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package loop
import (
invpkg ""
var (
// MaxLoopInAcceptDelta configures the maximum acceptable number of
// remaining blocks until the on-chain htlc expires. This value is used
// to decide whether we want to continue with the swap parameters as
// proposed by the server. It is a protection to prevent the server from
// getting us to lock up our funds to an arbitrary point in the future.
MaxLoopInAcceptDelta = int32(1500)
// MinLoopInPublishDelta defines the minimum number of remaining blocks
// until on-chain htlc expiry required to proceed to publishing the htlc
// tx. This value isn't critical, as we could even safely publish the
// htlc after expiry. The reason we do implement this check is to
// prevent us from publishing an htlc that the server surely wouldn't
// follow up to.
MinLoopInPublishDelta = int32(10)
// TimeoutTxConfTarget defines the confirmation target for the loop in
// timeout tx.
TimeoutTxConfTarget = int32(2)
// ErrSwapFinalized is returned when a to be executed swap is already in
// a final state.
ErrSwapFinalized = errors.New("swap is in a final state")
// loopInSwap contains all the in-memory state related to a pending loop in
// swap.
type loopInSwap struct {
htlc *swap.Htlc
htlcP2WSH *swap.Htlc
htlcP2TR *swap.Htlc
// htlcTxHash is the confirmed htlc tx id.
htlcTxHash *chainhash.Hash
timeoutAddr btcutil.Address
abandonChan chan struct{}
wg sync.WaitGroup
// loopInInitResult contains information about a just-initiated loop in swap.
type loopInInitResult struct {
swap *loopInSwap
serverMessage string
// newLoopInSwap initiates a new loop in swap.
func newLoopInSwap(globalCtx context.Context, cfg *swapConfig,
currentHeight int32, request *LoopInRequest) (*loopInInitResult,
error) {
var err error
// Private and route hints are mutually exclusive as setting private
// means we retrieve our own route hints from the connected node.
if len(request.RouteHints) != 0 && request.Private {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("private and route_hints both set")
// If Private is set, we generate route hints.
if request.Private {
// If last_hop is set, we'll only add channels with peers set to
// the last_hop parameter.
includeNodes := make(map[route.Vertex]struct{})
if request.LastHop != nil {
includeNodes[*request.LastHop] = struct{}{}
// Because the Private flag is set, we'll generate our own set
// of hop hints.
request.RouteHints, err = SelectHopHints(
globalCtx, cfg.lnd.Client, request.Amount,
DefaultMaxHopHints, includeNodes,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Request current server loop in terms and use these to calculate the
// swap fee that we should subtract from the swap amount in the payment
// request that we send to the server. We pass nil as optional route
// hints as hop hint selection when generating invoices with private
// channels is an LND side black box feature. Advanced users will quote
// directly anyway and there they have the option to add specific route
// hints.
quote, err := cfg.server.GetLoopInQuote(
globalCtx, request.Amount, cfg.lnd.NodePubkey, request.LastHop,
request.RouteHints, request.Initiator,
if err != nil {
return nil, wrapGrpcError("loop in terms", err)
swapFee := quote.SwapFee
if swapFee > request.MaxSwapFee {
log.Warnf("Swap fee %v exceeding maximum of %v",
swapFee, request.MaxSwapFee)
return nil, ErrSwapFeeTooHigh
// Calculate the swap invoice amount. The prepay is added which
// effectively forces the server to pay us back our prepayment on a
// successful swap.
swapInvoiceAmt := request.Amount - swapFee
// Generate random preimage.
var swapPreimage lntypes.Preimage
if _, err := rand.Read(swapPreimage[:]); err != nil {
log.Error("Cannot generate preimage")
swapHash := lntypes.Hash(sha256.Sum256(swapPreimage[:]))
// Derive a sender key for this swap.
keyDesc, err := cfg.lnd.WalletKit.DeriveNextKey(
globalCtx, swap.KeyFamily,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var senderKey [33]byte
copy(senderKey[:], keyDesc.PubKey.SerializeCompressed())
// Create the swap invoice in lnd.
_, swapInvoice, err := cfg.lnd.Client.AddInvoice(
globalCtx, &invoicesrpc.AddInvoiceData{
Preimage: &swapPreimage,
Value: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(swapInvoiceAmt),
Memo: "swap",
Expiry: 3600 * 24 * 365,
RouteHints: request.RouteHints,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create the probe invoice in lnd. Derive the payment hash
// deterministically from the swap hash in such a way that the server
// can be sure that we don't know the preimage.
probeHash := lntypes.Hash(sha256.Sum256(swapHash[:]))
probeHash[0] ^= 1
log.Infof("Creating probe invoice %v", probeHash)
probeInvoice, err := cfg.lnd.Invoices.AddHoldInvoice(
globalCtx, &invoicesrpc.AddInvoiceData{
Hash: &probeHash,
Value: lnwire.NewMSatFromSatoshis(swapInvoiceAmt),
Memo: "loop in probe",
Expiry: 3600,
RouteHints: request.RouteHints,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Default the HTLC internal key to our sender key.
senderInternalPubKey := senderKey
// If this is a MuSig2 swap then we'll generate a brand new key pair and
// will use that as the internal key for the HTLC.
if loopdb.CurrentProtocolVersion() >= loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2 {
secret, err := sharedSecretFromHash(
globalCtx, cfg.lnd.Signer, swapHash,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
_, pubKey := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(secret[:])
copy(senderInternalPubKey[:], pubKey.SerializeCompressed())
// Create a cancellable context that is used for monitoring the probe.
probeWaitCtx, probeWaitCancel := context.WithCancel(globalCtx)
// Launch a goroutine to monitor the probe.
probeResult, err := awaitProbe(probeWaitCtx, *cfg.lnd, probeHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("probe failed: %v", err)
// Post the swap parameters to the swap server. The response contains
// the server success key and the expiry height of the on-chain swap
// htlc.
log.Infof("Initiating swap request at height %v", currentHeight)
swapResp, err := cfg.server.NewLoopInSwap(globalCtx, swapHash,
request.Amount, senderKey, senderInternalPubKey, swapInvoice,
probeInvoice, request.LastHop, request.Initiator,
if err != nil {
return nil, wrapGrpcError("cannot initiate swap", err)
// Because the context is cancelled, it is guaranteed that we will be
// able to read from the probeResult channel.
err = <-probeResult
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("probe error: %v", err)
// Validate if the response parameters are outside our allowed range
// preventing us from continuing with a swap.
err = validateLoopInContract(currentHeight, swapResp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Instantiate a struct that contains all required data to start the
// swap.
initiationTime := time.Now()
contract := loopdb.LoopInContract{
HtlcConfTarget: request.HtlcConfTarget,
LastHop: request.LastHop,
ExternalHtlc: request.ExternalHtlc,
SwapContract: loopdb.SwapContract{
InitiationHeight: currentHeight,
InitiationTime: initiationTime,
HtlcKeys: loopdb.HtlcKeys{
SenderScriptKey: senderKey,
SenderInternalPubKey: senderKey,
ReceiverScriptKey: swapResp.receiverKey,
ReceiverInternalPubKey: swapResp.receiverKey,
ClientScriptKeyLocator: keyDesc.KeyLocator,
Preimage: swapPreimage,
AmountRequested: request.Amount,
CltvExpiry: swapResp.expiry,
MaxMinerFee: request.MaxMinerFee,
MaxSwapFee: request.MaxSwapFee,
Label: request.Label,
ProtocolVersion: loopdb.CurrentProtocolVersion(),
// For MuSig2 swaps we store the proper internal keys that we generated
// and received from the server.
if loopdb.CurrentProtocolVersion() >= loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2 {
contract.HtlcKeys.SenderInternalPubKey = senderInternalPubKey
contract.HtlcKeys.ReceiverInternalPubKey = swapResp.receiverInternalKey
swapKit := newSwapKit(
swapHash, swap.TypeIn,
cfg, &contract.SwapContract,
swapKit.lastUpdateTime = initiationTime
swap := &loopInSwap{
LoopInContract: contract,
swapKit: *swapKit,
if err := swap.initHtlcs(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Persist the data before exiting this function, so that the caller can
// trust that this swap will be resumed on restart.
err =, swapHash, &swap.LoopInContract)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot store swap: %v", err)
if swapResp.serverMessage != "" {
swap.log.Infof("Server message: %v", swapResp.serverMessage)
swap.abandonChan = make(chan struct{}, 1)
return &loopInInitResult{
swap: swap,
serverMessage: swapResp.serverMessage,
}, nil
// awaitProbe waits for a probe payment to arrive and cancels it. This is a
// workaround for the current lack of multi-path probing.
func awaitProbe(ctx context.Context, lnd lndclient.LndServices,
probeHash lntypes.Hash) (chan error, error) {
// Subscribe to the probe invoice.
updateChan, errChan, err := lnd.Invoices.SubscribeSingleInvoice(
ctx, probeHash,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Wait in the background for the probe to arrive.
probeResult := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
for {
select {
case update := <-updateChan:
switch update.State {
case invpkg.ContractAccepted:
log.Infof("Server probe successful")
probeResult <- nil
// Cancel probe invoice so that the
// server will know that its probe was
// successful.
err := lnd.Invoices.CancelInvoice(
ctx, probeHash,
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Cancel probe "+
"invoice: %v", err)
case invpkg.ContractCanceled:
probeResult <- errors.New(
"probe invoice expired")
case invpkg.ContractSettled:
probeResult <- errors.New(
"impossible that probe " +
"invoice was settled")
case err := <-errChan:
probeResult <- err
case <-ctx.Done():
probeResult <- ctx.Err()
return probeResult, nil
// resumeLoopInSwap returns a swap object representing a pending swap that has
// been restored from the database.
func resumeLoopInSwap(_ context.Context, cfg *swapConfig,
pend *loopdb.LoopIn) (*loopInSwap, error) {
hash := lntypes.Hash(sha256.Sum256(pend.Contract.Preimage[:]))
log.Infof("Resuming loop in swap %v", hash)
swapKit := newSwapKit(
hash, swap.TypeIn, cfg,
swap := &loopInSwap{
LoopInContract: *pend.Contract,
swapKit: *swapKit,
if err := swap.initHtlcs(); err != nil {
return nil, err
lastUpdate := pend.LastUpdate()
if lastUpdate == nil {
swap.lastUpdateTime = pend.Contract.InitiationTime
} else {
swap.state = lastUpdate.State
swap.lastUpdateTime = lastUpdate.Time
swap.htlcTxHash = lastUpdate.HtlcTxHash
swap.cost = lastUpdate.Cost
// Upon restoring the swap we also need to assign a new abandon channel
// that the client can use to signal that the swap should be abandoned.
swap.abandonChan = make(chan struct{}, 1)
return swap, nil
// validateLoopInContract validates the contract parameters against our request.
func validateLoopInContract(height int32, response *newLoopInResponse) error {
// Verify that we are not forced to publish a htlc that locks up our
// funds for too long in case the server doesn't follow through.
if response.expiry-height > MaxLoopInAcceptDelta {
return ErrExpiryTooFar
return nil
// initHtlcs creates and updates the native and nested segwit htlcs of the
// loopInSwap.
func (s *loopInSwap) initHtlcs() error {
htlc, err := utils.GetHtlc(
s.hash, &s.SwapContract, s.swapKit.lnd.ChainParams,
if err != nil {
return err
switch htlc.OutputType {
case swap.HtlcP2WSH:
s.htlcP2WSH = htlc
case swap.HtlcP2TR:
s.htlcP2TR = htlc
return fmt.Errorf("invalid output type")
s.swapKit.log.Infof("Htlc address (%s): %v", htlc.OutputType,
return nil
// sendUpdate reports an update to the swap state.
func (s *loopInSwap) sendUpdate(ctx context.Context) error {
info := s.swapInfo()
s.log.Infof("Loop in swap state: %v", info.State)
if IsTaprootSwap(&s.SwapContract) {
info.HtlcAddressP2TR = s.htlcP2TR.Address
} else {
info.HtlcAddressP2WSH = s.htlcP2WSH.Address
info.ExternalHtlc = s.ExternalHtlc
// In order to avoid potentially dangerous ownership sharing we copy the
// last hop vertex.
if s.LastHop != nil {
lastHop := &route.Vertex{}
copy(lastHop[:], s.LastHop[:])
info.LastHop = lastHop
select {
case s.statusChan <- *info:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
// execute starts/resumes the swap. It is a thin wrapper around executeSwap to
// conveniently handle the error case.
func (s *loopInSwap) execute(mainCtx context.Context,
cfg *executeConfig, height int32) error {
defer s.wg.Wait()
s.executeConfig = *cfg
s.height = height
// Create context for our state subscription which we will cancel once
// swap execution has completed, ensuring that we kill the subscribe
// goroutine.
subCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(mainCtx)
defer cancel()
go func() {
defer s.wg.Done()
subCtx, s.hash, s.log, s.server.SubscribeLoopInUpdates,
// Announce swap by sending out an initial update.
err := s.sendUpdate(mainCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Execute the swap until it either reaches a final state or a temporary
// error occurs.
err = s.executeSwap(mainCtx)
// If there are insufficient confirmed funds to publish the swap, we
// finalize its state so a new swap will be published if funds become
// available.
if errors.Is(err, ErrInsufficientBalance) {
return err
// Stop the execution if the swap has been abandoned.
if err != nil && s.state == loopdb.StateFailAbandoned {
return err
// Sanity check. If there is no error, the swap must be in a final
// state.
if err == nil && s.state.Type() == loopdb.StateTypePending {
err = fmt.Errorf("swap in non-final state %v", s.state)
// If an unexpected error happened, report a temporary failure but don't
// persist the error. Otherwise, for example a connection error could
// lead to abandoning the swap permanently and losing funds.
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("Swap error: %v", err)
// If we cannot send out this update, there is nothing we can
// do.
_ = s.sendUpdate(mainCtx)
return err
s.log.Infof("Loop in swap completed: %v "+
"(final cost: server %v, onchain %v, offchain %v)",
return nil
// executeSwap executes the swap.
func (s *loopInSwap) executeSwap(globalCtx context.Context) error {
var err error
// If the swap is already in a final state, we can return immediately.
if s.state.IsFinal() {
return ErrSwapFinalized
// For loop in, the client takes the first step by publishing the
// on-chain htlc. Only do this if we haven't already done so in a
// previous run.
if s.state == loopdb.StateInitiated {
if s.ExternalHtlc {
// If an external htlc was indicated, we can move to the
// HtlcPublished state directly and wait for
// confirmation.
err = s.persistAndAnnounceState(globalCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
published, err := s.publishOnChainHtlc(globalCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
if !published {
return nil
// Wait for the htlc to confirm. After a restart, this will pick up a
// previously published tx.
conf, err := s.waitForHtlcConf(globalCtx)
if err != nil {
return err
// Determine the htlc outpoint by inspecting the htlc tx.
htlcOutpoint, htlcValue, err := swap.GetScriptOutput(
conf.Tx, s.htlc.PkScript,
if err != nil {
return err
// Verify that the confirmed (external) htlc value matches the swap
// amount. If the amounts mismatch we update the swap state to indicate
// this, but end processing the swap. Instead, we continue to wait for
// the htlc to expire and publish a timeout tx to reclaim the funds. We
// skip this part if the swap was recovered from this state.
if s.state != loopdb.StateFailIncorrectHtlcAmt &&
htlcValue != s.LoopInContract.AmountRequested {
err = s.persistAndAnnounceState(globalCtx)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error persisting state: %v", err)
// The server is expected to see the htlc on-chain and know that it can
// sweep that htlc with the preimage, it should pay our swap invoice,
// receive the preimage and sweep the htlc. We are waiting for this to
// happen and simultaneously watch the htlc expiry height. When the htlc
// expires, we will publish a timeout tx to reclaim the funds.
err = s.waitForSwapComplete(globalCtx, htlcOutpoint, htlcValue)
if err != nil {
return err
// Persist swap outcome.
if err := s.persistAndAnnounceState(globalCtx); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// waitForHtlcConf watches the chain until the htlc confirms.
func (s *loopInSwap) waitForHtlcConf(globalCtx context.Context) (
*chainntnfs.TxConfirmation, error) {
// Register for confirmation of the htlc. It is essential to specify not
// just the pk script, because an attacker may publish the same htlc
// with a lower value, and we don't want to follow through with that tx.
// In the unlikely event that our call to SendOutputs crashes, and we
// restart, htlcTxHash will be nil at this point. Then only register
// with PkScript and accept the risk that the call triggers on a
// different htlc outpoint.
s.log.Infof("Register for htlc conf (hh=%v, txid=%v)",
s.InitiationHeight, s.htlcTxHash)
if s.htlcTxHash == nil {
s.log.Warnf("No htlc tx hash available, registering with " +
"just the pkscript")
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(globalCtx)
defer cancel()
notifier := s.lnd.ChainNotifier
notifyConfirmation := func(htlc *swap.Htlc) (
chan *chainntnfs.TxConfirmation, chan error, error) {
if htlc == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
return notifier.RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(
ctx, s.htlcTxHash, htlc.PkScript, 1, s.InitiationHeight,
confChanP2WSH, confErrP2WSH, err := notifyConfirmation(s.htlcP2WSH)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
confChanP2TR, confErrP2TR, err := notifyConfirmation(s.htlcP2TR)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var conf *chainntnfs.TxConfirmation
for conf == nil {
select {
// P2WSH htlc confirmed.
case conf = <-confChanP2WSH:
s.htlc = s.htlcP2WSH
s.log.Infof("P2WSH htlc confirmed")
// P2TR htlc confirmed.
case conf = <-confChanP2TR:
s.htlc = s.htlcP2TR
s.log.Infof("P2TR htlc confirmed")
// Conf ntfn error.
case err := <-confErrP2WSH:
return nil, err
// Conf ntfn error.
case err := <-confErrP2TR:
return nil, err
// Keep up with block height.
case notification := <-s.blockEpochChan:
s.height = notification.(int32)
// If the client requested the swap to be abandoned, we override
// the status in the database.
case <-s.abandonChan:
return nil, s.setStateAbandoned(ctx)
// Cancel.
case <-globalCtx.Done():
return nil, globalCtx.Err()
// Store htlc tx hash for accounting purposes. Usually this call is a
// no-op because the htlc tx hash was already known. Exceptions are:
// - Old pending swaps that were initiated before we persisted the htlc
// tx hash directly after publish.
// - Swaps that experienced a crash during their call to SendOutputs. In
// that case, we weren't able to record the tx hash.
txHash := conf.Tx.TxHash()
s.htlcTxHash = &txHash
return conf, nil
// publishOnChainHtlc checks whether there are still enough blocks left and if
// so, it publishes the htlc and advances the swap state.
func (s *loopInSwap) publishOnChainHtlc(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
var err error
blocksRemaining := s.CltvExpiry - s.height
s.log.Infof("Blocks left until on-chain expiry: %v", blocksRemaining)
// Verify whether it still makes sense to publish the htlc.
if blocksRemaining < MinLoopInPublishDelta {
return false, s.persistAndAnnounceState(ctx)
// Get fee estimate from lnd.
feeRate, err := s.lnd.WalletKit.EstimateFeeRate(
ctx, s.LoopInContract.HtlcConfTarget,
if err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("estimate fee: %v", err)
// Transition to state HtlcPublished before calling SendOutputs to
// prevent us from ever paying multiple times after a crash.
err = s.persistAndAnnounceState(ctx)
if err != nil {
return false, err
s.log.Infof("Publishing on chain HTLC with fee rate %v", feeRate)
var pkScript []byte
if IsTaprootSwap(&s.SwapContract) {
pkScript = s.htlcP2TR.PkScript
} else {
pkScript = s.htlcP2WSH.PkScript
tx, err := s.lnd.WalletKit.SendOutputs(
ctx, []*wire.TxOut{{
PkScript: pkScript,
Value: int64(s.LoopInContract.AmountRequested),
}}, feeRate, labels.LoopInHtlcLabel(swap.ShortHash(&s.hash)),
if err != nil {
s.log.Errorf("send outputs: %v", err)
// If we cannot send out this update, there is nothing we can
// do.
_ = s.persistAndAnnounceState(ctx)
return false, ErrInsufficientBalance
txHash := tx.TxHash()
fee := getTxFee(tx, feeRate.FeePerKVByte())
s.log.Infof("Published on chain HTLC tx %v, fee: %v", txHash, fee)
// Persist the htlc hash so that after a restart we are still waiting
// for our own htlc. We don't need to announce to clients, because the
// state remains unchanged.
s.htlcTxHash = &txHash
// We do not expect any on-chain fees to be recorded yet, and we only
// publish our htlc once, so we set our total on-chain costs to equal
// the fee for publishing the htlc.
s.cost.Onchain = fee
s.lastUpdateTime = time.Now()
if err := s.persistState(ctx); err != nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("persist htlc tx: %v", err)
return true, nil
// getTxFee calculates our fee for a transaction that we have broadcast. We use
// sat per kvbyte because this is what lnd uses, and we will run into rounding
// issues if we do not use the same fee rate as lnd.
func getTxFee(tx *wire.MsgTx, fee chainfee.SatPerKVByte) btcutil.Amount {
btcTx := btcutil.NewTx(tx)
vsize := mempool.GetTxVirtualSize(btcTx)
return fee.FeeForVSize(lntypes.VByte(vsize))
// waitForSwapComplete waits until a spending tx of the htlc gets confirmed and
// the swap invoice is either settled or canceled. If the htlc times out, the
// timeout tx will be published.
func (s *loopInSwap) waitForSwapComplete(ctx context.Context,
htlcOutpoint *wire.OutPoint, htlcValue btcutil.Amount) error {
// Register the htlc spend notification.
rpcCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
spendChan, spendErr, err := s.lnd.ChainNotifier.RegisterSpendNtfn(
rpcCtx, htlcOutpoint, s.htlc.PkScript, s.InitiationHeight,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("register spend ntfn: %v", err)
// Register for swap invoice updates.
rpcCtx, cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
s.log.Infof("Subscribing to swap invoice %v", s.hash)
swapInvoiceChan, swapInvoiceErr, err := s.lnd.Invoices.SubscribeSingleInvoice(
rpcCtx, s.hash,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("subscribe to swap invoice: %v", err)
// publishTxOnTimeout publishes the timeout tx if the contract has
// expired.
publishTxOnTimeout := func() (btcutil.Amount, error) {
if s.height >= s.LoopInContract.CltvExpiry {
return s.publishTimeoutTx(ctx, htlcOutpoint, htlcValue)
return 0, nil
// Check timeout at current height. After a restart we may want to
// publish the tx immediately.
var sweepFee btcutil.Amount
sweepFee, err = publishTxOnTimeout()
if err != nil {
return err
htlcSpend := false
invoiceFinalized := false
htlcKeyRevealed := false
for !htlcSpend || !invoiceFinalized {
select {
// If the client requested the swap to be abandoned, we override
// the status in the database.
case <-s.abandonChan:
return s.setStateAbandoned(ctx)
// Spend notification error.
case err := <-spendErr:
return err
// Receive block epochs and start publishing the timeout tx
// whenever possible.
case notification := <-s.blockEpochChan:
s.height = notification.(int32)
sweepFee, err = publishTxOnTimeout()
if err != nil {
return err
if invoiceFinalized && !htlcKeyRevealed {
htlcKeyRevealed = s.tryPushHtlcKey(ctx)
// The htlc spend is confirmed. Inspect the spending tx to
// determine the final swap state.
case spendDetails := <-spendChan:
s.log.Infof("Htlc spend by tx: %v",
err := s.processHtlcSpend(ctx, spendDetails, sweepFee)
if err != nil {
return err
htlcSpend = true
// Swap invoice ntfn error.
case err, ok := <-swapInvoiceErr:
// If the channel has been closed, the server has
// finished sending updates, so we set the channel to
// nil because we don't want to constantly select this
// case.
if !ok {
swapInvoiceErr = nil
return err
// An update to the swap invoice occurred. Check the new state
// and update the swap state accordingly.
case update, ok := <-swapInvoiceChan:
// If the channel has been closed, the server has
// finished sending updates, so we set the channel to
// nil because we don't want to constantly select this
// case.
if !ok {
swapInvoiceChan = nil
s.log.Infof("Received swap invoice update: %v",
switch update.State {
// Swap invoice was paid, so update server cost balance.
case invpkg.ContractSettled:
// If invoice settlement and htlc spend happen
// in the expected order, move the swap to an
// intermediate state that indicates that the
// swap is complete from the user point of view,
// but still incomplete with regards to
// accounting data.
if s.state == loopdb.StateHtlcPublished {
err := s.persistAndAnnounceState(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
invoiceFinalized = true
htlcKeyRevealed = s.tryPushHtlcKey(ctx)
s.cost.Server = s.AmountRequested -
// Canceled invoice has no effect on server cost
// balance.
case invpkg.ContractCanceled:
invoiceFinalized = true
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
// tryPushHtlcKey attempts to push the htlc key to the server. If the server
// returns an error of any kind we'll log it as a warning but won't act as the
// swap execution can just go on without the server gaining knowledge of our
// internal key.
func (s *loopInSwap) tryPushHtlcKey(ctx context.Context) bool {
if s.ProtocolVersion < loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2 {
return false
log.Infof("Attempting to reveal internal HTLC key to the server")
internalPrivKey, err := sharedSecretFromHash(
ctx, s.swapConfig.lnd.Signer, s.hash,
if err != nil {
s.log.Warnf("Unable to derive HTLC internal private key: %v",
return false
err = s.server.PushKey(ctx, s.ProtocolVersion, s.hash, internalPrivKey)
if err != nil {
s.log.Warnf("Internal HTLC key reveal failed: %v", err)
return false
return true
func (s *loopInSwap) processHtlcSpend(ctx context.Context,
spend *chainntnfs.SpendDetail, sweepFee btcutil.Amount) error {
// Determine the htlc input of the spending tx and inspect the witness
// to find out whether a success or a timeout tx spent the htlc.
htlcInput := spend.SpendingTx.TxIn[spend.SpenderInputIndex]
if s.htlc.IsSuccessWitness(htlcInput.Witness) {
} else {
// We needed another on chain tx to sweep the timeout clause,
// which we now include in our costs.
s.cost.Onchain += sweepFee
// If the swap is in state StateFailIncorrectHtlcAmt we know
// that the deposited htlc amount wasn't equal to the contract
// amount. We can finalize the swap by setting an appropriate
// state.
if s.state == loopdb.StateFailIncorrectHtlcAmt {
} else {
// Now that the timeout tx confirmed, we can safely cancel the
// swap invoice. We still need to query the final invoice state.
// This is not a hodl invoice, so it may be that the invoice was
// already settled. This means that the server didn't succeed in
// sweeping the htlc after paying the invoice.
err := s.lnd.Invoices.CancelInvoice(ctx, s.hash)
if err != nil && err != invpkg.ErrInvoiceAlreadySettled {
return err
return nil
// publishTimeoutTx publishes a timeout tx after the on-chain htlc has expired,
// returning the fee that is paid by the sweep tx. We cannot update our swap
// costs in this function because it is called multiple times. The swap failed
// and we are reclaiming our funds.
func (s *loopInSwap) publishTimeoutTx(ctx context.Context,
htlcOutpoint *wire.OutPoint, htlcValue btcutil.Amount) (btcutil.Amount,
error) {
if s.timeoutAddr == nil {
var err error
s.timeoutAddr, err = s.lnd.WalletKit.NextAddr(
ctx, "", walletrpc.AddressType_WITNESS_PUBKEY_HASH,
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Calculate sweep tx fee.
fee, err := s.sweeper.GetSweepFee(
ctx, s.htlc.AddTimeoutToEstimator, s.timeoutAddr,
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Create a function that will assemble our timeout witness.
witnessFunc := func(sig []byte) (wire.TxWitness, error) {
return s.htlc.GenTimeoutWitness(sig)
// Retrieve the full script required to unlock the output.
redeemScript := s.htlc.TimeoutScript()
sequence := uint32(0)
timeoutTx, err := s.sweeper.CreateSweepTx(
ctx, s.height, sequence, s.htlc, *htlcOutpoint,
s.HtlcKeys.SenderScriptKey, redeemScript, witnessFunc,
htlcValue, fee, s.timeoutAddr,
if err != nil {
return 0, err
timeoutTxHash := timeoutTx.TxHash()
s.log.Infof("Publishing timeout tx %v with fee %v to addr %v",
timeoutTxHash, fee, s.timeoutAddr)
err = s.lnd.WalletKit.PublishTransaction(
ctx, timeoutTx,
if err != nil {
s.log.Warnf("publish timeout: %v", err)
return fee, nil
// setStateAbandoned stores the abandoned state and announces it. It also
// cancels the swap invoice so the server can't settle it.
func (s *loopInSwap) setStateAbandoned(ctx context.Context) error {
s.log.Infof("Abandoning swap %v...", s.hash)
if !s.state.IsPending() {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot abandon swap in state %v", s.state)
err := s.persistAndAnnounceState(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the invoice is already settled or canceled, this is a nop.
_ = s.lnd.Invoices.CancelInvoice(ctx, s.hash)
return fmt.Errorf("swap hash "+
"abandoned by client, "+
"swap ID: %v, %v",
s.hash, err)
// persistAndAnnounceState updates the swap state on disk and sends out an
// update notification.
func (s *loopInSwap) persistAndAnnounceState(ctx context.Context) error {
// Update state in store.
if err := s.persistState(ctx); err != nil {
return err
// Send out swap update
return s.sendUpdate(ctx)
// persistState updates the swap state on disk.
func (s *loopInSwap) persistState(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx, s.hash, s.lastUpdateTime,
State: s.state,
Cost: s.cost,
HtlcTxHash: s.htlcTxHash,
// setState updates the swap state and last update timestamp.
func (s *loopInSwap) setState(state loopdb.SwapState) {
s.lastUpdateTime = time.Now()
s.state = state
// sharedSecretFromHash derives the shared secret from the swap hash using the
// swap.KeyFamily family and zero as index.
func sharedSecretFromHash(ctx context.Context, signer lndclient.SignerClient,
hash lntypes.Hash) ([32]byte, error) {
_, hashPubKey := btcec.PrivKeyFromBytes(hash[:])
return signer.DeriveSharedKey(
ctx, hashPubKey, &keychain.KeyLocator{
Family: keychain.KeyFamily(swap.KeyFamily),
Index: 0,