FROM golang:1.21.9-bookworm RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ git \ protobuf-compiler='3.21.12*' \ clang-format='1:14.0*' # We don't want any default values for these variables to make sure they're # explicitly provided by parsing the go.mod file. Otherwise we might forget to # update them here if we bump the versions. ARG PROTOBUF_VERSION ENV PROTOC_GEN_GO_GRPC_VERSION="v1.1.0" ENV GOCACHE=/tmp/build/.cache ENV GOMODCACHE=/tmp/build/.modcache RUN cd /tmp \ && mkdir -p /tmp/build/.cache \ && mkdir -p /tmp/build/.modcache \ && go install${PROTOBUF_VERSION} \ && go install${PROTOC_GEN_GO_GRPC_VERSION} \ && chmod -R 777 /tmp/build/ WORKDIR /build CMD ["/bin/bash", "/build/swapserverrpc/"]