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package loop
import (
var (
// ErrRoutingPluginNotApplicable means that the selected routing plugin
// is not able to enhance routing given the current conditions and
// therefore shouldn't be used.
ErrRoutingPluginNotApplicable = fmt.Errorf("routing plugin not " +
// ErrRoutingPluginNoMoreRetries means that the routing plugin can't
// effectively help the payment with more retries.
ErrRoutingPluginNoMoreRetries = fmt.Errorf("routing plugin can't " +
"retry more")
var (
routingPluginMx sync.Mutex
routingPluginInstance RoutingPlugin
// RoutingPlugin is a generic interface for off-chain payment helpers.
type RoutingPlugin interface {
// Init initializes the routing plugin.
Init(ctx context.Context, target route.Vertex,
routeHints [][]zpay32.HopHint, amt btcutil.Amount) error
// Done deinitializes the routing plugin (restoring any state the
// plugin might have changed).
Done(ctx context.Context) error
// BeforePayment is called before each payment. Attempt counter is
// passed, counting attempts from 1.
BeforePayment(ctx context.Context, attempt int, maxAttempts int) error
// makeRoutingPlugin is a helper to instantiate routing plugins.
func makeRoutingPlugin(pluginType RoutingPluginType,
lnd lndclient.LndServices, clock clock.Clock) RoutingPlugin {
if pluginType == RoutingPluginLowHigh {
return &lowToHighRoutingPlugin{
lnd: lnd,
clock: clock,
return nil
// AcquireRoutingPlugin will return a RoutingPlugin instance (or nil). As the
// LND instance used is a shared resource, currently only one requestor will be
// able to acquire a RoutingPlugin instance. If someone is already holding the
// instance a nil is returned.
func AcquireRoutingPlugin(ctx context.Context, pluginType RoutingPluginType,
lnd lndclient.LndServices, target route.Vertex,
routeHints [][]zpay32.HopHint, amt btcutil.Amount) (
RoutingPlugin, error) {
defer routingPluginMx.Unlock()
// Another swap is already using the routing plugin.
if routingPluginInstance != nil {
return nil, nil
routingPluginInstance = makeRoutingPlugin(
pluginType, lnd, clock.NewDefaultClock(),
if routingPluginInstance == nil {
return nil, nil
// Initialize the plugin with the passed parameters.
err := routingPluginInstance.Init(ctx, target, routeHints, amt)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrRoutingPluginNotApplicable {
// Since the routing plugin is not applicable for this
// payment, we can immediately destruct it.
if err := routingPluginInstance.Done(ctx); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error while releasing routing "+
"plugin: %v", err)
// ErrRoutingPluginNotApplicable is non critical, so
// we're masking this error as we can continue the swap
// flow without the routing plugin.
err = nil
routingPluginInstance = nil
return nil, err
return routingPluginInstance, nil
// ReleaseRoutingPlugin will release the RoutingPlugin, allowing other
// requestors to acquire the instance.
func ReleaseRoutingPlugin(ctx context.Context) {
defer routingPluginMx.Unlock()
if routingPluginInstance == nil {
if err := routingPluginInstance.Done(ctx); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error while releasing routing plugin: %v",
routingPluginInstance = nil
// lowToHighRoutingPlugin is a RoutingPlugin that implements "low to high"
// routing. This means that when we're attempting to pay to a target we'll
// gradually (with a linear step function) discard inbound peers to that target
// given routing timeouts. The lowToHighRoutingPlugin itself is responsible for
// manipulating LND's Mission Control to make such routing attempts possible.
type lowToHighRoutingPlugin struct {
lnd lndclient.LndServices
clock clock.Clock
target route.Vertex
amount btcutil.Amount
mcState map[route.Vertex]lndclient.MissionControlEntry
// nodesByMaxFee holds nodes sorted by maximum fees that would be paid
// to the target node for the target amount.
nodesByMaxFee []nodeFeeInfo
// mcChanged flags that the MC settings for the tracked nodes were
// changed and should be reset to their original state once the plugin
// is done.
mcChanged bool
type nodeFeeInfo struct {
node route.Vertex
capacity btcutil.Amount
fee int64
// Enforce that lowToHighRoutingPlugin implements the RoutingPlugin interface.
var _ RoutingPlugin = (*lowToHighRoutingPlugin)(nil)
// buildPrivateChannels creates the private channel map from the passed route
// hints. The code is taken and adapted from LND. Original source:
// lnd/routing/payment_session_source.go.
func buildPrivateChannels(routeHints [][]zpay32.HopHint,
target route.Vertex) map[route.Vertex][]*lndclient.ChannelEdge {
edges := make(map[route.Vertex][]*lndclient.ChannelEdge)
// Traverse through all of the available hop hints and include them in
// our edges map.
for _, routeHint := range routeHints {
// If multiple hop hints are provided within a single route
// hint, we'll assume they must be chained together and sorted
// in forward order in order to reach the target successfully.
for i, hopHint := range routeHint {
// In order to determine the end node of this hint,
// we'll need to look at the next hint's start node. If
// we've reached the end of the hints list, we can
// assume we've reached the target.
var toNode route.Vertex
if i != len(routeHint)-1 {
toNode = route.NewVertex(routeHint[i+1].NodeID)
} else {
toNode = target
fromNode := route.NewVertex(hopHint.NodeID)
// Finally, create the channel edges from the hop hint
// and add them to list of edges.
edgeFrom := &lndclient.ChannelEdge{
Node1: fromNode,
Node2: toNode,
ChannelID: hopHint.ChannelID,
Node1Policy: &lndclient.RoutingPolicy{
TimeLockDelta: uint32(
FeeBaseMsat: int64(
FeeRateMilliMsat: int64(
edges[fromNode] = append(edges[fromNode], edgeFrom)
// Note that we're adding the edge here in both
// directions as we don't actually use it to find a path
// but just to walk from the target until the first
// node that peers with multiple nodes.
edgeTo := &lndclient.ChannelEdge{
Node1: toNode,
Node2: fromNode,
ChannelID: hopHint.ChannelID,
Node2Policy: &lndclient.RoutingPolicy{
TimeLockDelta: uint32(
FeeBaseMsat: int64(
FeeRateMilliMsat: int64(
edges[toNode] = append(edges[toNode], edgeTo)
return edges
func getNodeInfo(ctx context.Context, lnd lndclient.LightningClient,
nodeID route.Vertex,
privateEdges map[route.Vertex][]*lndclient.ChannelEdge) (
*lndclient.NodeInfo, error) {
nodeInfo, err := lnd.GetNodeInfo(ctx, nodeID, true)
if err != nil {
status, ok := status.FromError(err)
if ok && status.Code() == codes.NotFound {
// It's still possible that we should know this node
// from the provided route hints even though it is not
// part of the public graph. If we don't know any
// private channels then just return the error.
if _, ok := privateEdges[nodeID]; !ok {
return nil, err
nodeInfo = &lndclient.NodeInfo{
Node: &lndclient.Node{
PubKey: nodeID,
} else {
return nil, err
if len(privateEdges) > 0 {
for _, edge := range privateEdges[nodeID] {
nodeInfo.Channels = append(nodeInfo.Channels, *edge)
nodeInfo.TotalCapacity += edge.Capacity
return nodeInfo, nil
// saveMissionControlState will save the MC state for the node pairs formed by
// the passed nodes and target.
func (r *lowToHighRoutingPlugin) saveMissionControlState(ctx context.Context,
nodes map[route.Vertex]*lndclient.NodeInfo, target route.Vertex) error {
entries, err := r.lnd.Router.QueryMissionControl(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
r.mcState = make(map[route.Vertex]lndclient.MissionControlEntry)
for _, entry := range entries {
// Skip pairs which we do not intend to change.
if _, ok := nodes[entry.NodeFrom]; !ok {
if entry.NodeTo != target {
r.mcState[entry.NodeFrom] = entry
log.Debugf("Saved MC state: %v", spew.Sdump(r.mcState))
return nil
// nodesByMaxFee is a helper function to order the passed nodes by overall max
// fee towards the target node if we'd want to fwd the passed amount.
func nodesByMaxFee(amt btcutil.Amount, target route.Vertex,
nodes map[route.Vertex]*lndclient.NodeInfo) []nodeFeeInfo {
// maxFeePerNode assigns the maximum fees that would be paid through
// selected nodes to the target node for the target amount.
maxFeePerNode := make(map[route.Vertex]int64)
totalCapacityPerNode := make(map[route.Vertex]btcutil.Amount)
amtMsat := int64(amt * 1000)
for nodeID, node := range nodes {
var totalCapacity btcutil.Amount
for _, ch := range node.Channels {
var policy *lndclient.RoutingPolicy
if ch.Node1 == nodeID && ch.Node2 == target {
policy = ch.Node1Policy
} else if ch.Node1 == target && ch.Node2 == nodeID {
policy = ch.Node2Policy
if policy == nil {
totalCapacity += ch.Capacity
log.Debugf("'%v', policy=%v",
node.Alias, spew.Sdump(policy))
fee := policy.FeeBaseMsat +
// For all peers we'll save the "maximum" routing fee
// for that peer.
if fee > maxFeePerNode[nodeID] {
maxFeePerNode[nodeID] = fee
totalCapacityPerNode[nodeID] = totalCapacity
nodesByMaxFee := make([]nodeFeeInfo, 0, len(maxFeePerNode))
// Sort peers by maximum fee, so that we can later on disable edges
// in a gradual way.
for nodeID, fee := range maxFeePerNode {
nodesByMaxFee = append(
nodesByMaxFee, nodeFeeInfo{
node: nodeID,
capacity: totalCapacityPerNode[nodeID],
fee: fee,
sort.Slice(nodesByMaxFee, func(i, j int) bool {
return nodesByMaxFee[i].fee < nodesByMaxFee[j].fee
for i, nodeFee := range nodesByMaxFee {
log.Tracef("nodesByMaxFee[%v] = %v (%v)", i,
nodeFee.node.String(), nodeFee.fee)
return nodesByMaxFee
// Init will initialize the "low to high" routing plugin. It'll save the MC
// state and also preinit the internal state of the routing plugin. When the
// instance is released, the saved MC state can be restored.
func (r *lowToHighRoutingPlugin) Init(ctx context.Context, target route.Vertex,
routeHints [][]zpay32.HopHint, amt btcutil.Amount) error {
// Prepare the private edges from the passed route hints.
privateEdges := buildPrivateChannels(routeHints, target)
// Save the original target as the current "exit" node: where
// our payments should flow forward.
exit := target
// Walk until the first fork (if there's any). This first
// fork will be where we're going to try to manipulate success
// probabilities to increasingly prefer more expensive edges.
// We track all visited peers, so we won't end up walking
// back and forth on graphs that have no forks.
visited := map[route.Vertex]struct{}{
target: {},
var (
targetNodeInfo *lndclient.NodeInfo
err error
for {
targetNodeInfo, err = getNodeInfo(
ctx, r.lnd.Client, target, privateEdges,
if err != nil {
return err
// If the target node has only one or more channels but all
// connects to the same peer, then we need to walk further.
var (
peer route.Vertex
peers []route.Vertex
for _, edge := range targetNodeInfo.Channels {
if target != edge.Node1 {
peer = edge.Node1
} else {
peer = edge.Node2
if _, ok := visited[peer]; !ok {
visited[peer] = struct{}{}
peers = append(peers, peer)
if len(peers) == 1 {
exit = target
target = peers[0]
// If there are no more peers to visit then we can't use
// this routing plugin.
if len(peers) == 0 {
return ErrRoutingPluginNotApplicable
// Found the first fork to our target.
log.Debugf("Low/high plugin target: '%v' %v", targetNodeInfo.Alias,
// Gather node info (including channels) for the nodes we're
// interested in.
targetChanged := exit != target
nodes := make(map[route.Vertex]*lndclient.NodeInfo)
for _, edge := range targetNodeInfo.Channels {
// Skip edges to the exit node since from there the route to
// the invoice target is always constructed from the same hops.
if targetChanged &&
(edge.Node1 == exit || edge.Node2 == exit) {
var peer route.Vertex
if edge.Node1 == target {
peer = edge.Node2
} else {
peer = edge.Node1
nodeInfo, err := getNodeInfo(ctx, r.lnd.Client, peer, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
nodes[peer] = nodeInfo
// Get the nodes ordered by routing fee towards the target.
r.nodesByMaxFee = nodesByMaxFee(amt, target, nodes) = target
r.amount = amt
// Save MC state.
err = r.saveMissionControlState(ctx, nodes, target)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// BeforePayment will reconfigure the mission control on each payment attempt.
func (r *lowToHighRoutingPlugin) BeforePayment(ctx context.Context,
currAttempt int, maxAttempts int) error {
queryRoutesReq := lndclient.QueryRoutesRequest{
Source: &r.lnd.NodePubkey,
AmtMsat: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(r.amount * 1000),
FeeLimitMsat: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(r.amount * 1000),
UseMissionControl: true,
// If logging in trace level, query routes and log to see how what path
// we find before MC is manipulated.
if log.Level() == btclog.LevelTrace {
res, err := r.lnd.Client.QueryRoutes(ctx, queryRoutesReq)
log.Tracef("BeforePayment() QueryRoutes(1)=%v, err=%v",
spew.Sdump(res), err)
// Do not do anything unless we tried to route the payment at least
// once.
if currAttempt < 2 {
return nil
// Calculate the limit until we'll disable edges. The way we calculate
// this limit is that we take the minimum and maximum fee peers which
// define our fee range. Within this fee range we'll scale linearly
// where each step equals to the range divided by maxAttempts.
minFee := r.nodesByMaxFee[0].fee
maxFee := r.nodesByMaxFee[len(r.nodesByMaxFee)-1].fee
limit := minFee +
// With the forced MC import we can safely set the pair history
// timestamps to the current time as import will always just override
// current MC state.
now := r.clock.Now()
allowed := 0
entries := make(
[]lndclient.MissionControlEntry, 0, len(r.nodesByMaxFee),
for _, nodeFeeInfo := range r.nodesByMaxFee {
if nodeFeeInfo.fee < limit {
log.Debugf("Discouraging payments from %v to %v",
entries = append(
entries, lndclient.MissionControlEntry{
NodeFrom: nodeFeeInfo.node,
FailTime: now,
FailAmt: 1,
} else {
log.Debugf("Encouraging payments from %v to %v",
entries = append(
entries, lndclient.MissionControlEntry{
NodeFrom: nodeFeeInfo.node,
SuccessTime: now,
SuccessAmt: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
nodeFeeInfo.capacity * 1000,
// There's no point retrying the payment since we discouraged using
// all inbound peers to the target.
if allowed == 0 {
return ErrRoutingPluginNoMoreRetries
err := r.lnd.Router.ImportMissionControl(ctx, entries, true)
if err != nil {
return err
// Flag that we have changed the MC state.
r.mcChanged = true
log.Tracef("Imported MC state: %v", spew.Sdump(entries))
// If logging in trace level, query routes and log to see how our
// changes affected path finding.
if log.Level() == btclog.LevelTrace {
res, err := r.lnd.Client.QueryRoutes(ctx, queryRoutesReq)
log.Tracef("BeforePayment() QueryRoutes(2)=%v, err=%v",
spew.Sdump(res), err)
return nil
// Done will attempt to reconstruct the MC state for the affected node pairs to
// the same state as it was before using the routing plugin. For those node
// pairs where the beginning state was empty, we set success for the maximum
// capacity for the sake of simplicity.
func (r *lowToHighRoutingPlugin) Done(ctx context.Context) error {
if r.mcState == nil {
return nil
defer func() {
r.mcState = nil
// If none of the selected pairs were manipulated we can skip ahead.
if !r.mcChanged {
log.Debugf("MC state not changed, skipping restore")
return nil
// With the forced import we're safe to just set the pair history
// timestamps to the current time as import will always succeed and
// override current MC state.
now := r.clock.Now()
entries := make(
[]lndclient.MissionControlEntry, 0, len(r.nodesByMaxFee),
for _, nodeInfo := range r.nodesByMaxFee {
// We didn't have MC state for this node pair before, so just
// set it to succeed the max amount and fail anything more than
// that. This way we don't restrict forwarding for normal cases.
if _, ok := r.mcState[nodeInfo.node]; !ok {
capacity := lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
nodeInfo.capacity * 1000,
entries = append(
entries, lndclient.MissionControlEntry{
NodeFrom: nodeInfo.node,
FailTime: now,
FailAmt: capacity + 1,
SuccessTime: now,
SuccessAmt: capacity,
} else {
// We did have a MC entry for this pair, so we just bump
// the time to now + 1 sec.
entry := r.mcState[nodeInfo.node]
if !entry.FailTime.IsZero() {
entry.FailTime = now
if !entry.SuccessTime.IsZero() {
entry.SuccessTime = now
entries = append(entries, entry)
err := r.lnd.Router.ImportMissionControl(ctx, entries, true)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("Restored partial MC state: %v",
return nil