Bernhard Landauer 8 years ago
parent 494f6e6f63
commit 1dd1a383fa

@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ set_hostname() {
echo "$(cat ${ANSWER})" > ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/hostname 2>$ERR
echo -e "#<ip-address>\t<>\t<hostname>\n127.0.0.1\tlocalhost.localdomain\tlocalhost\t$(cat \
${ANSWER})\n::1\tlocalhost.localdomain\tlocalhost\t$(cat ${ANSWER})" > ${MOUNTPOINT}/etc/hosts 2>$ERR
check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" "$?"
check_for_error "$FUNCNAME" 0
# Adapted and simplified from the Manjaro 0.8 and Antergos 2.0 installers

@ -210,9 +210,10 @@ install_manjaro_de_wm() {
elif [[ "$(cat /tmp/.display-manager)" == lightdm ]]; then
sed -i "s/$(grep "DISPLAYMANAGER=" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm)/DISPLAYMANAGER=\"lightdm\"/g" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm
arch_chroot "rc-update add xdm default" 2>$ERR
sed -i "s/$(grep "DISPLAYMANAGER=" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm)/DISPLAYMANAGER=\"lightdm\"/g" /mnt/etc/conf.d/xdm
arch_chroot "rc-update add xdm default" 2>$ERR
check_for_error "add xdm default: lightdm" "$?"
echo "no display manager was installed"
sleep 2
@ -537,7 +538,7 @@ install_multimedia_menu() {
DIALOG " \"My Sweet Buckies\" by Atiya & Carl " --msgbox "\nMy Sweet Buckies,\nYou are the sweetest Buckies that ever did \"buck\",\nLily, Rosie, Trumpet, and Flute,\nMy love for you all is absolute!\n\nThey buck: \"We love our treats, we are the Booyakka sisters,\"\n\"Sometimes we squabble and give each other comb-twisters,\"\n\"And in our garden we love to sunbathe, forage, hop and jump,\"\n\"We love our freedom far, far away from that factory farm dump,\"\n\n\"For so long we were trapped in cramped prisons full of disease,\"\n\"No sunlight, no fresh air, no one who cared for even our basic needs,\"\n\"We suffered in fear, pain, and misery for such a long time,\"\n\"But now we are so happy, we wanted to tell you in this rhyme!\"\n\n" 0 0
basestrap ${MOUNTPOINT} $(cat ${PACKAGES}) 2>$ERR
check_for_error "$FUNCNAME $(cat ${PACKAGES})" "$?"
check_for_error "$FUNCNAME $(cat ${PACKAGES})" "$?"

@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ mount_partitions() {
# If it is already a fat/vfat partition...
if [[ $(fsck -N $PARTITION | grep fat) ]]; then
DIALOG " $_PrepMntPart " --yesno "$_FormUefiBody $PARTITION $_FormUefiBody2" 0 0 && mkfs.vfat -F32 ${PARTITION} >/dev/null 2>$ERR
check_for_error "mkfs.vfat -F32 ${PARTITION}" "$?"
check_for_error "mkfs.vfat -F32 ${PARTITION}" 0
mkfs.vfat -F32 ${PARTITION} >/dev/null 2>$ERR
check_for_error "mkfs.vfat -F32 ${PARTITION}" "$?"

@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ configure_mirrorlist() {
"3") nano /etc/pacman.conf
DIALOG " $_MirrorPacman " --yesno "$_MIrrorPacQ" 0 0 && COPY_PACCONF=1 || COPY_PACCONF=0
check_for_error "edit pacman.conf" "$?"
check_for_error "edit pacman.conf" 0
pacman -Syy
*) install_base_menu
