You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package test
import (
invpkg ""
type mockLightningClient struct {
lnd *LndMockServices
wg sync.WaitGroup
// Embed lndclient's interface so that lndclient can be expanded
// without the need to implement unused functions on the mock.
// PayInvoice pays an invoice.
func (h *mockLightningClient) PayInvoice(ctx context.Context, invoice string,
maxFee btcutil.Amount,
outgoingChannel *uint64) chan lndclient.PaymentResult {
done := make(chan lndclient.PaymentResult, 1)
h.lnd.SendPaymentChannel <- PaymentChannelMessage{
PaymentRequest: invoice,
Done: done,
return done
// DecodePaymentRequest returns a non-nil payment request.
func (h *mockLightningClient) DecodePaymentRequest(_ context.Context,
_ string) (*lndclient.PaymentRequest, error) {
return &lndclient.PaymentRequest{}, nil
func (h *mockLightningClient) WaitForFinished() {
func (h *mockLightningClient) ConfirmedWalletBalance(ctx context.Context) (
btcutil.Amount, error) {
return 1000000, nil
func (h *mockLightningClient) GetInfo(ctx context.Context) (*lndclient.Info,
error) {
pubKeyBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(h.lnd.NodePubkey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var pubKey [33]byte
copy(pubKey[:], pubKeyBytes)
return &lndclient.Info{
BlockHeight: 600,
IdentityPubkey: pubKey,
Uris: []string{h.lnd.NodePubkey + "@"},
}, nil
func (h *mockLightningClient) EstimateFeeToP2WSH(ctx context.Context,
amt btcutil.Amount, confTarget int32) (btcutil.Amount,
error) {
return 3000, nil
func (h *mockLightningClient) AddInvoice(ctx context.Context,
in *invoicesrpc.AddInvoiceData) (lntypes.Hash, string, error) {
defer h.lnd.lock.Unlock()
var hash lntypes.Hash
switch {
case in.Hash != nil:
hash = *in.Hash
case in.Preimage != nil:
hash = (*in.Preimage).Hash()
if _, err := rand.Read(hash[:]); err != nil {
return lntypes.Hash{}, "", err
// Create and encode the payment request as a bech32 (zpay32) string.
creationDate := time.Now()
payReq, err := zpay32.NewInvoice(
h.lnd.ChainParams, hash, creationDate,
if err != nil {
return lntypes.Hash{}, "", err
privKey, err := btcec.NewPrivateKey()
if err != nil {
return lntypes.Hash{}, "", err
payReqString, err := payReq.Encode(
SignCompact: func(hash []byte) ([]byte, error) {
// ecdsa.SignCompact returns a
// pubkey-recoverable signature.
sig, err := ecdsa.SignCompact(
privKey, hash, true,
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't sign "+
"the hash: %v", err)
return sig, nil
if err != nil {
return lntypes.Hash{}, "", err
// Add the invoice we have created to our mock's set of invoices.
h.lnd.Invoices[hash] = &lndclient.Invoice{
Preimage: nil,
Hash: hash,
PaymentRequest: payReqString,
Amount: in.Value,
CreationDate: creationDate,
State: invpkg.ContractOpen,
IsKeysend: false,
return hash, payReqString, nil
// LookupInvoice looks up an invoice in the mock's set of stored invoices.
// If it is not found, this call will fail. Note that these invoices should
// be settled using settleInvoice to have a preimage, settled state and settled
// date set.
func (h *mockLightningClient) LookupInvoice(_ context.Context,
hash lntypes.Hash) (*lndclient.Invoice, error) {
defer h.lnd.lock.Unlock()
inv, ok := h.lnd.Invoices[hash]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invoice: %x not found", hash)
return inv, nil
// ListTransactions returns all known transactions of the backing lnd node.
func (h *mockLightningClient) ListTransactions(
_ context.Context, _, _ int32, _ ...lndclient.ListTransactionsOption) (
[]lndclient.Transaction, error) {
txs := h.lnd.Transactions
return txs, nil
// GetNodeInfo retrieves info on the node, and if includeChannels is True,
// will return other channels the node may have with other peers.
func (h *mockLightningClient) GetNodeInfo(ctx context.Context,
pubKeyBytes route.Vertex, includeChannels bool) (*lndclient.NodeInfo, error) {
nodeInfo := &lndclient.NodeInfo{
Node: &lndclient.Node{
PubKey: pubKeyBytes,
if !includeChannels {
return nodeInfo, nil
nodePubKey, err := route.NewVertexFromStr(h.lnd.NodePubkey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// NodeInfo.Channels should only contain channels which: do not belong
// to the queried node; are not private; have the provided vertex as a
// participant
for _, edge := range h.lnd.ChannelEdges {
if (edge.Node1 == pubKeyBytes || edge.Node2 == pubKeyBytes) &&
(edge.Node1 != nodePubKey || edge.Node2 != nodePubKey) {
for _, channel := range h.lnd.Channels {
if channel.ChannelID == edge.ChannelID && !channel.Private {
nodeInfo.Channels = append(nodeInfo.Channels, *edge)
nodeInfo.ChannelCount = len(nodeInfo.Channels)
return nodeInfo, nil
// GetChanInfo retrieves all the info the node has on the given channel.
func (h *mockLightningClient) GetChanInfo(ctx context.Context,
channelID uint64) (*lndclient.ChannelEdge, error) {
var channelEdge *lndclient.ChannelEdge
if channelEdge, ok := h.lnd.ChannelEdges[channelID]; ok {
return channelEdge, nil
return channelEdge, fmt.Errorf("not found")
// ListChannels retrieves all channels of the backing lnd node.
func (h *mockLightningClient) ListChannels(ctx context.Context, _, _ bool) (
[]lndclient.ChannelInfo, error) {
return h.lnd.Channels, nil
// ClosedChannels returns a list of our closed channels.
func (h *mockLightningClient) ClosedChannels(_ context.Context) ([]lndclient.ClosedChannel,
error) {
return h.lnd.ClosedChannels, nil
// ForwardingHistory returns the mock's set of forwarding events.
func (h *mockLightningClient) ForwardingHistory(_ context.Context,
_ lndclient.ForwardingHistoryRequest) (*lndclient.ForwardingHistoryResponse,
error) {
return &lndclient.ForwardingHistoryResponse{
LastIndexOffset: 0,
Events: h.lnd.ForwardingEvents,
}, nil
// ListInvoices returns our mock's invoices.
func (h *mockLightningClient) ListInvoices(_ context.Context,
_ lndclient.ListInvoicesRequest) (*lndclient.ListInvoicesResponse,
error) {
invoices := make([]lndclient.Invoice, 0, len(h.lnd.Invoices))
for _, invoice := range h.lnd.Invoices {
invoices = append(invoices, *invoice)
return &lndclient.ListInvoicesResponse{
Invoices: invoices,
}, nil
// ListPayments makes a paginated call to our list payments endpoint.
func (h *mockLightningClient) ListPayments(_ context.Context,
req lndclient.ListPaymentsRequest) (*lndclient.ListPaymentsResponse,
error) {
if req.Offset >= uint64(len(h.lnd.Payments)) {
return &lndclient.ListPaymentsResponse{}, nil
lastIndexOffset := req.Offset + req.MaxPayments
if lastIndexOffset > uint64(len(h.lnd.Payments)) {
lastIndexOffset = uint64(len(h.lnd.Payments))
result := h.lnd.Payments[req.Offset:lastIndexOffset]
return &lndclient.ListPaymentsResponse{
Payments: result,
FirstIndexOffset: req.Offset,
LastIndexOffset: lastIndexOffset - 1,
}, nil
// ChannelBackup retrieves the backup for a particular channel. The
// backup is returned as an encrypted chanbackup.Single payload.
func (h *mockLightningClient) ChannelBackup(context.Context, wire.OutPoint) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
// ChannelBackups retrieves backups for all existing pending open and
// open channels. The backups are returned as an encrypted
// chanbackup.Multi payload.
func (h *mockLightningClient) ChannelBackups(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil