#include "argoat.h" #include "configator.h" #include "dragonfail.h" #include "termbox.h" #include "draw.h" #include "inputs.h" #include "login.h" #include "utils.h" #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ARG_COUNT 7 // things you can define: // GIT_VERSION_STRING // global struct lang lang; struct config config; // args handles void arg_help(void* data, char** pars, const int pars_count) { printf("RTFM\n"); } void arg_version(void* data, char** pars, const int pars_count) { #ifdef GIT_VERSION_STRING printf("Ly version %s\n", GIT_VERSION_STRING); #else printf("Ly version unknown\n"); #endif } // low-level error messages void log_init(char** log) { log[DGN_OK] = lang.err_dgn_oob; log[DGN_NULL] = lang.err_null; log[DGN_ALLOC] = lang.err_alloc; log[DGN_BOUNDS] = lang.err_bounds; log[DGN_DOMAIN] = lang.err_domain; log[DGN_MLOCK] = lang.err_mlock; log[DGN_XSESSIONS_DIR] = lang.err_xsessions_dir; log[DGN_XSESSIONS_OPEN] = lang.err_xsessions_open; log[DGN_PATH] = lang.err_path; log[DGN_CHDIR] = lang.err_chdir; log[DGN_PWNAM] = lang.err_pwnam; log[DGN_USER_INIT] = lang.err_user_init; log[DGN_USER_GID] = lang.err_user_gid; log[DGN_USER_UID] = lang.err_user_uid; log[DGN_PAM] = lang.err_pam; log[DGN_HOSTNAME] = lang.err_hostname; } void arg_config(void* data, char** pars, const int pars_count) { *((char **)data) = *pars; } // ly! int main(int argc, char** argv) { // init error lib log_init(dgn_init()); // load config config_defaults(); lang_defaults(); char *config_path = NULL; // parse args const struct argoat_sprig sprigs[ARG_COUNT] = { {NULL, 0, NULL, NULL}, {"config", 0, &config_path, arg_config}, {"c", 0, &config_path, arg_config}, {"help", 0, NULL, arg_help}, {"h", 0, NULL, arg_help}, {"version", 0, NULL, arg_version}, {"v", 0, NULL, arg_version}, }; struct argoat args = {sprigs, ARG_COUNT, NULL, 0, 0}; argoat_graze(&args, argc, argv); // init inputs struct desktop desktop; struct text login; struct text password; input_desktop(&desktop); input_text(&login, config.max_login_len); input_text(&password, config.max_password_len); if (dgn_catch()) { config_free(); lang_free(); return 1; } config_load(config_path); lang_load(); void* input_structs[3] = { (void*) &desktop, (void*) &login, (void*) &password, }; void (*input_handles[3]) (void*, struct tb_event*) = { handle_desktop, handle_text, handle_text, }; desktop_load(&desktop); load(&desktop, &login); // start termbox tb_init(); tb_select_output_mode(TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL); tb_clear(); // init visible elements struct tb_event event; struct term_buf buf; //Place the curser on the login field if there is no saved username, if there is, place the curser on the password field uint8_t active_input; if (login.text == login.end) { active_input = LOGIN_INPUT; } else{ active_input = PASSWORD_INPUT; } // init drawing stuff draw_init(&buf); // draw_box and position_input are called because they need to be // called before *input_handles[active_input] for the cursor to be // positioned correctly draw_box(&buf); position_input(&buf, &desktop, &login, &password); (*input_handles[active_input])(input_structs[active_input], NULL); if (config.animate) { animate_init(&buf); if (dgn_catch()) { config.animate = false; dgn_reset(); } } // init state info int error; bool run = true; bool update = true; bool reboot = false; bool shutdown = false; uint8_t auth_fails = 0; switch_tty(&buf); // main loop while (run) { if (update) { if (auth_fails < 10) { (*input_handles[active_input])(input_structs[active_input], NULL); tb_clear(); animate(&buf); draw_box(&buf); draw_labels(&buf); if(!config.hide_f1_commands) draw_f_commands(); draw_lock_state(&buf); position_input(&buf, &desktop, &login, &password); draw_desktop(&desktop); draw_input(&login); draw_input_mask(&password); update = config.animate; } else { usleep(10000); update = cascade(&buf, &auth_fails); } tb_present(); } if (config.animate) { error = tb_peek_event(&event, config.min_refresh_delta); } else { error = tb_poll_event(&event); } if (error < 0) { continue; } if (event.type == TB_EVENT_KEY) { switch (event.key) { case TB_KEY_F1: shutdown = true; run = false; break; case TB_KEY_F2: reboot = true; run = false; break; case TB_KEY_CTRL_C: run = false; break; case TB_KEY_CTRL_U: if (active_input > 0) { input_text_clear(input_structs[active_input]); update = true; } break; case TB_KEY_ARROW_UP: if (active_input > 0) { --active_input; update = true; } break; case TB_KEY_ARROW_DOWN: if (active_input < 2) { ++active_input; update = true; } break; case TB_KEY_TAB: ++active_input; if (active_input > 2) { active_input = PASSWORD_INPUT; } update = true; break; case TB_KEY_ENTER: save(&desktop, &login); auth(&desktop, &login, &password, &buf); update = true; if (dgn_catch()) { ++auth_fails; // move focus back to password input active_input = PASSWORD_INPUT; if (dgn_output_code() != DGN_PAM) { buf.info_line = dgn_output_log(); } if (config.blank_password) { input_text_clear(&password); } dgn_reset(); } else { buf.info_line = lang.logout; } load(&desktop, &login); system("tput cnorm"); break; default: (*input_handles[active_input])( input_structs[active_input], &event); update = true; break; } } } // stop termbox tb_shutdown(); // free inputs input_desktop_free(&desktop); input_text_free(&login); input_text_free(&password); free_hostname(); // unload config draw_free(&buf); lang_free(); if (shutdown) { execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", config.shutdown_cmd, NULL); } if (reboot) { execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", config.restart_cmd, NULL); } config_free(); return 0; }