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"""Prompt test."""
import pytest
from manifest import Prompt
def test_init():
"""Test prompt initialization."""
str_prompt = "This is a test prompt"
func_prompt = lambda: "This is a test prompt"
func_single_prompt = lambda x: f"{x} is a test prompt"
func_list_prompt = lambda x: f"{x[0]} is a test {x[1]}"
func_double_prompt = lambda x, y: f"{x} is a test {y}"
# TODO: add list of prompt tests
# String prompt
prompt = Prompt(str_prompt)
assert prompt(None) == str_prompt
assert prompt() == str_prompt
# Function no inputs
prompt = Prompt(func_prompt)
assert prompt(None) == str_prompt
assert prompt() == str_prompt
# Function single inputs
prompt = Prompt(func_single_prompt)
assert prompt("This") == str_prompt
assert prompt("Hello") == "Hello is a test prompt"
# Function list inputs
prompt = Prompt(func_list_prompt)
assert prompt(["This", "prompt"]) == str_prompt
assert prompt(["Hello", "prompt"]) == "Hello is a test prompt"
# Function two inputs
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
assert str(exc_info.value) == "Prompts must have zero or one input."
def test_serialize():
"""Test prompt serialization."""
str_prompt = "This is a test prompt"
func_single_prompt = lambda x: f"{x} is a test prompt"
# String prompt
prompt = Prompt(str_prompt)
assert Prompt.deserialize(prompt.serialize()).prompt_func() == prompt.prompt_func()
# Function single inputs
prompt = Prompt(func_single_prompt)
assert Prompt.deserialize(prompt.serialize()).prompt_func(1) == prompt.prompt_func(