#include "dragonfail.h" #include "termbox.h" #include "inputs.h" #include "utils.h" #include "config.h" #include "draw.h" #include "bigclock.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) #include #else // linux #include #endif #define DOOM_STEPS 13 void draw_init(struct term_buf* buf) { buf->width = tb_width(); buf->height = tb_height(); hostname(&buf->info_line); uint16_t len_login = strlen(lang.login); uint16_t len_password = strlen(lang.password); if (len_login > len_password) { buf->labels_max_len = len_login; } else { buf->labels_max_len = len_password; } buf->box_height = 7 + (2 * config.margin_box_v); buf->box_width = (2 * config.margin_box_h) + (config.input_len + 1) + buf->labels_max_len; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) buf->box_chars.left_up = 0x250c; buf->box_chars.left_down = 0x2514; buf->box_chars.right_up = 0x2510; buf->box_chars.right_down = 0x2518; buf->box_chars.top = 0x2500; buf->box_chars.bot = 0x2500; buf->box_chars.left = 0x2502; buf->box_chars.right = 0x2502; #else buf->box_chars.left_up = '+'; buf->box_chars.left_down = '+'; buf->box_chars.right_up = '+'; buf->box_chars.right_down= '+'; buf->box_chars.top = '-'; buf->box_chars.bot = '-'; buf->box_chars.left = '|'; buf->box_chars.right = '|'; #endif } static void doom_free(struct term_buf* buf); static void matrix_free(struct term_buf* buf); void draw_free(struct term_buf* buf) { if (config.animate) { switch (config.animation) { case 0: doom_free(buf); break; case 1: matrix_free(buf); break; } } } void draw_box(struct term_buf* buf) { uint16_t box_x = (buf->width - buf->box_width) / 2; uint16_t box_y = (buf->height - buf->box_height) / 2; uint16_t box_x2 = (buf->width + buf->box_width) / 2; uint16_t box_y2 = (buf->height + buf->box_height) / 2; buf->box_x = box_x; buf->box_y = box_y; if (!config.hide_borders) { // corners tb_change_cell( box_x - 1, box_y - 1, buf->box_chars.left_up, config.fg, config.bg); tb_change_cell( box_x2, box_y - 1, buf->box_chars.right_up, config.fg, config.bg); tb_change_cell( box_x - 1, box_y2, buf->box_chars.left_down, config.fg, config.bg); tb_change_cell( box_x2, box_y2, buf->box_chars.right_down, config.fg, config.bg); // top and bottom struct tb_cell c1 = {buf->box_chars.top, config.fg, config.bg}; struct tb_cell c2 = {buf->box_chars.bot, config.fg, config.bg}; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < buf->box_width; ++i) { tb_put_cell( box_x + i, box_y - 1, &c1); tb_put_cell( box_x + i, box_y2, &c2); } // left and right c1.ch = buf->box_chars.left; c2.ch = buf->box_chars.right; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < buf->box_height; ++i) { tb_put_cell( box_x - 1, box_y + i, &c1); tb_put_cell( box_x2, box_y + i, &c2); } } if (config.blank_box) { struct tb_cell blank = {' ', config.fg, config.bg}; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < buf->box_height; ++i) { for (uint16_t k = 0; k < buf->box_width; ++k) { tb_put_cell( box_x + k, box_y + i, &blank); } } } } char* time_str(char* fmt, int maxlen) { time_t timer; char* buffer = malloc(maxlen); struct tm* tm_info; timer = time(NULL); tm_info = localtime(&timer); if (strftime(buffer, maxlen, fmt, tm_info) == 0) buffer[0] = '\0'; return buffer; } extern inline uint32_t* CLOCK_N(char c); struct tb_cell* clock_cell(char c) { struct tb_cell* cells = malloc(sizeof(struct tb_cell) * CLOCK_W * CLOCK_H); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); if (config.animate && c == ':' && tv.tv_usec / 500000) c = ' '; uint32_t* clockchars = CLOCK_N(c); for (int i = 0; i < CLOCK_W * CLOCK_H; i++) { cells[i].ch = clockchars[i]; cells[i].fg = config.fg; cells[i].bg = config.bg; } return cells; } void alpha_blit(struct tb_cell* buf, uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, struct tb_cell* cells) { if (x + w >= tb_width() || y + h >= tb_height()) return; for (int i = 0; i < h; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < w; j++) { struct tb_cell cell = cells[i * w + j]; if (cell.ch) buf[(y + i) * tb_width() + (x + j)] = cell; } } } void draw_bigclock(struct term_buf* buf) { if (!config.bigclock) return; int xo = buf->width / 2 - (5 * (CLOCK_W + 1)) / 2; int yo = (buf->height - buf->box_height) / 2 - CLOCK_H - 2; char* clockstr = time_str("%H:%M", 6); struct tb_cell* clockcell; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { clockcell = clock_cell(clockstr[i]); alpha_blit(tb_cell_buffer(), xo + i * (CLOCK_W + 1), yo, CLOCK_W, CLOCK_H, clockcell); free(clockcell); } free(clockstr); } void draw_clock(struct term_buf* buf) { if (config.clock == NULL || strlen(config.clock) == 0) return; char* clockstr = time_str(config.clock, 32); int clockstrlen = strlen(clockstr); struct tb_cell* cells = strn_cell(clockstr, clockstrlen); tb_blit(buf->width - clockstrlen, 0, clockstrlen, 1, cells); free(clockstr); free(cells); } struct tb_cell* strn_cell(char* s, uint16_t len) // throws { struct tb_cell* cells = malloc((sizeof (struct tb_cell)) * len); char* s2 = s; uint32_t c; if (cells != NULL) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if ((s2 - s) >= len) { break; } s2 += utf8_char_to_unicode(&c, s2); cells[i].ch = c; cells[i].bg = config.bg; cells[i].fg = config.fg; } } else { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } return cells; } struct tb_cell* str_cell(char* s) // throws { return strn_cell(s, strlen(s)); } void draw_labels(struct term_buf* buf) // throws { // login text struct tb_cell* login = str_cell(lang.login); if (dgn_catch()) { dgn_reset(); } else { tb_blit( buf->box_x + config.margin_box_h, buf->box_y + config.margin_box_v + 4, strlen(lang.login), 1, login); free(login); } // password text struct tb_cell* password = str_cell(lang.password); if (dgn_catch()) { dgn_reset(); } else { tb_blit( buf->box_x + config.margin_box_h, buf->box_y + config.margin_box_v + 6, strlen(lang.password), 1, password); free(password); } if (buf->info_line != NULL) { uint16_t len = strlen(buf->info_line); struct tb_cell* info_cell = str_cell(buf->info_line); if (dgn_catch()) { dgn_reset(); } else { tb_blit( buf->box_x + ((buf->box_width - len) / 2), buf->box_y + config.margin_box_v, len, 1, info_cell); free(info_cell); } } } void draw_f_commands() { struct tb_cell* f1 = str_cell(lang.f1); if (dgn_catch()) { dgn_reset(); } else { tb_blit(0, 0, strlen(lang.f1), 1, f1); free(f1); } struct tb_cell* f2 = str_cell(lang.f2); if (dgn_catch()) { dgn_reset(); } else { tb_blit(strlen(lang.f1) + 1, 0, strlen(lang.f2), 1, f2); free(f2); } } void draw_lock_state(struct term_buf* buf) { // get values int fd = open(config.console_dev, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { buf->info_line = lang.err_console_dev; return; } bool numlock_on; bool capslock_on; #if defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) int led; ioctl(fd, KDGETLED, &led); numlock_on = led & LED_NUM; capslock_on = led & LED_CAP; #else // linux char led; ioctl(fd, KDGKBLED, &led); numlock_on = led & K_NUMLOCK; capslock_on = led & K_CAPSLOCK; #endif close(fd); // print text uint16_t pos_x = buf->width - strlen(lang.numlock); if (numlock_on) { struct tb_cell* numlock = str_cell(lang.numlock); if (dgn_catch()) { dgn_reset(); } else { tb_blit(pos_x, 0, strlen(lang.numlock), 1, numlock); free(numlock); } } pos_x -= strlen(lang.capslock) + 1; if (capslock_on) { struct tb_cell* capslock = str_cell(lang.capslock); if (dgn_catch()) { dgn_reset(); } else { tb_blit(pos_x, 0, strlen(lang.capslock), 1, capslock); free(capslock); } } } void draw_desktop(struct desktop* target) { uint16_t len = strlen(target->list[target->cur]); if (len > (target->visible_len - 3)) { len = target->visible_len - 3; } tb_change_cell( target->x, target->y, '<', config.fg, config.bg); tb_change_cell( target->x + target->visible_len - 1, target->y, '>', config.fg, config.bg); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; ++ i) { tb_change_cell( target->x + i + 2, target->y, target->list[target->cur][i], config.fg, config.bg); } } void draw_input(struct text* input) { uint16_t len = strlen(input->text); uint16_t visible_len = input->visible_len; if (len > visible_len) { len = visible_len; } struct tb_cell* cells = strn_cell(input->visible_start, len); if (dgn_catch()) { dgn_reset(); } else { tb_blit(input->x, input->y, len, 1, cells); free(cells); struct tb_cell c1 = {' ', config.fg, config.bg}; for (uint16_t i = input->end - input->visible_start; i < visible_len; ++i) { tb_put_cell( input->x + i, input->y, &c1); } } } void draw_input_mask(struct text* input) { uint16_t len = strlen(input->text); uint16_t visible_len = input->visible_len; if (len > visible_len) { len = visible_len; } struct tb_cell c1 = {config.asterisk, config.fg, config.bg}; struct tb_cell c2 = {' ', config.fg, config.bg}; for (uint16_t i = 0; i < visible_len; ++i) { if (input->visible_start + i < input->end) { tb_put_cell( input->x + i, input->y, &c1); } else { tb_put_cell( input->x + i, input->y, &c2); } } } void position_input( struct term_buf* buf, struct desktop* desktop, struct text* login, struct text* password) { uint16_t x = buf->box_x + config.margin_box_h + buf->labels_max_len + 1; int32_t len = buf->box_x + buf->box_width - config.margin_box_h - x; if (len < 0) { return; } desktop->x = x; desktop->y = buf->box_y + config.margin_box_v + 2; desktop->visible_len = len; login->x = x; login->y = buf->box_y + config.margin_box_v + 4; login->visible_len = len; password->x = x; password->y = buf->box_y + config.margin_box_v + 6; password->visible_len = len; } static void doom_init(struct term_buf* buf) { buf->init_width = buf->width; buf->init_height = buf->height; buf->astate.doom = malloc(sizeof(struct doom_state)); if (buf->astate.doom == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } uint16_t tmp_len = buf->width * buf->height; buf->astate.doom->buf = malloc(tmp_len); tmp_len -= buf->width; if (buf->astate.doom->buf == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } memset(buf->astate.doom->buf, 0, tmp_len); memset(buf->astate.doom->buf + tmp_len, DOOM_STEPS - 1, buf->width); } static void doom_free(struct term_buf* buf) { free(buf->astate.doom->buf); free(buf->astate.doom); } // Adapted from cmatrix static void matrix_init(struct term_buf* buf) { buf->init_width = buf->width; buf->init_height = buf->height; buf->astate.matrix = malloc(sizeof(struct matrix_state)); struct matrix_state* s = buf->astate.matrix; if (s == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } uint16_t len = buf->height + 1; s->grid = malloc(sizeof(struct matrix_dot*) * len); if (s->grid == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } len = (buf->height + 1) * buf->width; (s->grid)[0] = malloc(sizeof(struct matrix_dot) * len); if ((s->grid)[0] == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } for (int i = 1; i <= buf->height; ++i) { s->grid[i] = s->grid[i - 1] + buf->width; if (s->grid[i] == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } } s->length = malloc(buf->width * sizeof(int)); if (s->length == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } s->spaces = malloc(buf->width * sizeof(int)); if (s->spaces == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } s->updates = malloc(buf->width * sizeof(int)); if (s->updates == NULL) { dgn_throw(DGN_ALLOC); } // Initialize grid for (int i = 0; i <= buf->height; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j <= buf->width - 1; j += 2) { s->grid[i][j].val = -1; } } for (int j = 0; j < buf->width; j += 2) { s->spaces[j] = (int) rand() % buf->height + 1; s->length[j] = (int) rand() % (buf->height - 3) + 3; s->grid[1][j].val = ' '; s->updates[j] = (int) rand() % 3 + 1; } } static void matrix_free(struct term_buf* buf) { free(buf->astate.matrix->grid[0]); free(buf->astate.matrix->grid); free(buf->astate.matrix->length); free(buf->astate.matrix->spaces); free(buf->astate.matrix->updates); free(buf->astate.matrix); } void animate_init(struct term_buf* buf) { if (config.animate) { switch(config.animation) { case 0: { doom_init(buf); break; } case 1: { matrix_init(buf); break; } } } } static void doom(struct term_buf* term_buf) { static struct tb_cell fire[DOOM_STEPS] = { {' ', 9, 0}, // default {0x2591, 2, 0}, // red {0x2592, 2, 0}, // red {0x2593, 2, 0}, // red {0x2588, 2, 0}, // red {0x2591, 4, 2}, // yellow {0x2592, 4, 2}, // yellow {0x2593, 4, 2}, // yellow {0x2588, 4, 2}, // yellow {0x2591, 8, 4}, // white {0x2592, 8, 4}, // white {0x2593, 8, 4}, // white {0x2588, 8, 4}, // white }; uint16_t src; uint16_t random; uint16_t dst; uint16_t w = term_buf->init_width; uint8_t* tmp = term_buf->astate.doom->buf; if ((term_buf->width != term_buf->init_width) || (term_buf->height != term_buf->init_height)) { return; } struct tb_cell* buf = tb_cell_buffer(); for (uint16_t x = 0; x < w; ++x) { for (uint16_t y = 1; y < term_buf->init_height; ++y) { src = y * w + x; random = ((rand() % 7) & 3); dst = src - random + 1; if (w > dst) { dst = 0; } else { dst -= w; } tmp[dst] = tmp[src] - (random & 1); if (tmp[dst] > 12) { tmp[dst] = 0; } buf[dst] = fire[tmp[dst]]; buf[src] = fire[tmp[src]]; } } } // Adapted from cmatrix static void matrix(struct term_buf* buf) { static int frame = 3; const int frame_delay = 8; static int count = 0; bool first_col; struct matrix_state* s = buf->astate.matrix; // Allowed codepoints const int randmin = 33; const int randnum = 123 - randmin; // Chars change mid-scroll const bool changes = true; if ((buf->width != buf->init_width) || (buf->height != buf->init_height)) { return; } count += 1; if (count > frame_delay) { frame += 1; if (frame > 4) frame = 1; count = 0; for (int j = 0; j < buf->width; j += 2) { int tail; if (frame > s->updates[j]) { if (s->grid[0][j].val == -1 && s->grid[1][j].val == ' ') { if (s->spaces[j] > 0) { s->spaces[j]--; } else { s->length[j] = (int) rand() % (buf->height - 3) + 3; s->grid[0][j].val = (int) rand() % randnum + randmin; s->spaces[j] = (int) rand() % buf->height + 1; } } int i = 0, seg_len = 0; first_col = 1; while (i <= buf->height) { // Skip over spaces while (i <= buf->height && (s->grid[i][j].val == ' ' || s->grid[i][j].val == -1)) { i++; } if (i > buf->height) break; // Find the head of this col tail = i; seg_len = 0; while (i <= buf->height && (s->grid[i][j].val != ' ' && s->grid[i][j].val != -1)) { s->grid[i][j].is_head = false; if (changes) { if (rand() % 8 == 0) s->grid[i][j].val = (int) rand() % randnum + randmin; } i++; seg_len++; } // Head's down offscreen if (i > buf->height) { s->grid[tail][j].val = ' '; continue; } s->grid[i][j].val = (int) rand() % randnum + randmin; s->grid[i][j].is_head = true; if (seg_len > s->length[j] || !first_col) { s->grid[tail][j].val = ' '; s->grid[0][j].val = -1; } first_col = 0; i++; } } } } uint32_t blank; utf8_char_to_unicode(&blank, " "); for (int j = 0; j < buf->width; j += 2) { for (int i = 1; i <= buf->height; ++i) { uint32_t c; int fg = TB_GREEN; int bg = TB_DEFAULT; if (s->grid[i][j].val == -1 || s->grid[i][j].val == ' ') { tb_change_cell(j, i - 1, blank, fg, bg); continue; } char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = s->grid[i][j].val; tmp[1] = '\0'; if(utf8_char_to_unicode(&c, tmp)) { if (s->grid[i][j].is_head) { fg = TB_WHITE | TB_BOLD; } tb_change_cell(j, i - 1, c, fg, bg); } } } } void animate(struct term_buf* buf) { buf->width = tb_width(); buf->height = tb_height(); if (config.animate) { switch(config.animation) { case 0: { doom(buf); break; } case 1: { matrix(buf); break; } } } } bool cascade(struct term_buf* term_buf, uint8_t* fails) { uint16_t width = term_buf->width; uint16_t height = term_buf->height; struct tb_cell* buf = tb_cell_buffer(); bool changes = false; char c_under; char c; for (int i = height - 2; i >= 0; --i) { for (int k = 0; k < width; ++k) { c = buf[i * width + k].ch; if (isspace(c)) { continue; } c_under = buf[(i + 1) * width + k].ch; if (!isspace(c_under)) { continue; } if (!changes) { changes = true; } if ((rand() % 10) > 7) { continue; } buf[(i + 1) * width + k] = buf[i * width + k]; buf[i * width + k].ch = ' '; } } // stop force-updating if (!changes) { sleep(7); *fails = 0; return false; } // force-update return true; }