You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

275 lines
6.6 KiB

#pragma once
// for addrinfo
#ifndef _WIN32
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <ws2tcpip.h>
#define inet_aton(x, y) inet_pton(AF_INET, x, y)
#include "net.h"
#include "uint128.hpp"
#include <llarp/util/formattable.hpp>
#include <oxenc/variant.h>
#include <cstdlib> // for itoa
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
namespace llarp
template <typename UInt_t>
struct huint_t
UInt_t h;
constexpr huint_t operator&(huint_t x) const
return huint_t{UInt_t{h & x.h}};
constexpr huint_t operator|(huint_t x) const
return huint_t{UInt_t{h | x.h}};
constexpr huint_t operator-(huint_t x) const
return huint_t{UInt_t{h - x.h}};
constexpr huint_t operator+(huint_t x) const
return huint_t{UInt_t{h + x.h}};
constexpr huint_t operator^(huint_t x) const
return huint_t{UInt_t{h ^ x.h}};
constexpr huint_t operator~() const
return huint_t{UInt_t{~h}};
constexpr huint_t operator<<(int n) const
UInt_t v{h};
v <<= n;
return huint_t{v};
inline huint_t operator++()
return *this;
inline huint_t operator--()
return *this;
constexpr bool operator<(huint_t x) const
return h < x.h;
constexpr bool operator!=(huint_t x) const
return h != x.h;
constexpr bool operator==(huint_t x) const
return h == x.h;
using V6Container = std::vector<uint8_t>;
[[deprecated]] void ToV6(V6Container& c);
std::string ToString() const;
bool FromString(const std::string&);
using huint32_t = huint_t<uint32_t>;
using huint16_t = huint_t<uint16_t>;
using huint128_t = huint_t<llarp::uint128_t>;
template <typename UInt_t>
struct nuint_t
UInt_t n = 0;
constexpr nuint_t operator&(nuint_t x) const
return nuint_t{UInt_t(n & x.n)};
constexpr nuint_t operator|(nuint_t x) const
return nuint_t{UInt_t(n | x.n)};
constexpr nuint_t operator^(nuint_t x) const
return nuint_t{UInt_t(n ^ x.n)};
constexpr nuint_t operator~() const
return nuint_t{UInt_t(~n)};
inline nuint_t operator++()
return *this;
inline nuint_t operator--()
return *this;
constexpr bool operator<(nuint_t x) const
return n < x.n;
constexpr bool operator!=(nuint_t x) const
return n != x.n;
constexpr bool operator==(nuint_t x) const
return n == x.n;
using V6Container = std::vector<uint8_t>;
[[deprecated]] void ToV6(V6Container& c);
std::string ToString() const;
bool FromString(const std::string& data)
huint_t<UInt_t> x;
if (not x.FromString(data))
return false;
*this = ToNet(x);
return true;
inline static nuint_t<UInt_t> from_string(const std::string& str)
nuint_t<UInt_t> x{};
if (not x.FromString(str))
throw std::invalid_argument{fmt::format("{} is not a valid value")};
return x;
template <typename... Args_t>
inline static nuint_t<UInt_t> from_host(Args_t&&... args)
return ToNet(huint_t<UInt_t>{std::forward<Args_t>(args)...});
namespace net
/// hides the nuint types used with net_port_t / net_ipv4addr_t / net_ipv6addr_t
using n_uint16_t = llarp::nuint_t<uint16_t>;
using n_uint32_t = llarp::nuint_t<uint32_t>;
using n_uint128_t = llarp::nuint_t<llarp::uint128_t>;
} // namespace
using port_t = n_uint16_t;
using ipv4addr_t = n_uint32_t;
using flowlabel_t = n_uint32_t;
using ipv6addr_t = n_uint128_t;
using ipaddr_t = std::variant<ipv4addr_t, ipv6addr_t>;
std::string ToString(const ipaddr_t& ip);
huint16_t ToHost(port_t);
huint32_t ToHost(ipv4addr_t);
huint128_t ToHost(ipv6addr_t);
port_t ToNet(huint16_t);
ipv4addr_t ToNet(huint32_t);
ipv6addr_t ToNet(huint128_t);
} // namespace net
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsToStringFormattable<huint128_t> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsToStringFormattable<huint32_t> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsToStringFormattable<huint16_t> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsToStringFormattable<net::ipv6addr_t> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsToStringFormattable<net::ipv4addr_t> = true;
template <>
inline constexpr bool IsToStringFormattable<net::port_t> = true;
using nuint16_t /* [[deprecated("use llarp::net::port_t instead")]] */ = llarp::net::port_t;
using nuint32_t /* [[deprecated("use llarp::net::ipv4addr_t instead")]] */ = llarp::net::ipv4addr_t;
using nuint128_t /* [[deprecated("use llarp::net::ipv6addr_t instead")]] */ = llarp::net::ipv6addr_t;
template <typename UInt_t>
/* [[deprecated("use llarp::net::ToNet instead")]] */ inline llarp::nuint_t<UInt_t> ToNet(
llarp::huint_t<UInt_t> x)
return llarp::net::ToNet(x);
template <typename UInt_t>
/* [[deprecated("use llarp::net::ToHost instead")]] */ inline llarp::huint_t<UInt_t> ToHost(
llarp::nuint_t<UInt_t> x)
return llarp::net::ToHost(x);
/* [[deprecated("use llarp::net::ToHost instead")]] */ inline net::ipv4addr_t xhtonl(huint32_t x)
return ToNet(x);
} // namespace llarp
namespace std
template <typename UInt_t>
struct hash<llarp::nuint_t<UInt_t>>
size_t operator()(const llarp::nuint_t<UInt_t>& x) const
return std::hash<UInt_t>{}(x.n);
template <typename UInt_t>
struct hash<llarp::huint_t<UInt_t>>
size_t operator()(const llarp::huint_t<UInt_t>& x) const
return std::hash<UInt_t>{}(x.h);
} // namespace std