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#ifndef mod3_h
#define mod3_h
#include "small.h"
#include "crypto_int32.h"
/* -1 if x is nonzero, 0 otherwise */
static inline int mod3_nonzero_mask(small x)
return -x*x;
/* input between -100000 and 100000 */
/* output between -1 and 1 */
static inline small mod3_freeze(crypto_int32 a)
a -= 3 * ((10923 * a) >> 15);
a -= 3 * ((89478485 * a + 134217728) >> 28);
return a;
static inline small mod3_minusproduct(small a,small b,small c)
crypto_int32 A = a;
crypto_int32 B = b;
crypto_int32 C = c;
return mod3_freeze(A - B * C);
static inline small mod3_plusproduct(small a,small b,small c)
crypto_int32 A = a;
crypto_int32 B = b;
crypto_int32 C = c;
return mod3_freeze(A + B * C);
static inline small mod3_product(small a,small b)
return a * b;
static inline small mod3_sum(small a,small b)
crypto_int32 A = a;
crypto_int32 B = b;
return mod3_freeze(A + B);
static inline small mod3_reciprocal(small a1)
return a1;
static inline small mod3_quotient(small num,small den)
return mod3_product(num,mod3_reciprocal(den));