// Code generated by sqlc. DO NOT EDIT. // versions: // sqlc v1.25.0 // source: batch.sql package sqlc import ( "context" "database/sql" "time" ) const confirmBatch = `-- name: ConfirmBatch :exec UPDATE sweep_batches SET confirmed = TRUE WHERE id = $1 ` func (q *Queries) ConfirmBatch(ctx context.Context, id int32) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, confirmBatch, id) return err } const dropBatch = `-- name: DropBatch :exec DELETE FROM sweep_batches WHERE id = $1 ` func (q *Queries) DropBatch(ctx context.Context, id int32) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, dropBatch, id) return err } const getBatchSweeps = `-- name: GetBatchSweeps :many SELECT sweeps.id, sweeps.swap_hash, sweeps.batch_id, sweeps.outpoint_txid, sweeps.outpoint_index, sweeps.amt, sweeps.completed, swaps.id, swaps.swap_hash, swaps.preimage, swaps.initiation_time, swaps.amount_requested, swaps.cltv_expiry, swaps.max_miner_fee, swaps.max_swap_fee, swaps.initiation_height, swaps.protocol_version, swaps.label, loopout_swaps.swap_hash, loopout_swaps.dest_address, loopout_swaps.swap_invoice, loopout_swaps.max_swap_routing_fee, loopout_swaps.sweep_conf_target, loopout_swaps.htlc_confirmations, loopout_swaps.outgoing_chan_set, loopout_swaps.prepay_invoice, loopout_swaps.max_prepay_routing_fee, loopout_swaps.publication_deadline, loopout_swaps.single_sweep, loopout_swaps.payment_timeout, htlc_keys.swap_hash, htlc_keys.sender_script_pubkey, htlc_keys.receiver_script_pubkey, htlc_keys.sender_internal_pubkey, htlc_keys.receiver_internal_pubkey, htlc_keys.client_key_family, htlc_keys.client_key_index FROM sweeps JOIN swaps ON sweeps.swap_hash = swaps.swap_hash JOIN loopout_swaps ON sweeps.swap_hash = loopout_swaps.swap_hash JOIN htlc_keys ON sweeps.swap_hash = htlc_keys.swap_hash WHERE sweeps.batch_id = $1 ORDER BY sweeps.id ASC ` type GetBatchSweepsRow struct { ID int32 SwapHash []byte BatchID int32 OutpointTxid []byte OutpointIndex int32 Amt int64 Completed bool ID_2 int32 SwapHash_2 []byte Preimage []byte InitiationTime time.Time AmountRequested int64 CltvExpiry int32 MaxMinerFee int64 MaxSwapFee int64 InitiationHeight int32 ProtocolVersion int32 Label string SwapHash_3 []byte DestAddress string SwapInvoice string MaxSwapRoutingFee int64 SweepConfTarget int32 HtlcConfirmations int32 OutgoingChanSet string PrepayInvoice string MaxPrepayRoutingFee int64 PublicationDeadline time.Time SingleSweep bool PaymentTimeout int32 SwapHash_4 []byte SenderScriptPubkey []byte ReceiverScriptPubkey []byte SenderInternalPubkey []byte ReceiverInternalPubkey []byte ClientKeyFamily int32 ClientKeyIndex int32 } func (q *Queries) GetBatchSweeps(ctx context.Context, batchID int32) ([]GetBatchSweepsRow, error) { rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, getBatchSweeps, batchID) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var items []GetBatchSweepsRow for rows.Next() { var i GetBatchSweepsRow if err := rows.Scan( &i.ID, &i.SwapHash, &i.BatchID, &i.OutpointTxid, &i.OutpointIndex, &i.Amt, &i.Completed, &i.ID_2, &i.SwapHash_2, &i.Preimage, &i.InitiationTime, &i.AmountRequested, &i.CltvExpiry, &i.MaxMinerFee, &i.MaxSwapFee, &i.InitiationHeight, &i.ProtocolVersion, &i.Label, &i.SwapHash_3, &i.DestAddress, &i.SwapInvoice, &i.MaxSwapRoutingFee, &i.SweepConfTarget, &i.HtlcConfirmations, &i.OutgoingChanSet, &i.PrepayInvoice, &i.MaxPrepayRoutingFee, &i.PublicationDeadline, &i.SingleSweep, &i.PaymentTimeout, &i.SwapHash_4, &i.SenderScriptPubkey, &i.ReceiverScriptPubkey, &i.SenderInternalPubkey, &i.ReceiverInternalPubkey, &i.ClientKeyFamily, &i.ClientKeyIndex, ); err != nil { return nil, err } items = append(items, i) } if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return items, nil } const getBatchSweptAmount = `-- name: GetBatchSweptAmount :one SELECT SUM(amt) AS total FROM sweeps WHERE batch_id = $1 AND completed = TRUE ` func (q *Queries) GetBatchSweptAmount(ctx context.Context, batchID int32) (int64, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, getBatchSweptAmount, batchID) var total int64 err := row.Scan(&total) return total, err } const getParentBatch = `-- name: GetParentBatch :one SELECT sweep_batches.id, sweep_batches.confirmed, sweep_batches.batch_tx_id, sweep_batches.batch_pk_script, sweep_batches.last_rbf_height, sweep_batches.last_rbf_sat_per_kw, sweep_batches.max_timeout_distance FROM sweep_batches JOIN sweeps ON sweep_batches.id = sweeps.batch_id WHERE sweeps.swap_hash = $1 AND sweeps.completed = TRUE AND sweep_batches.confirmed = TRUE ` func (q *Queries) GetParentBatch(ctx context.Context, swapHash []byte) (SweepBatch, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, getParentBatch, swapHash) var i SweepBatch err := row.Scan( &i.ID, &i.Confirmed, &i.BatchTxID, &i.BatchPkScript, &i.LastRbfHeight, &i.LastRbfSatPerKw, &i.MaxTimeoutDistance, ) return i, err } const getSweepStatus = `-- name: GetSweepStatus :one SELECT COALESCE(s.completed, f.false_value) AS completed FROM (SELECT false AS false_value) AS f LEFT JOIN sweeps s ON s.swap_hash = $1 ` func (q *Queries) GetSweepStatus(ctx context.Context, swapHash []byte) (bool, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, getSweepStatus, swapHash) var completed bool err := row.Scan(&completed) return completed, err } const getUnconfirmedBatches = `-- name: GetUnconfirmedBatches :many SELECT id, confirmed, batch_tx_id, batch_pk_script, last_rbf_height, last_rbf_sat_per_kw, max_timeout_distance FROM sweep_batches WHERE confirmed = FALSE ` func (q *Queries) GetUnconfirmedBatches(ctx context.Context) ([]SweepBatch, error) { rows, err := q.db.QueryContext(ctx, getUnconfirmedBatches) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() var items []SweepBatch for rows.Next() { var i SweepBatch if err := rows.Scan( &i.ID, &i.Confirmed, &i.BatchTxID, &i.BatchPkScript, &i.LastRbfHeight, &i.LastRbfSatPerKw, &i.MaxTimeoutDistance, ); err != nil { return nil, err } items = append(items, i) } if err := rows.Close(); err != nil { return nil, err } if err := rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return items, nil } const insertBatch = `-- name: InsertBatch :one INSERT INTO sweep_batches ( confirmed, batch_tx_id, batch_pk_script, last_rbf_height, last_rbf_sat_per_kw, max_timeout_distance ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 ) RETURNING id ` type InsertBatchParams struct { Confirmed bool BatchTxID sql.NullString BatchPkScript []byte LastRbfHeight sql.NullInt32 LastRbfSatPerKw sql.NullInt32 MaxTimeoutDistance int32 } func (q *Queries) InsertBatch(ctx context.Context, arg InsertBatchParams) (int32, error) { row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, insertBatch, arg.Confirmed, arg.BatchTxID, arg.BatchPkScript, arg.LastRbfHeight, arg.LastRbfSatPerKw, arg.MaxTimeoutDistance, ) var id int32 err := row.Scan(&id) return id, err } const updateBatch = `-- name: UpdateBatch :exec UPDATE sweep_batches SET confirmed = $2, batch_tx_id = $3, batch_pk_script = $4, last_rbf_height = $5, last_rbf_sat_per_kw = $6 WHERE id = $1 ` type UpdateBatchParams struct { ID int32 Confirmed bool BatchTxID sql.NullString BatchPkScript []byte LastRbfHeight sql.NullInt32 LastRbfSatPerKw sql.NullInt32 } func (q *Queries) UpdateBatch(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateBatchParams) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, updateBatch, arg.ID, arg.Confirmed, arg.BatchTxID, arg.BatchPkScript, arg.LastRbfHeight, arg.LastRbfSatPerKw, ) return err } const upsertSweep = `-- name: UpsertSweep :exec INSERT INTO sweeps ( swap_hash, batch_id, outpoint_txid, outpoint_index, amt, completed ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 ) ON CONFLICT (swap_hash) DO UPDATE SET batch_id = $2, outpoint_txid = $3, outpoint_index = $4, amt = $5, completed = $6 ` type UpsertSweepParams struct { SwapHash []byte BatchID int32 OutpointTxid []byte OutpointIndex int32 Amt int64 Completed bool } func (q *Queries) UpsertSweep(ctx context.Context, arg UpsertSweepParams) error { _, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, upsertSweep, arg.SwapHash, arg.BatchID, arg.OutpointTxid, arg.OutpointIndex, arg.Amt, arg.Completed, ) return err }