-- name: GetUnconfirmedBatches :many SELECT * FROM sweep_batches WHERE confirmed = FALSE; -- name: InsertBatch :one INSERT INTO sweep_batches ( confirmed, batch_tx_id, batch_pk_script, last_rbf_height, last_rbf_sat_per_kw, max_timeout_distance ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 ) RETURNING id; -- name: DropBatch :exec DELETE FROM sweep_batches WHERE id = $1; -- name: UpdateBatch :exec UPDATE sweep_batches SET confirmed = $2, batch_tx_id = $3, batch_pk_script = $4, last_rbf_height = $5, last_rbf_sat_per_kw = $6 WHERE id = $1; -- name: ConfirmBatch :exec UPDATE sweep_batches SET confirmed = TRUE WHERE id = $1; -- name: UpsertSweep :exec INSERT INTO sweeps ( swap_hash, batch_id, outpoint_txid, outpoint_index, amt, completed ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 ) ON CONFLICT (swap_hash) DO UPDATE SET batch_id = $2, outpoint_txid = $3, outpoint_index = $4, amt = $5, completed = $6; -- name: GetParentBatch :one SELECT sweep_batches.* FROM sweep_batches JOIN sweeps ON sweep_batches.id = sweeps.batch_id WHERE sweeps.swap_hash = $1 AND sweeps.completed = TRUE AND sweep_batches.confirmed = TRUE; -- name: GetBatchSweptAmount :one SELECT SUM(amt) AS total FROM sweeps WHERE batch_id = $1 AND completed = TRUE; -- name: GetBatchSweeps :many SELECT * FROM sweeps WHERE batch_id = $1 ORDER BY id ASC; -- name: GetSweepStatus :one SELECT COALESCE(s.completed, f.false_value) AS completed FROM (SELECT false AS false_value) AS f LEFT JOIN sweeps s ON s.swap_hash = $1;