sweepbatcher: add mixed batches option

Option WithMixedBatch instructs sweepbatcher to create mixed batches with regard
to cooperativeness. Such a batch can include both sweeps signed both
cooperatively and non-cooperatively. If cooperative signing fails for a sweep,
transaction is updated to sign that sweep non-cooperatively and another round of
cooperative signing runs on the remaining sweeps. The remaining sweeps are
signed in non-cooperative (more expensive) way. If the whole procedure fails for
whatever reason, the batch is signed non-cooperatively (the fallback).
Boris Nagaev 2 months ago
parent 58d9445bc5
commit 26eda00ef2
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ import (
@ -107,6 +109,11 @@ type sweep struct {
// has to be spent using preimage. This is only used in fee estimations
// when selecting a batch for the sweep to minimize fees.
nonCoopHint bool
// coopFailed is set, if we have tried to spend the sweep cooperatively,
// but it failed. We try to spend a sweep cooperatively only once. This
// status is not persisted in the DB.
coopFailed bool
// batchState is the state of the batch.
@ -160,6 +167,16 @@ type batchConfig struct {
// Note that musig2SignSweep must be nil in this case, however signer
// client must still be provided, as it is used for non-coop spendings.
customMuSig2Signer SignMuSig2
// mixedBatch instructs sweepbatcher to create mixed batches with regard
// to cooperativeness. Such a batch can include sweeps signed both
// cooperatively and non-cooperatively. If cooperative signing fails for
// a sweep, transaction is updated to sign that sweep non-cooperatively
// and another round of cooperative signing runs on the remaining
// sweeps. The remaining sweeps are signed in non-cooperative (more
// expensive) way. If the whole procedure fails for whatever reason, the
// batch is signed non-cooperatively (the fallback).
mixedBatch bool
// rbfCache stores data related to our last fee bump.
@ -421,13 +438,18 @@ func (b *batch) addSweep(ctx context.Context, sweep *sweep) (bool, error) {
// Before we run through the acceptance checks, let's just see if this
// sweep is already in our batch. In that case, just update the sweep.
_, ok := b.sweeps[sweep.swapHash]
oldSweep, ok := b.sweeps[sweep.swapHash]
if ok {
// Preserve coopFailed value not to forget about cooperative
// spending failure in this sweep.
tmp := *sweep
tmp.coopFailed = oldSweep.coopFailed
// If the sweep was resumed from storage, and the swap requested
// to sweep again, a new sweep notifier will be created by the
// swap. By re-assigning to the batch's sweep we make sure that
// everything, including the notifier, is up to date.
b.sweeps[sweep.swapHash] = *sweep
b.sweeps[sweep.swapHash] = tmp
// If this is the primary sweep, we also need to update the
// batch's confirmation target and fee rate.
@ -724,7 +746,7 @@ func (b *batch) publish(ctx context.Context) error {
var (
err error
fee btcutil.Amount
coopSuccess bool
signSuccess bool
if len(b.sweeps) == 0 {
@ -739,12 +761,19 @@ func (b *batch) publish(ctx context.Context) error {
return err
fee, err, coopSuccess = b.publishBatchCoop(ctx)
if err != nil {
b.log.Warnf("co-op publish error: %v", err)
if b.cfg.mixedBatch {
fee, err, signSuccess = b.publishMixedBatch(ctx)
if err != nil {
b.log.Warnf("Mixed batch publish error: %v", err)
} else {
fee, err, signSuccess = b.publishBatchCoop(ctx)
if err != nil {
b.log.Warnf("co-op publish error: %v", err)
if !coopSuccess {
if !signSuccess {
fee, err = b.publishBatch(ctx)
if err != nil {
@ -1091,6 +1120,361 @@ func (b *batch) publishBatchCoop(ctx context.Context) (btcutil.Amount,
return fee, nil, true
// constructUnsignedTx creates unsigned tx from the sweeps, paying to the addr.
// It also returns absolute fee (from weight and clamped).
func (b *batch) constructUnsignedTx(sweeps []sweep,
address btcutil.Address) (*wire.MsgTx, lntypes.WeightUnit,
btcutil.Amount, btcutil.Amount, error) {
// Sanity check, there should be at least 1 sweep in this batch.
if len(sweeps) == 0 {
return nil, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("no sweeps in batch")
// Create the batch transaction.
batchTx := &wire.MsgTx{
Version: 2,
LockTime: uint32(b.currentHeight),
// Add transaction inputs and estimate its weight.
var weightEstimate input.TxWeightEstimator
for _, sweep := range sweeps {
if sweep.nonCoopHint || sweep.coopFailed {
// Non-cooperative sweep.
PreviousOutPoint: sweep.outpoint,
Sequence: sweep.htlc.SuccessSequence(),
err := sweep.htlcSuccessEstimator(&weightEstimate)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("sweep."+
"htlcSuccessEstimator failed: %w", err)
} else {
// Cooperative sweep.
PreviousOutPoint: sweep.outpoint,
// Convert the destination address to pkScript.
batchPkScript, err := txscript.PayToAddrScript(address)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("txscript.PayToAddrScript "+
"failed: %w", err)
// Add the output to weight estimates.
err = sweeppkg.AddOutputEstimate(&weightEstimate, address)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("sweep.AddOutputEstimate "+
"failed: %w", err)
// Keep track of the total amount this batch is sweeping back.
batchAmt := btcutil.Amount(0)
for _, sweep := range sweeps {
batchAmt += sweep.value
// Find weight and fee.
weight := weightEstimate.Weight()
feeForWeight := b.rbfCache.FeeRate.FeeForWeight(weight)
// Clamp the calculated fee to the max allowed fee amount for the batch.
fee := clampBatchFee(feeForWeight, batchAmt)
// Add the batch transaction output, which excludes the fees paid to
// miners.
PkScript: batchPkScript,
Value: int64(batchAmt - fee),
return batchTx, weight, feeForWeight, fee, nil
// publishMixedBatch constructs and publishes a batch transaction that can
// include sweeps spent both cooperatively and non-cooperatively. If a sweep is
// marked with nonCoopHint or coopFailed flags, it is spent non-cooperatively.
// If a cooperative sweep fails to sign cooperatively, the whole transaction
// is re-signed again, with this sweep signing non-cooperatively. This process
// is optimized, trying to detect all non-cooperative sweeps in one round. The
// function returns the absolute fee. The last result of the function indicates
// if signing succeeded.
func (b *batch) publishMixedBatch(ctx context.Context) (btcutil.Amount, error,
bool) {
// Sanity check, there should be at least 1 sweep in this batch.
if len(b.sweeps) == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("no sweeps in batch"), false
// Append this sweep to an array of sweeps. This is needed to keep the
// order of sweeps stored, as iterating the sweeps map does not
// guarantee same order.
sweeps := make([]sweep, 0, len(b.sweeps))
for _, sweep := range b.sweeps {
sweeps = append(sweeps, sweep)
// Determine if an external address is used.
addrOverride := false
for _, sweep := range sweeps {
if sweep.isExternalAddr {
addrOverride = true
// Find destination address.
var address btcutil.Address
if addrOverride {
// Sanity check, there should be exactly 1 sweep in this batch.
if len(sweeps) != 1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("external address sweep batched " +
"with other sweeps"), false
address = sweeps[0].destAddr
} else {
var err error
address, err = b.getBatchDestAddr(ctx)
if err != nil {
return 0, err, false
// Each iteration of this loop is one attempt to sign the transaction
// cooperatively. We try cooperative signing only for the sweeps not
// known in advance to be non-cooperative (nonCoopHint) and not failed
// to sign cooperatively in previous rounds (coopFailed). If any of them
// fails, the sweep is excluded from all following rounds and another
// round is attempted. Otherwise the cycle completes and we sign the
// remaining sweeps non-cooperatively.
var (
tx *wire.MsgTx
weight lntypes.WeightUnit
feeForWeight btcutil.Amount
fee btcutil.Amount
coopInputs int
for attempt := 1; ; attempt++ {
b.log.Infof("Attempt %d of collecting cooperative signatures.",
// Construct unsigned batch transaction.
var err error
tx, weight, feeForWeight, fee, err = b.constructUnsignedTx(
sweeps, address,
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("failed to construct tx: %w", err),
// Create PSBT and prevOutsMap.
psbtBytes, prevOutsMap, err := b.createPsbt(tx, sweeps)
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("createPsbt failed: %w", err),
// Keep track if any new sweep failed to sign cooperatively.
newCoopFailures := false
// Try to sign all cooperative sweeps first.
coopInputs = 0
for i, sweep := range sweeps {
// Skip non-cooperative sweeps.
if sweep.nonCoopHint || sweep.coopFailed {
// Try to sign the sweep cooperatively.
finalSig, err := b.musig2sign(
ctx, i, sweep, tx, prevOutsMap, psbtBytes,
if err != nil {
b.log.Infof("cooperative signing failed for "+
"sweep %x: %v", sweep.swapHash[:6], err)
// Set coopFailed flag for this sweep in all the
// places we store the sweep.
sweep.coopFailed = true
sweeps[i] = sweep
b.sweeps[sweep.swapHash] = sweep
// Update newCoopFailures to know if we need
// another attempt of cooperative signing.
newCoopFailures = true
} else {
// Put the signature to witness of the input.
tx.TxIn[i].Witness = wire.TxWitness{finalSig}
// If there was any failure of cooperative signing, we need to
// update weight estimates (since non-cooperative signing has
// larger witness) and hence update the whole transaction and
// all the signatures. Otherwise we complete cooperative part.
if !newCoopFailures {
// Calculate the expected number of non-cooperative sweeps.
nonCoopInputs := len(sweeps) - coopInputs
// Now sign the remaining sweeps' inputs non-cooperatively.
// For that, first collect sign descriptors for the signatures.
// Also collect prevOuts for all inputs.
signDescs := make([]*lndclient.SignDescriptor, 0, nonCoopInputs)
prevOutsList := make([]*wire.TxOut, 0, len(sweeps))
for i, sweep := range sweeps {
// Create and store the previous outpoint for this sweep.
prevOut := &wire.TxOut{
Value: int64(sweep.value),
PkScript: sweep.htlc.PkScript,
prevOutsList = append(prevOutsList, prevOut)
// Skip cooperative sweeps.
if !sweep.nonCoopHint && !sweep.coopFailed {
key, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("btcec.ParsePubKey failed: %w",
err), false
// Create and store the sign descriptor for this sweep.
signDesc := lndclient.SignDescriptor{
WitnessScript: sweep.htlc.SuccessScript(),
Output: prevOut,
HashType: sweep.htlc.SigHash(),
InputIndex: i,
KeyDesc: keychain.KeyDescriptor{
PubKey: key,
if sweep.htlc.Version == swap.HtlcV3 {
signDesc.SignMethod = input.TaprootScriptSpendSignMethod
signDescs = append(signDescs, &signDesc)
// Sanity checks.
if len(signDescs) != nonCoopInputs {
// This must not happen by construction.
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected size of signDescs: %d != %d",
len(signDescs), nonCoopInputs), false
if len(prevOutsList) != len(sweeps) {
// This must not happen by construction.
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected size of prevOutsList: "+
"%d != %d", len(prevOutsList), len(sweeps)), false
var rawSigs [][]byte
if nonCoopInputs > 0 {
// Produce the signatures for our inputs using sign descriptors.
var err error
rawSigs, err = b.signerClient.SignOutputRaw(
ctx, tx, signDescs, prevOutsList,
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("signerClient.SignOutputRaw "+
"failed: %w", err), false
// Sanity checks.
if len(rawSigs) != nonCoopInputs {
// This must not happen by construction.
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected size of rawSigs: %d != %d",
len(rawSigs), nonCoopInputs), false
// Generate success witnesses for non-cooperative sweeps.
sigIndex := 0
for i, sweep := range sweeps {
// Skip cooperative sweeps.
if !sweep.nonCoopHint && !sweep.coopFailed {
witness, err := sweep.htlc.GenSuccessWitness(
rawSigs[sigIndex], sweep.preimage,
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("sweep.htlc.GenSuccessWitness "+
"failed: %w", err), false
// Add the success witness to our batch transaction's inputs.
tx.TxIn[i].Witness = witness
// Log transaction's details.
var coopHexs, nonCoopHexs []string
for _, sweep := range sweeps {
swapHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", sweep.swapHash[:6])
if sweep.nonCoopHint || sweep.coopFailed {
nonCoopHexs = append(nonCoopHexs, swapHex)
} else {
coopHexs = append(coopHexs, swapHex)
txHash := tx.TxHash()
b.log.Infof("attempting to publish mixed tx=%v with feerate=%v, "+
"weight=%v, feeForWeight=%v, fee=%v, sweeps=%d, "+
"%d cooperative: (%s) and %d non-cooperative (%s), destAddr=%s",
txHash, b.rbfCache.FeeRate, weight, feeForWeight, fee,
len(tx.TxIn), coopInputs, strings.Join(coopHexs, ", "),
nonCoopInputs, strings.Join(nonCoopHexs, ", "), address)
b.debugLogTx("serialized mixed batch", tx)
// Make sure tx weight matches the expected value.
realWeight := lntypes.WeightUnit(
if realWeight != weight {
b.log.Warnf("actual weight of tx %v is %v, estimated as %d",
txHash, realWeight, weight)
// Publish the transaction.
err := b.wallet.PublishTransaction(
ctx, tx, b.cfg.txLabeler(b.id),
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("publishing tx failed: %w", err), true
// Store the batch transaction's txid and pkScript, for monitoring
// purposes.
b.batchTxid = &txHash
b.batchPkScript = tx.TxOut[0].PkScript
return fee, nil, true
func (b *batch) debugLogTx(msg string, tx *wire.MsgTx) {
// Serialize the transaction and convert to hex string.
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, tx.SerializeSize()))

@ -286,6 +286,16 @@ type Batcher struct {
// Note that musig2SignSweep must be nil in this case, however signer
// client must still be provided, as it is used for non-coop spendings.
customMuSig2Signer SignMuSig2
// mixedBatch instructs sweepbatcher to create mixed batches with regard
// to cooperativeness. Such a batch can include sweeps signed both
// cooperatively and non-cooperatively. If cooperative signing fails for
// a sweep, transaction is updated to sign that sweep non-cooperatively
// and another round of cooperative signing runs on the remaining
// sweeps. The remaining sweeps are signed in non-cooperative (more
// expensive) way. If the whole procedure fails for whatever reason, the
// batch is signed non-cooperatively (the fallback).
mixedBatch bool
// BatcherConfig holds batcher configuration.
@ -321,6 +331,16 @@ type BatcherConfig struct {
// Note that musig2SignSweep must be nil in this case, however signer
// client must still be provided, as it is used for non-coop spendings.
customMuSig2Signer SignMuSig2
// mixedBatch instructs sweepbatcher to create mixed batches with regard
// to cooperativeness. Such a batch can include sweeps signed both
// cooperatively and non-cooperatively. If cooperative signing fails for
// a sweep, transaction is updated to sign that sweep non-cooperatively
// and another round of cooperative signing runs on the remaining
// sweeps. The remaining sweeps are signed in non-cooperative (more
// expensive) way. If the whole procedure fails for whatever reason, the
// batch is signed non-cooperatively (the fallback).
mixedBatch bool
// BatcherOption configures batcher behaviour.
@ -386,6 +406,20 @@ func WithCustomSignMuSig2(customMuSig2Signer SignMuSig2) BatcherOption {
// WithMixedBatch instructs sweepbatcher to create mixed batches with
// regard to cooperativeness. Such a batch can include both sweeps signed
// both cooperatively and non-cooperatively. If cooperative signing fails
// for a sweep, transaction is updated to sign that sweep non-cooperatively
// and another round of cooperative signing runs on the remaining sweeps.
// The remaining sweeps are signed in non-cooperative (more expensive) way.
// If the whole procedure fails for whatever reason, the batch is signed
// non-cooperatively (the fallback).
func WithMixedBatch() BatcherOption {
return func(cfg *BatcherConfig) {
cfg.mixedBatch = true
// NewBatcher creates a new Batcher instance.
func NewBatcher(wallet lndclient.WalletKitClient,
chainNotifier lndclient.ChainNotifierClient,
@ -433,6 +467,7 @@ func NewBatcher(wallet lndclient.WalletKitClient,
customFeeRate: cfg.customFeeRate,
txLabeler: cfg.txLabeler,
customMuSig2Signer: cfg.customMuSig2Signer,
mixedBatch: cfg.mixedBatch,
@ -1050,6 +1085,7 @@ func (b *Batcher) newBatchConfig(maxTimeoutDistance int32) batchConfig {
txLabeler: b.txLabeler,
customMuSig2Signer: b.customMuSig2Signer,
clock: b.clock,
mixedBatch: b.mixedBatch,

@ -2880,6 +2880,552 @@ func testCustomSignMuSig2(t *testing.T, store testStore,
checkBatcherError(t, runErr)
// testWithMixedBatch tests mixed batches construction. It also tests
// non-cooperative sweeping (using a preimage). Sweeps are added one by one.
func testWithMixedBatch(t *testing.T, store testStore,
batcherStore testBatcherStore) {
defer test.Guard(t)()
lnd := test.NewMockLnd()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Extract payment address from the invoice.
swapPaymentAddr, err := utils.ObtainSwapPaymentAddr(
swapInvoice, lnd.ChainParams,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use sweepFetcher to provide NonCoopHint for swapHash1.
sweepFetcher := &sweepFetcherMock{
store: map[lntypes.Hash]*SweepInfo{},
// Create 3 sweeps:
// 1. known in advance to be non-cooperative,
// 2. fails cosigning during an attempt,
// 3. co-signs successfully.
// Create 3 preimages, for 3 sweeps.
var preimages = []lntypes.Preimage{
// Swap hashes must match the preimages, for non-cooperative spending
// path to work.
var swapHashes = []lntypes.Hash{
// Create muSig2SignSweep working only for 3rd swapHash.
muSig2SignSweep := func(ctx context.Context,
protocolVersion loopdb.ProtocolVersion, swapHash lntypes.Hash,
paymentAddr [32]byte, nonce []byte, sweepTxPsbt []byte,
prevoutMap map[wire.OutPoint]*wire.TxOut) (
[]byte, []byte, error) {
if swapHash == swapHashes[2] {
return nil, nil, nil
} else {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("test error")
// Use mixed batches.
batcher := NewBatcher(lnd.WalletKit, lnd.ChainNotifier, lnd.Signer,
muSig2SignSweep, testVerifySchnorrSig, lnd.ChainParams,
batcherStore, sweepFetcher, WithMixedBatch())
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var runErr error
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
runErr = batcher.Run(ctx)
// Wait for the batcher to be initialized.
// Expected weights for transaction having 1, 2, and 3 sweeps.
wantWeights := []lntypes.WeightUnit{559, 952, 1182}
// Two non-cooperative sweeps, one cooperative.
wantWitnessSizes := []int{4, 4, 1}
// Create 3 swaps and 3 sweeps.
for i, swapHash := range swapHashes {
// Publish a block to trigger republishing.
err = lnd.NotifyHeight(601 + int32(i))
require.NoError(t, err)
// Put a swap into store to satisfy SQL constraints.
swap := &loopdb.LoopOutContract{
SwapContract: loopdb.SwapContract{
CltvExpiry: 111,
AmountRequested: 1_000_000,
ProtocolVersion: loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2,
HtlcKeys: htlcKeys,
// Make preimage unique to pass SQL constraints.
Preimage: preimages[i],
DestAddr: destAddr,
SwapInvoice: swapInvoice,
SweepConfTarget: 111,
require.NoError(t, store.CreateLoopOut(ctx, swapHash, swap))
// Add SweepInfo to sweepFetcher.
htlc, err := utils.GetHtlc(
swapHash, &swap.SwapContract, lnd.ChainParams,
require.NoError(t, err)
sweepInfo := &SweepInfo{
Preimage: preimages[i],
ConfTarget: 123,
Timeout: 111,
SwapInvoicePaymentAddr: *swapPaymentAddr,
ProtocolVersion: loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2,
HTLCKeys: htlcKeys,
HTLC: *htlc,
HTLCSuccessEstimator: htlc.AddSuccessToEstimator,
DestAddr: destAddr,
// The first sweep is known in advance to be non-cooperative.
if i == 0 {
sweepInfo.NonCoopHint = true
sweepFetcher.store[swapHash] = sweepInfo
// Create sweep request.
sweepReq := SweepRequest{
SwapHash: swapHash,
Value: 1_000_000,
Outpoint: wire.OutPoint{
Hash: chainhash.Hash{1, 1},
Index: 1,
Notifier: &dummyNotifier,
require.NoError(t, batcher.AddSweep(&sweepReq))
if i == 0 {
// Since a batch was created we check that it registered
// for its primary sweep's spend.
// Expect mockSigner.SignOutputRaw call to sign non-cooperative
// sweeps.
// A transaction is published.
tx := <-lnd.TxPublishChannel
require.Equal(t, i+1, len(tx.TxIn))
// Check types of inputs.
var witnessSizes []int
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
witnessSizes = append(witnessSizes, len(txIn.Witness))
// The order of inputs is not deterministic, because they
// are stored in map.
require.ElementsMatch(t, wantWitnessSizes[:i+1], witnessSizes)
// Calculate expected values.
feeRate := test.DefaultMockFee
for range i {
// Bump fee the number of blocks passed.
feeRate += defaultFeeRateStep
amt := btcutil.Amount(1_000_000 * (i + 1))
weight := wantWeights[i]
expectedFee := feeRate.FeeForWeight(weight)
// Check weight.
gotWeight := lntypes.WeightUnit(
require.Equal(t, weight, gotWeight, "weights don't match")
// Check fee.
out := btcutil.Amount(tx.TxOut[0].Value)
gotFee := amt - out
require.Equal(t, expectedFee, gotFee, "fees don't match")
// Check fee rate.
gotFeeRate := chainfee.NewSatPerKWeight(gotFee, gotWeight)
require.Equal(t, feeRate, gotFeeRate, "fee rates don't match")
// Make sure we have stored the batch.
batches, err := batcherStore.FetchUnconfirmedSweepBatches(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, batches, 1)
// Now make the batcher quit by canceling the context.
// Make sure the batcher exited without an error.
checkBatcherError(t, runErr)
// testWithMixedBatchCustom tests mixed batches construction, custom scenario.
// All sweeps are added at once.
func testWithMixedBatchCustom(t *testing.T, store testStore,
batcherStore testBatcherStore, preimages []lntypes.Preimage,
muSig2SignSweep MuSig2SignSweep, nonCoopHints []bool,
expectSignOutputRawChannel bool, wantWeight lntypes.WeightUnit,
wantWitnessSizes []int) {
defer test.Guard(t)()
lnd := test.NewMockLnd()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
// Extract payment address from the invoice.
swapPaymentAddr, err := utils.ObtainSwapPaymentAddr(
swapInvoice, lnd.ChainParams,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Use sweepFetcher to provide NonCoopHint for swapHash1.
sweepFetcher := &sweepFetcherMock{
store: map[lntypes.Hash]*SweepInfo{},
// Swap hashes must match the preimages, for non-cooperative spending
// path to work.
swapHashes := make([]lntypes.Hash, len(preimages))
for i, preimage := range preimages {
swapHashes[i] = preimage.Hash()
// Use mixed batches.
batcher := NewBatcher(lnd.WalletKit, lnd.ChainNotifier, lnd.Signer,
muSig2SignSweep, testVerifySchnorrSig, lnd.ChainParams,
batcherStore, sweepFetcher, WithMixedBatch())
var wg sync.WaitGroup
var runErr error
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
runErr = batcher.Run(ctx)
// Wait for the batcher to be initialized.
// Create swaps and sweeps.
for i, swapHash := range swapHashes {
// Put a swap into store to satisfy SQL constraints.
swap := &loopdb.LoopOutContract{
SwapContract: loopdb.SwapContract{
CltvExpiry: 111,
AmountRequested: 1_000_000,
ProtocolVersion: loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2,
HtlcKeys: htlcKeys,
// Make preimage unique to pass SQL constraints.
Preimage: preimages[i],
DestAddr: destAddr,
SwapInvoice: swapInvoice,
SweepConfTarget: 111,
require.NoError(t, store.CreateLoopOut(ctx, swapHash, swap))
// Add SweepInfo to sweepFetcher.
htlc, err := utils.GetHtlc(
swapHash, &swap.SwapContract, lnd.ChainParams,
require.NoError(t, err)
sweepFetcher.store[swapHash] = &SweepInfo{
Preimage: preimages[i],
NonCoopHint: nonCoopHints[i],
ConfTarget: 123,
Timeout: 111,
SwapInvoicePaymentAddr: *swapPaymentAddr,
ProtocolVersion: loopdb.ProtocolVersionMuSig2,
HTLCKeys: htlcKeys,
HTLC: *htlc,
HTLCSuccessEstimator: htlc.AddSuccessToEstimator,
DestAddr: destAddr,
// Create sweep request.
sweepReq := SweepRequest{
SwapHash: swapHash,
Value: 1_000_000,
Outpoint: wire.OutPoint{
Hash: chainhash.Hash{1, 1},
Index: 1,
Notifier: &dummyNotifier,
require.NoError(t, batcher.AddSweep(&sweepReq))
if i == 0 {
// Since a batch was created we check that it registered
// for its primary sweep's spend.
if expectSignOutputRawChannel {
// Expect mockSigner.SignOutputRaw call to sign non-cooperative
// sweeps.
// A transaction is published.
tx := <-lnd.TxPublishChannel
require.Equal(t, len(preimages), len(tx.TxIn))
// Check types of inputs.
var witnessSizes []int
for _, txIn := range tx.TxIn {
witnessSizes = append(witnessSizes, len(txIn.Witness))
// The order of inputs is not deterministic, because they
// are stored in map.
require.ElementsMatch(t, wantWitnessSizes, witnessSizes)
// Calculate expected values.
feeRate := test.DefaultMockFee
amt := btcutil.Amount(1_000_000 * len(preimages))
expectedFee := feeRate.FeeForWeight(wantWeight)
// Check weight.
gotWeight := lntypes.WeightUnit(
require.Equal(t, wantWeight, gotWeight, "weights don't match")
// Check fee.
out := btcutil.Amount(tx.TxOut[0].Value)
gotFee := amt - out
require.Equal(t, expectedFee, gotFee, "fees don't match")
// Check fee rate.
gotFeeRate := chainfee.NewSatPerKWeight(gotFee, gotWeight)
require.Equal(t, feeRate, gotFeeRate, "fee rates don't match")
// Make sure we have stored the batch.
batches, err := batcherStore.FetchUnconfirmedSweepBatches(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Len(t, batches, 1)
// Now make the batcher quit by canceling the context.
// Make sure the batcher exited without an error.
checkBatcherError(t, runErr)
// testWithMixedBatchLarge tests mixed batches construction, many sweeps.
// All sweeps are added at once.
func testWithMixedBatchLarge(t *testing.T, store testStore,
batcherStore testBatcherStore) {
// Create 9 sweeps. 3 groups of 3 sweeps.
// 1. known in advance to be non-cooperative,
// 2. fails cosigning during an attempt,
// 3. co-signs successfully.
var preimages = []lntypes.Preimage{
{1}, {2}, {3},
{4}, {5}, {6},
{7}, {8}, {9},
// Create muSig2SignSweep. It fails all the sweeps, works only one time
// for swapHashes[2] and works any number of times for 5 and 8. This
// emulates client disconnect after first successful co-signing.
swapHash2Used := false
muSig2SignSweep := func(ctx context.Context,
protocolVersion loopdb.ProtocolVersion, swapHash lntypes.Hash,
paymentAddr [32]byte, nonce []byte, sweepTxPsbt []byte,
prevoutMap map[wire.OutPoint]*wire.TxOut) (
[]byte, []byte, error) {
switch {
case swapHash == preimages[2].Hash():
if swapHash2Used {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("disconnected")
} else {
swapHash2Used = true
return nil, nil, nil
case swapHash == preimages[5].Hash():
return nil, nil, nil
case swapHash == preimages[8].Hash():
return nil, nil, nil
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("test error")
// The first sweep in a group is known in advance to be
// non-cooperative.
nonCoopHints := []bool{
true, false, false,
true, false, false,
true, false, false,
// Expect mockSigner.SignOutputRaw call to sign non-cooperative
// sweeps.
expectSignOutputRawChannel := true
// Two non-cooperative sweeps, one cooperative.
wantWitnessSizes := []int{4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 1, 4, 4, 1}
// Expected weight.
wantWeight := lntypes.WeightUnit(3377)
testWithMixedBatchCustom(t, store, batcherStore, preimages,
muSig2SignSweep, nonCoopHints, expectSignOutputRawChannel,
wantWeight, wantWitnessSizes)
// testWithMixedBatchCoopOnly tests mixed batches construction,
// All sweeps are added at once. All the sweeps are cooperative.
func testWithMixedBatchCoopOnly(t *testing.T, store testStore,
batcherStore testBatcherStore) {
// Create 3 sweeps, all cooperative.
var preimages = []lntypes.Preimage{
{1}, {2}, {3},
// Create muSig2SignSweep, working for all sweeps.
muSig2SignSweep := func(ctx context.Context,
protocolVersion loopdb.ProtocolVersion, swapHash lntypes.Hash,
paymentAddr [32]byte, nonce []byte, sweepTxPsbt []byte,
prevoutMap map[wire.OutPoint]*wire.TxOut) (
[]byte, []byte, error) {
return nil, nil, nil
// All the sweeps are cooperative.
nonCoopHints := []bool{false, false, false}
// Do not expect a mockSigner.SignOutputRaw call, because there are no
// non-cooperative sweeps.
expectSignOutputRawChannel := false
// Two non-cooperative sweeps, one cooperative.
wantWitnessSizes := []int{1, 1, 1}
// Expected weight.
wantWeight := lntypes.WeightUnit(856)
testWithMixedBatchCustom(t, store, batcherStore, preimages,
muSig2SignSweep, nonCoopHints, expectSignOutputRawChannel,
wantWeight, wantWitnessSizes)
// testWithMixedBatchNonCoopHintOnly tests mixed batches construction,
// All sweeps are added at once. All the sweeps are known to be non-cooperative
// in advance.
func testWithMixedBatchNonCoopHintOnly(t *testing.T, store testStore,
batcherStore testBatcherStore) {
// Create 3 sweeps, all known to be non-cooperative in advance.
var preimages = []lntypes.Preimage{
{1}, {2}, {3},
// Create muSig2SignSweep, panicking for all sweeps.
muSig2SignSweep := func(ctx context.Context,
protocolVersion loopdb.ProtocolVersion, swapHash lntypes.Hash,
paymentAddr [32]byte, nonce []byte, sweepTxPsbt []byte,
prevoutMap map[wire.OutPoint]*wire.TxOut) (
[]byte, []byte, error) {
panic("must not be called in this test")
// All the sweeps are non-cooperative, this is known in advance.
nonCoopHints := []bool{true, true, true}
// Expect mockSigner.SignOutputRaw call to sign non-cooperative
// sweeps.
expectSignOutputRawChannel := true
// Two non-cooperative sweeps, one cooperative.
wantWitnessSizes := []int{4, 4, 4}
// Expected weight.
wantWeight := lntypes.WeightUnit(1345)
testWithMixedBatchCustom(t, store, batcherStore, preimages,
muSig2SignSweep, nonCoopHints, expectSignOutputRawChannel,
wantWeight, wantWitnessSizes)
// testWithMixedBatchCoopFailedOnly tests mixed batches construction,
// All sweeps are added at once. All the sweeps fail co-signing.
func testWithMixedBatchCoopFailedOnly(t *testing.T, store testStore,
batcherStore testBatcherStore) {
// Create 3 sweeps, all fail co-signing.
var preimages = []lntypes.Preimage{
{1}, {2}, {3},
// Create muSig2SignSweep, failing any co-sign attempt.
muSig2SignSweep := func(ctx context.Context,
protocolVersion loopdb.ProtocolVersion, swapHash lntypes.Hash,
paymentAddr [32]byte, nonce []byte, sweepTxPsbt []byte,
prevoutMap map[wire.OutPoint]*wire.TxOut) (
[]byte, []byte, error) {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("test error")
// All the sweeps are non-cooperative, but this is not known in advance.
nonCoopHints := []bool{false, false, false}
// Expect mockSigner.SignOutputRaw call to sign non-cooperative
// sweeps.
expectSignOutputRawChannel := true
// Two non-cooperative sweeps, one cooperative.
wantWitnessSizes := []int{4, 4, 4}
// Expected weight.
wantWeight := lntypes.WeightUnit(1345)
testWithMixedBatchCustom(t, store, batcherStore, preimages,
muSig2SignSweep, nonCoopHints, expectSignOutputRawChannel,
wantWeight, wantWitnessSizes)
// TestSweepBatcherBatchCreation tests that sweep requests enter the expected
// batch based on their timeout distance.
func TestSweepBatcherBatchCreation(t *testing.T) {
@ -2980,6 +3526,37 @@ func TestCustomSignMuSig2(t *testing.T) {
runTests(t, testCustomSignMuSig2)
// TestWithMixedBatch tests mixed batches construction. It also tests
// non-cooperative sweeping (using a preimage). Sweeps are added one by one.
func TestWithMixedBatch(t *testing.T) {
runTests(t, testWithMixedBatch)
// TestWithMixedBatchLarge tests mixed batches construction, many sweeps.
// All sweeps are added at once.
func TestWithMixedBatchLarge(t *testing.T) {
runTests(t, testWithMixedBatchLarge)
// TestWithMixedBatchCoopOnly tests mixed batches construction,
// All sweeps are added at once. All the sweeps are cooperative.
func TestWithMixedBatchCoopOnly(t *testing.T) {
runTests(t, testWithMixedBatchCoopOnly)
// TestWithMixedBatchNonCoopHintOnly tests mixed batches construction,
// All sweeps are added at once. All the sweeps are known to be non-cooperative
// in advance.
func TestWithMixedBatchNonCoopHintOnly(t *testing.T) {
runTests(t, testWithMixedBatchNonCoopHintOnly)
// TestWithMixedBatchCoopFailedOnly tests mixed batches construction,
// All sweeps are added at once. All the sweeps fail co-signing.
func TestWithMixedBatchCoopFailedOnly(t *testing.T) {
runTests(t, testWithMixedBatchCoopFailedOnly)
// testBatcherStore is BatcherStore used in tests.
type testBatcherStore interface {
