You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

484 lines
14 KiB

#include <llarp/endian.h>
#include <llarp/dnsd.hpp> // for llarp_handle_dnsd_recvfrom, dnsc
#include <llarp/logger.hpp>
hexDump(const char *buffer, uint16_t size)
// would rather heap allocate than use VLA
char *hex_buffer = new char[size * 3 + 1];
hex_buffer[size * 3] = 0;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < size; j++)
sprintf(&hex_buffer[3 * j], "%02X ", buffer[j]);
std::string str(hex_buffer);
llarp::LogInfo("First ", size, " bytes: ", str);
delete[] hex_buffer;
hexDumpAt(const char *const buffer, uint32_t pos, uint16_t size)
// would rather heap allocate than use VLA
char *hex_buffer = new char[size * 3 + 1];
hex_buffer[size * 3] = 0;
for(unsigned int j = 0; j < size; j++)
sprintf(&hex_buffer[3 * j], "%02X ", buffer[pos + j]);
std::string str(hex_buffer);
llarp::LogInfo(pos, " ", size, " bytes: ", str);
delete[] hex_buffer;
<domain-name> is a domain name represented as a series of labels, and
terminated by a label with zero length. <character-string> is a single
length octet followed by that number of characters. <character-string>
is treated as binary information, and can be up to 256 characters in
length (including the length octet).
getDNSstring(const char *const buffer, uint32_t *pos)
std::string str = "";
const char *moveable = buffer;
moveable += *pos;
uint8_t length = *moveable++;
if(length == 0xc0)
uint8_t cPos = *moveable++;
uint32_t cPos32 = cPos;
// llarp::LogInfo("Found reference at ", std::to_string(cPos));
return getDNSstring(buffer, &cPos32);
// hexDump(moveable, length);
// hexDump(buffer, length);
// printf("dnsStringLen[%d]\n", length);
// llarp::LogInfo("dnsStringLen ", std::to_string(length));
return str;
while(length != 0)
// llarp::LogInfo("Reading ", std::to_string(length));
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
char c = *moveable++;
str.append(1, c);
if(*moveable == '\xc0')
(*pos)++; // forward one char
uint8_t cPos = *moveable; // read char
uint32_t cPos32 = cPos;
// llarp::LogInfo("Remaining [", str, "] is an reference at ", (int)cPos);
std::string addl = getDNSstring(buffer, &cPos32);
// llarp::LogInfo("Addl str [", addl, "]");
str += "." + addl;
// llarp::LogInfo("Final str [", str, "]");
(*pos)++; // move past reference
return str;
length = *moveable++;
if(length > 64)
llarp::LogError("bug detected");
// else
// hexDump(buffer, length);
// llarp::LogInfo("NextLen ", std::to_string(length));
if(length != 0)
str.append(1, '.');
// llarp::LogInfo("Returning ", str);
return str;
code_domain(char *&buffer, const std::string &domain) throw()
std::string::size_type start(0);
std::string::size_type end; // indexes
// llarp::LogInfo("domain [", domain, "]");
while((end = domain.find('.', start)) != std::string::npos)
*buffer++ = end - start; // label length octet
for(std::string::size_type i = start; i < end; i++)
*buffer++ = domain[i]; // label octets
// llarp::LogInfo("Writing ", domain[i], " at ", i);
start = end + 1; // Skip '.'
// llarp::LogInfo("start ", start, " domain size ", domain.size());
*buffer++ = domain.size() - start; // last label length octet
for(size_t i = start; i < domain.size(); i++)
*buffer++ = domain[i]; // last label octets
// llarp::LogInfo("Writing ", domain[i], " at ", i);
*buffer++ = 0;
// lets just remove uint
#ifdef _WIN32
#define uint UINT
extern "C"
get16bits(const char *&buffer) throw()
uint16_t value = bufbe16toh(buffer);
buffer += 2;
return value;
get32bits(const char *&buffer) throw()
uint32_t value = bufbe32toh(buffer);
buffer += 4;
return value;
dns_msg_header *
decode_hdr(const char *buffer)
dns_msg_header *hdr = new dns_msg_header;
hdr->id = get16bits(buffer);
uint16_t fields = get16bits(buffer);
uint8_t lFields = (fields & 0x00FF) >> 0;
uint8_t hFields = (fields & 0xFF00) >> 8;
// hdr->qr = fields & 0x8000;
hdr->qr = (hFields >> 7) & 0x1;
hdr->opcode = fields & 0x7800;
hdr->aa = fields & 0x0400;
hdr->tc = fields & 0x0200;
hdr->rd = fields & 0x0100;
hdr->ra = (lFields >> 7) & 0x1;
hdr->z = (lFields >> 6) & 0x1;
hdr->ad = (lFields >> 5) & 0x1;
hdr->cd = (lFields >> 4) & 0x1;
hdr->rcode = lFields & 0xf;
hdr->qdCount = get16bits(buffer);
hdr->anCount = get16bits(buffer);
hdr->nsCount = get16bits(buffer);
hdr->arCount = get16bits(buffer);
return hdr;
dns_msg_question *
decode_question(const char *buffer, uint32_t *pos)
// char *start = (char *)buffer;
dns_msg_question *question = new dns_msg_question;
// uint32_t start = *pos;
std::string m_qName = getDNSstring(buffer, pos);
llarp::LogDebug("Got question name: ", m_qName);
// llarp::LogInfo("Started at ", std::to_string(start), " ended at: ",
// std::to_string(*pos)); llarp::LogInfo("Advancing question buffer by ",
// std::to_string(*pos)); buffer += (*pos) - start; buffer +=
// m_qName.length() + 2; // + length byte & ending terminator
const char *moveable = buffer;
moveable += *pos; // advance to position
// hexDump(moveable, 4);
// printf("Now0 at [%d]\n", buffer - start);
// buffer += m_qName.size() + 1;
std::string m_qName = "";
int length = *buffer++;
// llarp::LogInfo("qNamLen", length);
while(length != 0)
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
char c = *buffer++;
m_qName.append(1, c);
length = *buffer++;
if(length != 0)
m_qName.append(1, '.');
question->name = m_qName;
question->type = get16bits(moveable);
(*pos) += 2;
// printf("Now1 at [%d]\n", buffer - start);
question->qClass = get16bits(moveable);
(*pos) += 2;
// printf("Now2 at [%d]\n", buffer - start);
llarp::LogDebug("Type ", std::to_string(question->type), " Class ",
// hexDump(moveable, 4);
return question;
dns_msg_answer *
decode_answer(const char *const buffer, uint32_t *pos)
dns_msg_answer *answer = new dns_msg_answer;
llarp_buffer_t bob;
bob.base = (unsigned char *)buffer; = 12;
const char *moveable = buffer;
// llarp::LogDebug("Advancing to pos ", std::to_string(*pos));
moveable += (*pos); // advance to position
//hexDump(moveable, 12);
//hexDumpAt(buffer, *pos, 12);
if(*moveable == '\xc0')
// hexDump(moveable, 2);
uint8_t readAt = *moveable;
uint32_t readAt32 = readAt;
// llarp::LogInfo("Ref, skip. Read ", readAt32);
// hexDumpAt(buffer, readAt, 2);
answer->name = getDNSstring(buffer, &readAt32);
// hexDump(moveable, 10);
// hexDumpAt(buffer, *pos, 10);
// get DNSString?
llarp::LogWarn("Need to parse string, implement me");
uint32_t readAt32 = *pos;
answer->name = getDNSstring(buffer, &readAt32);
llarp::LogInfo("Parsed string ", answer->name, " read ", std::to_string(readAt32));
moveable += readAt32; (*pos) += readAt32;
//moveable++; (*pos)++;
hexDump(moveable, 10);
uint8_t first = *moveable++; (*pos)++;
llarp::LogInfo("decode - first", std::to_string(first));
// SOA hack
if(first != 12 && first != 14) // 0x0c (c0 0c) 0
llarp::LogDebug("decode - first isnt 12, stepping back");
moveable--; (*pos)--; // rewind buffer one byte
// hexDump(moveable, 10);
answer->type = get16bits(moveable);
(*pos) += 2;
llarp::LogDebug("Answer Type: ", answer->type);
// assert(answer->type < 259);
if(answer->type > 259)
llarp::LogWarn("Answer type is off the charts");
answer->aClass = get16bits(moveable);
(*pos) += 2;
llarp::LogDebug("Answer Class: ", answer->aClass);
answer->ttl = get32bits(moveable);
(*pos) += 4;
llarp::LogDebug("Answer TTL: ", answer->ttl);
answer->rdLen = get16bits(moveable);
(*pos) += 2;
llarp::LogDebug("Answer rdL: ", answer->rdLen, " at ",
// uint32_t cPos = moveable - buffer;
// llarp::LogInfo("pos at ", std::to_string(*pos), " calculated: ",
// std::to_string(cPos));
// hexDump(moveable, answer->rdLen);
// hexDumpAt(buffer, *pos, answer->rdLen);
if(answer->rdLen == 4)
memcpy(answer->, moveable, answer->rdLen);
llarp::LogDebug("Read ", std::to_string(answer->rData[0]), ".",
std::to_string(answer->rData[1]), ".",
std::to_string(answer->rData[2]), ".",
moveable += answer->rdLen;
(*pos) += answer->rdLen; // advance the length
llarp::LogDebug("Got type ", answer->type);
// FIXME: move this out of here, this shouldn't be responsible for decode
case 2: // NS
// don't really need to do anything here
moveable += answer->rdLen;
(*pos) += answer->rdLen; // advance the length
case 5:
moveable += answer->rdLen;
(*pos) += answer->rdLen; // advance the length
case 6: // type 6 = SOA
// 2 names, then 4x 32bit
// why risk any crashes
if(answer->rdLen < 24)
llarp::LogWarn("Weird SOA is less than 24 bytes: ", answer->rdLen);
std::string mname = getDNSstring((char *)buffer);
std::string rname = getDNSstring((char *)buffer);
uint32_t serial = get32bits(buffer);
uint32_t refresh = get32bits(buffer);
uint32_t retry = get32bits(buffer);
uint32_t expire = get32bits(buffer);
uint32_t minimum = get32bits(buffer);
llarp::LogInfo("mname : ", mname);
llarp::LogInfo("rname : ", rname);
llarp::LogDebug("serial : ", serial);
llarp::LogDebug("refresh : ", refresh);
llarp::LogDebug("retry : ", retry);
llarp::LogDebug("expire : ", expire);
llarp::LogDebug("minimum : ", minimum);
moveable += answer->rdLen;
(*pos) += answer->rdLen; // advance the length
case 12:
std::string revname = getDNSstring(buffer, pos);
llarp::LogInfo("revDNSname: ", revname);
//answer->rData = new uint8_t[answer->rdLen + 1];
memcpy(answer->, revname.c_str(), answer->rdLen);
//answer->rData = (uint8_t *)strdup(revname.c_str()); // safer? nope
moveable += answer->rdLen;
//(*pos) += answer->rdLen; // advance the length
case 15:
uint16_t priority = get16bits(moveable);
(*pos) += 2;
std::string revname = getDNSstring(buffer, pos);
llarp::LogInfo("MX: ", revname, " @ ", priority);
// answer->rData = new uint8_t[revname.length() + 1];
// memcpy(answer->rData, revname.c_str(), answer->rdLen);
memcpy(answer->, revname.c_str(), revname.size());
moveable += answer->rdLen - 2; // advance the length
// llarp::LogInfo("leaving at ", std::to_string(*pos));
// hexDumpAt(buffer, *pos, 5);
// hexDump(moveable, 5);
case 16:
// hexDump(buffer, 5);
// std::string revname = getDNSstring((char *)buffer);
llarp::LogInfo("TXT: size: ", answer->rdLen);
memcpy(answer->, moveable + 1, answer->rdLen);
moveable += answer->rdLen;
(*pos) += answer->rdLen; // advance the length
// type 28 AAAA
moveable += answer->rdLen;
(*pos) += answer->rdLen; // advance the length
llarp::LogWarn("Unknown Type ", answer->type);
return answer;
put16bits(char *&buffer, uint16_t value) throw()
htobe16buf(buffer, value);
buffer += 2;
put32bits(char *&buffer, uint32_t value) throw()
htobe32buf(buffer, value);
buffer += 4;
llarp_handle_dns_recvfrom(struct llarp_udp_io *udp,
const struct sockaddr *addr, const void *buf,
ssize_t sz)
unsigned char *castBuf = (unsigned char *)buf;
// auto buffer = llarp::StackBuffer< decltype(castBuf) >(castBuf);
dns_msg_header *hdr = decode_hdr((const char *)castBuf);
// castBuf += 12;
llarp::LogDebug("msg id ", hdr->id);
llarp::LogDebug("msg qr ", (uint8_t)hdr->qr);
llarp::LogError("no udp passed in to handler");
llarp::LogError("no source addr passed in to handler");
llarp::LogDebug("handling as dnsc answer");
llarp_handle_dnsc_recvfrom(udp, addr, buf, sz);
llarp::LogDebug("handling as dnsd question");
llarp_handle_dnsd_recvfrom(udp, addr, buf, sz);
delete hdr;
llarp::LogInfo("msg op ", hdr->opcode);
llarp::LogInfo("msg rc ", hdr->rcode);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < hdr->qdCount; i++)
dns_msg_question *question = decode_question((const char*)castBuf);
llarp::LogInfo("Read a question");
castBuf += question->name.length() + 8;
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < hdr->anCount; i++)
dns_msg_answer *answer = decode_answer((const char*)castBuf);
llarp::LogInfo("Read an answer");
castBuf += answer->name.length() + 4 + 4 + 4 + answer->rdLen;