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package loop
import (
// TestCalculateLoopOutCost tests the CalculateLoopOutCost function.
func TestCalculateLoopOutCost(t *testing.T) {
// Set up test context objects.
lnd := test.NewMockLnd()
server := newServerMock(lnd)
store := loopdb.NewStoreMock(t)
cfg := &swapConfig{
lnd: &lnd.LndServices,
store: store,
server: server,
height := int32(600)
req := *testRequest
initResult, err := newLoopOutSwap(
context.Background(), cfg, height, &req,
require.NoError(t, err)
swap, err := store.FetchLoopOutSwap(
context.Background(), initResult.swap.hash,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Override the chain cost so it's negative.
const expectedChainCost = btcutil.Amount(1000)
// Now we have the swap and prepay invoices so let's calculate the
// costs without providing the payments first, so we don't account for
// any routing fees.
paymentFees := make(map[lntypes.Hash]lnwire.MilliSatoshi)
_, err = CalculateLoopOutCost(lnd.ChainParams, swap, paymentFees)
// We expect that the call fails as the swap isn't finished yet.
require.Error(t, err)
// Override the swap state to make it look like the swap is finished
// and make the chain cost negative too, so we can test that it'll be
// corrected to be positive in the cost calculation.
swap.Events = append(
swap.Events, &loopdb.LoopEvent{
SwapStateData: loopdb.SwapStateData{
State: loopdb.StateSuccess,
Cost: loopdb.SwapCost{
Onchain: -expectedChainCost,
costs, err := CalculateLoopOutCost(lnd.ChainParams, swap, paymentFees)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedServerCost := server.swapInvoiceAmt + server.prepayInvoiceAmt -
require.Equal(t, expectedServerCost, costs.Server)
require.Equal(t, btcutil.Amount(0), costs.Offchain)
require.Equal(t, expectedChainCost, costs.Onchain)
// Now add the two payments to the payments map and calculate the costs
// again. We expect that the routng fees are now accounted for.
paymentFees[server.swapHash] = lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(44)
paymentFees[server.prepayHash] = lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(11)
costs, err = CalculateLoopOutCost(lnd.ChainParams, swap, paymentFees)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedOffchainCost := btcutil.Amount(44 + 11)
require.Equal(t, expectedServerCost, costs.Server)
require.Equal(t, expectedOffchainCost, costs.Offchain)
require.Equal(t, expectedChainCost, costs.Onchain)
// Now override the last update to make the swap timed out at the HTLC
// sweep. We expect that the chain cost won't change, and only the
// prepay will be accounted for.
swap.Events[0] = &loopdb.LoopEvent{
SwapStateData: loopdb.SwapStateData{
State: loopdb.StateFailSweepTimeout,
Cost: loopdb.SwapCost{
Onchain: 0,
costs, err = CalculateLoopOutCost(lnd.ChainParams, swap, paymentFees)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedServerCost = server.prepayInvoiceAmt
expectedOffchainCost = btcutil.Amount(11)
require.Equal(t, expectedServerCost, costs.Server)
require.Equal(t, expectedOffchainCost, costs.Offchain)
require.Equal(t, btcutil.Amount(0), costs.Onchain)
// TestCostMigration tests the cost migration for loop out swaps.
func TestCostMigration(t *testing.T) {
// Set up test context objects.
lnd := test.NewMockLnd()
server := newServerMock(lnd)
store := loopdb.NewStoreMock(t)
cfg := &swapConfig{
lnd: &lnd.LndServices,
store: store,
server: server,
height := int32(600)
req := *testRequest
initResult, err := newLoopOutSwap(
context.Background(), cfg, height, &req,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Override the chain cost so it's negative.
const expectedChainCost = btcutil.Amount(1000)
// Override the swap state to make it look like the swap is finished
// and make the chain cost negative too, so we can test that it'll be
// corrected to be positive in the cost calculation.
err = store.UpdateLoopOut(
context.Background(), initResult.swap.hash, time.Now(),
State: loopdb.StateSuccess,
Cost: loopdb.SwapCost{
Onchain: -expectedChainCost,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Add the two mocked payment to LND. Note that we only care about the
// fees here, so we don't need to provide the full payment details.
lnd.Payments = []lndclient.Payment{
Hash: server.swapHash,
Fee: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(44),
Hash: server.prepayHash,
Fee: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(11),
// Now we can run the migration.
err = MigrateLoopOutCosts(context.Background(), lnd.LndServices, store)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Finally check that the swap cost has been updated correctly.
swap, err := store.FetchLoopOutSwap(
context.Background(), initResult.swap.hash,
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedServerCost := server.swapInvoiceAmt + server.prepayInvoiceAmt -
costs := swap.Events[0].Cost
expectedOffchainCost := btcutil.Amount(44 + 11)
require.Equal(t, expectedServerCost, costs.Server)
require.Equal(t, expectedOffchainCost, costs.Offchain)
require.Equal(t, expectedChainCost, costs.Onchain)
// Now run the migration again to make sure it doesn't fail. This also
// indicates that the migration did not run the second time as
// otherwise the store mocks SetMigration function would fail.
err = MigrateLoopOutCosts(context.Background(), lnd.LndServices, store)
require.NoError(t, err)