You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

178 lines
5.4 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const interop = @import("../interop.zig");
const utils = @import("utils.zig");
const Config = @import("../config/Config.zig");
const Random = std.rand.Random;
const termbox = interop.termbox;
const TerminalBuffer = @This();
random: Random,
width: u64,
height: u64,
buffer: [*]termbox.tb_cell,
fg: u8,
bg: u8,
border_fg: u8,
box_chars: struct {
left_up: u32,
left_down: u32,
right_up: u32,
right_down: u32,
top: u32,
bottom: u32,
left: u32,
right: u32,
labels_max_length: u64,
box_x: u64,
box_y: u64,
box_width: u64,
box_height: u64,
margin_box_v: u8,
margin_box_h: u8,
pub fn init(config: Config, labels_max_length: u64) TerminalBuffer {
var prng = std.rand.Isaac64.init(@intCast(std.time.timestamp()));
return .{
.random = prng.random(),
.width = @intCast(termbox.tb_width()),
.height = @intCast(termbox.tb_height()),
.buffer = termbox.tb_cell_buffer(),
.fg = config.fg,
.bg =,
.border_fg = config.border_fg,
.box_chars = if (builtin.os.tag == .linux or builtin.os.tag.isBSD()) .{
.left_up = 0x250C,
.left_down = 0x2514,
.right_up = 0x2510,
.right_down = 0x2518,
.top = 0x2500,
.bottom = 0x2500,
.left = 0x2502,
.right = 0x2502,
} else .{
.left_up = '+',
.left_down = '+',
.right_up = '+',
.right_down = '+',
.top = '-',
.bottom = '-',
.left = '|',
.right = '|',
.labels_max_length = labels_max_length,
.box_x = 0,
.box_y = 0,
.box_width = (2 * config.margin_box_h) + config.input_len + 1 + labels_max_length,
.box_height = 7 + (2 * config.margin_box_v),
.margin_box_v = config.margin_box_v,
.margin_box_h = config.margin_box_h,
pub fn cascade(self: TerminalBuffer) bool {
var changes = false;
var y = self.height - 2;
while (y > 0) : (y -= 1) {
for (0..self.width) |x| {
const c: u8 = @truncate(self.buffer[(y - 1) * self.width + x].ch);
if (std.ascii.isWhitespace(c)) continue;
const c_under: u8 = @truncate(self.buffer[y * self.width + x].ch);
if (!std.ascii.isWhitespace(c_under)) continue;
changes = true;
if (( % 10) > 7) continue;
self.buffer[y * self.width + x] = self.buffer[(y - 1) * self.width + x];
self.buffer[(y - 1) * self.width + x].ch = ' ';
return changes;
pub fn drawBoxCenter(self: *TerminalBuffer, show_borders: bool, blank_box: bool) void {
const x1 = (self.width - self.box_width) / 2;
const y1 = (self.height - self.box_height) / 2;
const x2 = (self.width + self.box_width) / 2;
const y2 = (self.height + self.box_height) / 2;
self.box_x = x1;
self.box_y = y1;
if (show_borders) {
termbox.tb_change_cell(@intCast(x1 - 1), @intCast(y1 - 1), self.box_chars.left_up, self.border_fg,;
termbox.tb_change_cell(@intCast(x2), @intCast(y1 - 1), self.box_chars.right_up, self.border_fg,;
termbox.tb_change_cell(@intCast(x1 - 1), @intCast(y2), self.box_chars.left_down, self.border_fg,;
termbox.tb_change_cell(@intCast(x2), @intCast(y2), self.box_chars.right_down, self.border_fg,;
var c1 = utils.initCell(, self.border_fg,;
var c2 = utils.initCell(self.box_chars.bottom, self.border_fg,;
for (0..self.box_width) |i| {
termbox.tb_put_cell(@intCast(x1 + i), @intCast(y1 - 1), &c1);
termbox.tb_put_cell(@intCast(x1 + i), @intCast(y2), &c2);
} = self.box_chars.left; = self.box_chars.right;
for (0..self.box_height) |i| {
termbox.tb_put_cell(@intCast(x1 - 1), @intCast(y1 + i), &c1);
termbox.tb_put_cell(@intCast(x2), @intCast(y1 + i), &c2);
if (blank_box) {
const blank = utils.initCell(' ', self.fg,;
for (0..self.box_height) |y| {
for (0..self.box_width) |x| {
termbox.tb_put_cell(@intCast(x1 + x), @intCast(y1 + y), &blank);
pub fn calculateComponentCoordinates(self: TerminalBuffer) struct {
x: u64,
y: u64,
visible_length: u64,
} {
const x = self.box_x + self.margin_box_h + self.labels_max_length + 1;
const y = self.box_y + self.margin_box_v;
const visible_length = self.box_x + self.box_width - self.margin_box_h - x;
return .{
.x = x,
.y = y,
.visible_length = visible_length,
pub fn drawLabel(self: TerminalBuffer, text: []const u8, x: u64, y: u64) void {
const yc: c_int = @intCast(y);
const utf8view = std.unicode.Utf8View.init(text) catch return;
var utf8 = utf8view.iterator();
var i = x;
while (utf8.nextCodepoint()) |codepoint| : (i += 1) {
termbox.tb_change_cell(@intCast(i), yc, codepoint, self.fg,;
pub fn drawCharMultiple(self: TerminalBuffer, char: u8, x: u64, y: u64, length: u64) void {
const yc: c_int = @intCast(y);
const cell = utils.initCell(char, self.fg,;
for (0..length) |xx| termbox.tb_put_cell(@intCast(x + xx), yc, &cell);