/* *
* audio visualizer with html5 audio element
* v0.1.0
* licenced under the MIT license
* see my related repos:
* - HTML5_Audio_Visualizer https://github.com/wayou/HTML5_Audio_Visualizer
* - 3D_Audio_Spectrum_VIsualizer https://github.com/wayou/3D_Audio_Spectrum_VIsualizer
* - selected https://github.com/wayou/selected
* - MeowmeowPlayer https://github.com/wayou/MeowmeowPlayer
* reference: http://www.patrick-wied.at/blog/how-to-create-audio-visualizations-with-javascript-html
window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext || window.mozAudioContext;
var start = function() {
var audio = document.getElementById('audio');
var ctx = new AudioContext();
var analyser = ctx.createAnalyser();
var audioSrc = ctx.createMediaElementSource(audio);
// we have to connect the MediaElementSource with the analyser
// we could configure the analyser: e.g. analyser.fftSize (for further infos read the spec)
// analyser.fftSize = 64;
// frequencyBinCount tells you how many values you'll receive from the analyser
var frequencyData = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
// we're ready to receive some data!
var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'),
cwidth = canvas.width,
cheight = canvas.height - 2,
meterWidth = 10, //width of the meters in the spectrum
gap = 2, //gap between meters
capHeight = 2,
capStyle = '#fff',
meterNum = 800 / (10 + 2), //count of the meters
capYPositionArray = []; ////store the vertical position of hte caps for the preivous frame
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 572, 0);
gradient.addColorStop(1, '#ff0');
gradient.addColorStop(0.66, '#0ff');
gradient.addColorStop(0.33, '#ff0');
gradient.addColorStop(0, '#0ff');
// loop
function renderFrame() {
var array = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
var step = Math.round(array.length / meterNum); //sample limited data from the total array
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cwidth, cheight);
for (var i = 0; i < meterNum; i++) {
var value = array[i * step];
if (capYPositionArray.length < Math.round(meterNum)) {
ctx.fillStyle = capStyle;
//draw the cap, with transition effect
if (value < capYPositionArray[i]) {
ctx.fillRect(i * 12, cheight - (--capYPositionArray[i]), meterWidth, capHeight);
} else {
ctx.fillRect(i * 12, cheight - value, meterWidth, capHeight);
capYPositionArray[i] = value;
ctx.fillStyle = gradient; //set the filllStyle to gradient for a better look
ctx.fillRect(i * 12 /*meterWidth+gap*/ , cheight - value + capHeight, meterWidth, cheight); //the meter
// audio.play();
audio.onplay = function(){