You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package loop
import (
var (
// DefaultMaxHopHints is set to 20 as that is the default set in LND.
DefaultMaxHopHints = 20
// hopHintFactor is factor by which we scale the total amount of
// inbound capacity we want our hop hints to represent, allowing us to
// have some leeway if peers go offline.
hopHintFactor = 2
// isPublicNode checks if a node is public, by simply checking if there's any
// channels reported to the node.
func isPublicNode(ctx context.Context, lndClient lndclient.LightningClient,
pubKey [33]byte) (bool, error) {
// GetNodeInfo doesn't report our private channels with the queried node
// so, we can use it to determine if the node is considered public.
nodeInfo, err := lndClient.GetNodeInfo(ctx, pubKey, true)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return nodeInfo.ChannelCount > 0, nil
// fetchChannelEdgesByID fetches the edge info for the passed channel and
// returns the channeldb structs filled with the data that is needed for
// LND's SelectHopHints implementation.
func fetchChannelEdgesByID(ctx context.Context,
lndClient lndclient.LightningClient, chanID uint64) (
*models.ChannelEdgeInfo, *models.ChannelEdgePolicy,
*models.ChannelEdgePolicy, error) {
chanInfo, err := lndClient.GetChanInfo(ctx, chanID)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
edgeInfo := &models.ChannelEdgeInfo{
ChannelID: chanID,
NodeKey1Bytes: chanInfo.Node1,
NodeKey2Bytes: chanInfo.Node2,
policy1 := &models.ChannelEdgePolicy{
FeeBaseMSat: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
FeeProportionalMillionths: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
TimeLockDelta: uint16(chanInfo.Node1Policy.TimeLockDelta),
policy2 := &models.ChannelEdgePolicy{
FeeBaseMSat: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
FeeProportionalMillionths: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
TimeLockDelta: uint16(chanInfo.Node2Policy.TimeLockDelta),
return edgeInfo, policy1, policy2, nil
// parseOutPoint attempts to parse an outpoint from the passed in string.
func parseOutPoint(s string) (*wire.OutPoint, error) {
split := strings.Split(s, ":")
if len(split) != 2 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("expecting outpoint to be in format "+
"of txid:index: %s", s)
index, err := strconv.ParseInt(split[1], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to decode output index: %v", err)
txid, err := chainhash.NewHashFromStr(split[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to parse hex string: %v", err)
return &wire.OutPoint{
Hash: *txid,
Index: uint32(index),
}, nil
// getAlias tries to get the ShortChannelId from the passed ChannelId and
// aliasCache.
func getAlias(aliasCache map[lnwire.ChannelID]lnwire.ShortChannelID,
channelID lnwire.ChannelID) (lnwire.ShortChannelID, error) {
if channelID, ok := aliasCache[channelID]; ok {
return channelID, nil
return lnwire.ShortChannelID{}, fmt.Errorf("can't find channelId")
// SelectHopHints calls into LND's exposed SelectHopHints prefiltered to the
// includeNodes map (unless it's empty).
func SelectHopHints(ctx context.Context, lndClient lndclient.LightningClient,
amt btcutil.Amount, numMaxHophints int,
includeNodes map[route.Vertex]struct{}) ([][]zpay32.HopHint, error) {
aliasCache := make(map[lnwire.ChannelID]lnwire.ShortChannelID)
// Fetch all active and public channels.
channels, err := lndClient.ListChannels(ctx, false, false)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
openChannels := []*HopHintInfo{}
for _, channel := range channels {
if len(includeNodes) > 0 {
if _, ok := includeNodes[channel.PubKeyBytes]; !ok {
outPoint, err := parseOutPoint(channel.ChannelPoint)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
remotePubkey, err := btcec.ParsePubKey(channel.PubKeyBytes[:])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
openChannels = append(
openChannels, &HopHintInfo{
IsPublic: !channel.Private,
IsActive: channel.Active,
FundingOutpoint: *outPoint,
RemotePubkey: remotePubkey,
RemoteBalance: lnwire.MilliSatoshi(
channel.RemoteBalance * 1000,
ShortChannelID: channel.ChannelID,
channelID := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(*outPoint)
scID := lnwire.NewShortChanIDFromInt(channel.ChannelID)
aliasCache[channelID] = scID
cfg := &SelectHopHintsCfg{
IsPublicNode: func(pubKey [33]byte) (bool, error) {
return isPublicNode(ctx, lndClient, pubKey)
FetchChannelEdgesByID: func(chanID uint64) (
*models.ChannelEdgeInfo, *models.ChannelEdgePolicy,
*models.ChannelEdgePolicy, error) {
return fetchChannelEdgesByID(ctx, lndClient, chanID)
GetAlias: func(id lnwire.ChannelID) (
lnwire.ShortChannelID, error) {
return getAlias(aliasCache, id)
routeHints := invoicesrpcSelectHopHints(
lnwire.MilliSatoshi(amt*1000), cfg, openChannels, numMaxHophints,
return routeHints, nil
// chanCanBeHopHint returns true if the target channel is eligible to be a hop
// hint.
func chanCanBeHopHint(channel *HopHintInfo, cfg *SelectHopHintsCfg) (
*models.ChannelEdgePolicy, bool) {
// Since we're only interested in our private channels, we'll skip
// public ones.
if channel.IsPublic {
return nil, false
// Make sure the channel is active.
if !channel.IsActive {
log.Debugf("Skipping channel %v due to not "+
"being eligible to forward payments",
return nil, false
// To ensure we don't leak unadvertised nodes, we'll make sure our
// counterparty is publicly advertised within the network. Otherwise,
// we'll end up leaking information about nodes that intend to stay
// unadvertised, like in the case of a node only having private
// channels.
var remotePub [33]byte
copy(remotePub[:], channel.RemotePubkey.SerializeCompressed())
isRemoteNodePublic, err := cfg.IsPublicNode(remotePub)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to determine if node %x "+
"is advertised: %v", remotePub, err)
return nil, false
if !isRemoteNodePublic {
log.Debugf("Skipping channel %v due to "+
"counterparty %x being unadvertised",
channel.ShortChannelID, remotePub)
return nil, false
// Fetch the policies for each end of the channel.
info, p1, p2, err := cfg.FetchChannelEdgesByID(channel.ShortChannelID)
if err != nil {
// In the case of zero-conf channels, it may be the case that
// the alias SCID was deleted from the graph, and replaced by
// the confirmed SCID. Check the Graph for the confirmed SCID.
confirmedScid := channel.ConfirmedScidZC
info, p1, p2, err = cfg.FetchChannelEdgesByID(confirmedScid)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Unable to fetch the routing policies for "+
"the edges of the channel %v: %v",
channel.ShortChannelID, err)
return nil, false
// Now, we'll need to determine which is the correct policy for HTLCs
// being sent from the remote node.
var remotePolicy *models.ChannelEdgePolicy
if bytes.Equal(remotePub[:], info.NodeKey1Bytes[:]) {
remotePolicy = p1
} else {
remotePolicy = p2
return remotePolicy, true
// addHopHint creates a hop hint out of the passed channel and channel policy.
// The new hop hint is appended to the passed slice.
func addHopHint(hopHints *[][]zpay32.HopHint,
channel *HopHintInfo, chanPolicy *models.ChannelEdgePolicy,
aliasScid lnwire.ShortChannelID) {
hopHint := zpay32.HopHint{
NodeID: channel.RemotePubkey,
ChannelID: channel.ShortChannelID,
FeeBaseMSat: uint32(chanPolicy.FeeBaseMSat),
FeeProportionalMillionths: uint32(
CLTVExpiryDelta: chanPolicy.TimeLockDelta,
var defaultScid lnwire.ShortChannelID
if aliasScid != defaultScid {
hopHint.ChannelID = aliasScid.ToUint64()
*hopHints = append(*hopHints, []zpay32.HopHint{hopHint})
// HopHintInfo contains the channel information required to create a hop hint.
type HopHintInfo struct {
// IsPublic indicates whether a channel is advertised to the network.
IsPublic bool
// IsActive indicates whether the channel is online and available for
// use.
IsActive bool
// FundingOutpoint is the funding txid:index for the channel.
FundingOutpoint wire.OutPoint
// RemotePubkey is the public key of the remote party that this channel
// is in.
RemotePubkey *btcec.PublicKey
// RemoteBalance is the remote party's balance (our current incoming
// capacity).
RemoteBalance lnwire.MilliSatoshi
// ShortChannelID is the short channel ID of the channel.
ShortChannelID uint64
// ConfirmedScidZC is the confirmed SCID of a zero-conf channel. This
// may be used for looking up a channel in the graph.
ConfirmedScidZC uint64
// ScidAliasFeature denotes whether the channel has negotiated the
// option-scid-alias feature bit.
ScidAliasFeature bool
// SelectHopHintsCfg contains the dependencies required to obtain hop hints
// for an invoice.
type SelectHopHintsCfg struct {
// IsPublicNode is returns a bool indicating whether the node with the
// given public key is seen as a public node in the graph from the
// graph's source node's point of view.
IsPublicNode func(pubKey [33]byte) (bool, error)
// FetchChannelEdgesByID attempts to lookup the two directed edges for
// the channel identified by the channel ID.
FetchChannelEdgesByID func(chanID uint64) (*models.ChannelEdgeInfo,
*models.ChannelEdgePolicy, *models.ChannelEdgePolicy,
// GetAlias allows the peer's alias SCID to be retrieved for private
// option_scid_alias channels.
GetAlias func(lnwire.ChannelID) (lnwire.ShortChannelID, error)
// sufficientHints checks whether we have sufficient hop hints, based on the
// following criteria:
// - Hop hint count: limit to a set number of hop hints, regardless of whether
// we've reached our invoice amount or not.
// - Total incoming capacity: limit to our invoice amount * scaling factor to
// allow for some of our links going offline.
// We limit our number of hop hints like this to keep our invoice size down,
// and to avoid leaking all our private channels when we don't need to.
func sufficientHints(numHints, maxHints, scalingFactor int, amount,
totalHintAmount lnwire.MilliSatoshi) bool {
if numHints >= maxHints {
log.Debug("Reached maximum number of hop hints")
return true
requiredAmount := amount * lnwire.MilliSatoshi(scalingFactor)
if totalHintAmount >= requiredAmount {
log.Debugf("Total hint amount: %v has reached target hint "+
"bandwidth: %v (invoice amount: %v * factor: %v)",
totalHintAmount, requiredAmount, amount,
return true
return false
// SelectHopHints will select up to numMaxHophints from the set of passed open
// channels. The set of hop hints will be returned as a slice of functional
// options that'll append the route hint to the set of all route hints.
// TODO(sputn1ck): remove when
// is merged to a new lnd release.
func invoicesrpcSelectHopHints(amtMSat lnwire.MilliSatoshi, cfg *SelectHopHintsCfg,
openChannels []*HopHintInfo,
numMaxHophints int) [][]zpay32.HopHint {
// We'll add our hop hints in two passes, first we'll add all channels
// that are eligible to be hop hints, and also have a local balance
// above the payment amount.
var totalHintBandwidth lnwire.MilliSatoshi
hopHintChans := make(map[wire.OutPoint]struct{})
hopHints := make([][]zpay32.HopHint, 0, numMaxHophints)
for _, channel := range openChannels {
channel := channel
enoughHopHints := sufficientHints(
len(hopHints), numMaxHophints, hopHintFactor, amtMSat,
if enoughHopHints {
log.Debugf("First pass of hop selection has " +
"sufficient hints")
return hopHints
// If this channel can't be a hop hint, then skip it.
edgePolicy, canBeHopHint := chanCanBeHopHint(channel, cfg)
if edgePolicy == nil || !canBeHopHint {
// Similarly, in this first pass, we'll ignore all channels in
// isolation can't satisfy this payment.
if channel.RemoteBalance < amtMSat {
// Lookup and see if there is an alias SCID that exists.
chanID := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(
alias, _ := cfg.GetAlias(chanID)
// If this is a channel where the option-scid-alias feature bit
// was negotiated and the alias is not yet assigned, we cannot
// issue an invoice. Doing so might expose the confirmed SCID
// of a private channel.
if channel.ScidAliasFeature {
var defaultScid lnwire.ShortChannelID
if alias == defaultScid {
// Now that we now this channel use usable, add it as a hop
// hint and the indexes we'll use later.
addHopHint(&hopHints, channel, edgePolicy, alias)
hopHintChans[channel.FundingOutpoint] = struct{}{}
totalHintBandwidth += channel.RemoteBalance
// In this second pass we'll add channels, and we'll either stop when
// we have 20 hop hints, we've run through all the available channels,
// or if the sum of available bandwidth in the routing hints exceeds 2x
// the payment amount. We do 2x here to account for a margin of error
// if some of the selected channels no longer become operable.
for i := 0; i < len(openChannels); i++ {
enoughHopHints := sufficientHints(
len(hopHints), numMaxHophints, hopHintFactor, amtMSat,
if enoughHopHints {
log.Debugf("Second pass of hop selection has " +
"sufficient hints")
return hopHints
channel := openChannels[i]
// Skip the channel if we already selected it.
if _, ok := hopHintChans[channel.FundingOutpoint]; ok {
// If the channel can't be a hop hint, then we'll skip it.
// Otherwise, we'll use the policy information to populate the
// hop hint.
remotePolicy, canBeHopHint := chanCanBeHopHint(channel, cfg)
if !canBeHopHint || remotePolicy == nil {
// Lookup and see if there's an alias SCID that exists.
chanID := lnwire.NewChanIDFromOutPoint(
alias, _ := cfg.GetAlias(chanID)
// If this is a channel where the option-scid-alias feature bit
// was negotiated and the alias is not yet assigned, we cannot
// issue an invoice. Doing so might expose the confirmed SCID
// of a private channel.
if channel.ScidAliasFeature {
var defaultScid lnwire.ShortChannelID
if alias == defaultScid {
// Include the route hint in our set of options that will be
// used when creating the invoice.
addHopHint(&hopHints, channel, remotePolicy, alias)
// As we've just added a new hop hint, we'll accumulate it's
// available balance now to update our tally.
// TODO(roasbeef): have a cut off based on min bandwidth?
totalHintBandwidth += channel.RemoteBalance
return hopHints