Merge branch 'master' of into xinitrc

Utkarsh Verma 2 years ago
commit 802ad7b204
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 817656CF818EFCCC

@ -19,9 +19,11 @@ On Debian-based distros running `apt install build-essential libpam0g-dev libxcb
## Support
The following desktop environments were tested with success
- bspwm
- budgie
- cinnamon
- deepin
- dwm
- enlightenment
- gnome
- i3
@ -29,11 +31,14 @@ The following desktop environments were tested with success
- lxde
- lxqt
- mate
- qtile
- sway
- xfce
- xmonad
- pantheon
- maxx
- windowmaker
- spectrwm
Ly should work with any X desktop environment, and provides
basic wayland support (sway works very well, for example).

@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
#animate = false
#animate = true
# the active animation (only animation '0' available for now)
# the active animation
# 0 -> PSX DOOM fire (default)
# 1 -> CMatrix
#animation = 0
# the char used to mask the password
@ -32,6 +34,10 @@
#hide_borders = false
#hide_borders = true
# remove f1 commands
#hide_f1_commands = false
#hide_f1_commands = true
# number of visible chars on an input
#input_len = 34

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
capslock = Bloq Majús
err_alloc = falla d'assignació de memòria
err_bounds = índex fora de límit
err_chdir = error al obrir carpeta home
err_console_dev = error al accedir a la consola
err_dgn_oob = missatge de registre
err_domain = domini invàlid
err_hostname = error al obtenir el nom del host
err_mlock = error al bloquejar la clau de memòria
err_null = punter nul
err_pam = error en la transacció pam
err_pam_abort = transacció pam avortada
err_pam_acct_expired = compte expirat
err_pam_auth = error d'autenticació
err_pam_authinfo_unavail = error al obtenir informació de l'usuari
err_pam_authok_reqd = token expirat
err_pam_buf = error de la memòria intermitja
err_pam_cred_err = error al establir les credencials
err_pam_cred_expired = credencials expirades
err_pam_cred_insufficient = credencials insuficients
err_pam_cred_unavail = error al obtenir credencials
err_pam_maxtries = s'ha assolit al màxim nombre d'intents
err_pam_perm_denied = permís denegat
err_pam_session = error de sessió
err_pam_sys = error de sistema
err_pam_user_unknown = usuari desconegut
err_path = error al establir la ruta
err_perm_dir = error al canviar de directori actual
err_perm_group = error al degradar els permisos de grup
err_perm_user = error al degradar els permisos de l'usuari
err_pwnam = error al obtenir la informació de l'usuari
err_user_gid = error al establir el GID de l'usuari
err_user_init = error al inicialitzar usuari
err_user_uid = error al establir el UID de l'usuari
err_xsessions_dir = error al cercar la carpeta de sessions
err_xsessions_open = error al obrir la carpeta de sessions
f1 = F1 aturar
f2 = F2 reiniciar
login = iniciar sessió
logout = tancar sessió
numlock = Bloq Num
password = Clau
shell = shell
wayland = wayland
xinitrc = xinitrc

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
capslock = capslock
err_alloc = impossibile allocare memoria
err_bounds = indice fuori limite
err_chdir = impossibile aprire home directory
err_console_dev = impossibile aprire console
err_dgn_oob = messaggio log
err_domain = dominio non valido
err_hostname = impossibile ottenere hostname
err_mlock = impossibile ottenere lock per la password in memoria
err_null = puntatore nullo
err_pam = transazione PAM fallita
err_pam_abort = transazione PAM interrotta
err_pam_acct_expired = account scaduto
err_pam_auth = errore di autenticazione
err_pam_authinfo_unavail = impossibile ottenere informazioni utente
err_pam_authok_reqd = token scaduto
err_pam_buf = errore buffer memoria
err_pam_cred_err = impossibile impostare credenziali
err_pam_cred_expired = credenziali scadute
err_pam_cred_insufficient = credenziali insufficienti
err_pam_cred_unavail = impossibile ottenere credenziali
err_pam_maxtries = raggiunto limite tentativi
err_pam_perm_denied = permesso negato
err_pam_session = errore di sessione
err_pam_sys = errore di sistema
err_pam_user_unknown = utente sconosciuto
err_path = impossibile impostare percorso
err_perm_dir = impossibile cambiare directory corrente
err_perm_group = impossibile ridurre permessi gruppo
err_perm_user = impossibile ridurre permessi utente
err_pwnam = impossibile ottenere dati utente
err_user_gid = impossibile impostare GID utente
err_user_init = impossibile inizializzare utente
err_user_uid = impossible impostare UID utente
err_xsessions_dir = impossibile localizzare cartella sessioni
err_xsessions_open = impossibile aprire cartella sessioni
f1 = F1 arresto
f2 = F2 riavvio
login = username:
logout = scollegato
numlock = numlock
password = password:
shell = shell
wayland = wayland
xinitrc = xinitrc

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
capslock = capslock
err_alloc = nieudana alokacja pamięci
err_bounds = indeks poza granicami
err_chdir = nie udało się otworzyć folderu domowego
err_console_dev = nie udało się uzyskać dostępu do konsoli
err_dgn_oob = wiadomość loga
err_domain = niepoprawna domena
err_hostname = nie udało się uzyskać nazwy hosta
err_mlock = nie udało się zablokować pamięci haseł
err_null = wskaźnik zerowy
err_pam = transakcja pam nieudana
err_pam_abort = transakcja pam przerwana
err_pam_acct_expired = konto wygasło
err_pam_auth = błąd autentyfikacji
err_pam_authinfo_unavail = nie udało się zdobyć informacji o użytkowniku
err_pam_authok_reqd = token wygasł
err_pam_buf = błąd bufora pamięci
err_pam_cred_err = nie udało się ustawić uwierzytelnienia
err_pam_cred_expired = uwierzytelnienie wygasło
err_pam_cred_insufficient = niewystarczające uwierzytelnienie
err_pam_cred_unavail = nie udało się uzyskać uwierzytelnienia
err_pam_maxtries = osiągnięto limit prób
err_pam_perm_denied = brak uprawnień
err_pam_session = błąd sesji
err_pam_sys = błąd systemu
err_pam_user_unknown = nieznany użytkownik
err_path = nie udało się ustawić ścieżki
err_perm_dir = nie udało się zmienić obecnego katalogu
err_perm_group = nie udało się obniżyć uprawnień grupy
err_perm_user = nie udało się obniżyć uprawnień użytkownika
err_pwnam = nie udało się uzyskać informacji o użytkowniku
err_user_gid = nie udało się ustawić GID użytkownika
err_user_init = nie udało się zainicjalizować użytkownika
err_user_uid = nie udało się ustawić UID użytkownika
err_xsessions_dir = nie udało się znaleźć folderu sesji
err_xsessions_open = nie udało się otworzyć folderu sesji
f1 = F1 wyłącz
f2 = F2 uruchom ponownie
login = login:
logout = wylogowano
numlock = numlock
password = hasło:
shell = powłoka
wayland = wayland
xinitrc = xinitrc

@ -10,17 +10,17 @@ err_mlock = сбой блокировки памяти
err_null = нулевой указатель
err_pam = pam транзакция не удалась
err_pam_abort = pam транзакция прервана
err_pam_acct_expired = срок действия аккаунта истек
err_pam_acct_expired = срок действия аккаунта истёк
err_pam_auth = ошибка аутентификации
err_pam_authinfo_unavail = не удалось получить информацию о пользователе
err_pam_authok_reqd = токен истек
err_pam_authok_reqd = токен истёк
err_pam_buf = ошибка буфера памяти
err_pam_cred_err = не удалось установить полномочия
err_pam_cred_expired = полномочия истекли
err_pam_cred_insufficient = недостаточо полномочий
err_pam_cred_unavail = не удалось получить полномочия
err_pam_maxtries = лимит попыток исчерпан
err_pam_perm_denied = доступ запрещен
err_pam_perm_denied = доступ запрещён
err_pam_session = ошибка сессии
err_pam_sys = системная ошибка
err_pam_user_unknown = неизвестный пользователь

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
capslock = capslock
err_alloc = neuspijesna alokacija memorije
err_bounds = izvan granica indeksa
err_chdir = neuspijesno otvaranje home foldera
err_console_dev = neuspijesno pristupanje konzoli
err_dgn_oob = log poruka
err_domain = nevazeci domen
err_hostname = neuspijesno trazenje hostname-a
err_mlock = neuspijesno zakljucavanje memorije lozinke
err_null = null pokazivac
err_pam = pam transakcija neuspijesna
err_pam_abort = pam transakcija prekinuta
err_pam_acct_expired = nalog istekao
err_pam_auth = greska pri autentikaciji
err_pam_authinfo_unavail = neuspjelo uzimanje informacija o korisniku
err_pam_authok_reqd = token istekao
err_pam_buf = greska bafera memorije
err_pam_cred_err = neuspjelo postavljanje kredencijala
err_pam_cred_expired = kredencijali istekli
err_pam_cred_insufficient = nedovoljni kredencijali
err_pam_cred_unavail = neuspjelo uzimanje kredencijala
err_pam_maxtries = dostignut maksimalan broj pokusaja
err_pam_perm_denied = nedozovoljeno
err_pam_session = greska sesije
err_pam_sys = greska sistema
err_pam_user_unknown = nepoznat korisnik
err_path = neuspjelo postavljanje path-a
err_perm_dir = neuspjelo mijenjanje foldera
err_perm_group = neuspjesno snizavanje dozvola grupe
err_perm_user = neuspijesno snizavanje dozvola korisnika
err_pwnam = neuspijesno skupljanje informacija o korisniku
err_user_gid = neuspijesno postavljanje korisničkog GID-a
err_user_init = neuspijensa inicijalizacija korisnika
err_user_uid = neuspijesno postavljanje UID-a korisnika
err_xsessions_dir = neuspijesno pronalazenje foldera sesija
err_xsessions_open = neuspijesno otvaranje foldera sesija
f1 = F1 ugasi
f2 = F2 ponovo pokreni
login = korisnik:
logout = izlogovan
numlock = numlock
password = lozinka:
shell = shell
wayland = wayland
xinitrc = xinitrc

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
capslock = capslock
err_alloc = basarisiz bellek ayirma
err_bounds = sinirlarin disinda dizin
err_chdir = ev klasoru acilamadi
err_console_dev = konsola erisilemedi
err_dgn_oob = log mesaji
err_domain = gecersiz etki alani
err_hostname = ana bilgisayar adi alinamadi
err_mlock = parola bellegi kilitlenemedi
err_null = bos isaretci hatasi
err_pam = pam islemi basarisiz oldu
err_pam_abort = pam islemi durduruldu
err_pam_acct_expired = hesabin suresi dolmus
err_pam_auth = kimlik dogrulama hatasi
err_pam_authinfo_unavail = kullanici bilgileri getirilirken hata olustu
err_pam_authok_reqd = suresi dolmus token
err_pam_buf = bellek arabellegi hatasi
err_pam_cred_err = kimlik bilgileri ayarlanamadi
err_pam_cred_expired = kimlik bilgilerinin suresi dolmus
err_pam_cred_insufficient = yetersiz kimlik bilgileri
err_pam_cred_unavail = kimlik bilgileri alinamadi
err_pam_maxtries = en fazla deneme sinirina ulasildi
err_pam_perm_denied = izin reddedildi
err_pam_session = oturum hatasi
err_pam_sys = sistem hatasi
err_pam_user_unknown = bilinmeyen kullanici
err_path = yol ayarlanamadi
err_perm_dir = gecerli dizin degistirilemedi
err_perm_group = grup izinleri dusurulemedi
err_perm_user = kullanici izinleri dusurulemedi
err_pwnam = kullanici bilgileri alinamadi
err_user_gid = kullanici icin GID ayarlanamadi
err_user_init = kullanici oturumu baslatilamadi
err_user_uid = kullanici icin UID ayarlanamadi
err_xsessions_dir = oturumlar klasoru bulunamadi
err_xsessions_open = oturumlar klasoru acilamadi
f1 = F1 makineyi kapat
f2 = F2 yeniden baslat
login = kullanici
logout = oturumdan cikis yapildi
numlock = numlock
password = sifre
shell = shell
wayland = wayland
xinitrc = xinitrc

@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ void config_load(const char *cfg_path)
{"default_input", &config.default_input, config_handle_u8},
{"fg", &config.fg, config_handle_u8},
{"hide_borders", &config.hide_borders, config_handle_bool},
{"hide_f1_commands", &config.hide_f1_commands, config_handle_bool},
{"input_len", &config.input_len, config_handle_u8},
{"lang", &config.lang, config_handle_str},
{"load", &config.load, config_handle_bool},
@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ void config_defaults()
config.blank_box = true;
config.blank_password = false;
config.console_dev = strdup("/dev/console");
config.default_input = PASSWORD_INPUT;
config.default_input = LOGIN_INPUT;
config.fg = 9;
config.hide_borders = false;
config.input_len = 34;

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ struct config
uint8_t default_input;
uint8_t fg;
bool hide_borders;
bool hide_f1_commands;
uint8_t input_len;
char* lang;
bool load;

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ void draw_init(struct term_buf* buf)
+ (config.input_len + 1)
+ buf->labels_max_len;
#if defined(__linux__)
#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
buf->box_chars.left_up = 0x250c;
buf->box_chars.left_down = 0x2514;
buf->box_chars.right_up = 0x2510;
@ -69,11 +69,22 @@ void draw_init(struct term_buf* buf)
static void doom_free(struct term_buf* buf);
static void matrix_free(struct term_buf* buf);
void draw_free(struct term_buf* buf)
if (config.animate)
switch (config.animation)
case 0:
case 1:
@ -118,7 +129,7 @@ void draw_box(struct term_buf* buf)
struct tb_cell c1 = {buf->, config.fg,};
struct tb_cell c2 = {buf->, config.fg,};
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < buf->box_width; ++i)
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < buf->box_width; ++i)
box_x + i,
@ -134,7 +145,7 @@ void draw_box(struct term_buf* buf) = buf->box_chars.left; = buf->box_chars.right;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < buf->box_height; ++i)
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < buf->box_height; ++i)
box_x - 1,
@ -152,9 +163,9 @@ void draw_box(struct term_buf* buf)
struct tb_cell blank = {' ', config.fg,};
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < buf->box_height; ++i)
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < buf->box_height; ++i)
for (uint8_t k = 0; k < buf->box_width; ++k)
for (uint16_t k = 0; k < buf->box_width; ++k)
box_x + k,
@ -481,18 +492,118 @@ static void doom_init(struct term_buf* buf)
buf->init_width = buf->width;
buf->init_height = buf->height;
buf->astate.doom = malloc(sizeof(struct doom_state));
if (buf->astate.doom == NULL)
uint16_t tmp_len = buf->width * buf->height;
buf->tmp_buf = malloc(tmp_len);
buf->astate.doom->buf = malloc(tmp_len);
tmp_len -= buf->width;
if (buf->tmp_buf == NULL)
if (buf->astate.doom->buf == NULL)
memset(buf->astate.doom->buf, 0, tmp_len);
memset(buf->astate.doom->buf + tmp_len, DOOM_STEPS - 1, buf->width);
static void doom_free(struct term_buf* buf)
// Adapted from cmatrix
static void matrix_init(struct term_buf* buf)
buf->init_width = buf->width;
buf->init_height = buf->height;
buf->astate.matrix = malloc(sizeof(struct matrix_state));
struct matrix_state* s = buf->astate.matrix;
if (s == NULL)
uint16_t len = buf->height + 1;
s->grid = malloc(sizeof(struct matrix_dot*) * len);
if (s->grid == NULL)
len = (buf->height + 1) * buf->width;
(s->grid)[0] = malloc(sizeof(struct matrix_dot) * len);
if ((s->grid)[0] == NULL)
for (int i = 1; i <= buf->height; ++i)
s->grid[i] = s->grid[i - 1] + buf->width;
if (s->grid[i] == NULL)
s->length = malloc(buf->width * sizeof(int));
if (s->length == NULL)
s->spaces = malloc(buf->width * sizeof(int));
if (s->spaces == NULL)
memset(buf->tmp_buf, 0, tmp_len);
memset(buf->tmp_buf + tmp_len, DOOM_STEPS - 1, buf->width);
s->updates = malloc(buf->width * sizeof(int));
if (s->updates == NULL)
// Initialize grid
for (int i = 0; i <= buf->height; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j <= buf->width - 1; j += 2)
s->grid[i][j].val = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < buf->width; j += 2)
s->spaces[j] = (int) rand() % buf->height + 1;
s->length[j] = (int) rand() % (buf->height - 3) + 3;
s->grid[1][j].val = ' ';
s->updates[j] = (int) rand() % 3 + 1;
static void matrix_free(struct term_buf* buf)
void animate_init(struct term_buf* buf)
@ -501,11 +612,16 @@ void animate_init(struct term_buf* buf)
case 0:
case 1:
@ -534,7 +650,7 @@ static void doom(struct term_buf* term_buf)
uint16_t dst;
uint16_t w = term_buf->init_width;
uint8_t* tmp = term_buf->tmp_buf;
uint8_t* tmp = term_buf->astate.doom->buf;
if ((term_buf->width != term_buf->init_width) || (term_buf->height != term_buf->init_height))
@ -573,6 +689,130 @@ static void doom(struct term_buf* term_buf)
// Adapted from cmatrix
static void matrix(struct term_buf* buf)
static int frame = 3;
const int frame_delay = 8;
static int count = 0;
bool first_col;
struct matrix_state* s = buf->astate.matrix;
// Allowed codepoints
const int randmin = 33;
const int randnum = 123 - randmin;
// Chars change mid-scroll
const bool changes = true;
if ((buf->width != buf->init_width) || (buf->height != buf->init_height))
count += 1;
if (count > frame_delay) {
frame += 1;
if (frame > 4) frame = 1;
count = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < buf->width; j += 2)
int tail;
if (frame > s->updates[j])
if (s->grid[0][j].val == -1 && s->grid[1][j].val == ' ')
if (s->spaces[j] > 0)
} else {
s->length[j] = (int) rand() % (buf->height - 3) + 3;
s->grid[0][j].val = (int) rand() % randnum + randmin;
s->spaces[j] = (int) rand() % buf->height + 1;
int i = 0, seg_len = 0;
first_col = 1;
while (i <= buf->height)
// Skip over spaces
while (i <= buf->height
&& (s->grid[i][j].val == ' ' || s->grid[i][j].val == -1))
if (i > buf->height) break;
// Find the head of this col
tail = i;
seg_len = 0;
while (i <= buf->height
&& (s->grid[i][j].val != ' ' && s->grid[i][j].val != -1))
s->grid[i][j].is_head = false;
if (changes)
if (rand() % 8 == 0)
s->grid[i][j].val = (int) rand() % randnum + randmin;
// Head's down offscreen
if (i > buf->height)
s->grid[tail][j].val = ' ';
s->grid[i][j].val = (int) rand() % randnum + randmin;
s->grid[i][j].is_head = true;
if (seg_len > s->length[j] || !first_col) {
s->grid[tail][j].val = ' ';
s->grid[0][j].val = -1;
first_col = 0;
uint32_t blank;
utf8_char_to_unicode(&blank, " ");
for (int j = 0; j < buf->width; j += 2) {
for (int i = 1; i <= buf->height; ++i)
uint32_t c;
int fg = TB_GREEN;
int bg = TB_DEFAULT;
if (s->grid[i][j].val == -1 || s->grid[i][j].val == ' ')
tb_change_cell(j, i - 1, blank, fg, bg);
char tmp[2];
tmp[0] = s->grid[i][j].val;
tmp[1] = '\0';
if(utf8_char_to_unicode(&c, tmp))
if (s->grid[i][j].is_head)
tb_change_cell(j, i - 1, c, fg, bg);
void animate(struct term_buf* buf)
buf->width = tb_width();
@ -582,11 +822,16 @@ void animate(struct term_buf* buf)
case 0:
case 1:

@ -19,6 +19,31 @@ struct box
uint32_t right;
struct matrix_dot
int val;
bool is_head;
struct matrix_state
struct matrix_dot** grid;
int* length;
int* spaces;
int* updates;
struct doom_state
uint8_t* buf;
union anim_state
struct doom_state* doom;
struct matrix_state* matrix;
struct term_buf
uint16_t width;
@ -34,7 +59,7 @@ struct term_buf
uint16_t box_width;
uint16_t box_height;
uint8_t* tmp_buf;
union anim_state astate;
void draw_init(struct term_buf* buf);

@ -213,22 +213,14 @@ void env_init(struct passwd* pwd)
char* lang = getenv("LANG");
// clean env
environ[0] = NULL;
if (term != NULL)
setenv("TERM", term, 1);
setenv("TERM", "linux", 1);
setenv("TERM", term ? term : "linux", 1);
setenv("HOME", pwd->pw_dir, 1);
setenv("PWD", pwd->pw_dir, 1);
setenv("SHELL", pwd->pw_shell, 1);
setenv("USER", pwd->pw_name, 1);
setenv("LOGNAME", pwd->pw_name, 1);
setenv("LANG", lang, 1);
setenv("LANG", lang ? lang : "C", 1);
// Set PATH if specified in the configuration
if (strlen(config.path))
@ -242,15 +234,8 @@ void env_init(struct passwd* pwd)
void env_xdg(const char* tty_id, const enum display_server display_server)
void env_xdg_session(const enum display_server display_server)
char user[15];
snprintf(user, 15, "/run/user/%d", getuid());
setenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", user, 0);
setenv("XDG_SESSION_CLASS", "user", 0);
setenv("XDG_SEAT", "seat0", 0);
setenv("XDG_VTNR", tty_id, 0);
switch (display_server)
@ -272,6 +257,17 @@ void env_xdg(const char* tty_id, const enum display_server display_server)
void env_xdg(const char* tty_id)
char user[15];
snprintf(user, 15, "/run/user/%d", getuid());
setenv("XDG_RUNTIME_DIR", user, 0);
setenv("XDG_SESSION_CLASS", "user", 0);
setenv("XDG_SESSION_ID", "1", 0);
setenv("XDG_SEAT", "seat0", 0);
setenv("XDG_VTNR", tty_id, 0);
void add_utmp_entry(
struct utmp *entry,
char *username,
@ -478,6 +474,9 @@ void auth(
ok = pam_start(config.service_name, NULL, &conv, &handle);
// Set XDG_SESSION_TYPE earlier to fix some bugs
if (ok != PAM_SUCCESS)
pam_diagnose(ok, buf);
@ -601,7 +600,7 @@ void auth(
// add xdg variables
env_xdg(tty_id, desktop->display_server[desktop->cur]);
// execute
int ok = chdir(pwd->pw_dir);

@ -108,11 +108,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (strcmp(config.lang, "en") != 0)
void* input_structs[3] =
@ -139,13 +135,27 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
// init visible elements
struct tb_event event;
struct term_buf buf;
uint8_t active_input = config.default_input;
//Place the curser on the login field if there is no saved username, if there is, place the curser on the password field
uint8_t active_input;
if (config.default_input == LOGIN_INPUT && login.text != login.end){
active_input = PASSWORD_INPUT;
active_input = config.default_input;
(*input_handles[active_input])(input_structs[active_input], NULL);
// init drawing stuff
// draw_box and position_input are called because they need to be
// called before *input_handles[active_input] for the cursor to be
// positioned correctly
position_input(&buf, &desktop, &login, &password);
(*input_handles[active_input])(input_structs[active_input], NULL);
if (config.animate)
@ -174,11 +184,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (auth_fails < 10)
(*input_handles[active_input])(input_structs[active_input], NULL);
position_input(&buf, &desktop, &login, &password);
@ -195,7 +207,11 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
error = tb_peek_event(&event, config.min_refresh_delta);
if (config.animate) {
error = tb_peek_event(&event, config.min_refresh_delta);
} else {
error = tb_poll_event(&event);
if (error < 0)
@ -221,6 +237,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (active_input > 0)
update = true;
@ -242,7 +259,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (active_input > 2)
active_input = PASSWORD_INPUT;
active_input = SESSION_SWITCH;
update = true;
