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package sweepbatcher
import (
type BaseDB interface {
// ConfirmBatch confirms a batch by setting the state to confirmed.
ConfirmBatch(ctx context.Context, id int32) error
// GetBatchSweeps fetches all the sweeps that are part a batch.
GetBatchSweeps(ctx context.Context, batchID int32) (
[]sqlc.Sweep, error)
// GetBatchSweptAmount returns the total amount of sats swept by a
// (confirmed) batch.
GetBatchSweptAmount(ctx context.Context, batchID int32) (int64, error)
// GetSweepStatus returns true if the sweep has been completed.
GetSweepStatus(ctx context.Context, swapHash []byte) (bool, error)
// GetParentBatch fetches the parent batch of a completed sweep.
GetParentBatch(ctx context.Context, swapHash []byte) (sqlc.SweepBatch,
// GetUnconfirmedBatches fetches all the batches from the
// database that are not in a confirmed state.
GetUnconfirmedBatches(ctx context.Context) ([]sqlc.SweepBatch, error)
// InsertBatch inserts a batch into the database, returning the id of
// the inserted batch.
InsertBatch(ctx context.Context, arg sqlc.InsertBatchParams) (
int32, error)
// DropBatch drops a batch from the database.
DropBatch(ctx context.Context, id int32) error
// UpdateBatch updates a batch in the database.
UpdateBatch(ctx context.Context, arg sqlc.UpdateBatchParams) error
// UpsertSweep inserts a sweep into the database, or updates an existing
// sweep if it already exists.
UpsertSweep(ctx context.Context, arg sqlc.UpsertSweepParams) error
// ExecTx allows for executing a function in the context of a database
// transaction.
ExecTx(ctx context.Context, txOptions loopdb.TxOptions,
txBody func(*sqlc.Queries) error) error
// SQLStore manages the reservations in the database.
type SQLStore struct {
baseDb BaseDB
network *chaincfg.Params
clock clock.Clock
// NewSQLStore creates a new SQLStore.
func NewSQLStore(db BaseDB, network *chaincfg.Params) *SQLStore {
return &SQLStore{
baseDb: db,
network: network,
clock: clock.NewDefaultClock(),
// FetchUnconfirmedSweepBatches fetches all the batches from the database that
// are not in a confirmed state.
func (s *SQLStore) FetchUnconfirmedSweepBatches(ctx context.Context) (
[]*dbBatch, error) {
var batches []*dbBatch
dbBatches, err := s.baseDb.GetUnconfirmedBatches(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, dbBatch := range dbBatches {
batch := convertBatchRow(dbBatch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
batches = append(batches, batch)
return batches, err
// InsertSweepBatch inserts a batch into the database, returning the id of the
// inserted batch.
func (s *SQLStore) InsertSweepBatch(ctx context.Context, batch *dbBatch) (int32,
error) {
return s.baseDb.InsertBatch(ctx, batchToInsertArgs(*batch))
// DropBatch drops a batch from the database. Note that we only use this call
// for batches that have no sweeps and so we'd not be able to resume.
func (s *SQLStore) DropBatch(ctx context.Context, id int32) error {
readOpts := loopdb.NewSqlReadOpts()
return s.baseDb.ExecTx(ctx, readOpts, func(tx *sqlc.Queries) error {
dbSweeps, err := tx.GetBatchSweeps(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(dbSweeps) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot drop a non-empty batch")
return tx.DropBatch(ctx, id)
// UpdateSweepBatch updates a batch in the database.
func (s *SQLStore) UpdateSweepBatch(ctx context.Context, batch *dbBatch) error {
return s.baseDb.UpdateBatch(ctx, batchToUpdateArgs(*batch))
// ConfirmBatch confirms a batch by setting the state to confirmed.
func (s *SQLStore) ConfirmBatch(ctx context.Context, id int32) error {
return s.baseDb.ConfirmBatch(ctx, id)
// FetchBatchSweeps fetches all the sweeps that are part a batch.
func (s *SQLStore) FetchBatchSweeps(ctx context.Context, id int32) (
[]*dbSweep, error) {
readOpts := loopdb.NewSqlReadOpts()
var sweeps []*dbSweep
err := s.baseDb.ExecTx(ctx, readOpts, func(tx *sqlc.Queries) error {
dbSweeps, err := tx.GetBatchSweeps(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, dbSweep := range dbSweeps {
sweep, err := s.convertSweepRow(dbSweep)
if err != nil {
return err
sweeps = append(sweeps, &sweep)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return sweeps, nil
// TotalSweptAmount returns the total amount swept by a (confirmed) batch.
func (s *SQLStore) TotalSweptAmount(ctx context.Context, id int32) (
btcutil.Amount, error) {
amt, err := s.baseDb.GetBatchSweptAmount(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return btcutil.Amount(amt), nil
// GetParentBatch fetches the parent batch of a completed sweep.
func (s *SQLStore) GetParentBatch(ctx context.Context, swapHash lntypes.Hash) (
*dbBatch, error) {
batch, err := s.baseDb.GetParentBatch(ctx, swapHash[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return convertBatchRow(batch), nil
// UpsertSweep inserts a sweep into the database, or updates an existing sweep
// if it already exists.
func (s *SQLStore) UpsertSweep(ctx context.Context, sweep *dbSweep) error {
return s.baseDb.UpsertSweep(ctx, sweepToUpsertArgs(*sweep))
// GetSweepStatus returns true if the sweep has been completed.
func (s *SQLStore) GetSweepStatus(ctx context.Context, swapHash lntypes.Hash) (
bool, error) {
return s.baseDb.GetSweepStatus(ctx, swapHash[:])
type dbBatch struct {
// ID is the unique identifier of the batch.
ID int32
// State is the current state of the batch.
State string
// BatchTxid is the txid of the batch transaction.
BatchTxid chainhash.Hash
// BatchPkScript is the pkscript of the batch transaction.
BatchPkScript []byte
// LastRbfHeight is the height at which the last RBF attempt was made.
LastRbfHeight int32
// LastRbfSatPerKw is the sat per kw of the last RBF attempt.
LastRbfSatPerKw int32
// MaxTimeoutDistance is the maximum timeout distance of the batch.
MaxTimeoutDistance int32
type dbSweep struct {
// ID is the unique identifier of the sweep.
ID int32
// BatchID is the ID of the batch that the sweep belongs to.
BatchID int32
// SwapHash is the hash of the swap that the sweep belongs to.
SwapHash lntypes.Hash
// Outpoint is the outpoint of the sweep.
Outpoint wire.OutPoint
// Amount is the amount of the sweep.
Amount btcutil.Amount
// Completed indicates whether this sweep is completed.
Completed bool
// convertBatchRow converts a batch row from db to a sweepbatcher.Batch struct.
func convertBatchRow(row sqlc.SweepBatch) *dbBatch {
batch := dbBatch{
ID: row.ID,
if row.Confirmed {
batch.State = batchOpen
if row.BatchTxID.Valid {
err := chainhash.Decode(&batch.BatchTxid, row.BatchTxID.String)
if err != nil {
return nil
batch.BatchPkScript = row.BatchPkScript
if row.LastRbfHeight.Valid {
batch.LastRbfHeight = row.LastRbfHeight.Int32
if row.LastRbfSatPerKw.Valid {
batch.LastRbfSatPerKw = row.LastRbfSatPerKw.Int32
batch.MaxTimeoutDistance = row.MaxTimeoutDistance
return &batch
// BatchToUpsertArgs converts a Batch struct to the arguments needed to insert
// it into the database.
func batchToInsertArgs(batch dbBatch) sqlc.InsertBatchParams {
args := sqlc.InsertBatchParams{
Confirmed: false,
BatchTxID: sql.NullString{
Valid: true,
String: batch.BatchTxid.String(),
BatchPkScript: batch.BatchPkScript,
LastRbfHeight: sql.NullInt32{
Valid: true,
Int32: batch.LastRbfHeight,
LastRbfSatPerKw: sql.NullInt32{
Valid: true,
Int32: batch.LastRbfSatPerKw,
MaxTimeoutDistance: batch.MaxTimeoutDistance,
if batch.State == batchConfirmed {
args.Confirmed = true
return args
// BatchToUpsertArgs converts a Batch struct to the arguments needed to insert
// it into the database.
func batchToUpdateArgs(batch dbBatch) sqlc.UpdateBatchParams {
args := sqlc.UpdateBatchParams{
ID: batch.ID,
Confirmed: false,
BatchTxID: sql.NullString{
Valid: true,
String: batch.BatchTxid.String(),
BatchPkScript: batch.BatchPkScript,
LastRbfHeight: sql.NullInt32{
Valid: true,
Int32: batch.LastRbfHeight,
LastRbfSatPerKw: sql.NullInt32{
Valid: true,
Int32: batch.LastRbfSatPerKw,
if batch.State == batchConfirmed {
args.Confirmed = true
return args
// convertSweepRow converts a sweep row from db to a sweep struct.
func (s *SQLStore) convertSweepRow(row sqlc.Sweep) (dbSweep, error) {
sweep := dbSweep{
ID: row.ID,
BatchID: row.BatchID,
Amount: btcutil.Amount(row.Amt),
swapHash, err := lntypes.MakeHash(row.SwapHash)
if err != nil {
return sweep, err
sweep.SwapHash = swapHash
hash, err := chainhash.NewHash(row.OutpointTxid)
if err != nil {
return sweep, err
sweep.Outpoint = wire.OutPoint{
Hash: *hash,
Index: uint32(row.OutpointIndex),
return sweep, nil
// sweepToUpsertArgs converts a Sweep struct to the arguments needed to insert.
func sweepToUpsertArgs(sweep dbSweep) sqlc.UpsertSweepParams {
return sqlc.UpsertSweepParams{
SwapHash: sweep.SwapHash[:],
BatchID: sweep.BatchID,
OutpointTxid: sweep.Outpoint.Hash[:],
OutpointIndex: int32(sweep.Outpoint.Index),
Amt: int64(sweep.Amount),
Completed: sweep.Completed,