package loop import ( "context" "crypto/sha256" "errors" "testing" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var ( testAddr, _ = btcutil.NewAddressScriptHash( []byte{123}, &chaincfg.TestNet3Params, ) testRequest = &OutRequest{ Amount: btcutil.Amount(50000), DestAddr: testAddr, MaxMinerFee: 50000, HtlcConfirmations: defaultConfirmations, SweepConfTarget: 2, MaxSwapFee: 1050, MaxPrepayAmount: 100, MaxPrepayRoutingFee: 75000, MaxSwapRoutingFee: 70000, Initiator: "test", } swapInvoiceDesc = "swap" prepayInvoiceDesc = "prepay" defaultConfirmations = int32(loopdb.DefaultLoopOutHtlcConfirmations) ) // TestLoopOutSuccess tests the loop out happy flow, using a custom htlc // confirmation target. func TestLoopOutSuccess(t *testing.T) { defer test.Guard(t)() ctx := createClientTestContext(t, nil) req := *testRequest req.HtlcConfirmations = 2 // Initiate loop out. info, err := ctx.swapClient.LoopOut(context.Background(), &req) require.NoError(t, err) ctx.assertStored() ctx.assertStatus(loopdb.StateInitiated) signalSwapPaymentResult := ctx.AssertPaid(swapInvoiceDesc) signalPrepaymentResult := ctx.AssertPaid(prepayInvoiceDesc) // Expect client to register for conf. confIntent := ctx.Context.AssertRegisterConf(false, req.HtlcConfirmations) testLoopOutSuccess(ctx, testRequest.Amount, info.SwapHash, signalPrepaymentResult, signalSwapPaymentResult, false, confIntent, swap.HtlcV3, ) } // TestLoopOutFailOffchain tests the handling of swap for which the server // failed the payments. func TestLoopOutFailOffchain(t *testing.T) { defer test.Guard(t)() ctx := createClientTestContext(t, nil) _, err := ctx.swapClient.LoopOut(context.Background(), testRequest) require.NoError(t, err) ctx.assertStored() ctx.assertStatus(loopdb.StateInitiated) signalSwapPaymentResult := ctx.AssertPaid(swapInvoiceDesc) signalPrepaymentResult := ctx.AssertPaid(prepayInvoiceDesc) ctx.Context.AssertRegisterConf(false, defaultConfirmations) signalSwapPaymentResult( errors.New(lndclient.PaymentResultUnknownPaymentHash), ) signalPrepaymentResult( errors.New(lndclient.PaymentResultUnknownPaymentHash), ) <-ctx.serverMock.cancelSwap ctx.assertStatus(loopdb.StateFailOffchainPayments) ctx.assertStoreFinished(loopdb.StateFailOffchainPayments) ctx.finish() } // TestLoopOutFailWrongAmount asserts that the client checks the server invoice // amounts. func TestLoopOutFailWrongAmount(t *testing.T) { defer test.Guard(t)() test := func(t *testing.T, modifier func(*serverMock), expectedErr error) { ctx := createClientTestContext(t, nil) // Modify mock for this subtest. modifier(ctx.serverMock) _, err := ctx.swapClient.LoopOut( context.Background(), testRequest, ) if err != expectedErr { t.Fatalf("Expected %v, but got %v", expectedErr, err) } ctx.finish() } t.Run("swap fee too high", func(t *testing.T) { test(t, func(m *serverMock) { m.swapInvoiceAmt += 10 }, ErrSwapFeeTooHigh) }) t.Run("prepay amount too high", func(t *testing.T) { test(t, func(m *serverMock) { // Keep total swap fee unchanged, but increase prepaid // portion. m.swapInvoiceAmt -= 10 m.prepayInvoiceAmt += 10 }, ErrPrepayAmountTooHigh) }) } // TestLoopOutResume tests that swaps in various states are properly resumed // after a restart. func TestLoopOutResume(t *testing.T) { defaultConfs := loopdb.DefaultLoopOutHtlcConfirmations storedVersion := []loopdb.ProtocolVersion{ loopdb.ProtocolVersionUnrecorded, loopdb.ProtocolVersionHtlcV2, loopdb.ProtocolVersionHtlcV3, loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2, } for _, version := range storedVersion { version := version t.Run(version.String(), func(t *testing.T) { t.Run("not expired", func(t *testing.T) { testLoopOutResume( t, defaultConfs, false, false, true, version, ) }) t.Run("not expired, custom confirmations", func(t *testing.T) { testLoopOutResume( t, 3, false, false, true, version, ) }) t.Run("expired not revealed", func(t *testing.T) { testLoopOutResume( t, defaultConfs, true, false, false, version, ) }) t.Run("expired revealed", func(t *testing.T) { testLoopOutResume( t, defaultConfs, true, true, true, version, ) }) }) } } func testLoopOutResume(t *testing.T, confs uint32, expired, preimageRevealed, expectSuccess bool, protocolVersion loopdb.ProtocolVersion) { defer test.Guard(t)() preimage := testPreimage hash := sha256.Sum256(preimage[:]) dest := test.GetDestAddr(t, 0) amt := btcutil.Amount(50000) swapPayReq, err := getInvoice(hash, amt, swapInvoiceDesc) require.NoError(t, err) prePayReq, err := getInvoice(hash, 100, prepayInvoiceDesc) require.NoError(t, err) _, senderPubKey := test.CreateKey(1) var senderKey [33]byte copy(senderKey[:], senderPubKey.SerializeCompressed()) _, receiverPubKey := test.CreateKey(2) var receiverKey [33]byte copy(receiverKey[:], receiverPubKey.SerializeCompressed()) update := loopdb.LoopEvent{ SwapStateData: loopdb.SwapStateData{ State: loopdb.StateInitiated, }, } if preimageRevealed { update.State = loopdb.StatePreimageRevealed update.HtlcTxHash = &chainhash.Hash{1, 2, 6} } // Create a pending swap with our custom number of confirmations. pendingSwap := &loopdb.LoopOut{ Contract: &loopdb.LoopOutContract{ DestAddr: dest, SwapInvoice: swapPayReq, SweepConfTarget: 2, HtlcConfirmations: confs, MaxSwapRoutingFee: 70000, PrepayInvoice: prePayReq, SwapContract: loopdb.SwapContract{ Preimage: preimage, AmountRequested: amt, CltvExpiry: 744, HtlcKeys: loopdb.HtlcKeys{ SenderScriptKey: senderKey, SenderInternalPubKey: senderKey, ReceiverScriptKey: receiverKey, ReceiverInternalPubKey: receiverKey, }, MaxSwapFee: 60000, MaxMinerFee: 50000, ProtocolVersion: protocolVersion, }, }, Loop: loopdb.Loop{ Events: []*loopdb.LoopEvent{&update}, Hash: hash, }, } if expired { // Set cltv expiry so that it has already expired at the test // block height. pendingSwap.Contract.CltvExpiry = 610 } ctx := createClientTestContext(t, []*loopdb.LoopOut{pendingSwap}) if preimageRevealed { ctx.assertStatus(loopdb.StatePreimageRevealed) } else { ctx.assertStatus(loopdb.StateInitiated) } signalSwapPaymentResult := ctx.AssertPaid(swapInvoiceDesc) signalPrepaymentResult := ctx.AssertPaid(prepayInvoiceDesc) // Expect client to register for our expected number of confirmations. confIntent := ctx.Context.AssertRegisterConf( preimageRevealed, int32(confs), ) htlc, err := utils.GetHtlc( hash, &pendingSwap.Contract.SwapContract, &chaincfg.TestNet3Params, ) require.NoError(t, err) // Assert that the loopout htlc equals to the expected one. require.Equal(t, htlc.PkScript, confIntent.PkScript) signalSwapPaymentResult(nil) signalPrepaymentResult(nil) if !expectSuccess { ctx.assertStatus(loopdb.StateFailTimeout) ctx.assertStoreFinished(loopdb.StateFailTimeout) ctx.finish() return } // Because there is no reliable payment yet, an invoice is assumed to be // paid after resume. testLoopOutSuccess(ctx, amt, hash, func(r error) {}, func(r error) {}, preimageRevealed, confIntent, utils.GetHtlcScriptVersion(protocolVersion), ) } func testLoopOutSuccess(ctx *testContext, amt btcutil.Amount, hash lntypes.Hash, signalPrepaymentResult, signalSwapPaymentResult func(error), preimageRevealed bool, confIntent *test.ConfRegistration, scriptVersion swap.ScriptVersion) { htlcOutpoint := ctx.publishHtlc(confIntent.PkScript, amt) signalPrepaymentResult(nil) // Assert that a call to track payment was sent, and respond with status // in flight so that our swap will push its preimage to the server. ctx.trackPayment(lnrpc.Payment_IN_FLIGHT) // We need to notify the height, as the loopout is going to attempt a // sweep when a new block is received. err := ctx.Lnd.NotifyHeight(ctx.Lnd.Height + 1) require.NoError(ctx.Context.T, err) // Publish tick. ctx.expiryChan <- testTime // One spend notifier is registered by batch to watch primary sweep. ctx.AssertRegisterSpendNtfn(confIntent.PkScript) ctx.AssertEpochListeners(2) // Mock the blockheight again as that's when the batch will broadcast // the tx. err = ctx.Lnd.NotifyHeight(ctx.Lnd.Height + 1) require.NoError(ctx.Context.T, err) // Expect a signing request in the non taproot case. if scriptVersion != swap.HtlcV3 { <-ctx.Context.Lnd.SignOutputRawChannel } if !preimageRevealed { ctx.assertStatus(loopdb.StatePreimageRevealed) ctx.assertStorePreimageReveal() } // When using taproot htlcs the flow is different as we do reveal the // preimage before sweeping in order for the server to trust us with // our MuSig2 signing attempts. if scriptVersion == swap.HtlcV3 { ctx.assertPreimagePush([hash].Preimage) <-ctx.Context.Lnd.SignOutputRawChannel } // Expect client on-chain sweep of HTLC. sweepTx := ctx.ReceiveTx() require.Equal( ctx.Context.T, htlcOutpoint.Hash[:], sweepTx.TxIn[0].PreviousOutPoint.Hash[:], "client not sweeping from htlc tx", ) var preImageIndex int switch scriptVersion { case swap.HtlcV2: preImageIndex = 0 case swap.HtlcV3: preImageIndex = 0 } // Check preimage. clientPreImage := sweepTx.TxIn[0].Witness[preImageIndex] clientPreImageHash := sha256.Sum256(clientPreImage) require.Equal(ctx.Context.T, hash, lntypes.Hash(clientPreImageHash)) // Since we successfully published our sweep, we expect the preimage to // have been pushed to our mock server. preimage, err := lntypes.MakePreimage(clientPreImage) require.NoError(ctx.Context.T, err) if scriptVersion != swap.HtlcV3 { ctx.assertPreimagePush(preimage) } // Simulate server pulling payment. signalSwapPaymentResult(nil) ctx.NotifySpend(sweepTx, 0) ctx.AssertRegisterConf(true, 3) ctx.assertStatus(loopdb.StateSuccess) ctx.assertStoreFinished(loopdb.StateSuccess) ctx.finish() } // TestWrapGrpcError tests grpc error wrapping in the case where a grpc error // code is present, and when it is absent. func TestWrapGrpcError(t *testing.T) { tests := []struct { name string original error expectedCode codes.Code }{ { name: "out of range error", original: status.Error( codes.OutOfRange, "err string", ), expectedCode: codes.OutOfRange, }, { name: "no grpc code", original: errors.New("no error code"), expectedCode: codes.Unknown, }, } for _, testCase := range tests { testCase := testCase t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) { err := wrapGrpcError("", testCase.original) require.Error(t, err, "test only expects errors") status, ok := status.FromError(err) require.True(t, ok, "test expects grpc code") require.Equal(t, testCase.expectedCode, status.Code()) }) } }