You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

143 lines
3.8 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const interop = @import("../../interop.zig");
const TerminalBuffer = @import("../TerminalBuffer.zig");
const utils = @import("../utils.zig");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const DynamicString = std.ArrayList(u8);
const termbox = interop.termbox;
const Text = @This();
allocator: Allocator,
buffer: *TerminalBuffer,
text: DynamicString,
end: u64,
cursor: u64,
visible_start: u64,
visible_length: u64,
x: u64,
y: u64,
pub fn init(allocator: Allocator, buffer: *TerminalBuffer, max_length: u64) !Text {
const text = try DynamicString.initCapacity(allocator, max_length);
return .{
.allocator = allocator,
.buffer = buffer,
.text = text,
.end = 0,
.cursor = 0,
.visible_start = 0,
.visible_length = 0,
.x = 0,
.y = 0,
pub fn deinit(self: Text) void {
pub fn position(self: *Text, x: u64, y: u64, visible_length: u64) void {
self.x = x;
self.y = y;
self.visible_length = visible_length;
pub fn handle(self: *Text, maybe_event: ?*termbox.tb_event, insert_mode: bool) !void {
if (maybe_event) |event| blk: {
if (event.type != termbox.TB_EVENT_KEY) break :blk;
switch (event.key) {
termbox.TB_KEY_ARROW_LEFT => self.goLeft(),
termbox.TB_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT => self.goRight(),
termbox.TB_KEY_DELETE => self.delete(),
termbox.TB_KEY_BACKSPACE, termbox.TB_KEY_BACKSPACE2 => {
if (insert_mode) {
} else {
termbox.TB_KEY_SPACE => try self.write(' '),
else => {
if ( > 31 and < 127) {
if (insert_mode) {
try self.write(@intCast(;
} else {
switch ( {
'h' => self.goLeft(),
'l' => self.goRight(),
else => {},
termbox.tb_set_cursor(@intCast(self.x + (self.cursor - self.visible_start)), @intCast(self.y));
pub fn draw(self: Text) void {
const length = @min(self.text.items.len, self.visible_length);
if (length == 0) return;
const visible_slice = if (self.text.items.len > self.visible_length and self.cursor < self.text.items.len) self.text.items[self.visible_start..(self.visible_length + self.visible_start)] else self.text.items[self.visible_start..];
self.buffer.drawLabel(visible_slice, self.x, self.y);
pub fn drawMasked(self: Text, mask: u8) void {
const length = @min(self.text.items.len, self.visible_length - 1);
if (length == 0) return;
self.buffer.drawCharMultiple(mask, self.x, self.y, length);
pub fn clear(self: *Text) void {
self.end = 0;
self.cursor = 0;
self.visible_start = 0;
fn goLeft(self: *Text) void {
if (self.cursor == 0) return;
if (self.visible_start > 0) self.visible_start -= 1;
self.cursor -= 1;
fn goRight(self: *Text) void {
if (self.cursor >= self.end) return;
if (self.cursor - self.visible_start == self.visible_length - 1) self.visible_start += 1;
self.cursor += 1;
fn delete(self: *Text) void {
if (self.cursor >= self.end) return;
_ = self.text.orderedRemove(self.cursor);
self.end -= 1;
fn backspace(self: *Text) void {
if (self.cursor == 0) return;
fn write(self: *Text, char: u8) !void {
if (char == 0) return;
try self.text.insert(self.cursor, char);
self.end += 1;