You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

336 lines
11 KiB

#pragma once
#include "router_id.hpp"
#include "router_version.hpp"
#include <llarp/constants/version.hpp>
#include <llarp/crypto/types.hpp>
#include <llarp/dns/srv_data.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/aligned.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/bencode.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/status.hpp>
#include <llarp/util/time.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <oxen/quic.hpp>
#include <oxenc/bt_producer.h>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
namespace llarp
static auto logcat = log::Cat("RC");
static inline constexpr size_t NETID_SIZE{8};
/// On the wire we encode the data as a dict containing:
/// "" -- the RC format version, which must be == RouterContact::Version for us to attempt to
/// parse the reset of the fields. (Future versions might have backwards-compat support
/// for lower versions).
/// "4" -- 6 byte packed IPv4 address & port: 4 bytes of IPv4 address followed by 2 bytes of
/// port, both encoded in network (i.e. big-endian) order.
/// "6" -- optional 18 byte IPv6 address & port: 16 byte raw IPv6 address followed by 2 bytes
/// of port in network order.
/// "i" -- optional network ID string of up to 8 bytes; this is omitted for the default network
/// ID ("lokinet") but included for others (such as "testnet" for testnet).
/// "p" -- 32-byte router pubkey
/// "t" -- timestamp when this RC record was created (which also implicitly determines when it
/// goes stale and when it expires).
/// "v" -- lokinet version of the router; this is a three-byte packed value of
/// MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH, e.g. \x00\x0a\x03 for 0.10.3.
/// "~" -- signature of all of the previous serialized data, signed by "p"
/// RouterContact
struct RouterContact
static constexpr uint8_t RC_VERSION = 0;
/// Unit tests disable this to allow private IP ranges in RCs, which normally get rejected.
static inline bool BLOCK_BOGONS = true;
static inline std::string ACTIVE_NETID{LOKINET_DEFAULT_NETID};
static inline constexpr size_t MAX_RC_SIZE = 1024;
/// How long (from its signing time) before an RC is considered "stale". Relays republish
/// their RCs slightly more frequently than this so that ideally this won't happen.
static constexpr auto STALE_AGE = 6h;
/// How long (from its signing time) before an RC becomes "outdated". Outdated records are
/// used (e.g. for path building) only if there are no newer records available, such as
/// might be the case when a client has been turned off for a while.
static constexpr auto OUTDATED_AGE = 12h;
/// How long before an RC becomes invalid (and thus deleted).
static constexpr auto LIFETIME = 30 * 24h;
ustring_view view() const
return _payload;
/// Getters for private attributes
const oxen::quic::Address& addr() const
return _addr;
const std::optional<oxen::quic::Address>& addr6() const
return _addr6;
const RouterID& router_id() const
return _router_id;
const rc_time& timestamp() const
return _timestamp;
// advertised addresses
oxen::quic::Address _addr; // refactor all 15 uses to use addr() method
std::optional<oxen::quic::Address> _addr6; // optional ipv6
// public signing public key
RouterID _router_id; // refactor all 103 uses to use router_id() method
rc_time _timestamp{};
// Lokinet version at the time the RC was produced
std::array<uint8_t, 3> _router_version;
// In both Remote and Local RC's, the entire bt-encoded payload given at construction is
// emplaced here.
// In a RemoteRC, this value will be held for the lifetime of the object
// s.t. it can be returned upon calls to ::bt_encode.
// In a LocalRC, this value will be supplanted any time a mutator is invoked, requiring
// the re-signing of the payload.
ustring _payload;
/// should we serialize the exit info?
const static bool serializeExit = true;
util::StatusObject extract_status() const;
nlohmann::json to_json() const
return extract_status();
virtual std::string to_string() const
return fmt::format(
"[RC k={} updated={} v={} addr={}]",
bool write(const fs::path& fname) const;
bool operator==(const RouterContact& other) const
return _router_id == other._router_id and _addr == other._addr
and _addr6 == other._addr6 and _timestamp == other._timestamp
and _router_version == other._router_version;
bool operator<(const RouterContact& other) const
return _router_id < other._router_id;
bool operator!=(const RouterContact& other) const
return !(*this == other);
virtual void clear()
bool is_public_addressable() const;
/// does this RC expire soon? default delta is 1 minute
bool expires_within_delta(llarp_time_t now, llarp_time_t dlt = 1min) const;
/// returns true if this RC is expired and should be removed
bool is_expired(llarp_time_t now) const;
/// returns time in ms until we expire or 0 if we have expired
llarp_time_t time_to_expiry(llarp_time_t now) const;
/// get the age of this RC in ms
llarp_time_t age(llarp_time_t now) const;
bool other_is_newer(const RouterContact& other) const
return _timestamp < other._timestamp;
bool is_obsolete_bootstrap() const;
static bool is_obsolete(const RouterContact& rc);
void bt_verify(oxenc::bt_dict_consumer& data, bool reject_expired = false) const;
void bt_load(oxenc::bt_dict_consumer& data);
struct RemoteRC;
/// Extension of RouterContact used to store a local "RC," and inserts a RouterContact by
/// re-parsing and sending it out. This sub-class contains a pubkey and all the other attributes
/// required for signing and serialization
/// Note: this class may be entirely superfluous, so it is used here as a placeholder until its
/// marginal utility is determined. It may end up as a free-floating method that reads in
/// parameters and outputs a bt-serialized string
struct LocalRC final : public RouterContact
static LocalRC make(const SecretKey secret, oxen::quic::Address local);
ustring _signature;
SecretKey _secret_key;
void bt_sign(oxenc::bt_dict_producer& btdp);
void bt_encode(oxenc::bt_dict_producer& btdp);
LocalRC(const SecretKey secret, oxen::quic::Address local);
LocalRC() = default;
~LocalRC() = default;
RemoteRC to_remote();
void resign();
void clear() override
_addr = oxen::quic::Address{};
_timestamp = {};
bool operator==(const LocalRC& other) const
return _router_id == other._router_id and _addr == other._addr
and _addr6 == other._addr6 and _timestamp == other._timestamp
and _router_version == other._router_version and _signature == other._signature;
/// Mutators for the private member attributes. Calling on the mutators
/// will clear the current signature and re-sign the RC
void set_addr(oxen::quic::Address new_addr)
_addr = std::move(new_addr);
void set_addr6(oxen::quic::Address new_addr)
_addr6 = std::move(new_addr);
void set_router_id(RouterID rid)
_router_id = std::move(rid);
void set_timestamp(llarp_time_t ts)
void set_timestamp(rc_time ts)
_timestamp = ts;
/// Sets RC timestamp to current system clock time
void set_systime_timestamp()
/// Extension of RouterContact used in a "read-only" fashion. Parses the incoming RC to query
/// the data in the constructor, eliminating the need for a ::verify method/
struct RemoteRC final : public RouterContact
RemoteRC() = default;
explicit RemoteRC(std::string_view data) : RemoteRC{oxenc::bt_dict_consumer{data}}
_payload = {reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(, data.size()};
explicit RemoteRC(ustring_view data) : RemoteRC{oxenc::bt_dict_consumer{data}}
_payload = data;
explicit RemoteRC(oxenc::bt_dict_consumer btdc);
~RemoteRC() = default;
std::string_view view() const
return {reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, _payload.size()};
bool verify() const;
bool read(const fs::path& fname);
void clear() override
_addr = oxen::quic::Address{};
_timestamp = {};
template <>
constexpr inline bool IsToStringFormattable<RouterContact> = true;
template <>
constexpr inline bool IsToStringFormattable<RemoteRC> = true;
template <>
constexpr inline bool IsToStringFormattable<LocalRC> = true;
using RouterLookupHandler = std::function<void(const std::vector<RemoteRC>&)>;
} // namespace llarp
namespace std
template <>
struct hash<llarp::RouterContact>
virtual size_t operator()(const llarp::RouterContact& r) const
return std::hash<llarp::PubKey>{}(r.router_id());
template <>
struct hash<llarp::RemoteRC> : public hash<llarp::RouterContact>
template <>
struct hash<llarp::LocalRC> final : public hash<llarp::RouterContact>
} // namespace std