Changed argument of function NewBatcher from LoopOutFetcher to SweepFetcher
(returning new public type SweepInfo).
This change is backwards-incompatible on the package layer, but nobody seems
to use the package outside of Loop.
To use NewBatcher inside Loop, turn loopdb into SweepFetcher using
function NewSweepFetcherFromSwapStore.
Method sweepbatcher.Store.FetchBatchSweeps (implementation using real DB) runs
JOIN query to load LoopOut from swaps table. Now the mock does the same.
It is needed to test store and load scenarios in tests.
This commit fixes outstanding linter issues, that we're not found by
running `make lint` locally. The linter issues were found by running
`docker run -v $(pwd):/build loop-tools golangci-lint run --whole-files`
I added the `revive` to the excludes as it would be to much of a
refactor and IMO seems unneccesary. E.g.
`interface.go:222:6: exported: type name will be used as
loop.LoopInTerms by other packages, and that stutters; consider
calling this InTerms (revive)`. I think `loop.LoopInTerms` is fine.
Once we have revealed our preimage to the world with a sweep attempt,
we can safely push our preimage to the server to speed up on chain
Rather than rely on the server, we use the state of our invoice in lnd
to determine whether we should continue trying to push the preimage to
the server.