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onion routing scheme:
K = 8
A builds a path of length N over R[0], R[1], ... R[N] where A is connected directly to R[0] and N < K
R[i] is a router on the network
R[i].e is the e value in that router's RC
R[i].e_sk is the corrisponding secret key for R[i].e
A builds an LRCM, M that has K ciphertext records in M.b
A sends M to R[0]
starting at i = 0
M is receieved by R[i]
R[i] takes M.b[0] as a_c verifies hmac and decrypts as a LRCR a_p using:
h = a_c[0:32]
n = a_c[32:64]
e_pK = a_c[64:96]
x = a_c[96:]
s_K = PKE(e_pK, R[i].e, R[i].e_sk, n)
verify MDS(x, s_K) == h
R[i] generates a response record b_p for a successful path build
b_p = BE({ c: "a", p: a_p.p, v: 0, x: RAND(512) })
and encrypts b_p using:
n = RAND(32)
s_K = PKE(a_p.k, R.e, R.e_sk, a_p.n)
x = SE(s_k, n, b_p)
h = MDS(x, s_k)
R[i] pops off the first value from M.b (such that M.b[1] is now M.b[0])
R[i] pushes to to the end of M.b the bytestring h + n + x
this is effectively setting M.b[K-1] = h + n + x
R[i] relays M to router R[i+1] who is the router with RC.k equal to a_p.i