#!/bin/bash # scrape the links from internet radio #lynx --dump --listonly --nonumbers https://www.internet-radio.com/stations/ | grep 'https://www.internet-radio.com/stations/' > links.txt curl -s https://www.internet-radio.com/stations/ | htmlq -a href a | grep "stations" | sort | uniq | sed -e 's/ /%20/g' | cut -c11- | rev | cut -c2- | rev | sed '/^$/d' > genres.txt # strip unnessery part of links (we'll add them later in the for loop) #cat links.txt | sed 's!https://www.internet-radio.com/stations/!!' | sed 's/\///g' | sed '/^$/d' | sed -e 's/ /%20/g' | sort | uniq > links2.txt # scrape links of the streams #for i in "" page{2..16} ; do for j in $(cat links2.txt) ; do curl -s https://www.internet-radio.com/stations/$j/$i | htmlq --attribute href a | grep '.m3u' | cut -b 37- | awk -F '\\listen' '{print $1""}' | awk -F '\\.m3u' '{print $1""}' | awk -F '\\&t=' '{print $1""}' | awk '!seen[$0]++' | sed '/^$/d' | awk 'length>10' >> $j.txt ; echo "$j - $i scraped" ; done ; done for i in "" page{2..50} ; do for j in $(cat genres.txt) ; do curl -s https://www.internet-radio.com/stations/$j/$i | ./htmlq -a href a | grep ".*\.pls$" | grep -v ".*\.m3u$" | cut -f2 -d "?" | cut -f2 -d "=" | cut -f1 -d "&" | uniq >> A-$j.txt ; echo -e "$j - $i" ; done ; done # a few links have more than 16 pages, the longest page is pop with 50 pages, so if you need all of them you have to run another for loop for them # these streams need to be scraped for 34 pages or less furthur totaling of 50 pages = "Glam Rock" "Rock" "Classic" "Rock" "Pop" # for i in page{17..50} ; do for j in "classic%20rock" "glam%20rock" "pop" "rock" ; do curl -s https://www.internet-radio.com/stations/$j/$i.html | htmlq --attribute href a | grep '.m3u' | cut -b 37- | awk -F '\\listen' '{print $1""}' | awk -F '\\.m3u' '{print $1""}' | awk -F '\\&t=' '{print $1""}' | awk '!seen[$0]++' | sed '/^$/d' | awk 'length>10' >> $j.txt ; echo "$j - $i scraped" ; done ; done # find the stream links, and insert title for i in A-*.txt ; do for j in $(cat $i) ; do curl $j | grep "Title\|File" | tac | sed 's/File1\=//g' | sed 's/Title1\=/#EXTINF:-1 , /g' >> A$i ; done ; done # get only the streams that include title for i in AA-*.txt ; do cat $i | grep -A1 "EXTINF:-1" > A$i ; echo -e $i ; done # convert links to m3u stream files #for i in $(cat links2.txt) ; do sed "s/^/#EXTINF:-1\n/" $i.txt | sed '1s/^/#EXTM3U\n/' > $i.m3u ; done for i in AAA-*.txt ; do sed '1s/^/#EXTM3U\n/' $i > $i.m3u ; done # convert AAA- and double extensions in file names for i in *.m3u ; do mv "$i" "`echo $i | sed -e 's/AAA-//' -e 's/.txt//'`" ; done # replace %20 in filenames with underline for i in *.m3u ; do mv -- "$i" "$(printf '%s\n' "$i" | sed 's/%20/_/')" ; done