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package sweepbatcher
import (
const (
// defaultFeeRateStep is the default value by which the batch tx's
// fee rate is increased when an rbf is attempted.
defaultFeeRateStep = chainfee.SatPerKWeight(100)
// batchConfHeight is the default confirmation height of the batch
// transaction.
batchConfHeight = 3
// maxFeeToSwapAmtRatio is the maximum fee to swap amount ratio that
// we allow for a batch transaction.
maxFeeToSwapAmtRatio = 0.2
var (
ErrBatchShuttingDown = errors.New("batch shutting down")
// sweep stores any data related to sweeping a specific outpoint.
type sweep struct {
// swapHash is the hash of the swap that the sweep belongs to.
swapHash lntypes.Hash
// outpoint is the outpoint being swept.
outpoint wire.OutPoint
// value is the value of the outpoint being swept.
value btcutil.Amount
// confTarget is the confirmation target of the sweep.
confTarget int32
// timeout is the timeout of the swap that the sweep belongs to.
timeout int32
// initiationHeight is the height at which the swap was initiated.
initiationHeight int32
// htlc is the HTLC that is being swept.
htlc swap.Htlc
// preimage is the preimage of the HTLC that is being swept.
preimage lntypes.Preimage
// swapInvoicePaymentAddr is the payment address of the swap invoice.
swapInvoicePaymentAddr [32]byte
// htlcKeys is the set of keys used to sign the HTLC.
htlcKeys loopdb.HtlcKeys
// htlcSuccessEstimator is a function that estimates the weight of the
// HTLC success script.
htlcSuccessEstimator func(*input.TxWeightEstimator) error
// protocolVersion is the protocol version of the swap that the sweep
// belongs to.
protocolVersion loopdb.ProtocolVersion
// isExternalAddr is true if the sweep spends to a non-wallet address.
isExternalAddr bool
// destAddr is the destination address of the sweep.
destAddr btcutil.Address
// notifier is a collection of channels used to communicate the status
// of the sweep back to the swap that requested it.
notifier *SpendNotifier
// minFeeRate is minimum fee rate that must be used by a batch of
// the sweep. If it is specified, confTarget is ignored.
minFeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight
// batchState is the state of the batch.
type batchState uint8
const (
// Open is the state in which the batch is able to accept new sweeps.
Open batchState = 0
// Closed is the state in which the batch is no longer able to accept
// new sweeps.
Closed batchState = 1
// Confirmed is the state in which the batch transaction has reached the
// configured conf height.
Confirmed batchState = 2
// batchConfig is the configuration for a batch.
type batchConfig struct {
// maxTimeoutDistance is the maximum timeout distance that 2 distinct
// sweeps can have in the same batch.
maxTimeoutDistance int32
// batchConfTarget is the confirmation target of the batch transaction.
batchConfTarget int32
// batchPublishDelay is the delay between receiving a new block and
// publishing the batch transaction.
batchPublishDelay time.Duration
// noBumping instructs sweepbatcher not to fee bump itself and rely on
// external source of fee rates (MinFeeRate). To change the fee rate,
// the caller has to update it in the source of SweepInfo (interface
// SweepFetcher) and re-add the sweep by calling AddSweep.
noBumping bool
// customMuSig2Signer is a custom signer. If it is set, it is used to
// create musig2 signatures instead of musig2SignSweep and signerClient.
// Note that musig2SignSweep must be nil in this case, however signer
// client must still be provided, as it is used for non-coop spendings.
customMuSig2Signer SignMuSig2
// rbfCache stores data related to our last fee bump.
type rbfCache struct {
// LastHeight is the last height at which we increased our feerate.
LastHeight int32
// FeeRate is the last used fee rate we used to publish a batch tx.
FeeRate chainfee.SatPerKWeight
// batch is a collection of sweeps that are published together.
type batch struct {
// id is the primary identifier of this batch.
id int32
// state is the current state of the batch.
state batchState
// primarySweepID is the swap hash of the primary sweep in the batch.
primarySweepID lntypes.Hash
// sweeps store the sweeps that this batch currently contains.
sweeps map[lntypes.Hash]sweep
// currentHeight is the current block height.
currentHeight int32
// blockEpochChan is the channel over which block epoch notifications
// are received.
blockEpochChan chan int32
// spendChan is the channel over which spend notifications are received.
spendChan chan *chainntnfs.SpendDetail
// confChan is the channel over which confirmation notifications are
// received.
confChan chan *chainntnfs.TxConfirmation
// reorgChan is the channel over which reorg notifications are received.
reorgChan chan struct{}
// errChan is the channel over which errors are received.
errChan chan error
// batchTx is the transaction that is currently being monitored for
// confirmations.
batchTxid *chainhash.Hash
// batchPkScript is the pkScript of the batch transaction's output.
batchPkScript []byte
// batchAddress is the address of the batch transaction's output.
batchAddress btcutil.Address
// rbfCache stores data related to the RBF fee bumping mechanism.
rbfCache rbfCache
// callEnter is used to sequentialize calls to the batch handler's
// main event loop.
callEnter chan struct{}
// callLeave is used to resume the execution flow of the batch handler's
// main event loop.
callLeave chan struct{}
// stopping signals that the batch is stopping.
stopping chan struct{}
// finished signals that the batch has stopped and all child goroutines
// have finished.
finished chan struct{}
// quit is owned by the parent batcher and signals that the batch must
// stop.
quit chan struct{}
// wallet is the wallet client used to create and publish the batch
// transaction.
wallet lndclient.WalletKitClient
// chainNotifier is the chain notifier client used to monitor the
// blockchain for spends and confirmations.
chainNotifier lndclient.ChainNotifierClient
// signerClient is the signer client used to sign the batch transaction.
signerClient lndclient.SignerClient
// muSig2SignSweep includes all the required functionality to collect
// and verify signatures by the swap server in order to cooperatively
// sweep funds.
muSig2SignSweep MuSig2SignSweep
// verifySchnorrSig is a function that verifies a schnorr signature.
verifySchnorrSig VerifySchnorrSig
// purger is a function that can take a sweep which is being purged and
// hand it over to the batcher for further processing.
purger Purger
// store includes all the database interactions that are needed by the
// batch.
store BatcherStore
// cfg is the configuration for this batch.
cfg *batchConfig
// log is the logger for this batch.
log btclog.Logger
wg sync.WaitGroup
// Purger is a function that takes a sweep request and feeds it back to the
// batcher main entry point. The name is inspired by its purpose, which is to
// purge the batch from sweeps that didn't make it to the confirmed tx.
type Purger func(sweepReq *SweepRequest) error
// batchKit is a kit of dependencies that are used to initialize a batch. This
// struct is only used as a wrapper for the arguments that are required to
// create a new batch.
type batchKit struct {
id int32
batchTxid *chainhash.Hash
batchPkScript []byte
state batchState
primaryID lntypes.Hash
sweeps map[lntypes.Hash]sweep
rbfCache rbfCache
returnChan chan SweepRequest
wallet lndclient.WalletKitClient
chainNotifier lndclient.ChainNotifierClient
signerClient lndclient.SignerClient
musig2SignSweep MuSig2SignSweep
verifySchnorrSig VerifySchnorrSig
purger Purger
store BatcherStore
log btclog.Logger
quit chan struct{}
// scheduleNextCall schedules the next call to the batch handler's main event
// loop. It returns a function that must be called when the call is finished.
func (b *batch) scheduleNextCall() (func(), error) {
select {
case b.callEnter <- struct{}{}:
case <-b.quit:
return func() {}, ErrBatcherShuttingDown
case <-b.stopping:
return func() {}, ErrBatchShuttingDown
case <-b.finished:
return func() {}, ErrBatchShuttingDown
return func() {
b.callLeave <- struct{}{}
}, nil
// NewBatch creates a new batch.
func NewBatch(cfg batchConfig, bk batchKit) *batch {
return &batch{
// We set the ID to a negative value to flag that this batch has
// never been persisted, so it needs to be assigned a new ID.
id: -1,
state: Open,
sweeps: make(map[lntypes.Hash]sweep),
blockEpochChan: make(chan int32),
spendChan: make(chan *chainntnfs.SpendDetail),
confChan: make(chan *chainntnfs.TxConfirmation, 1),
reorgChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
errChan: make(chan error, 1),
callEnter: make(chan struct{}),
callLeave: make(chan struct{}),
stopping: make(chan struct{}),
finished: make(chan struct{}),
quit: bk.quit,
batchTxid: bk.batchTxid,
wallet: bk.wallet,
chainNotifier: bk.chainNotifier,
signerClient: bk.signerClient,
muSig2SignSweep: bk.musig2SignSweep,
verifySchnorrSig: bk.verifySchnorrSig,
purger: bk.purger,
cfg: &cfg,
// NewBatchFromDB creates a new batch that already existed in storage.
func NewBatchFromDB(cfg batchConfig, bk batchKit) (*batch, error) {
// Make sure the batch is not empty.
if len(bk.sweeps) == 0 {
// This should never happen, as this precondition is already
// ensured in spinUpBatchFromDB.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty batch is not allowed")
// Assign batchConfTarget to primary sweep's confTarget.
for _, sweep := range bk.sweeps {
if sweep.swapHash == bk.primaryID {
cfg.batchConfTarget = sweep.confTarget
return &batch{
state: bk.state,
primarySweepID: bk.primaryID,
sweeps: bk.sweeps,
blockEpochChan: make(chan int32),
spendChan: make(chan *chainntnfs.SpendDetail),
confChan: make(chan *chainntnfs.TxConfirmation, 1),
reorgChan: make(chan struct{}, 1),
errChan: make(chan error, 1),
callEnter: make(chan struct{}),
callLeave: make(chan struct{}),
stopping: make(chan struct{}),
finished: make(chan struct{}),
quit: bk.quit,
batchTxid: bk.batchTxid,
batchPkScript: bk.batchPkScript,
rbfCache: bk.rbfCache,
wallet: bk.wallet,
chainNotifier: bk.chainNotifier,
signerClient: bk.signerClient,
muSig2SignSweep: bk.musig2SignSweep,
verifySchnorrSig: bk.verifySchnorrSig,
purger: bk.purger,
log: bk.log,
cfg: &cfg,
}, nil
// addSweep tries to add a sweep to the batch. If this is the first sweep being
// added to the batch then it also sets the primary sweep ID.
func (b *batch) addSweep(ctx context.Context, sweep *sweep) (bool, error) {
done, err := b.scheduleNextCall()
defer done()
if err != nil {
return false, err
// If the provided sweep is nil, we can't proceed with any checks, so
// we just return early.
if sweep == nil {
return false, nil
// Before we run through the acceptance checks, let's just see if this
// sweep is already in our batch. In that case, just update the sweep.
_, ok := b.sweeps[sweep.swapHash]
if ok {
// If the sweep was resumed from storage, and the swap requested
// to sweep again, a new sweep notifier will be created by the
// swap. By re-assigning to the batch's sweep we make sure that
// everything, including the notifier, is up to date.
b.sweeps[sweep.swapHash] = *sweep
// If this is the primary sweep, we also need to update the
// batch's confirmation target and fee rate.
if b.primarySweepID == sweep.swapHash {
b.cfg.batchConfTarget = sweep.confTarget
b.rbfCache.FeeRate = sweep.minFeeRate
return true, nil
// Since all the actions of the batch happen sequentially, we could
// arrive here after the batch got closed because of a spend. In this
// case we cannot add the sweep to this batch.
if b.state != Open {
return false, nil
// If this batch contains a single sweep that spends to a non-wallet
// address, or the incoming sweep is spending to non-wallet address,
// we cannot add this sweep to the batch.
for _, s := range b.sweeps {
if s.isExternalAddr || sweep.isExternalAddr {
return false, nil
// Check the timeout of the incoming sweep against the timeout of all
// already contained sweeps. If that difference exceeds the configured
// maximum we cannot add this sweep.
for _, s := range b.sweeps {
timeoutDistance :=
int32(math.Abs(float64(sweep.timeout - s.timeout)))
if timeoutDistance > b.cfg.maxTimeoutDistance {
return false, nil
// Past this point we know that a new incoming sweep passes the
// acceptance criteria and is now ready to be added to this batch.
// If this is the first sweep being added to the batch, make it the
// primary sweep.
if b.primarySweepID == lntypes.ZeroHash {
b.primarySweepID = sweep.swapHash
b.cfg.batchConfTarget = sweep.confTarget
b.rbfCache.FeeRate = sweep.minFeeRate
// We also need to start the spend monitor for this new primary
// sweep.
err := b.monitorSpend(ctx, *sweep)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// Add the sweep to the batch's sweeps.
b.log.Infof("adding sweep %x", sweep.swapHash[:6])
b.sweeps[sweep.swapHash] = *sweep
// Update FeeRate. Max(sweep.minFeeRate) for all the sweeps of
// the batch is the basis for fee bumps.
if b.rbfCache.FeeRate < sweep.minFeeRate {
b.rbfCache.FeeRate = sweep.minFeeRate
return true, b.persistSweep(ctx, *sweep, false)
// sweepExists returns true if the batch contains the sweep with the given hash.
func (b *batch) sweepExists(hash lntypes.Hash) bool {
done, err := b.scheduleNextCall()
defer done()
if err != nil {
return false
_, ok := b.sweeps[hash]
return ok
// Wait waits for the batch to gracefully stop.
func (b *batch) Wait() {
// Run is the batch's main event loop.
func (b *batch) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
runCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer func() {
// Make sure not to call b.wg.Wait from any other place to avoid
// race condition between b.wg.Add(1) and b.wg.Wait().
if b.muSig2SignSweep == nil && b.cfg.customMuSig2Signer == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no musig2 signer available")
if b.muSig2SignSweep != nil && b.cfg.customMuSig2Signer != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("both musig2 signers provided")
blockChan, blockErrChan, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
// If a primary sweep exists we immediately start monitoring for its
// spend.
if b.primarySweepID != lntypes.ZeroHash {
sweep := b.sweeps[b.primarySweepID]
err := b.monitorSpend(runCtx, sweep)
if err != nil {
return err
// We use a timer in order to not publish new transactions at the same
// time as the block epoch notification. This is done to prevent
// unnecessary transaction publishments when a spend is detected on that
// block.
var timerChan <-chan time.Time
b.log.Infof("started, primary %x, total sweeps %v",
b.primarySweepID[0:6], len(b.sweeps))
for {
select {
case <-b.callEnter:
case height := <-blockChan:
b.log.Debugf("received block %v", height)
// Set the timer to publish the batch transaction after
// the configured delay.
timerChan = time.After(b.cfg.batchPublishDelay)
b.currentHeight = height
case <-timerChan:
if b.state == Open {
err := b.publish(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
case spend := <-b.spendChan:
err := b.handleSpend(runCtx, spend.SpendingTx)
if err != nil {
return err
case <-b.confChan:
return b.handleConf(runCtx)
case <-b.reorgChan:
b.state = Open
b.log.Warnf("reorg detected, batch is able to accept " +
"new sweeps")
err := b.monitorSpend(ctx, b.sweeps[b.primarySweepID])
if err != nil {
return err
case err := <-blockErrChan:
return err
case err := <-b.errChan:
return err
case <-runCtx.Done():
return runCtx.Err()
// publish creates and publishes the latest batch transaction to the network.
func (b *batch) publish(ctx context.Context) error {
var (
err error
fee btcutil.Amount
coopSuccess bool
if len(b.sweeps) == 0 {
b.log.Debugf("skipping publish: no sweeps in the batch")
return nil
// Run the RBF rate update.
err = b.updateRbfRate(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
fee, err, coopSuccess = b.publishBatchCoop(ctx)
if err != nil {
b.log.Warnf("co-op publish error: %v", err)
if !coopSuccess {
fee, err = b.publishBatch(ctx)
if err != nil {
b.log.Warnf("publish error: %v", err)
return nil
b.log.Infof("published, total sweeps: %v, fees: %v", len(b.sweeps), fee)
for _, sweep := range b.sweeps {
b.log.Infof("published sweep %x, value: %v",
sweep.swapHash[:6], sweep.value)
return b.persist(ctx)
// publishBatch creates and publishes the batch transaction. It will consult the
// RBFCache to determine the fee rate to use.
func (b *batch) publishBatch(ctx context.Context) (btcutil.Amount, error) {
// Create the batch transaction.
batchTx := wire.NewMsgTx(2)
batchTx.LockTime = uint32(b.currentHeight)
var (
batchAmt btcutil.Amount
prevOuts = make([]*wire.TxOut, 0, len(b.sweeps))
signDescs = make(
[]*lndclient.SignDescriptor, 0, len(b.sweeps),
sweeps = make([]sweep, 0, len(b.sweeps))
fee btcutil.Amount
inputCounter int
addrOverride bool
var weightEstimate input.TxWeightEstimator
// Add all the sweeps to the batch transaction.
for _, sweep := range b.sweeps {
if sweep.isExternalAddr {
addrOverride = true
batchAmt += sweep.value
PreviousOutPoint: sweep.outpoint,
Sequence: sweep.htlc.SuccessSequence(),
err := sweep.htlcSuccessEstimator(&weightEstimate)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
// Append this sweep to an array of sweeps. This is needed to
// keep the order of sweeps stored, as iterating the sweeps map
// does not guarantee same order.
sweeps = append(sweeps, sweep)
// Create and store the previous outpoint for this sweep.
prevOuts = append(prevOuts, &wire.TxOut{
Value: int64(sweep.value),
PkScript: sweep.htlc.PkScript,
key, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(
if err != nil {
return fee, err
// Create and store the sign descriptor for this sweep.
signDesc := lndclient.SignDescriptor{
WitnessScript: sweep.htlc.SuccessScript(),
Output: prevOuts[len(prevOuts)-1],
HashType: sweep.htlc.SigHash(),
InputIndex: inputCounter,
KeyDesc: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: key,
if sweep.htlc.Version == swap.HtlcV3 {
signDesc.SignMethod = input.TaprootScriptSpendSignMethod
signDescs = append(signDescs, &signDesc)
var address btcutil.Address
if addrOverride {
// Sanity check, there should be exactly 1 sweep in this batch.
if len(sweeps) != 1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("external address sweep batched " +
"with other sweeps")
address = sweeps[0].destAddr
} else {
var err error
address, err = b.getBatchDestAddr(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fee, err
batchPkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(address)
if err != nil {
return fee, err
weight := weightEstimate.Weight()
feeForWeight := b.rbfCache.FeeRate.FeeForWeight(weight)
// Clamp the calculated fee to the max allowed fee amount for the batch.
fee = clampBatchFee(feeForWeight, batchAmt)
// Add the batch transaction output, which excludes the fees paid to
// miners.
PkScript: batchPkScript,
Value: int64(batchAmt - fee),
// Collect the signatures for our inputs.
rawSigs, err := b.signerClient.SignOutputRaw(
ctx, batchTx, signDescs, prevOuts,
if err != nil {
return fee, err
for i, sweep := range sweeps {
// Generate the success witness for the sweep.
witness, err := sweep.htlc.GenSuccessWitness(
rawSigs[i], sweep.preimage,
if err != nil {
return fee, err
// Add the success witness to our batch transaction's inputs.
batchTx.TxIn[i].Witness = witness
b.log.Infof("attempting to publish non-coop tx=%v with feerate=%v, "+
"weight=%v, feeForWeight=%v, fee=%v, sweeps=%d, destAddr=%s",
batchTx.TxHash(), b.rbfCache.FeeRate, weight, feeForWeight, fee,
len(batchTx.TxIn), address)
b.debugLogTx("serialized non-coop sweep", batchTx)
err = b.wallet.PublishTransaction(
ctx, batchTx, labels.LoopOutBatchSweepSuccess(,
if err != nil {
return fee, err
// Store the batch transaction's txid and pkScript, for monitoring
// purposes.
txHash := batchTx.TxHash()
b.batchTxid = &txHash
b.batchPkScript = batchPkScript
return fee, nil
// publishBatchCoop attempts to construct and publish a batch transaction that
// collects all the required signatures interactively from the server. This
// helps with collecting the funds immediately without revealing any information
// related to the HTLC script.
func (b *batch) publishBatchCoop(ctx context.Context) (btcutil.Amount,
error, bool) {
var (
batchAmt = btcutil.Amount(0)
sweeps = make([]sweep, 0, len(b.sweeps))
fee = btcutil.Amount(0)
weightEstimate input.TxWeightEstimator
addrOverride bool
// Sanity check, there should be at least 1 sweep in this batch.
if len(b.sweeps) == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no sweeps in batch"), false
// Create the batch transaction.
batchTx := &wire.MsgTx{
Version: 2,
LockTime: uint32(b.currentHeight),
for _, sweep := range b.sweeps {
// Append this sweep to an array of sweeps. This is needed to
// keep the order of sweeps stored, as iterating the sweeps map
// does not guarantee same order.
sweeps = append(sweeps, sweep)
// Add all the sweeps to the batch transaction.
for _, sweep := range sweeps {
if sweep.isExternalAddr {
addrOverride = true
// Keep track of the total amount this batch is sweeping back.
batchAmt += sweep.value
// Add this sweep's input to the transaction.
PreviousOutPoint: sweep.outpoint,
var address btcutil.Address
if addrOverride {
// Sanity check, there should be exactly 1 sweep in this batch.
if len(sweeps) != 1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("external address sweep batched " +
"with other sweeps"), false
address = sweeps[0].destAddr
} else {
var err error
address, err = b.getBatchDestAddr(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fee, err, false
batchPkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(address)
if err != nil {
return fee, err, false
weight := weightEstimate.Weight()
feeForWeight := b.rbfCache.FeeRate.FeeForWeight(weight)
// Clamp the calculated fee to the max allowed fee amount for the batch.
fee = clampBatchFee(feeForWeight, batchAmt)
// Add the batch transaction output, which excludes the fees paid to
// miners.
PkScript: batchPkScript,
Value: int64(batchAmt - fee),
packet, err := psbt.NewFromUnsignedTx(batchTx)
if err != nil {
return fee, err, false
if len(packet.Inputs) != len(sweeps) {
return fee, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of packet inputs"), false
prevOuts := make(map[wire.OutPoint]*wire.TxOut)
for i, sweep := range sweeps {
txOut := &wire.TxOut{
Value: int64(sweep.value),
PkScript: sweep.htlc.PkScript,
prevOuts[sweep.outpoint] = txOut
packet.Inputs[i].WitnessUtxo = txOut
var psbtBuf bytes.Buffer
err = packet.Serialize(&psbtBuf)
if err != nil {
return fee, err, false
// Attempt to cooperatively sign the batch tx with the server.
err = b.coopSignBatchTx(
ctx, packet, sweeps, prevOuts, psbtBuf.Bytes(),
if err != nil {
return fee, err, false
b.log.Infof("attempting to publish coop tx=%v with feerate=%v, "+
"weight=%v, feeForWeight=%v, fee=%v, sweeps=%d, destAddr=%s",
batchTx.TxHash(), b.rbfCache.FeeRate, weight, feeForWeight, fee,
len(batchTx.TxIn), address)
b.debugLogTx("serialized coop sweep", batchTx)
err = b.wallet.PublishTransaction(
ctx, batchTx, labels.LoopOutBatchSweepSuccess(,
if err != nil {
return fee, err, true
// Store the batch transaction's txid and pkScript, for monitoring
// purposes.
txHash := batchTx.TxHash()
b.batchTxid = &txHash
b.batchPkScript = batchPkScript
return fee, nil, true
func (b *batch) debugLogTx(msg string, tx *wire.MsgTx) {
// Serialize the transaction and convert to hex string.
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, tx.SerializeSize()))
if err := tx.Serialize(buf); err != nil {
b.log.Errorf("failed to serialize tx for debug log: %v", err)
b.log.Debugf("%s: %s", msg, hex.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes()))
// coopSignBatchTx collects the necessary signatures from the server in order
// to cooperatively sweep the funds.
func (b *batch) coopSignBatchTx(ctx context.Context, packet *psbt.Packet,
sweeps []sweep, prevOuts map[wire.OutPoint]*wire.TxOut,
psbt []byte) error {
for i, sweep := range sweeps {
sweep := sweep
finalSig, err := b.musig2sign(
ctx, i, sweep, packet.UnsignedTx, prevOuts, psbt,
if err != nil {
return err
packet.UnsignedTx.TxIn[i].Witness = wire.TxWitness{
return nil
// musig2sign signs one sweep using musig2.
func (b *batch) musig2sign(ctx context.Context, inputIndex int, sweep sweep,
unsignedTx *wire.MsgTx, prevOuts map[wire.OutPoint]*wire.TxOut,
psbt []byte) ([]byte, error) {
prevOutputFetcher := txscript.NewMultiPrevOutFetcher(prevOuts)
sigHashes := txscript.NewTxSigHashes(unsignedTx, prevOutputFetcher)
sigHash, err := txscript.CalcTaprootSignatureHash(
sigHashes, txscript.SigHashDefault, unsignedTx, inputIndex,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var (
signers [][]byte
muSig2Version input.MuSig2Version
// Depending on the MuSig2 version we either pass 32 byte
// Schnorr public keys or normal 33 byte public keys.
if sweep.protocolVersion >= loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2 {
muSig2Version = input.MuSig2Version100RC2
signers = [][]byte{
} else {
muSig2Version = input.MuSig2Version040
signers = [][]byte{
htlcScript, ok := sweep.htlc.HtlcScript.(*swap.HtlcScriptV3)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid htlc script version")
var digest [32]byte
copy(digest[:], sigHash)
// If a custom signer is installed, use it instead of b.signerClient
// and b.muSig2SignSweep.
if b.cfg.customMuSig2Signer != nil {
// Produce a signature.
finalSig, err := b.cfg.customMuSig2Signer(
ctx, muSig2Version, sweep.swapHash,
htlcScript.RootHash, digest,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("customMuSig2Signer failed: %w",
// To be sure that we're good, parse and validate that the
// combined signature is indeed valid for the sig hash and the
// internal pubkey.
err = b.verifySchnorrSig(
htlcScript.TaprootKey, sigHash, finalSig,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("verifySchnorrSig failed: %w",
return finalSig, nil
// Now we're creating a local MuSig2 session using the receiver key's
// key locator and the htlc's root hash.
keyLocator := &sweep.htlcKeys.ClientScriptKeyLocator
musig2SessionInfo, err := b.signerClient.MuSig2CreateSession(
ctx, muSig2Version, keyLocator, signers,
lndclient.MuSig2TaprootTweakOpt(htlcScript.RootHash[:], false),
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("signerClient.MuSig2CreateSession "+
"failed: %w", err)
// With the session active, we can now send the server our
// public nonce and the sig hash, so that it can create it's own
// MuSig2 session and return the server side nonce and partial
// signature.
serverNonce, serverSig, err := b.muSig2SignSweep(
ctx, sweep.protocolVersion, sweep.swapHash,
musig2SessionInfo.PublicNonce[:], psbt, prevOuts,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var serverPublicNonce [musig2.PubNonceSize]byte
copy(serverPublicNonce[:], serverNonce)
// Register the server's nonce before attempting to create our
// partial signature.
haveAllNonces, err := b.signerClient.MuSig2RegisterNonces(
ctx, musig2SessionInfo.SessionID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Sanity check that we have all the nonces.
if !haveAllNonces {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid MuSig2 session: " +
"nonces missing")
// Since our MuSig2 session has all nonces, we can now create
// the local partial signature by signing the sig hash.
_, err = b.signerClient.MuSig2Sign(
ctx, musig2SessionInfo.SessionID, digest, false,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Now combine the partial signatures to use the final combined
// signature in the sweep transaction's witness.
haveAllSigs, finalSig, err := b.signerClient.MuSig2CombineSig(
ctx, musig2SessionInfo.SessionID, [][]byte{serverSig},
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !haveAllSigs {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to combine signatures")
// To be sure that we're good, parse and validate that the
// combined signature is indeed valid for the sig hash and the
// internal pubkey.
err = b.verifySchnorrSig(htlcScript.TaprootKey, sigHash, finalSig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return finalSig, nil
// updateRbfRate updates the fee rate we should use for the new batch
// transaction. This fee rate does not guarantee RBF success, but the continuous
// increase leads to an eventual successful RBF replacement.
func (b *batch) updateRbfRate(ctx context.Context) error {
// If the feeRate is unset then we never published before, so we
// retrieve the fee estimate from our wallet.
if b.rbfCache.FeeRate == 0 {
if b.cfg.batchConfTarget == 0 {
b.log.Warnf("updateRbfRate called with zero " +
b.log.Infof("initializing rbf fee rate for conf target=%v",
rate, err := b.wallet.EstimateFeeRate(
ctx, b.cfg.batchConfTarget,
if err != nil {
return err
// Set the initial value for our fee rate.
b.rbfCache.FeeRate = rate
} else if !b.cfg.noBumping {
// Bump the fee rate by the configured step.
b.rbfCache.FeeRate += defaultFeeRateStep
b.rbfCache.LastHeight = b.currentHeight
return b.persist(ctx)
// monitorSpend monitors the primary sweep's outpoint for spends. The reason we
// monitor the primary sweep's outpoint is because the primary sweep was the
// first sweep that entered this batch, therefore it is present in all the
// versions of the batch transaction. This means that even if an older version
// of the batch transaction gets confirmed, due to the uncertainty of RBF
// replacements and network propagation, we can always detect the transaction.
func (b *batch) monitorSpend(ctx context.Context, primarySweep sweep) error {
spendCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
spendChan, spendErr, err := b.chainNotifier.RegisterSpendNtfn(
spendCtx, &primarySweep.outpoint, primarySweep.htlc.PkScript,
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
defer cancel()
defer b.wg.Done()
b.log.Infof("monitoring spend for outpoint %s",
for {
select {
case spend := <-spendChan:
select {
case b.spendChan <- spend:
case <-ctx.Done():
case err := <-spendErr:
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
// monitorConfirmations monitors the batch transaction for confirmations.
func (b *batch) monitorConfirmations(ctx context.Context) error {
reorgChan := make(chan struct{})
confCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
confChan, errChan, err := b.chainNotifier.RegisterConfirmationsNtfn(
confCtx, b.batchTxid, b.batchPkScript, batchConfHeight,
b.currentHeight, lndclient.WithReOrgChan(reorgChan),
if err != nil {
return err
go func() {
defer cancel()
defer b.wg.Done()
for {
select {
case conf := <-confChan:
select {
case b.confChan <- conf:
case <-ctx.Done():
case err := <-errChan:
case <-reorgChan:
// A re-org has been detected. We set the batch
// state back to open since our batch
// transaction is no longer present in any
// block. We can accept more sweeps and try to
// publish new transactions, at this point we
// need to monitor again for a new spend.
select {
case b.reorgChan <- struct{}{}:
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil
// getFeePortionForSweep calculates the fee portion that each sweep should pay
// for the batch transaction. The fee is split evenly among the sweeps, If the
// fee cannot be split evenly, the remainder is paid by the first sweep.
func getFeePortionForSweep(spendTx *wire.MsgTx, numSweeps int,
totalSweptAmt btcutil.Amount) (btcutil.Amount, btcutil.Amount) {
totalFee := int64(totalSweptAmt) - spendTx.TxOut[0].Value
feePortionPerSweep := totalFee / int64(numSweeps)
roundingDiff := totalFee - (int64(numSweeps) * feePortionPerSweep)
return btcutil.Amount(feePortionPerSweep), btcutil.Amount(roundingDiff)
// getFeePortionPaidBySweep returns the fee portion that the sweep should pay
// for the batch transaction. If the sweep is the first sweep in the batch, it
// pays the rounding difference.
func getFeePortionPaidBySweep(spendTx *wire.MsgTx, feePortionPerSweep,
roundingDiff btcutil.Amount, sweep *sweep) btcutil.Amount {
if bytes.Equal(spendTx.TxIn[0].SignatureScript, sweep.htlc.SigScript) {
return feePortionPerSweep + roundingDiff
return feePortionPerSweep
// handleSpend handles a spend notification.
func (b *batch) handleSpend(ctx context.Context, spendTx *wire.MsgTx) error {
var (
txHash = spendTx.TxHash()
purgeList = make([]SweepRequest, 0, len(b.sweeps))
notifyList = make([]sweep, 0, len(b.sweeps))
b.batchTxid = &txHash
b.batchPkScript = spendTx.TxOut[0].PkScript
// As a previous version of the batch transaction may get confirmed,
// which does not contain the latest sweeps, we need to detect the
// sweeps that did not make it to the confirmed transaction and feed
// them back to the batcher. This will ensure that the sweeps will enter
// a new batch instead of remaining dangling.
var totalSweptAmt btcutil.Amount
for _, sweep := range b.sweeps {
found := false
for _, txIn := range spendTx.TxIn {
if txIn.PreviousOutPoint == sweep.outpoint {
found = true
totalSweptAmt += sweep.value
notifyList = append(notifyList, sweep)
// If the sweep's outpoint was not found in the transaction's
// inputs this means it was left out. So we delete it from this
// batch and feed it back to the batcher.
if !found {
newSweep := sweep
delete(b.sweeps, sweep.swapHash)
purgeList = append(purgeList, SweepRequest{
SwapHash: newSweep.swapHash,
Outpoint: newSweep.outpoint,
Value: newSweep.value,
Notifier: newSweep.notifier,
// Calculate the fee portion that each sweep should pay for the batch.
feePortionPaidPerSweep, roundingDifference := getFeePortionForSweep(
spendTx, len(notifyList), totalSweptAmt,
for _, sweep := range notifyList {
sweep := sweep
// Save the sweep as completed.
err := b.persistSweep(ctx, sweep, true)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the sweep's notifier is empty then this means that a swap
// is not waiting to read an update from it, so we can skip
// the notification part.
if sweep.notifier == nil ||
*sweep.notifier == (SpendNotifier{}) {
spendDetail := SpendDetail{
Tx: spendTx,
OnChainFeePortion: getFeePortionPaidBySweep(
spendTx, feePortionPaidPerSweep,
roundingDifference, &sweep,
// Dispatch the sweep notifier, we don't care about the outcome
// of this action so we don't wait for it.
go sweep.notifySweepSpend(ctx, &spendDetail)
// Proceed with purging the sweeps. This will feed the sweeps that
// didn't make it to the confirmed batch transaction back to the batcher
// for re-entry. This batch doesn't care for the outcome of this
// operation so we don't wait for it.
go func() {
// Iterate over the purge list and feed the sweeps back to the
// batcher.
for _, sweep := range purgeList {
sweep := sweep
err := b.purger(&sweep)
if err != nil {
b.log.Errorf("unable to purge sweep %x: %v",
sweep.SwapHash[:6], err)
b.log.Infof("spent, total sweeps: %v, purged sweeps: %v",
len(notifyList), len(purgeList))
err := b.monitorConfirmations(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
// We are no longer able to accept new sweeps, so we mark the batch as
// closed and persist on storage.
b.state = Closed
return b.persist(ctx)
// handleConf handles a confirmation notification. This is the final step of the
// batch. Here we signal to the batcher that this batch was completed.
func (b *batch) handleConf(ctx context.Context) error {
b.state = Confirmed
// isComplete returns true if the batch is completed. This method is used by the
// batcher for lazy deletion of batches.
func (b *batch) isComplete() bool {
done, err := b.scheduleNextCall()
defer done()
// We override the ErrBatchShuttingDown error as that is the expected
// error to be returned by the scheduler once the batch's main run loop
// has exited.
if err != nil && err != ErrBatchShuttingDown {
return false
return b.state == Confirmed
// persist updates the batch in the database.
func (b *batch) persist(ctx context.Context) error {
bch := &dbBatch{}
bch.ID =
bch.State = stateEnumToString(b.state)
if b.batchTxid != nil {
bch.BatchTxid = *b.batchTxid
bch.BatchPkScript = b.batchPkScript
bch.LastRbfHeight = b.rbfCache.LastHeight
bch.LastRbfSatPerKw = int32(b.rbfCache.FeeRate)
bch.MaxTimeoutDistance = b.cfg.maxTimeoutDistance
return, bch)
// getBatchDestAddr returns the batch's destination address. If the batch
// has already generated an address then the same one will be returned.
func (b *batch) getBatchDestAddr(ctx context.Context) (btcutil.Address, error) {
var address btcutil.Address
// If a batch address is set, use that. Otherwise, generate a
// new address.
if b.batchAddress != nil {
address = b.batchAddress
} else {
var err error
// Generate a wallet address for the batch transaction's output.
address, err = b.wallet.NextAddr(
ctx, "", walletrpc.AddressType_TAPROOT_PUBKEY, false,
if err != nil {
return address, err
// Save that new address in order to re-use in future
// versions of the batch tx.
b.batchAddress = address
return address, nil
func (b *batch) insertAndAcquireID(ctx context.Context) (int32, error) {
bch := &dbBatch{}
bch.State = stateEnumToString(b.state)
bch.MaxTimeoutDistance = b.cfg.maxTimeoutDistance
id, err :=, bch)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
} = id
b.log = batchPrefixLogger(fmt.Sprintf("%d",
return id, nil
// notifySweepSpend writes the spendTx to the sweep's notifier channel.
func (s *sweep) notifySweepSpend(ctx context.Context,
spendDetail *SpendDetail) {
select {
// Try to write the update to the notification channel.
case s.notifier.SpendChan <- spendDetail:
// If a quit signal was provided by the swap, continue.
case <-s.notifier.QuitChan:
// If the context was canceled, return.
case <-ctx.Done():
func (b *batch) writeToErrChan(err error) {
select {
case b.errChan <- err:
func (b *batch) persistSweep(ctx context.Context, sweep sweep,
completed bool) error {
return, &dbSweep{
SwapHash: sweep.swapHash,
Outpoint: sweep.outpoint,
Amount: sweep.value,
Completed: completed,
// clampBatchFee takes the fee amount and total amount of the sweeps in the
// batch and makes sure the fee is not too high. If the fee is too high, it is
// clamped to the maximum allowed fee.
func clampBatchFee(fee btcutil.Amount,
totalAmount btcutil.Amount) btcutil.Amount {
maxFeeAmount := btcutil.Amount(float64(totalAmount) *
if fee > maxFeeAmount {
return maxFeeAmount
return fee
func stateEnumToString(state batchState) string {
switch state {
case Open:
return batchOpen
case Closed:
return batchClosed
case Confirmed:
return batchConfirmed
return ""