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Wire Protocol (version 1)
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].
LLARP supports by default an authenticated message transport over a
datagram based network layer.
outer message format:
A: command,
B: <16 bytes flow id>,
C: <optional 32 bytes cookie>,
X: <N bytes payload>
A - get handshake cookie
obtain a handshake cookie
B is randomized
X MUST contain the user agent string of the requester.
the if the network id differs from the current network's id a reject message is
A: R,
B: msg.B,
X: "<reply line>"
MUST be replied to with a message rejected or a give handshake cookie
C - give handshake cookie
give a handshake cookie to a remote endpoint that asks for one
B is the B value from the get handshake cookie message
X is a 32 byte handshake cookie, calcuated via:
r = RAND(32)
a = "<ascii representation of ip>" + " " + "<port number>"
X = HS(a + B + r)
R - message rejected
B is the flow id from the recipiant
X is a reply line
reject a message with flow id B
S - session negotiation
negotiate encrypted session
B is the flow id from the recipiant
C is the handshake cookie
X is encrypted session negotiation data
D - encrypted data transmission
transmit encrypted data on session
B is the flow id from the recipiant
X is authenticated and encrypted data
<reply-line> ::= <status-code> <space> <method> <space> <message>
<status-code> ::= <integer> <digit> <digit>
<word> ::= <letter>+
<message> ::= <word> <space> <word>* | <word>
<method> ::= "COOKIE" | "HANDSHAKE"
<user-agent> ::= <net-id> <space> <protocol-version> <space> <agent-version>
<net-id> ::= "lokinet" | "testnet"
<space> ::= " "
<zero> ::= "0"
<integer> ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
<digit> ::= <zero> | <integer>
<number> ::= <zero> | <integer> <digit>*
<agent-version> ::= <number> "." <number> "." <number>
<protocol-version> ::= <number>
session negotiation:
The session starts out with each side having 2 session keys rx_K and tx_K for
decrypting inbound messages and encrypting outbound messages respectively.
The initiator (alice) and the recipiant (bob) start out with static session keys
k_a = HS(a.k)
k_b = HS(b.k)
a.rx_K = k_a
b.rx_K = k_b
a.tx_K = k_b
b.tx_K = k_a
inner message format:
<32 bytes blake2s keyed hash of following data>
<24 bytes nounce>
<remaining bytes encrypted payload>
decryption is done via:
SD(remaining, rx_K, nounce)
encrypted payload is bencoded LIM (see proto_v0.txt)
the initiator starts out by sending a LIM a_LIM to the recipiant.
the recipiant replies with a LIM b_LIM to the initiator.
when the initiator gets a valid LIM from the recipiant the session keys for data
transmission are set to:
k_a = TKE(a.k, b.k,, a_LIM.n)
k_b = TKE(b.k, a.k,, b_LIM.n)
a.rx_K = k_a
b.rx_K = k_b
a.tx_K = k_b
b.tx_K = k_a
afterwards data transmission may happen
data tranmission:
message format:
<10 byte header>
<remaining data payload>
header format:
<1 byte proto version>
<1 byte command>
<1 byte flags>
<1 byte fragno>
<2 bytes fraglen>
<4 bytes seqno>