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package test
import (
type mockSigner struct {
lnd *LndMockServices
func (s *mockSigner) SignOutputRaw(ctx context.Context, tx *wire.MsgTx,
signDescriptors []*lndclient.SignDescriptor,
_ []*wire.TxOut) ([][]byte, error) {
s.lnd.SignOutputRawChannel <- SignOutputRawRequest{
Tx: tx,
SignDescriptors: signDescriptors,
rawSigs := make([][]byte, len(signDescriptors))
for i := range signDescriptors {
sig := make([]byte, 64)
sig[0] = byte(i + 1)
rawSigs[i] = sig
return rawSigs, nil
func (s *mockSigner) ComputeInputScript(ctx context.Context, tx *wire.MsgTx,
signDescriptors []*lndclient.SignDescriptor,
prevOutputs []*wire.TxOut) ([]*input.Script, error) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unimplemented")
func (s *mockSigner) SignMessage(ctx context.Context, msg []byte,
locator keychain.KeyLocator, opts ...lndclient.SignMessageOption) (
[]byte, error) {
return s.lnd.Signature, nil
func (s *mockSigner) VerifyMessage(ctx context.Context, msg, sig []byte,
pubkey [33]byte, opts ...lndclient.VerifyMessageOption) (bool, error) {
// Make the mock somewhat functional by asserting that the message and
// signature is what we expect from the mock parameters.
mockAssertion := bytes.Equal(msg, []byte(s.lnd.SignatureMsg)) &&
bytes.Equal(sig, s.lnd.Signature)
return mockAssertion, nil
func (s *mockSigner) DeriveSharedKey(context.Context, *btcec.PublicKey,
*keychain.KeyLocator) ([32]byte, error) {
return [32]byte{4, 5, 6}, nil
// MuSig2CreateSession creates a new MuSig2 signing session using the local
// key identified by the key locator. The complete list of all public keys of
// all signing parties must be provided, including the public key of the local
// signing key. If nonces of other parties are already known, they can be
// submitted as well to reduce the number of method calls necessary later on.
func (s *mockSigner) MuSig2CreateSession(context.Context, input.MuSig2Version,
*keychain.KeyLocator, [][]byte, ...lndclient.MuSig2SessionOpts) (
*input.MuSig2SessionInfo, error) {
const testPubKey = "F9308A019258C31049344F85F89D5229B531C845836F99B08601F113BCE036F9"
pubKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(testPubKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
combinedKey, err := schnorr.ParsePubKey(pubKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &input.MuSig2SessionInfo{
CombinedKey: combinedKey,
HaveAllNonces: true,
}, nil
// MuSig2RegisterNonces registers one or more public nonces of other signing
// participants for a session identified by its ID. This method returns true
// once we have all nonces for all other signing participants.
func (s *mockSigner) MuSig2RegisterNonces(context.Context, [32]byte,
[][66]byte) (bool, error) {
return true, nil
// MuSig2Sign creates a partial signature using the local signing key
// that was specified when the session was created. This can only be
// called when all public nonces of all participants are known and have
// been registered with the session. If this node isn't responsible for
// combining all the partial signatures, then the cleanup parameter
// should be set, indicating that the session can be removed from memory
// once the signature was produced.
func (s *mockSigner) MuSig2Sign(context.Context, [32]byte, [32]byte,
bool) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
// MuSig2CombineSig combines the given partial signature(s) with the
// local one, if it already exists. Once a partial signature of all
// participants is registered, the final signature will be combined and
// returned.
func (s *mockSigner) MuSig2CombineSig(context.Context, [32]byte,
[][]byte) (bool, []byte, error) {
sig := make([]byte, 64)
sig[0] = 42
return true, sig, nil
// MuSig2Cleanup removes a session from memory to free up resources.
func (s *mockSigner) MuSig2Cleanup(context.Context, [32]byte) error {
return nil