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synced 2024-11-08 01:10:29 +00:00
In an effort to surface more information about why autoloop is not executing, we add an error when suggest swaps is called with no rules. In other cases we can surface a reason enum with each rule that is set, but in the case where we have no rules, there are no results to accompany with reasons.
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package loopd
import (
const (
completedSwapsCount = 5
// minConfTarget is the minimum confirmation target we'll allow clients
// to specify. This is driven by the minimum confirmation target allowed
// by the backing fee estimator.
minConfTarget = 2
// swapClientServer implements the grpc service exposed by loopd.
type swapClientServer struct {
network lndclient.Network
impl *loop.Client
liquidityMgr *liquidity.Manager
lnd *lndclient.LndServices
swaps map[lntypes.Hash]loop.SwapInfo
subscribers map[int]chan<- interface{}
statusChan chan loop.SwapInfo
nextSubscriberID int
swapsLock sync.Mutex
mainCtx context.Context
// LoopOut initiates an loop out swap with the given parameters. The call
// returns after the swap has been set up with the swap server. From that point
// onwards, progress can be tracked via the LoopOutStatus stream that is
// returned from Monitor().
func (s *swapClientServer) LoopOut(ctx context.Context,
in *looprpc.LoopOutRequest) (
*looprpc.SwapResponse, error) {
log.Infof("Loop out request received")
sweepConfTarget, err := validateConfTarget(
in.SweepConfTarget, loop.DefaultSweepConfTarget,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var sweepAddr btcutil.Address
if in.Dest == "" {
// Generate sweep address if none specified.
var err error
sweepAddr, err = s.lnd.WalletKit.NextAddr(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NextAddr error: %v", err)
} else {
var err error
sweepAddr, err = btcutil.DecodeAddress(
in.Dest, s.lnd.ChainParams,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("decode address: %v", err)
// Check that the label is valid.
if err := labels.Validate(in.Label); err != nil {
return nil, err
req := &loop.OutRequest{
Amount: btcutil.Amount(in.Amt),
DestAddr: sweepAddr,
MaxMinerFee: btcutil.Amount(in.MaxMinerFee),
MaxPrepayAmount: btcutil.Amount(in.MaxPrepayAmt),
MaxPrepayRoutingFee: btcutil.Amount(in.MaxPrepayRoutingFee),
MaxSwapRoutingFee: btcutil.Amount(in.MaxSwapRoutingFee),
MaxSwapFee: btcutil.Amount(in.MaxSwapFee),
SweepConfTarget: sweepConfTarget,
HtlcConfirmations: in.HtlcConfirmations,
SwapPublicationDeadline: time.Unix(
int64(in.SwapPublicationDeadline), 0,
Label: in.Label,
Initiator: in.Initiator,
switch {
case in.LoopOutChannel != 0 && len(in.OutgoingChanSet) > 0:
return nil, errors.New("loop_out_channel and outgoing_" +
"chan_ids are mutually exclusive")
case in.LoopOutChannel != 0:
req.OutgoingChanSet = loopdb.ChannelSet{in.LoopOutChannel}
req.OutgoingChanSet = in.OutgoingChanSet
info, err := s.impl.LoopOut(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("LoopOut: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &looprpc.SwapResponse{
Id: info.SwapHash.String(),
IdBytes: info.SwapHash[:],
HtlcAddress: info.HtlcAddressP2WSH.String(),
HtlcAddressP2Wsh: info.HtlcAddressP2WSH.String(),
ServerMessage: info.ServerMessage,
}, nil
func (s *swapClientServer) marshallSwap(loopSwap *loop.SwapInfo) (
*looprpc.SwapStatus, error) {
var (
state looprpc.SwapState
failureReason = looprpc.FailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_NONE
// Set our state var for non-failure states. If we get a failure, we
// will update our failure reason. To remain backwards compatible with
// previous versions where we squashed all failure reasons to a single
// failure state, we set a failure reason for all our different failure
// states, and set our failed state for all of them.
switch loopSwap.State {
case loopdb.StateInitiated:
state = looprpc.SwapState_INITIATED
case loopdb.StatePreimageRevealed:
state = looprpc.SwapState_PREIMAGE_REVEALED
case loopdb.StateHtlcPublished:
state = looprpc.SwapState_HTLC_PUBLISHED
case loopdb.StateInvoiceSettled:
state = looprpc.SwapState_INVOICE_SETTLED
case loopdb.StateSuccess:
state = looprpc.SwapState_SUCCESS
case loopdb.StateFailOffchainPayments:
failureReason = looprpc.FailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_OFFCHAIN
case loopdb.StateFailTimeout:
failureReason = looprpc.FailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_TIMEOUT
case loopdb.StateFailSweepTimeout:
failureReason = looprpc.FailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_SWEEP_TIMEOUT
case loopdb.StateFailInsufficientValue:
failureReason = looprpc.FailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_INSUFFICIENT_VALUE
case loopdb.StateFailTemporary:
failureReason = looprpc.FailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_TEMPORARY
case loopdb.StateFailIncorrectHtlcAmt:
failureReason = looprpc.FailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_INCORRECT_AMOUNT
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown swap state: %v", loopSwap.State)
// If we have a failure reason, we have a failure state, so should use
// our catchall failed state.
if failureReason != looprpc.FailureReason_FAILURE_REASON_NONE {
state = looprpc.SwapState_FAILED
var swapType looprpc.SwapType
var htlcAddress, htlcAddressP2WSH, htlcAddressNP2WSH string
switch loopSwap.SwapType {
case swap.TypeIn:
swapType = looprpc.SwapType_LOOP_IN
htlcAddressP2WSH = loopSwap.HtlcAddressP2WSH.EncodeAddress()
if loopSwap.ExternalHtlc {
htlcAddressNP2WSH = loopSwap.HtlcAddressNP2WSH.EncodeAddress()
htlcAddress = htlcAddressNP2WSH
} else {
htlcAddress = htlcAddressP2WSH
case swap.TypeOut:
swapType = looprpc.SwapType_LOOP_OUT
htlcAddressP2WSH = loopSwap.HtlcAddressP2WSH.EncodeAddress()
htlcAddress = htlcAddressP2WSH
return nil, errors.New("unknown swap type")
return &looprpc.SwapStatus{
Amt: int64(loopSwap.AmountRequested),
Id: loopSwap.SwapHash.String(),
IdBytes: loopSwap.SwapHash[:],
State: state,
FailureReason: failureReason,
InitiationTime: loopSwap.InitiationTime.UnixNano(),
LastUpdateTime: loopSwap.LastUpdate.UnixNano(),
HtlcAddress: htlcAddress,
HtlcAddressP2Wsh: htlcAddressP2WSH,
HtlcAddressNp2Wsh: htlcAddressNP2WSH,
Type: swapType,
CostServer: int64(loopSwap.Cost.Server),
CostOnchain: int64(loopSwap.Cost.Onchain),
CostOffchain: int64(loopSwap.Cost.Offchain),
Label: loopSwap.Label,
}, nil
// Monitor will return a stream of swap updates for currently active swaps.
func (s *swapClientServer) Monitor(in *looprpc.MonitorRequest,
server looprpc.SwapClient_MonitorServer) error {
log.Infof("Monitor request received")
send := func(info loop.SwapInfo) error {
rpcSwap, err := s.marshallSwap(&info)
if err != nil {
return err
return server.Send(rpcSwap)
// Start a notification queue for this subscriber.
queue := queue.NewConcurrentQueue(20)
// Add this subscriber to the global subscriber list. Also create a
// snapshot of all pending and completed swaps within the lock, to
// prevent subscribers from receiving duplicate updates.
id := s.nextSubscriberID
s.subscribers[id] = queue.ChanIn()
var pendingSwaps, completedSwaps []loop.SwapInfo
for _, swap := range s.swaps {
if swap.State.Type() == loopdb.StateTypePending {
pendingSwaps = append(pendingSwaps, swap)
} else {
completedSwaps = append(completedSwaps, swap)
defer func() {
delete(s.subscribers, id)
// Sort completed swaps new to old.
sort.Slice(completedSwaps, func(i, j int) bool {
return completedSwaps[i].LastUpdate.After(
// Discard all but top x latest.
if len(completedSwaps) > completedSwapsCount {
completedSwaps = completedSwaps[:completedSwapsCount]
// Concatenate both sets.
filteredSwaps := append(pendingSwaps, completedSwaps...)
// Sort again, but this time old to new.
sort.Slice(filteredSwaps, func(i, j int) bool {
return filteredSwaps[i].LastUpdate.Before(
// Return swaps to caller.
for _, swap := range filteredSwaps {
if err := send(swap); err != nil {
return err
// As long as the client is connected, keep passing through swap
// updates.
for {
select {
case queueItem, ok := <-queue.ChanOut():
if !ok {
return nil
swap := queueItem.(loop.SwapInfo)
if err := send(swap); err != nil {
return err
// The client cancels the subscription.
case <-server.Context().Done():
return nil
// The server is shutting down.
case <-s.mainCtx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("server is shutting down")
// ListSwaps returns a list of all currently known swaps and their current
// status.
func (s *swapClientServer) ListSwaps(_ context.Context,
_ *looprpc.ListSwapsRequest) (*looprpc.ListSwapsResponse, error) {
var (
rpcSwaps = make([]*looprpc.SwapStatus, len(s.swaps))
idx = 0
err error
defer s.swapsLock.Unlock()
// We can just use the server's in-memory cache as that contains the
// most up-to-date state including temporary failures which aren't
// persisted to disk. The swaps field is a map, that's why we need an
// additional index.
for _, swp := range s.swaps {
swp := swp
rpcSwaps[idx], err = s.marshallSwap(&swp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &looprpc.ListSwapsResponse{Swaps: rpcSwaps}, nil
// SwapInfo returns all known details about a single swap.
func (s *swapClientServer) SwapInfo(_ context.Context,
req *looprpc.SwapInfoRequest) (*looprpc.SwapStatus, error) {
swapHash, err := lntypes.MakeHash(req.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing swap hash: %v", err)
// Just return the server's in-memory cache here too as we also want to
// return temporary failures to the client.
swp, ok := s.swaps[swapHash]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("swap with hash %s not found", req.Id)
return s.marshallSwap(&swp)
// LoopOutTerms returns the terms that the server enforces for loop out swaps.
func (s *swapClientServer) LoopOutTerms(ctx context.Context,
req *looprpc.TermsRequest) (*looprpc.OutTermsResponse, error) {
log.Infof("Loop out terms request received")
terms, err := s.impl.LoopOutTerms(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Terms request: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &looprpc.OutTermsResponse{
MinSwapAmount: int64(terms.MinSwapAmount),
MaxSwapAmount: int64(terms.MaxSwapAmount),
MinCltvDelta: terms.MinCltvDelta,
MaxCltvDelta: terms.MaxCltvDelta,
}, nil
// LoopOutQuote returns a quote for a loop out swap with the provided
// parameters.
func (s *swapClientServer) LoopOutQuote(ctx context.Context,
req *looprpc.QuoteRequest) (*looprpc.OutQuoteResponse, error) {
confTarget, err := validateConfTarget(
req.ConfTarget, loop.DefaultSweepConfTarget,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
quote, err := s.impl.LoopOutQuote(ctx, &loop.LoopOutQuoteRequest{
Amount: btcutil.Amount(req.Amt),
SweepConfTarget: confTarget,
SwapPublicationDeadline: time.Unix(
int64(req.SwapPublicationDeadline), 0,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &looprpc.OutQuoteResponse{
HtlcSweepFeeSat: int64(quote.MinerFee),
PrepayAmtSat: int64(quote.PrepayAmount),
SwapFeeSat: int64(quote.SwapFee),
SwapPaymentDest: quote.SwapPaymentDest[:],
}, nil
// GetTerms returns the terms that the server enforces for swaps.
func (s *swapClientServer) GetLoopInTerms(ctx context.Context,
req *looprpc.TermsRequest) (*looprpc.InTermsResponse, error) {
log.Infof("Loop in terms request received")
terms, err := s.impl.LoopInTerms(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Terms request: %v", err)
return nil, err
return &looprpc.InTermsResponse{
MinSwapAmount: int64(terms.MinSwapAmount),
MaxSwapAmount: int64(terms.MaxSwapAmount),
}, nil
// GetQuote returns a quote for a swap with the provided parameters.
func (s *swapClientServer) GetLoopInQuote(ctx context.Context,
req *looprpc.QuoteRequest) (*looprpc.InQuoteResponse, error) {
log.Infof("Loop in quote request received")
htlcConfTarget, err := validateLoopInRequest(
req.ConfTarget, req.ExternalHtlc,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
quote, err := s.impl.LoopInQuote(ctx, &loop.LoopInQuoteRequest{
Amount: btcutil.Amount(req.Amt),
HtlcConfTarget: htlcConfTarget,
ExternalHtlc: req.ExternalHtlc,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &looprpc.InQuoteResponse{
HtlcPublishFeeSat: int64(quote.MinerFee),
SwapFeeSat: int64(quote.SwapFee),
}, nil
func (s *swapClientServer) LoopIn(ctx context.Context,
in *looprpc.LoopInRequest) (
*looprpc.SwapResponse, error) {
log.Infof("Loop in request received")
htlcConfTarget, err := validateLoopInRequest(
in.HtlcConfTarget, in.ExternalHtlc,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Check that the label is valid.
if err := labels.Validate(in.Label); err != nil {
return nil, err
req := &loop.LoopInRequest{
Amount: btcutil.Amount(in.Amt),
MaxMinerFee: btcutil.Amount(in.MaxMinerFee),
MaxSwapFee: btcutil.Amount(in.MaxSwapFee),
HtlcConfTarget: htlcConfTarget,
ExternalHtlc: in.ExternalHtlc,
Label: in.Label,
Initiator: in.Initiator,
if in.LastHop != nil {
lastHop, err := route.NewVertexFromBytes(in.LastHop)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.LastHop = &lastHop
swapInfo, err := s.impl.LoopIn(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Loop in: %v", err)
return nil, err
response := &looprpc.SwapResponse{
Id: swapInfo.SwapHash.String(),
IdBytes: swapInfo.SwapHash[:],
HtlcAddressP2Wsh: swapInfo.HtlcAddressP2WSH.String(),
ServerMessage: swapInfo.ServerMessage,
if req.ExternalHtlc {
response.HtlcAddressNp2Wsh = swapInfo.HtlcAddressNP2WSH.String()
response.HtlcAddress = response.HtlcAddressNp2Wsh
} else {
response.HtlcAddress = response.HtlcAddressP2Wsh
return response, nil
// GetLsatTokens returns all tokens that are contained in the LSAT token store.
func (s *swapClientServer) GetLsatTokens(ctx context.Context,
_ *looprpc.TokensRequest) (*looprpc.TokensResponse, error) {
log.Infof("Get LSAT tokens request received")
tokens, err := s.impl.LsatStore.AllTokens()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcTokens := make([]*looprpc.LsatToken, len(tokens))
idx := 0
for key, token := range tokens {
macBytes, err := token.BaseMacaroon().MarshalBinary()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rpcTokens[idx] = &looprpc.LsatToken{
BaseMacaroon: macBytes,
PaymentHash: token.PaymentHash[:],
PaymentPreimage: token.Preimage[:],
AmountPaidMsat: int64(token.AmountPaid),
RoutingFeePaidMsat: int64(token.RoutingFeePaid),
TimeCreated: token.TimeCreated.Unix(),
Expired: !token.IsValid(),
StorageName: key,
return &looprpc.TokensResponse{Tokens: rpcTokens}, nil
// GetLiquidityParams gets our current liquidity manager's parameters.
func (s *swapClientServer) GetLiquidityParams(_ context.Context,
_ *looprpc.GetLiquidityParamsRequest) (*looprpc.LiquidityParameters,
error) {
cfg := s.liquidityMgr.GetParameters()
satPerByte := cfg.SweepFeeRateLimit.FeePerKVByte() / 1000
rpcCfg := &looprpc.LiquidityParameters{
MaxMinerFeeSat: uint64(cfg.MaximumMinerFee),
MaxSwapFeePpm: uint64(cfg.MaximumSwapFeePPM),
MaxRoutingFeePpm: uint64(cfg.MaximumRoutingFeePPM),
MaxPrepayRoutingFeePpm: uint64(cfg.MaximumPrepayRoutingFeePPM),
MaxPrepaySat: uint64(cfg.MaximumPrepay),
SweepFeeRateSatPerVbyte: uint64(satPerByte),
SweepConfTarget: cfg.SweepConfTarget,
FailureBackoffSec: uint64(cfg.FailureBackOff.Seconds()),
Autoloop: cfg.Autoloop,
AutoloopBudgetSat: uint64(cfg.AutoFeeBudget),
AutoMaxInFlight: uint64(cfg.MaxAutoInFlight),
Rules: make(
[]*looprpc.LiquidityRule, 0, len(cfg.ChannelRules),
MinSwapAmount: uint64(cfg.ClientRestrictions.Minimum),
MaxSwapAmount: uint64(cfg.ClientRestrictions.Maximum),
// Zero golang time is different to a zero unix time, so we only set
// our start date if it is non-zero.
if !cfg.AutoFeeStartDate.IsZero() {
rpcCfg.AutoloopBudgetStartSec = uint64(
for channel, rule := range cfg.ChannelRules {
rpcRule := &looprpc.LiquidityRule{
ChannelId: channel.ToUint64(),
Type: looprpc.LiquidityRuleType_THRESHOLD,
IncomingThreshold: uint32(rule.MinimumIncoming),
OutgoingThreshold: uint32(rule.MinimumOutgoing),
rpcCfg.Rules = append(rpcCfg.Rules, rpcRule)
return rpcCfg, nil
// SetLiquidityParams attempts to set our current liquidity manager's
// parameters.
func (s *swapClientServer) SetLiquidityParams(ctx context.Context,
in *looprpc.SetLiquidityParamsRequest) (*looprpc.SetLiquidityParamsResponse,
error) {
satPerVbyte := chainfee.SatPerKVByte(
in.Parameters.SweepFeeRateSatPerVbyte * 1000,
params := liquidity.Parameters{
MaximumMinerFee: btcutil.Amount(in.Parameters.MaxMinerFeeSat),
MaximumSwapFeePPM: int(in.Parameters.MaxSwapFeePpm),
MaximumRoutingFeePPM: int(in.Parameters.MaxRoutingFeePpm),
MaximumPrepayRoutingFeePPM: int(in.Parameters.MaxPrepayRoutingFeePpm),
MaximumPrepay: btcutil.Amount(in.Parameters.MaxPrepaySat),
SweepFeeRateLimit: satPerVbyte.FeePerKWeight(),
SweepConfTarget: in.Parameters.SweepConfTarget,
FailureBackOff: time.Duration(in.Parameters.FailureBackoffSec) *
Autoloop: in.Parameters.Autoloop,
AutoFeeBudget: btcutil.Amount(in.Parameters.AutoloopBudgetSat),
MaxAutoInFlight: int(in.Parameters.AutoMaxInFlight),
ChannelRules: make(
ClientRestrictions: liquidity.Restrictions{
Minimum: btcutil.Amount(in.Parameters.MinSwapAmount),
Maximum: btcutil.Amount(in.Parameters.MaxSwapAmount),
// Zero unix time is different to zero golang time.
if in.Parameters.AutoloopBudgetStartSec != 0 {
params.AutoFeeStartDate = time.Unix(
int64(in.Parameters.AutoloopBudgetStartSec), 0,
for _, rule := range in.Parameters.Rules {
var (
shortID = lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(rule.ChannelId)
err error
// Make sure that there are not multiple rules set for a single
// channel.
if _, ok := params.ChannelRules[shortID]; ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple rules set for "+
"channel: %v", shortID)
params.ChannelRules[shortID], err = rpcToRule(rule)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := s.liquidityMgr.SetParameters(ctx, params); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &looprpc.SetLiquidityParamsResponse{}, nil
// rpcToRule switches on rpc rule type to convert to our rule interface.
func rpcToRule(rule *looprpc.LiquidityRule) (*liquidity.ThresholdRule, error) {
switch rule.Type {
case looprpc.LiquidityRuleType_UNKNOWN:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("rule type field must be set")
case looprpc.LiquidityRuleType_THRESHOLD:
return liquidity.NewThresholdRule(
), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown rule: %T", rule)
// SuggestSwaps provides a list of suggested swaps based on lnd's current
// channel balances and rules set by the liquidity manager.
func (s *swapClientServer) SuggestSwaps(ctx context.Context,
_ *looprpc.SuggestSwapsRequest) (*looprpc.SuggestSwapsResponse, error) {
swaps, err := s.liquidityMgr.SuggestSwaps(ctx, false)
switch err {
case liquidity.ErrNoRules:
return nil, status.Error(codes.FailedPrecondition, err.Error())
case nil:
return nil, err
var loopOut []*looprpc.LoopOutRequest
for _, swap := range swaps {
loopOut = append(loopOut, &looprpc.LoopOutRequest{
Amt: int64(swap.Amount),
OutgoingChanSet: swap.OutgoingChanSet,
MaxSwapFee: int64(swap.MaxSwapFee),
MaxMinerFee: int64(swap.MaxMinerFee),
MaxPrepayAmt: int64(swap.MaxPrepayAmount),
MaxSwapRoutingFee: int64(swap.MaxSwapRoutingFee),
MaxPrepayRoutingFee: int64(swap.MaxPrepayRoutingFee),
SweepConfTarget: swap.SweepConfTarget,
return &looprpc.SuggestSwapsResponse{
LoopOut: loopOut,
}, nil
// processStatusUpdates reads updates on the status channel and processes them.
// NOTE: This must run inside a goroutine as it blocks until the main context
// shuts down.
func (s *swapClientServer) processStatusUpdates(mainCtx context.Context) {
for {
select {
// On updates, refresh the server's in-memory state and inform
// subscribers about the changes.
case swp := <-s.statusChan:
s.swaps[swp.SwapHash] = swp
for _, subscriber := range s.subscribers {
select {
case subscriber <- swp:
case <-mainCtx.Done():
// Server is shutting down.
case <-mainCtx.Done():
// validateConfTarget ensures the given confirmation target is valid. If one
// isn't specified (0 value), then the default target is used.
func validateConfTarget(target, defaultTarget int32) (int32, error) {
switch {
case target == 0:
return defaultTarget, nil
// Ensure the target respects our minimum threshold.
case target < minConfTarget:
return 0, fmt.Errorf("a confirmation target of at least %v "+
"must be provided", minConfTarget)
return target, nil
// validateLoopInRequest fails if the mutually exclusive conf target and
// external parameters are both set.
func validateLoopInRequest(htlcConfTarget int32, external bool) (int32, error) {
// If the htlc is going to be externally set, the htlcConfTarget should
// not be set, because it has no relevance when the htlc is external.
if external && htlcConfTarget != 0 {
return 0, errors.New("external and htlc conf target cannot " +
"both be set")
// If the htlc is being externally published, we do not need to set a
// confirmation target.
if external {
return 0, nil
return validateConfTarget(htlcConfTarget, loop.DefaultHtlcConfTarget)