You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

257 lines
6.1 KiB

#include <crypto/constants.hpp>
#include <router_id.hpp>
#include <util/aligned.hpp>
#include <util/types.hpp>
#include <util/fs.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
namespace llarp
using SharedSecret = AlignedBuffer<SHAREDKEYSIZE>;
using KeyExchangeNonce = AlignedBuffer<32>;
struct PubKey final : public AlignedBuffer<PUBKEYSIZE>
PubKey() = default;
explicit PubKey(const byte_t* ptr) : AlignedBuffer<SIZE>(ptr)
explicit PubKey(const Data& data) : AlignedBuffer<SIZE>(data)
explicit PubKey(const AlignedBuffer<SIZE>& other) : AlignedBuffer<SIZE>(other)
ToString() const;
FromString(const std::string& str);
operator RouterID() const
return RouterID(as_array());
operator=(const byte_t* ptr)
std::copy(ptr, ptr + SIZE, begin());
return *this;
inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& out, const PubKey& k)
return out << k.ToString();
inline bool
operator==(const PubKey& lhs, const PubKey& rhs)
return lhs.as_array() == rhs.as_array();
inline bool
operator==(const PubKey& lhs, const RouterID& rhs)
return lhs.as_array() == rhs.as_array();
inline bool
operator==(const RouterID& lhs, const PubKey& rhs)
return lhs.as_array() == rhs.as_array();
struct PrivateKey;
/// Stores a sodium "secret key" value, which is actually the seed
/// concatenated with the public key. Note that the seed is *not* the private
/// key value itself, but rather the seed from which it can be calculated.
struct SecretKey final : public AlignedBuffer<SECKEYSIZE>
SecretKey() = default;
explicit SecretKey(const byte_t* ptr) : AlignedBuffer<SECKEYSIZE>(ptr)
// The full data
explicit SecretKey(const AlignedBuffer<SECKEYSIZE>& seed) : AlignedBuffer<SECKEYSIZE>(seed)
// Just the seed, we recalculate the pubkey
explicit SecretKey(const AlignedBuffer<32>& seed)
std::copy(seed.begin(), seed.end(), begin());
/// recalculate public component
print(std::ostream& stream, int level, int spaces) const
Printer printer(stream, level, spaces);
return stream;
toPublic() const
return PubKey(data() + 32);
/// Computes the private key from the secret key (which is actually the
/// seed)
toPrivate(PrivateKey& key) const;
LoadFromFile(const fs::path& fname);
SaveToFile(const fs::path& fname) const;
inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SecretKey&)
// return out << k.ToHex();
// make sure we never print out secret keys
return out << "[secretkey]";
/// PrivateKey is similar to SecretKey except that it only stores the private
/// key value and a hash, unlike SecretKey which stores the seed from which
/// the private key and hash value are generated. This is primarily intended
/// for use with derived keys, where we can derive the private key but not the
/// seed.
struct PrivateKey final : public AlignedBuffer<64>
PrivateKey() = default;
explicit PrivateKey(const byte_t* ptr) : AlignedBuffer<64>(ptr)
explicit PrivateKey(const AlignedBuffer<64>& key_and_hash) : AlignedBuffer<64>(key_and_hash)
/// Returns a pointer to the beginning of the 32-byte hash which is used for
/// pseudorandomness when signing with this private key.
const byte_t*
signingHash() const
return data() + 32;
/// Returns a pointer to the beginning of the 32-byte hash which is used for
/// pseudorandomness when signing with this private key.
return data() + 32;
print(std::ostream& stream, int level, int spaces) const
Printer printer(stream, level, spaces);
return stream;
/// Computes the public key
toPublic(PubKey& pubkey) const;
inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& out, const PrivateKey&)
// return out << k.ToHex();
// make sure we never print out private keys
return out << "[privatekey]";
/// IdentitySecret is a secret key from a service node secret seed
struct IdentitySecret final : public AlignedBuffer<32>
IdentitySecret() : AlignedBuffer<32>()
/// no copy constructor
explicit IdentitySecret(const IdentitySecret&) = delete;
// no byte data constructor
explicit IdentitySecret(const byte_t*) = delete;
/// load service node seed from file
LoadFromFile(const fs::path& fname);
inline std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& out, const IdentitySecret&)
// make sure we never print out secret keys
return out << "[IdentitySecret]";
using ShortHash = AlignedBuffer<SHORTHASHSIZE>;
using LongHash = AlignedBuffer<HASHSIZE>;
struct Signature final : public AlignedBuffer<SIGSIZE>
const byte_t*
Hi() const;
const byte_t*
Lo() const;
using TunnelNonce = AlignedBuffer<TUNNONCESIZE>;
using SymmNonce = AlignedBuffer<NONCESIZE>;
using SymmKey = AlignedBuffer<32>;
using PQCipherBlock = AlignedBuffer<PQ_CIPHERTEXTSIZE + 1>;
using PQPubKey = AlignedBuffer<PQ_PUBKEYSIZE>;
using PQKeyPair = AlignedBuffer<PQ_KEYPAIRSIZE>;
/// PKE(result, publickey, secretkey, nonce)
using path_dh_func =
std::function<bool(SharedSecret&, const PubKey&, const SecretKey&, const TunnelNonce&)>;
/// TKE(result, publickey, secretkey, nonce)
using transport_dh_func =
std::function<bool(SharedSecret&, const PubKey&, const SecretKey&, const TunnelNonce&)>;
/// SH(result, body)
using shorthash_func = std::function<bool(ShortHash&, const llarp_buffer_t&)>;
} // namespace llarp