# animation enabled #animate = false #animate = true # the active animation (only animation '0' available for now) #animation = 0 # the char used to mask the password #asterisk = * #asterisk = o # background color id #bg = 0 # blank main box #blank_box = true # erase password input on failure #blank_password = true # console path #console_dev = /dev/console # input active by default on startup #default_input = 2 # foreground color id #fg = 9 # remove main box borders #hide_borders = false #hide_borders = true # number of visible chars on an input #input_len = 34 # active language #lang = en #lang = fr # load the saved desktop and login #load = true # main box margins #margin_box_h = 2 #margin_box_v = 1 # total input sizes #max_desktop_len = 100 #max_login_len = 255 #max_password_len = 255 # cookie generator #mcookie_cmd = /usr/bin/mcookie # event timeout in milliseconds #min_refresh_delta = 5 # default path #path = /sbin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin # command executed when pressing F2 #restart_cmd = /sbin/shutdown -r now # save the current desktop and login as defaults #save = true # file in which to save and load the default desktop and login #save_file = /etc/ly/save # service name (pam needs this set to login) #service_name = login # command executed when pressing F1 #shutdown_cmd = /sbin/shutdown -a now # terminal reset command (tput is faster) #term_reset_cmd = /usr/bin/tput reset # tty in use #tty = 2 # wayland setup command #wayland_cmd = /etc/ly/wsetup.sh # wayland desktop environments #waylandsessions = /usr/share/wayland-sessions # xorg server command #x_cmd = /usr/bin/X # xorg setup command #x_cmd_setup = /etc/ly/xsetup.sh # xorg xauthority edition tool #xauth_cmd = /usr/bin/xauth # xorg desktop environments #xsessions = /usr/share/xsessions