @@ _CloseInstBody="Fechar o instalador?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to save the installation-log to the installed system?\nIt will be copied to" # translate me !
# Chroot
_ChrootReturn="\nYou will now chroot into your installed system. You can do changes almost as if you had booted into your installation.\n\nType \"exit\" to exit chroot and \"fg\" to return to installer.\n "
_EnterChroot="Enter your installation"
_ChrootReturn="\nYou will now chroot into your installed system. You can do changes almost as if you had booted into your installation.\n\nType \"exit\" to exit chroot and \"fg\" to return to installer.\n " # translate me !
_EnterChroot="Enter your installation" # translate me !
_InstRefindTitle="Install refind"
_InstRefindBody="This installs refind and configures it to automatically detect your kernels. No support for encrypted /boot or intel microcode. These require manual boot stanzas or using different bootloader."
_RefindReady="Refind was succesfully installed"
_bootloaderInfo="Refind can be used as standalone or in conjunction with other bootloaders as a graphical bootmenu. It autodetects all bootable systems at boot time.\nGrub supports encrypted /boot partition and detects all bootable systems when you update your kernels. It can boot .iso files from harddrive and has automatic boot entries for btrfs snapshots.\nSystemd-boot is very light and simple and has little automation. It autodetects windows, but is otherwise unsuited for multibooting."
_InstRefindTitle="Install refind" # translate me !
_InstRefindBody="This installs refind and configures it to automatically detect your kernels. No support for encrypted /boot or intel microcode. These require manual boot stanzas or using different bootloader." # translate me !
_RefindReady="Refind was succesfully installed" # translate me !
_bootloaderInfo="Refind can be used as standalone or in conjunction with other bootloaders as a graphical bootmenu. It autodetects all bootable systems at boot time.\nGrub supports encrypted /boot partition and detects all bootable systems when you update your kernels. It can boot .iso files from harddrive and has automatic boot entries for btrfs snapshots.\nSystemd-boot is very light and simple and has little automation. It autodetects windows, but is otherwise unsuited for multibooting." # translate me !
# Systemd-boot
_InstSystdBBody="This installs systemd-boot and generates boot entries for the currently installed kernels. This bootloader requires your kernels to be on the UEFI partition. This is achieved by mounting UEFI partition to /boot."
_SystdBReady="Systemd-boot was installed"
_InstSystdBBody="This installs systemd-boot and generates boot entries for the currently installed kernels. This bootloader requires your kernels to be on the UEFI partition. This is achieved by mounting UEFI partition to /boot." # translate me !
_SystdBReady="Systemd-boot was installed" # translate me !
#Meta menu
_InstCrMenuTitle="Install CLI system"
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-3 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_InstDsMenuTitle="Install desktop system"
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs full manjaro edition with graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_InstCsMenuTitle="Install custom system"
_InstCsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_MMNewBody="After mounting partitions in preparation section, select your installation type. If you are unsure, choose Desktop system for default manjaro."
_InstCrMenuTitle="Install CLI system" # translate me !
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-3 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_InstDsMenuTitle="Install desktop system" # translate me !
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs full manjaro edition with graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_InstCsMenuTitle="Install custom system" # translate me !
_InstCsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_MMNewBody="After mounting partitions in preparation section, select your installation type. If you are unsure, choose Desktop system for default manjaro." # translate me !

@ -439,24 +439,24 @@ _CloseInstBody="¿Desea cerrar el instalador?"
_LogInfo="Would you like to save the installation-log to the installed system?\nIt will be copied to" # translate me !
# Chroot
_ChrootReturn="\nYou will now chroot into your installed system. You can do changes almost as if you had booted into your installation.\n\nType \"exit\" to exit chroot and \"fg\" to return to installer.\n "
_EnterChroot="Enter your installation"
_ChrootReturn="\nYou will now chroot into your installed system. You can do changes almost as if you had booted into your installation.\n\nType \"exit\" to exit chroot and \"fg\" to return to installer.\n " # translate me !
_EnterChroot="Enter your installation" # translate me !
_InstRefindTitle="Install refind"
_InstRefindBody="This installs refind and configures it to automatically detect your kernels. No support for encrypted /boot or intel microcode. These require manual boot stanzas or using different bootloader."
_RefindReady="Refind was succesfully installed"
_bootloaderInfo="Refind can be used as standalone or in conjunction with other bootloaders as a graphical bootmenu. It autodetects all bootable systems at boot time.\nGrub supports encrypted /boot partition and detects all bootable systems when you update your kernels. It can boot .iso files from harddrive and has automatic boot entries for btrfs snapshots.\nSystemd-boot is very light and simple and has little automation. It autodetects windows, but is otherwise unsuited for multibooting."
_InstRefindTitle="Install refind" # translate me !
_InstRefindBody="This installs refind and configures it to automatically detect your kernels. No support for encrypted /boot or intel microcode. These require manual boot stanzas or using different bootloader." # translate me !
_RefindReady="Refind was succesfully installed" # translate me !
_bootloaderInfo="Refind can be used as standalone or in conjunction with other bootloaders as a graphical bootmenu. It autodetects all bootable systems at boot time.\nGrub supports encrypted /boot partition and detects all bootable systems when you update your kernels. It can boot .iso files from harddrive and has automatic boot entries for btrfs snapshots.\nSystemd-boot is very light and simple and has little automation. It autodetects windows, but is otherwise unsuited for multibooting." # translate me !
# Systemd-boot
_InstSystdBBody="This installs systemd-boot and generates boot entries for the currently installed kernels. This bootloader requires your kernels to be on the UEFI partition. This is achieved by mounting UEFI partition to /boot."
_SystdBReady="Systemd-boot was installed"
_InstSystdBBody="This installs systemd-boot and generates boot entries for the currently installed kernels. This bootloader requires your kernels to be on the UEFI partition. This is achieved by mounting UEFI partition to /boot." # translate me !
_SystdBReady="Systemd-boot was installed" # translate me !
#Meta menu
_InstCrMenuTitle="Install CLI system"
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-3 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_InstDsMenuTitle="Install desktop system"
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs full manjaro edition with graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_InstCsMenuTitle="Install custom system"
_InstCsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional."
_MMNewBody="After mounting partitions in preparation section, select your installation type. If you are unsure, choose Desktop system for default manjaro."
_InstCrMenuTitle="Install CLI system" # translate me !
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-3 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_InstDsMenuTitle="Install desktop system" # translate me !
_InstDsMenuBody="This installs full manjaro edition with graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_InstCsMenuTitle="Install custom system" # translate me !
_InstCsMenuBody="This installs base manjaro system without graphical desktop environment. Steps 1-4 are needed for working system, the rest is optional." # translate me !
_MMNewBody="After mounting partitions in preparation section, select your installation type. If you are unsure, choose Desktop system for default manjaro." # translate me !
